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Detective Conan World

Mia Ehru

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Everything posted by Mia Ehru

  1. turn out well?* ^^'

  2. sorry for the late reply.. I'm now back home. So did the roof-repair turn out? ^^

  3. haha ^^ sure thing, ate-chan (not joking) <33

  4. still working at the farm?

  5. still working at the farm?

  6. Hi there.. sorry, I'm off visiting my grandpas and have no connection. And I'm doing fine, how about you?

  7. Mia Ehru

    LGBTQA+ Community

    I'm so glad you could get it off your chest Akako-chan. Confessing your sexuality openly to your parents isn't an easy thing to go through. That... I can tell. But as CC said, it isn't easy for them either. Not because they've been raised in a different environment or because it might be slightly easier for them to be more open-minded or understanding when it comes to others' matters except for when it comes to face their own daughter's, but because it's their feelings towards you we're talking about as well. And with this I'm not actually telling you that you're at fault for not realizing what they might be feeling, but that all of you are going through a confusing period. And it just can't be helped.. It is as hard to admit as to assume. Because, let's put it bluntly, being gay isn't an easy thing to face. It's never been. You need a whole buch of strength and confidence, but most importantly... of support and love. And what could seem to be uncomprehension by your parents' response at first, could as well just be they way of caring and worrying about you. I'm not going to go on and tell you it's definitely that but.. it might be. It was in my case. And so I thought.. it could be in yours. If I could say something out of my own experience, I would say "be yourself". Don't have fear of who you are, because the people who truly love you will be right by your side, no matter what..
  8. hi there! welcome and thanks for the add ^^

  9. Yay! I am ^^ Btw, enjoy your stay in Bcn :)

  10. Hi there! Recently I tried a new software ("AdBlock") and it kind of reminded of your topic about the dodgy ads. It works perfectly well so if you want to, try it out ^^ Just saying.. take care :)

  11. hi there! I noticed you're new so welcome ^^ and thanks for the add as well :)

  12. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    Most likely what happened was those rumors got the best of the whole situation.. Say.. did you confess yourself or did you ask a friend to do so on your behalf? Whatever way it may have happened, I'd say the best thing you can do right now is try to fix what's happened. And I'm not going to tell you to leave everything as it is by letting people talk freely about it as they please. You may have not face it earlier, but if you want the situation to calm down and slowly remain just an issue between you and her, you should face it right now. It will be scary, yet not doing this might just worsen things all over again. Moving on is not the right solution yet. You haven't done something you should be ashamed of. Your feelings haven't been properly "answered" because of the way things have gone so far. So.. If I were you, I'd approach her on my own (with noone accompanying you)when she's not necessarily alone but with a few people or a couple of friends and I'd try to talk to her. Sincerely. Tell her that you didn't want your feelings for her to turn into a mess. That you couldn't help avoiding rumors spreading when you just tried to approach her and tell her about it. That you're sorry and that if the best you can do for her right now is move on, you'll try your best to do so. And with that.. you might be really be able to move on peacefully, like someone who just tried to confess his feelings to somebody who he loved and didn't mean any harm to. But don't give up until you've heard a proper answer.. Just.. give it your all, ok? You really can do it. It certainly has been a while.. Hope you're ok as well and talk to you soon some day for a while <333 Not a psychiatrist but a psychologist maybe. I did for a while.. the truth is I'm really into psychology itself, and just end up reading and watching all sort of books, manga, films and series drama or psychology-related.
  13. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    Well.. it's a tough thing to go through. Have you tried talking about it with anyone yet? Especially with someone close to you who knows about it. It's a good thing to talk about these things for a bit, it's more fullfilling than trying to relieve yourself temporary. Needless to say, I'm all ears, but I know there might not be that confidence you might have with a friend of yours or somebody who you're familiar with. To find something, that something must have been created in the first place.. That's why, I'd say finding and creating yourself go hand in hand. There's a point in our lives when we "awake". When we are children we aren't really aware of who we're becoming. We just learn and keep on living until one day, sooner or later, we realize that who we are and who we want to be is in our very own hands, that our own lives are just ours. Then, if you've gotten into a point where you don't know who you're or were, recreate and find yourself once again. Restart. Become... who you want to be. Once you feel comfortable with yourself.. you'll be able to find happiness in being with others once again.
  14. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    It's been a while since I last dropped by.. Sorry.. I've been gone for a while and didn't happen to see your post. Thank you for your reply.. I'm sure I'd have smiled back then as I just did now with those smileys so.. both Heksu and you, don't worry. Sigh.. Those things just seem to happen all the time, don't they..? Resting not forcing your arm was the best thing you could do indeed.. Don't know if you've already recovered, but hope you did get better. Also.. were you sad because you blamed yourself a bit for harming yourself or because you had to go through some treatment and recovering period all along..? 1. Memories.. some of them are sweet, some of them are not. Truth is.. deep inside, noone wants to suffer. But it's not something which can be helped. Remembering bad experiences is a natural thing to do and yeah.. it hurts. If those kind of memories pop up in our minds constantly, it might just mean we haven't overcome those experiences. Time and strengh is needed to heal and to try to make them slightly disappear. And as life goes by, we slowly realise which things help us overcome those wounds: people we love, little random things which we enjoy doing or which make us smile.. Yet, always remember.. memories are not meant to be forgotten. It's okay to remember. There's no need to blame yourself trying to forget.. Because after all, all those experiences, all we've been through.. are what make us be what we are today. 2. About that.. I guess it can't be helped sometimes. It can get to be really hard.. yet true friendships endure with those sort of.. handicaps. Try your best to keep in touch with them and.. some day, maybe, you'll really be able to meet them. "I need to be here. (...) I don't know why". "I'm constantly feeling depressed and there's no one to listen ". You.. just need someone to listen to you. Like most of people using this thread here and like just everyone.. Everyone needs to be listened. And that's the reason you're here right now. You feel lonely, uncomprehended because of not being able to ''open'' yourself, to be yourself, to express your feelings and to talk about what worries you or about what you fear.. As a teen it sometimes gets even more complicated. Being unexperienced, wondering and being "confused about pretty much everything".. it's just part of our lives. Believe it or not, everyone's gone through that. I have and still do. Everyone has, really. If I were to recommend you something, I'd say that first of all, you gotta accept yourself. Try your very best to find out who you are and to understand yourself. Your strong points, your weak points, your fears. Never stop thinking about it and trying to figure out more about yourself. Also..don't prejudice yourself. Because saying you're an extremely cold antisocial person isn't the same as being "semi-social" (that word meaning you might somehow accept certain people to surround you and interact with you). Also.. if you were that much of a cold person would you even try to seek help in the first place? I will assume you've tried to do so "directly", establishing face-to-face contact.. and on top of that you're exposing your problem here.. If you were that much of a cold person, you wouldn't do this. Not at all.. That's why.. I'm telling you not to give up. You might have not been "lucky". You might have not come across somebody who would lend you a hand wholeheartedly. Sometimes, we can't help feeling misunderstood and alone. But it should be ok some day. That is as long as we always try our best to get to know ourselves, to improve as persons and to try to understand, help and seek help from others whenever we truly need it. It's ok to be broken. It's ok to be confused. Just.. believe in yourself. There's people out there who'll be by your side.
  15. So.. how're you doing?

  16. Really? Hmm. You've been through quite a lot of username-changes.. And I've been fine as well :)

  17. Oh.. Hi there! So.. youchanged your name as well! I feel a bit lost sometimes ^^' Anyway, how're you? how've you been? <3

  18. Well.. I agree that website ads are sometimes hairy and that blocking them is wonderful, beneficial for everyone: the loading of the page itself is quicker, its appearance is ''cleaner'' and just as you said.. it's more secure. Yet in this case, we're talking about simple text/image ads. (At least in my case).It's already a good thing that there are no pop-ups or embedded audio/video ads on this website. (Yay! - We should be thankful for that, really..). Leaving that aside, it's also true that most frequent web users are used to dealing with these ads.. However, things still happen. It's not like everyone knows about them or like we mustn't click all adverts. There are harmful ones and there are not-harmful ones. It's just a matter of experience and intuition I guess. That being said, the main idea here I believe would be getting rid of/blocking these ads. So.. as far as I know, ad-filtering is just usually a matter users themselves should try to take care of. And actually, it's pretty easy nowadays. Most well-known browsers (such as Firefox, Chrome..) and some antivirus softwares include filters which block those ads when activated. If these filters in question don't actually work perfectly well, there are even certain softwares which optimize this function. And I repeat, they're really easy to find and quite easy to use. (In case none of these things worked.. well.. we would most likely be talking about an infection by some random malware or something..) About a solution which could be done "externally", not regarding the users, I really don't know myself..
  19. hmm. Looks like your lazyness is worsening indeed. <3 I thought posting on your profile would make you drop by, i.e. if you notice it ^^'

  20. I'd better try to answer your questions one at a time then.. There we go: Hope that helped a bit.
  21. I see. Then, ganbattene! Hope you do well ^^ And well, you could say I've been doing pretty much ok.

  22. Btw, how're you doing..? It's been a while.. :)

  23. hi there.. ^^ HOHO-chan!! <3

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