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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Hi DCW~ I had an old drawings thread back in 2011, but I should make a new one! MY OLD ART THREAD: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/2904-swiftfeather-drawing-thread/ (Bloody hideous art IMO. Sigh) ~2015~ *cheers!* YAY!! Most of the drawings shared here shall be doodles~ HAHA Sometimes I may share a few at one go, sometimes I might not having anything to share with you all at all (((( I hope that everyone will enjoy my little doodlings! <3 PLEASE PLEASE DO LEAVE COMMENTS <3 I want to know if people are actually looking at them Q_Q HAHAHA If not they are basically useless they are for people to stare at hahaha AND ALSO! Do give me ideas to what to doodle WA HA HA HA HA Sorry if they are not very good QwQ woe is me
  2. 2 points
    Warning: Hints of BL (Boy's Love) under the spoiler. Those under 15, please don't look! JAJAJAJAJA. Very unfortunately (for some people), I also enjoy drawing BL. Don't worry, it won't go to the climax of 50 shades. LMFAO!!! *shifty eyes*
  3. 1 point
    KAITO AWESOMENESS <333 Gosh, you're so good! And the fact that these are doodles... Haha... Haha... *goes in the corner* If you don't mind suggestions, then Vermouth? She's amazing, but only to Kaito of course xD
  4. 1 point
    Next up: Kuroba Kaito <3 I wanted to draw him with a sad face, like he was thinking about his dad at first, but then I thought I liked Kaito when he's all funny and cheerful baahaha
  5. 1 point
    First off, we have Shinichi Kudo! <3 I decided to throw in colours because it's the first one i'm posting up :'D And he's the main character WAHAHA Kudo-kun! I like how his hair turned out whoots~
  6. 1 point
    "You know what your problem is? You're too smart. Too smart. You over think, because your mind moves at a million miles a minute. You're sad, because you're not fooled by the world like everyone else. You don't get along with most people, because they just don't look at the things the way you do. You think you're dumb, because you're smart enough to know you don't know everything. Your problem is you're too smart. And that's not a problem at all."
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