The Murder Floating in the Water Stream Restaurant

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Episode 161
(Int. Episode {{{int-episode}}})

TV Episode 161.jpg

Title: The Murder Floating in the Water Stream Restaurant
Original airdate: September 20, 1999
Season: 6
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Ran Mouri
Kogoro Mouri
Case solved by: Kogoro Mouri (via Conan)
Prev episode: « The Legend of the Mysterious Five Storied Pagoda
Next episode: The Sealed Chamber in the Sky: Kudo Shinichi's First Case »
List of episodes




Conan, Ran and Kogoro are waiting for their reservation at Riyuu Stream Restaurant, a highly popular traditional Japanese restaurant. While Kogoro is frustrated of waiting and being hungry, Conan looks around and sees computer controlled, miniature boats carrying food along a waterway. Anzai, the restaurant cashier, tells Conan that after the boats reach the guests’ rooms, they push a button and the boat returns automatically. Kaneda and Arai, faculty of Joudun University, enter the restaurant to celebrate Kaneda’s new employment as assistant Professor of physics. Anzai knows that a person called Kaneda reserved room #8, which Kaneda denies after Arai asks him about it. Their Professor, Iwama, comes out to meet them and remarks on how late they are. Arai wants Kaneda to apologize for delaying them since Iwama planned this event. Kaneda brushes this off rudely and Arai is offended, to which Kaneda tells Arai to address him formally: as assistant Professor. They leave for the room Iwama made the reservation in, which is room #3, after Kaneda orders the most expensive thing on the menu: blowfish milt. Conan, Ran and Kogoro go to room #2 when the time for their reservation comes and Conan notices Kaneda leaving room #3. During their meal, Kogoro enjoys his wine and Conan is pleased with the food, but the dinner is interrupted when they hear a woman scream. They rush to the scene to see Anzai terrified by Kaneda’s body with a knife in his chest.


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Location: Riyuu Stream Restaurant
Victim: Kaneda Keisou
Cause of death: Stabbing
Kaneda was found stabbed to death in room #8 of Riyuu Stream Restaurant, by Anzai when she went to check on him.


  • Resolution

    See also