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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. @rose: what did I forget? o.O

    oh and technically I win if I guessed the color of 1 eye correctly :V

  2. *cough*


  3. *feels an urge to say "the ceiling"*

    nothing lol

  4. *is the person who threw the shoe*

    btw what time is it there? arent you supposed to be sleeping?

  5. *kicks upside head*

    dude if you don't clear your pms i'm gonna die a horrible, bloody death D: I'm sure you wouldn't want that (or I hope? D: )

  6. *nods* :(

    dcw's been so empty these days~


  7. *nods*

    i have two essays due tomorrow <_<

    been procrastinating over the weekend~

  8. *nods*

    its only in my blood :P

  9. *nods*

    one of ur smart moments right there~~~~

  10. *perhaps i'll draw one myself sometime

    many of the pictures are too big which is the problem

  11. *raises eyebrows*

    because of a heartbreak~

  12. *slaps*

    I dislike physical contact, remember that if you wanna live to 14 D:<

  13. *smiles*

    I don't want another chance...

  14. *wonders what other things ryuuji can forget* :V

    i sleep around 6-6.5 hours a day, but last week i only got around 4.5 each day

    was falling asleep in class but never got caught xDD

  15. *wont go into details* :V

    that sucks *pats back* what was it about?

  16. \o/ hakuba-kun!!

    cant wait to see it!

  17. <3

    with guessing his eye color

  18. <333

    it's amazing! I'll send you the link to my vid later :D

  19. <3333 amazing as always

    vid will be up tomorrow if I'm lucky *grabs another bottle of coffee*

  20. <3333333333

    have you been drawing lately? :/

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