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=== Gosho Aoyama Interview about the BO Boss (Mixed in RAW) ===
===Gosho Aoyama Interview about the Boss===
November 30, 2017 Shonen Sunday Double Issue #3-4 (File 1008 issue) <br>
'''Date:''' November 30, 2017<br>
translated by Spimer <br>
'''Published in:''' Shonen Sunday Double Issue #3-4 (File 1008 issue)
http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13430&sid=616cd36dc775283463d2b3ae591ca2a2 <br>
'''Source:''' http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13430&sid=616cd36dc775283463d2b3ae591ca2a2
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Mr. Aoyama Direct Interview
November 30th, 2017, Mr. Aoyama Gosho House.
In the [Shonen] Sunday Combined Issue #3-4, the identity of “That Person” has been finally established. I directly asked Mr. Aoyama Gosho about his mental state as he temporarily takes breaks from serializing the manga in the weekly magazine and he works on checking the storyboards from the 22nd movie.
今日はですね、「あの方」がついに指摘されたと言うことで、みんなが知りたいことをズバリ伺いさせて頂こうかなと思います。<br>青山 はいはい(笑)
Interviewer: Today “That person” was finally identified so I was thinking of asking you about things that everyone wants to know.
ダメな質問は上手くボカして頂けてればと。ちなみに同日にこないだ撮影させて頂いた動画(「サンデーうえぶり」上にてアプリ限定公開)も解禁します。<br>青山 へー、そうなんだ(笑)はいはい。
青山 はいはい(笑)
まずは、その動画でも伺ったのですが、青山さんの今の心境としてはいかがでしょうか。<br>青山 いやぁまぁ…いつか言わなきゃなぁと。ちょっと急ぎすぎるかなとは思ったけど、まぁいいかなぁと…結構ファンの間でも、アナグラムのヒント(90巻FILE 2)あたりから「##じゃね」と言われていたし、これまでも年賀状で「##ですか?」と聞いてくれる人がいてね。当たってるって返事書いちゃって良い?って、担当編集に聞いたんだけど「いや、それはちょっと…」と止められていてね(笑)あ、これインタビューにちゃんと書いといてね(笑)年賀状は他にも、早い段階で「領域外の妹」のこととか当ててる人がいて、その人たちには「当たってるよ、でも言わないでね(笑)」って書いたけど、##に関しては全スルー。
Aoyama: Yes, yes (laughs)
ボスが「####」って、決められたのはいつ頃ですか?<br>青山 いやぁもう…ちゃんと決めたのは30巻だね。出てくるの30巻だから。ボス出してとかなきゃ(笑)思いまして…
ネットではまさに、「あの方」についていろんな予想が立てられましたが。<br>青山 ほうほう。
Interviewer: If you could please blur the bad questions… By the way… On the same day, that video that I recorded will be made public (“Sunday Webry” App Limited Publishing).
優作じゃないの、とか、光彦じゃないの、とか。<br>青山 えー、いやー(笑い)全然違いますよ、ぶぶぶって(笑)でもさすがに当ててくる人が増えてきたからね。
青山 へー、そうなんだ(笑)はいはい。
担当編集も、30巻頃では、別に聞かされていなかったと思うんですが。<br>青山 えー、その時、誰かな、担当。
Aoyama: Huh, is that so? (laughs) Yes, yes.
4代目くらいですね。ちなみに、「あの方」という言葉が最初に出てきたのは24巻でジンが「あの方直々の命令だ…」というシーンです、その時から「組織にはボスがいる」と決められていたんですか?<br>青山 ぶっちゃけ1巻から決めてたよ(笑)でも実はボスが(ピー)は、この24巻からかなぁ…。でもホンとは(ピー)なんだけどね(笑)
こないだ録らせて頂いた動画でも、##にはまだ秘密があるとおっしゃってましたが。<br>青山 めっちゃありますね(笑)だって(ピー)はボスの(ピー)だから(ピーピー)されて(ピー)なわけじゃん。このへん全部、「ピー」だね(笑)
Interviewer: First things first… We also asked in the video, but can we assume that is your mental state, Mr. Aoyama?
ですね(笑)<br>青山 それはそれで面白いかもね(笑)おお、すげーこと言ってるって(笑)
青山 いやぁまぁ…いつか言わなきゃなぁと。ちょっと急ぎすぎるかなとは思ったけど、まぁいいかなぁと…結構ファンの間でも、アナグラムのヒント(90巻FILE 2)あたりから「##じゃね」と言われていたし、これまでも年賀状で「##ですか?」と聞いてくれる人がいてね。当たってるって返事書いちゃって良い?って、担当編集に聞いたんだけど「いや、それはちょっと…」と止められていてね(笑)あ、これインタビューにちゃんと書いといてね(笑)年賀状は他にも、早い段階で「領域外の妹」のこととか当ててる人がいて、その人たちには「当たってるよ、でも言わないでね(笑)」って書いたけど、##に関しては全スルー。
これからもいろいろなるんだーって、思えますからね。ちなみに、##と決められてからは、作中にヒントを出されたと思うんですが。やっぱり最初は「七つの子」ですか?<br>青山 そうですね、まぁ、「七つの子」はカラスだしね…
Aoyama: Oh, well… I did think that I’d have to say it at some point. I did think that I was rushing a bit too much but that it wasn’t a bad idea… A lot of fans said “It’s ##” since they the anagram hint (Volume 90, File 2) and others asked me “Is it ##?” in the New Year’s Postcards. I tried asking the editor in charge “Can I answer telling them they met the mark?” but they stopped me saying “No, that’s a bit [too revealing]…” (laughs) Ah, make sure to write this on the interview (laughs) There were also other persons who guessed the identity of the “sister outside the domain” at a very early stage in the New Year’s Postcards and I answered them “You’ve met the mark but keep it a secret (laughs)” but I ignore all questions about ##.
あと、組織の正式名称と深い関わりが…と、インタビューでお答えになっていた…という情報を見たことがあり… 出典が定かではないですが(汗)<br>青山 なんだって?そんなの有ったっけ… 組織の名前?そんなこと言ったかな…
組織の名前って、決まってるんですか?<br>青山 うん(ピーピー)が(ピー)なんですよ。
Interviewer: When did you decide that “####” was the Boss?
素敵な…<br>青山 うん、そう、でもボスの名前…?それはあまり関係ないかな。
青山 いやぁもう…ちゃんと決めたのは30巻だね。出てくるの30巻だから。ボス出してとかなきゃ(笑)思いまして…
ちなみに、ネットでは、「やはり阿笠博士では」とか「FBIのジェイムズ・ブラックでは」といろいろな説が流れていましたが…<br>青山 めっちゃ違いますね(笑)
Aoyama: Oh, well… I properly decided that in Volume 30. Since it appears on Volume 30. They have to appear as the “Boss” (laughs) Or so I thought…
阿笠は青山さんが、以前に正式に否定されていて、それだと物語が美しくないと…<br>青山 美しくないというか、面白くないというか…それだといままでの博士のいい話が全部ダメになっちゃうじゃん。でもほら、ベルモットと対決するところで「いかん新一くん!」って言ってビートルで駆けつけたじゃん(笑)あれでボスじゃないってオレとしては描いたつもりだったんだけど…
たしかに。<br>青山 なのにみんな、まだまだ「ボスじゃね」って言ってたからね(笑)
Interviewer: There’s a lot of conjectures on the net about “That Person”.
あとは、##は作中では死んだはず、となっていますが…<br>青山 あー、そうね、それは言えませんね(笑)それはのちのち…
青山 ほうほう。
ですよね、聞いた限りでは、この先も大変壮大なお話ですから…<br>青山 まぁ、ボスの名前があきらかになっても、まだまだ「コナン」は謎が多いってことですよ(笑)
Aoyama: I see, I see
青山さんは、毎回担当者に伏線を説明をするのが大変とおっしゃいます…<br>青山 うん(笑)何か思い出したけど、ハッキリ言ったのは、9代目担当の時かも知れないな(笑)黒幕までは、それまではうすらぼんやり担当に伝えて「とにかくオレに任せとけよ」って思ってたような。担当が聞いて感動してて、「凄い良く出来てますね!」って言ってたから(笑)それを覚えてる。
Interview: “Is it Yuusaku?”, “Is it Mitsuhiko?”, amongst others.
今回のお話では、ラムの正体や動きにも注目です。今回、安室さんに連絡してますし、それも大きな情報なので…<br>青山 ですね(笑)急展開だよね。
青山 えー、いやー(笑い)全然違いますよ、ぶぶぶって(笑)でもさすがに当ててくる人が増えてきたからね。
ちなみに、青山さんの近況としましては…<br>青山 「艦これ」イベント「甲」でクリアしました(笑)今回はいままでで一番大変だった(笑)
Aoyama: Eehh!? Nooo (laughs) They’re totally wrong. Beep (laughs) But there’s more people who’ve met the mark: it’s to be expected
お気持ちとしては…<br>青山 そりゃ嬉しいよ(笑)「矢矧」も出たし!これでコンプリート!
おめでとうございます!<br>青山 もうこのインタビュー早く終わらせて「矢矧」育てたい(笑)やっぱりセリフがいいんですよ、矢矧。大破したときにさ…「私を沈めたいなら、魚雷5,6本くらい撃ち込まないと、駄目よ」…って、みんな、持ってた人たちはこれ聞いてたんだなと、かっこいい!
Interviewer: I thought that the editor in charge at the time of Volume 30 would’ve been specially told, though…
2年…3年ぐらい欲しがってらっしゃいましたよね。<br>青山 いやもっと長いだと思うけどな…ずーっと「矢矧」だけ出なかった。建造で出るんですけど、100回以上チャンレンジしたけど出なかったからね。今回のイベント(2017年秋)で、ドロップしてビックリした。E-3…E-3の前半のボスかな…?
青山 えー、その時、誰かな、担当。
で、「艦これ」やりながらいまは「ツムツム」もなさってますが…<br>青山 あーそう!「ツムツム」夢中です。オレのお気に入りのツムは「ピターパン」です(笑)強いから(笑い)
Aoyama: Eeh? Who was the editor in charge back then…?
ちなみにいま「ツムツム」では何万点くらい出されてますか。<br>青山 300万点いかなくらいだね、いまのところそれが限界です(笑)
あと、映画のコンテを例年通りか、それ以上にしっかりとご覧になっていますが…<br>青山 あーそう!がっつりやった!ちなみに次回の映画は、クライマックスでコナンくんが安室に「え!?」っていうことを聞くので、お見逃しなく(笑)安室ファンはみんな気になってることだろうからねぇ…それね、インタビューに書いてくれていいけど、高山さんにはもう言っちゃいました(笑)コナンくんのこういうセリフがあるよって(笑)「わかった」って言ってた(笑)
Interviewer: It was the 4th one. By the way, the first time that the word “That Person” appeared was in the scene of Volume 24 when he says “It’s a direct order from That Person”. You’d already decided then that “The Organization has a Boss”?”
(笑)わかりました、ではファンの方へのメッセジーとしてはこれからも、漫画も映画も続いてくと言うことですよろしいでしょうか。<br>青山 そうですね、いまちょっと休んでますけど、充電を兼ねてますんで…
青山 ぶっちゃけ1巻から決めてたよ(笑)でも実はボスが(ピー)は、この24巻からかなぁ…。でもホンとは(ピー)なんだけどね(笑)
体調も万全になってからと言うことで…<br>青山 そうだね、今後はちょっと作画中の3時間睡眠はやめるかも(笑)なんで、ペースは遅くなっちゃうかもだけど、これならいけるかもとういうのがつかめたらはじめますんで、それまで待って下さい(笑)
Aoyama: To be frank, I’d decided that ever since Volume 1 (laughs) But, actually the Boss being (beep) was from Volume 24, I think… But, in truth, it’s (beep) (laughs)
あと、今回、青山さんが「本当の原稿」を描いているところを動画で録らせて頂きましたが…ダミーではなく本物の原稿を描かれるのは珍しいと思いますが…<br>青山 あー!そうだね、NHKの番組で、カラーの原稿を描いたときは、本物だったけど漫画の原稿が初めてかもな。
丸ペンを使われましたけど…<br>青山 あー!そう!タッチの部分は丸ペン。あれはピグマだと出ないから…オレは元々Gペンや丸ペンを使ってたから、ミリペンを使っても強弱のついた線が描けるけど、いきなり最初からミリペンだと強弱のない、つるんとした絵になっちゃうんで、これから漫画家を目指す新人さんはホンとはGペンや丸ペンで絵を描き慣れといた方がいいよと、書いといてね(笑い)
Interviewer: In the video you allowed me to record a while ago, you did say that ## has some secret to them, but…
はい(笑い)というわけで…大変貴重なインタビューをありがとうございました。あとなんか、青山さん的に近況の言い残しはありますか?<br>青山 あ、「ドラクエ11」で、ボスを倒して最初のエンデイングまで見た。(現在、裏ボスを倒すべくレベル上げ中)
青山 めっちゃありますね(笑)だって(ピー)はボスの(ピー)だから(ピーピー)されて(ピー)なわけじゃん。このへん全部、「ピー」だね(笑)
そういえば漫画では「3月のライオン」を再度読破されて、ドラマだと「刑事ゆがみ」にハマってらっしゃいますね。<br>青山 アニメだと「宝石の国」だな、あれいい!面白い!スタッフの中にオレと同じ大学のサークルでアニメ作ってたやつがいるし(笑)(泉津井陽一(センツイヨウイチ)さん)あのアニメ、声優さんもいい!主人公が「響け!ユーフォニアム」の黄前ちゃんなんだよね〜(黒沢ともよさん)
Aoyama: They have tons of them (laughs) Because (beep) is the Boss’ (beep) so they were (beep beep) and they’re (beep). Put “beep” on all of this part (laughs)
いまはそのへんにハマってらっしゃるととういうことで…ありがとうございました!<br>青山 はいはい(笑)</div>
'''Translated by:''' Spimer
Interviewer: Obviously (laughs)
Mr. Aoyama Direct Interview
青山 それはそれで面白いかもね(笑)おお、すげーこと言ってるって(笑)
November 30th, 2017, Mr. Aoyama Gosho House.
Aoyama: That’s pretty fun (laughs). Oh, he’s saying some spectacular! (laughs)
In the [Shonen] Sunday Combined Issue #3-4, the identity of “That Person” has been finally established. I directly asked Mr. Aoyama Gosho about his mental state as he temporarily takes breaks from serializing the manga in the weekly magazine and he works on checking the storyboards from the 22nd movie.
Interviewer: I do think that there’ll be a lot of those from now on, yes. By the way, ever since you decided it’d be ##, I think you’ve made some hints appear in the manga. Is “Seven Children” the first of them, like I thought?
青山 そうですね、まぁ、「七つの子」はカラスだしね…
Aoayama: True… Well, “Seven Children” is about crows, so…
あと、組織の正式名称と深い関わりが…と、インタビューでお答えになっていた…という情報を見たことがあり… 出典が定かではないですが(汗)
Interviewer: Also, that it’s deeply related to the Organization’s official name… Or so you answered in an interview… I’ve seen such information… But the source isn’t clear (sweats)
青山 なんだって?そんなの有ったっけ… 組織の名前?そんなこと言ったかな…
Aoyama: What did you say? Was there such a thing…? The Organizations’ name? Did I say that..?
Interviewer: Have you decided on the Organization’s name?
青山 うん(ピーピー)が(ピー)なんですよ。
Aoyama: Yes (beep-beep) is (beep), see.  
Interviewer: Fantastic…
青山 うん、そう、でもボスの名前…?それはあまり関係ないかな。
Aoyama: Yes, true, but the boss’ name…? I think it’s not too related…
Interviewer: Today “That person” was finally identified so I was thinking of asking you about things that everyone wants to know.<br>Aoyama: Yes, yes (laughs)
Interview: By the way, there’s several theories flowing in the net like “Maybe it’s indeed the Professor?” or “James Black from the FBI?”…
Interviewer: If you could please blur the bad questions… By the way… On the same day, that video that I recorded will be made public (“Sunday Webry” App Limited Publishing).<br>Aoyama: Huh, is that so? (laughs) Yes, yes.
青山 めっちゃ違いますね(笑)
Interviewer: First things first… We also asked in the video, but can we assume that is your mental state, Mr. Aoyama?<br>Aoyama: Oh, well… I did think that I’d have to say it at some point. I did think that I was rushing a bit too much but that it wasn’t a bad idea… A lot of fans said “It’s ##” since they the anagram hint (Volume 90, File 2) and others asked me “Is it ##?” in the New Year’s Postcards. I tried asking the editor in charge “Can I answer telling them they met the mark?” but they stopped me saying “No, that’s a bit [too revealing]…” (laughs) Ah, make sure to write this on the interview (laughs) There were also other persons who guessed the identity of the “sister outside the domain” at a very early stage in the New Year’s Postcards and I answered them “You’ve met the mark but keep it a secret (laughs)” but I ignore all questions about ##.
Aoyama: They’re totally wrong (laughs)
Interviewer: When did you decide that “####” was the Boss?<br>Aoyama: Oh, well… I properly decided that in Volume 30. Since it appears on Volume 30. They have to appear as the “Boss” (laughs) Or so I thought…
Interviewer: There’s a lot of conjectures on the net about “That Person”.<br>Aoyama: I see, I see
Interviewer: You officially denied Agasa before, but some say that then the story isn’t beautiful…
Interview: “Is it Yuusaku?”, “Is it Mitsuhiko?”, amongst others. <br>Aoyama: Eehh!? Nooo (laughs) They’re totally wrong. Beep (laughs) But there’s more people who’ve met the mark: it’s to be expected
青山 美しくないというか、面白くないというか…それだといままでの博士のいい話が全部ダメになっちゃうじゃん。でもほら、ベルモットと対決するところで「いかん新一くん!」って言ってビートルで駆けつけたじゃん(笑)あれでボスじゃないってオレとしては描いたつもりだったんだけど…
Interviewer: I thought that the editor in charge at the time of Volume 30 would’ve been specially told, though…<br>Aoyama: Eeh? Who was the editor in charge back then…?
Aoyama: That’s it’s not beautiful, that it’s not interesting… Were it to be case, all the good episodes the Professor had would have been in vain. But, see… When [Conan] faced Vermouth, he said “No good, Shinichi-kun!” and rushed there with his Beetle (laughs). My intention when I drew that is that he wasn’t the Boss, but…
Interviewer: It was the 4th one. By the way, the first time that the word “That Person” appeared was in the scene of Volume 24 when he says “It’s a direct order from That Person”. You’d already decided then that “The Organization has a Boss”?”<br>Aoyama: To be frank, I’d decided that ever since Volume 1 (laughs) But, actually the Boss being (beep) was from Volume 24, I think… But, in truth, it’s (beep) (laughs)
Interviewer: In the video you allowed me to record a while ago, you did say that ## has some secret to them, but…<br>Aoyama: They have tons of them (laughs) Because (beep) is the Boss’ (beep) so they were (beep beep) and they’re (beep). Put “beep” on all of this part (laughs)
Interviewer: True.  
Interviewer: Obviously (laughs)<br>Aoyama: That’s pretty fun (laughs). Oh, he’s saying some spectacular! (laughs)
青山 なのにみんな、まだまだ「ボスじゃね」って言ってたからね(笑)
Interviewer: I do think that there’ll be a lot of those from now on, yes. By the way, ever since you decided it’d be ##, I think you’ve made some hints appear in the manga. Is “Seven Children” the first of them, like I thought?<br>Aoayama: True… Well, “Seven Children” is about crows, so…
Aoyama: But despite that they all kept saying “He’s the Boss”, so… (laughs)
Interviewer: Also, that it’s deeply related to the Organization’s official name… Or so you answered in an interview… I’ve seen such information… But the source isn’t clear (sweats)<br>Aoyama: What did you say? Was there such a thing…? The Organizations’ name? Did I say that..?
Interviewer: Have you decided on the Organization’s name?<br>Aoyama: Yes (beep-beep) is (beep), see.
Interviewer: Also, ## is supposed to be dead in the manga, but…
Interviewer: Fantastic…<br>Aoyama: Yes, true, but the boss’ name…? I think it’s not too related…
青山 あー、そうね、それは言えませんね(笑)それはのちのち…
Interview: By the way, there’s several theories flowing in the net like “Maybe it’s indeed the Professor?” or “James Black from the FBI?”…<br>Aoyama: They’re totally wrong (laughs)
Aoayama: Ah, true… I can’t talk about that (laughs) In due time…
Interviewer: You officially denied Agasa before, but some say that then the story isn’t beautiful…<br>Aoyama: That’s it’s not beautiful, that it’s not interesting… Were it to be case, all the good episodes the Professor had would have been in vain. But, see… When [Conan] faced Vermouth, he said “No good, Shinichi-kun!” and rushed there with his Beetle (laughs). My intention when I drew that is that he wasn’t the Boss, but…
Interviewer: True.<br>Aoyama: But despite that they all kept saying “He’s the Boss”, so… (laughs)
Interviewer: Obviously. From what you’ve told me, from now it’ll be a very grand story, so…
Interviewer: Also, ## is supposed to be dead in the manga, but…<br>Aoayama: Ah, true… I can’t talk about that (laughs) In due time…
青山 まぁ、ボスの名前があきらかになっても、まだまだ「コナン」は謎が多いってことですよ(笑)
Interviewer: Obviously. From what you’ve told me, from now it’ll be a very grand story, so…<br>Aoyama: Well, even if the Boss’ name has become clear, there’s still a lot of mysteries in “Conan” (laughs)
Aoyama: Well, even if the Boss’ name has become clear, there’s still a lot of mysteries in “Conan” (laughs)
Page 2 header: After pointing “That Person”
Page 2 header: After pointing “That Person”
Interviewer: You say that it’s a lot of trouble to explain the foreshadowing to each editor in charge when they change…<br>Aoyama: Yes (laughs) I remember something, though… I clearly told one of them, I think the 9th one, for all I know (laughs) I dimly told him up to the mastermind and he seemingly thought “Just leave it up to me”. The editor in charge heard it, got emotional and said “it’s a wonderful work!” (laughs) That much I remember.
Interviewer: You say that it’s a lot of trouble to explain the foreshadowing to each editor in charge when they change…  
青山 うん(笑)何か思い出したけど、ハッキリ言ったのは、9代目担当の時かも知れないな(笑)黒幕までは、それまではうすらぼんやり担当に伝えて「とにかくオレに任せとけよ」って思ってたような。担当が聞いて感動してて、「凄い良く出来てますね!」って言ってたから(笑)それを覚えてる。
Aoyama: Yes (laughs) I remember something, though… I clearly told one of them, I think the 9th one, for all I know (laughs) I dimly told him up to the mastermind and he seemingly thought “Just leave it up to me”. The editor in charge heard it, got emotional and said “it’s a wonderful work!” (laughs) That much I remember.
Interviewer: Rum’s identity and movements are also a point to focus upon in this episode. They’ve contacted Amuro-san and it’s very big info, so…
青山 ですね(笑)急展開だよね。
Aoyama: Indeed (laughs) It’s a sudden development
Interviewer: By the way, what about your recent status…?
青山 「艦これ」イベント「甲」でクリアしました(笑)今回はいままでで一番大変だった(笑)
Aoyama: I cleared the “Kan Colle” even with “Kou (Shell)” (laughs) It was the hardest insofar (laughs)
Interviewer: What about your feelings…?
青山 そりゃ嬉しいよ(笑)「矢矧」も出たし!これでコンプリート!
Aoyama: I’m glad, of course (laughs) “Yahagi” also appeared! Now I’ve completed it!
Interviewer: Congratulations!
青山 もうこのインタビュー早く終わらせて「矢矧」育てたい(笑)やっぱりセリフがいいんですよ、矢矧。大破したときにさ…「私を沈めたいなら、魚雷5,6本くらい撃ち込まないと、駄目よ」…って、みんな、持ってた人たちはこれ聞いてたんだなと、かっこいい!
Aoyama: I want to finish this interview already and raise “Yahagi” (laughs) Yahagi’s lines are very good, indeed. When she gets seriously damaged… “If you want to sink me you’ll need to shoot 5-6 torpedoes at me, else you won’t be able to”… To think that all people who had her could hear to these… Cool!
Interviewer: You said that you’d wished to get her since 2-3 years ago.
青山 いやもっと長いだと思うけどな…ずーっと「矢矧」だけ出なかった。建造で出るんですけど、100回以上チャンレンジしたけど出なかったからね。今回のイベント(2017年秋)で、ドロップしてビックリした。E-3…E-3の前半のボスかな…?
Aoyama: No, I think it’s been longer… “Yahagi” never popped out. She pops out by construction but even though I did over 100 challenges she didn’t pop out. I was surprised that she was a “drop” in this event (Autumn 2017). E-3… Was is it the Boss of the E-3 first half…?
Interviewer: And you’re also playing “Tsum Tsum” alongside “Kan Colle”…
青山 あーそう!「ツムツム」夢中です。オレのお気に入りのツムは「ピターパン」です(笑)強いから(笑い)
Aoyama: Ah, true! I’m crazy about “Tsum Tsum”. My favorite “Tsum” is “Peter Pan” (laughs) He’s strong (laughs)
Interviewer: By the way, how many 10000s of points do you have in “Tsum Tsum”?
青山 300万点いかなくらいだね、いまのところそれが限界です(笑)
Aoyama: I think it’s below 3,000,000 points. That’s my current limit (laughs)
Interviewer: Also, I can see that the movie storyboards look like the usual ones but greater, even…
青山 あーそう!がっつりやった!ちなみに次回の映画は、クライマックスでコナンくんが安室に「え!?」っていうことを聞くので、お見逃しなく(笑)安室ファンはみんな気になってることだろうからねぇ…それね、インタビューに書いてくれていいけど、高山さんにはもう言っちゃいました(笑)コナンくんのこういうセリフがあるよって(笑)「わかった」って言ってた(笑)
Aoyama: Ah, yes! I did them with all my might! By the way, in the next movie’s climax… Conan-kun is told something by Amuro that makes him reply “Huh!?” so don’t miss it (laughs) Amuro fans must be curious about that… You can write that in the interview, but I already told Takayama-san about it (laughs) That’s there this line by Conan, that is (laughs) And she said “Gotcha” (laughs)
Interviewer: (laughs) Understood. Then should I say that your message towards the fan is that the manga and movies will still go on?
青山 そうですね、いまちょっと休んでますけど、充電を兼ねてますんで…
Aoyama: Indeed, I’m resting a bit now but I’m also recharging energies so…
Interviewer: This should be better said when one’s at top condition…
青山 そうだね、今後はちょっと作画中の3時間睡眠はやめるかも(笑)なんで、ペースは遅くなっちゃうかもだけど、これならいけるかもとういうのがつかめたらはじめますんで、それまで待って下さい(笑)
Aoyama: True. I might stop having 3-hour sleep during work (laughs). So the pace might slow down but until I begin to get a grip of “this works”: please wait until then (laughs)
Interviewer: Also, Mr. Aoyama, you allowed me to record you while drawing the “true manuscript” but… I think it’s unusual for you to draw a true manuscript and not a dummy…
青山 あー!そうだね、NHKの番組で、カラーの原稿を描いたときは、本物だったけど漫画の原稿が初めてかもな。
Aoyama: Ah! True, when I drew a color manuscript for the NHK program it was a true manuscript but I guess it’s the first time I do that with a manga manuscript.
Interviewer: You used a mapping pen, though…
青山 あー!そう!タッチの部分は丸ペン。あれはピグマだと出ないから…オレは元々Gペンや丸ペンを使ってたから、ミリペンを使っても強弱のついた線が描けるけど、いきなり最初からミリペンだと強弱のない、つるんとした絵になっちゃうんで、これから漫画家を目指す新人さんはホンとはGペンや丸ペンで絵を描き慣れといた方がいいよと、書いといてね(笑い)
Interviewer: Rum’s identity and movements are also a point to focus upon in this episode. They’ve contacted Amuro-san and it’s very big info, so…<br>Aoyama: Indeed (laughs) It’s a sudden development
Aoyama: Ah! True! The touch section is a mapping pen. Pigmas don’t achieve that… I originally used G Pens and mapping pens, so even if I used a millipen I can draw lines with strength, yet… If I suddenly use a millipen from the start, it becomes smooth pictures without strength, so write that any newbies aiming to become mangaka should get used to drawing with G Pens or mapping pens (laughs)
Interviewer: By the way, what about your recent status…?<br>Aoyama: I cleared the “Kan Colle” even with “Kou (Shell)” (laughs) It was the hardest insofar (laughs)
Interviewer: What about your feelings…?<br>Aoyama: I’m glad, of course (laughs) “Yahagi” also appeared! Now I’ve completed it!
Interviewer: Yes (laughs) And so… Thank you very much for this very important interview. Is there something else you want to say about your recent status, Mr. Aoyama?
Interviewer: Congratulations!<br>Aoyama: I want to finish this interview already and raise “Yahagi” (laughs) Yahagi’s lines are very good, indeed. When she gets seriously damaged… “If you want to sink me you’ll need to shoot 5-6 torpedoes at me, else you won’t be able to”… To think that all people who had her could hear to these… Cool!
青山 あ、「ドラクエ11」で、ボスを倒して最初のエンデイングまで見た。(現在、裏ボスを倒すべくレベル上げ中)
Interviewer: You said that you’d wished to get her since 2-3 years ago.<br>Aoyama: No, I think it’s been longer… “Yahagi” never popped out. She pops out by construction but even though I did over 100 challenges she didn’t pop out. I was surprised that she was a “drop” in this event (Autumn 2017). E-3… Was is it the Boss of the E-3 first half…?
Aoyama: Ah, I beat the boss in “Dragon Quest 11” and saw the first ending (now I’m leveling up to face the secret boss)  
Interviewer: And you’re also playing “Tsum Tsum” alongside “Kan Colle”…<br>Aoyama: Ah, true! I’m crazy about “Tsum Tsum”. My favorite “Tsum” is “Peter Pan” (laughs) He’s strong (laughs)
Interviewer: By the way, how many 10000s of points do you have in “Tsum Tsum”?<br>Aoyama: I think it’s below 3,000,000 points. That’s my current limit (laughs)
Interviewer: Speaking of which… You finished re-reading the manga “The March Lion” and you’re into the drama series “Policeman Yugami”, right?
Interviewer: Also, I can see that the movie storyboards look like the usual ones but greater, even…<br>Aoyama: Ah, yes! I did them with all my might! By the way, in the next movie’s climax… Conan-kun is told something by Amuro that makes him reply “Huh!?” so don’t miss it (laughs) Amuro fans must be curious about that… You can write that in the interview, but I already told Takayama-san about it (laughs) That’s there this line by Conan, that is (laughs) And she said “Gotcha” (laughs)
青山 アニメだと「宝石の国」だな、あれいい!面白い!スタッフの中にオレと同じ大学のサークルでアニメ作ってたやつがいるし(笑)(泉津井陽一(センツイヨウイチ)さん)あのアニメ、声優さんもいい!主人公が「響け!ユーフォニアム」の黄前ちゃんなんだよね〜(黒沢ともよさん)
Interviewer: (laughs) Understood. Then should I say that your message towards the fan is that the manga and movies will still go on?<br>Aoyama: Indeed, I’m resting a bit now but I’m also recharging energies so…
Aoyama: As for anime, I like “Jewels Kingdom”, it’s good! It’s fun! Amongst the staff there’s a guy from the same college circle as me that made anime (laughs) (Mr. Sentsui Youichi) The anime and voice actors are good! The main protagonist is Oumae-chan from “Sound! Euphonium” (Ms. Kurosawa Tomoyo)
Interviewer: This should be better said when one’s at top condition…<br>Aoyama: True. I might stop having 3-hour sleep during work (laughs). So the pace might slow down but until I begin to get a grip of “this works”: please wait until then (laughs)
Interviewer: Also, Mr. Aoyama, you allowed me to record you while drawing the “true manuscript” but… I think it’s unusual for you to draw a true manuscript and not a dummy…<br>Aoyama: Ah! True, when I drew a color manuscript for the NHK program it was a true manuscript but I guess it’s the first time I do that with a manga manuscript.
Interviewer: So that’s what you’re into lately, then… Thank you very much!
Interviewer: You used a mapping pen, though…<br>Aoyama: Ah! True! The touch section is a mapping pen. Pigmas don’t achieve that… I originally used G Pens and mapping pens, so even if I used a millipen I can draw lines with strength, yet… If I suddenly use a millipen from the start, it becomes smooth pictures without strength, so write that any newbies aiming to become mangaka should get used to drawing with G Pens or mapping pens (laughs)
青山 はいはい(笑)
Interviewer: Yes (laughs) And so… Thank you very much for this very important interview. Is there something else you want to say about your recent status, Mr. Aoyama?<br>Aoyama: Ah, I beat the boss in “Dragon Quest 11” and saw the first ending (now I’m leveling up to face the secret boss)
Aoyama: Yes, yes (laughs)
Interviewer: Speaking of which… You finished re-reading the manga “The March Lion” and you’re into the drama series “Policeman Yugami”, right?<br>Aoyama: As for anime, I like “Jewels Kingdom”, it’s good! It’s fun! Amongst the staff there’s a guy from the same college circle as me that made anime (laughs) (Mr. Sentsui Youichi) The anime and voice actors are good! The main protagonist is Oumae-chan from “Sound! Euphonium” (Ms. Kurosawa Tomoyo)
Interviewer: So that’s what you’re into lately, then… Thank you very much!<br>Aoyama: Yes, yes (laughs)

Revision as of 09:11, 25 December 2018


Mid 90s

Newtype Interview

Date: ??
Published in:Unknown issue of the magazine "Newtype"


Mystery Museum Interview

Date: June 10th, 1997


Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama x Takayama

Date: May 1, 2003

Conan Drill Official Book Interview

Date: May 1, 2003
Published in: Conan Drill Official Book


Love Conan Interview

Date: March 31, 2014

Conan Vs Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition

Date: April 2, 2004
Published in: Detective Conan vs. Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition pg 169


Unknown Fan Gathering 2005 (partial text) (no raw)

Unknown interview 2005 Fan gathering
Translated by: justwantanaccount


Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview #1

Date: January 6, 2006
Published in: NTV's website

Asahi Newspaper Interview

Date: January 13, 2006
Published in: Asahi Evening Newspaper
Key Plot Point: Boss's name has already appeared.

Erlangen, Germany Interview

Date: June 17, 2006
Held at: Press conference in Erlangen, Germany

Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview #2

Date: ?? ,2006
Published in: Yomiuri Television (YTV) website

10 Year Cinema Guide interview

Date: ??,2006
Published in: ??

Mini Documentary: Secret of Creation

Date: December, 2006


Magic Kaito Volume 4 Interview

Date: March 15, 2007
Published in: Magic Kaito Volume 4

Urusei Yatsura Interview

Date: September 18, 2007
Published in: Urusei Yatsura Volume 21

Akigoro Interview

Date: ??, 2007
Published in: ??


Conan and Kindaichi Files Interview #1 (WITH RAW)

名探偵コナン&金田一少年の事件簿01 (Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case files #1), published April 10, 2008
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Raw interview images

Otona Fami Interview #1 (no raw)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 21, 2008
Partial information below recovered from 2008


Shonen Sunday 50th Anniversary Interview RAW

少年サンデー1983 (Shonen Sunday 1983, a special issue commemorating Sunday's 50 years of publishing), published July 15, 2009

Raw Images

Conan and Lupin Interview #1 (MIXED IN RAW)

Aoyama & Monkey Punch interview from 2009
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Shonen Sunday Interview #1 (no raw)

週刊少年サンデー17号 (Weekly Shonen Sunday #17), published March 27, 2009
no script


Gundam Ace Interview (MIXED IN RAW)

ガンダムエース3月号 (Gundam Ace March issue) between Ikeda Shuuichi and Aoyama Gosho, published January 26, 2010
Partially Translated by: justwantanaccount

Full raw text

Otona Fami Interview #2 RAW

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2010
Raw Images

Masters Of Manga Interview (no raw)

Masters of Manga, published July 6, 2010
Text submitted by: Chekhov


Mystery Magazine Interview RAW

ミステリマガジン6月号 (Mystery Magazine June issue), published April 25, 2011

Raw Images

Magic Kaitou Treasured Editions: Playback Episode Interviews (no raw)

Released at the end of the Treasured Editions through out 2011
Translated from German to English by : Cocoa moth / Cocoa

Otona Fami Interview #3 (MIXED IN RAW)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2011
RAW IMAGES: http://imgur.com/a/m7Qen
Proof of Origin: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/otona/2011/04/post_687.html
Included with a section called "Detective Conan Best Episode File 50"
(Alternate translation found here)
Below Translated by: justwananaccount

Nihon Uiversity College of Art Lecture Interview (2ch RAW ONLY)

various collected posts by: justwantanaccount at the bottom of the
DCW interview list forum post : link (see bottom of first post)

Club Sunday Interview RAW

October 28th, 2011


Monthly BLT Interview RAW

月刊BLT 6月号 2012 (Monthly BLT June issue of 2012), published April 24, 2012
Raw text

Translation of a fans-rephrased version (MIXED IN RAW)
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Sankei News Interview RAW

『産経ニュース』のインタビュー 「転機 話しましょう」
June 23rd, 2012

distant photograph of newspaper Raw

Gosho's True Intentions Interview RAW

剛昌先生の本音 ─ ホントの声
November 2012
Posted at : http://andantets.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-550.html


Interview with Aoyama Gosho and Shibasaki Kou, Movie 17 (WITH RAW)

柴咲コウ&青山剛昌『名探偵コナン 絶海の探偵(プライベート・アイ)』
Original Japanese version: http://www.cinematoday.jp/page/A0003661
Interview occurred around April 2013
Translated by : http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.com/2013/04/special-post-interview-with-aoyama.html

RAW text

Shonen Sunday Special Booklet File865 (WITH RAW)

Shonen Sunday interview July 17th, 2013
File 865 Shounen Sunday Special Booklet
Post organized by : Chekhov
Partially translated, comment by Chekhov: """(DCTP translation page no longer exists). Since in its current form it is likely to be disarrayed,
I have organized the text here. Credit goes to the translators which include Fujiwara, Zenthisoror, and Wakarimashita."""
Heiji, Kaitou, Yaiba, and Drawing Conan sections translated by: Cocoa, from German

File 865 RAW text and images

Otona Fami Interview #4 RAW

June 2013

Shonen Sunday Lupin Vs Conan Secret Report RAW

少年サンデー51号|ルパン3世 VS コナン SECRET REPORT
November 20th, 2013

Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan: Money Punch and Aoyama Gosho interivew

ルパン三世 VS 名探偵コナン『モンキー・パンチ&青山剛昌☆作品がひとり歩きしていくのもいい』
December 04, 2013
Source: link
Link includes video interview with Monkey Punch and Aoyama Gosho
as well written interview with soccer player Kazuyoshi Miura, a guest star in the movie

Monkey Punch and Gosho Aoyama Special Talk RAW

Unknown 2013
Special talk on the official website of "Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan The Movie"

Original link : http://lupicona-movie.com/specialtalk.html (page died)
Webpage screenshot


AnimeAnime Interview RAW

劇場版「名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手」公開直前 原作・青山剛昌先生インタビュー
(before) April 18, 2014

Da Vinci Interviews (WITH RAWS)

Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the Japanese actor Takeru Satoh, leaked April 13, 2014
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the fans/reporters/whatever, leaked April 15, 2014
Translated by ALAKTORN

So apparently a large chunk of this interview was never typed up AND this is only the cross talk with Takeru Satoh,
not the "LONG INTERVIEW" from this issue of the magazine.

Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama Cross Talk translated (partial interview)




Detective Conan Character Visual Book Voice Actor interviews

Voice Actor interviews September 2014

Otona Fami Interview #5 RAW

オトナファミ1月号 2014 (Otona Fami or Adult Family January issue of 2014), published November 20, 2013
Raw Images

Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014 (partial raw)

March (part 1) 2014 and April (part 2) 2014 edition of the Monthly Conan Newspaper
Translated by: meitanteikonan blogspot page
Part 1: http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/03/special-post-two-part-1-interview-with.html
Part 2: http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/04/special-post-two-part-2-interview-with.html

Part 1 Raw


Gosho Aoyama X Yomuri Giants Hayato Sakamoto (WITH RAW)

Officially released in the March 16th, 2016 Shonen Sunday #16,
but happened the previous week

Raw Images

Movie 20 interview CimemaToday (WITH RAW)

April 14, 2016

Raw Text

Gosho Singapore visit Interview

November 12-13, 2016

Audio only : https://clyp.it/mwoiwshx (slide show and Q & A)

attempt at transcript of audio, stops at 19:23 of 57:52

(videos are missing some of the questions found in the above auido)
Slide show Qs part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGGhvkmku-c
Slide show Qs part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXJQWwhq4Io
Slide show Qs part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODk__NhljE
Slide show Qs part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP8foBO6cPU
Q & A part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6YqtasJmtE
Q & A part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI0jANZcPeI


GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AofBjLCbJ4
GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYFBZ9SPMh8
GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otZFryt92a0

Post Movie screening Q & A 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKiGBa3KGx8
Post Movie screening Q & A 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzqEE7riqQg

Book signing part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WDfaI9D20Q
Book signing part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op9HON7v9Jc
Book signing part 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDF_ywmI0Y8

Akai and Amuro Secret Files Voice Actors Interview 2016


20th Anniversary DVD collection guidebook interviews RAW

Pictures from: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295749-1-1.html
Aoyama Interview

Aoyama Video Interview
Spanish post: http://tanteikid.blogspot.it/2016/08/detective-conan-20th-anniversary.html
Red Thread English post with video: https://www.facebook.com/DCTheRedThread/videos/1199107286807889/

Voice Actors


Song Artist

Movie 20 "Truth in Black" Booklet

Pictures from : http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4508220071

Animedia Gosho Interview

June issue of 2016
released May 10th, 2016
Issue has the phrase "Next Conan's Dream" across the bottom in pink cursive letters
Also has interviews with a few of the voice cast like Takayama Minami

Sources of the images http://imgur.com/a/3g1cj

Gosho Interview

Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama 2016

Interview with Gosho from 2016 inserted into book after a reproduction of 2003 interview
images from : https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295984-1-1.html

20 Year Cinema Guide interviews

Interviews with the cast and crew of the movies as well as Gosho 2016.

Asahi Newspaper Interview 2016

「名探偵コナン」青山剛昌さんがエール July 16, 2016
Source: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-296434-1-1.html
Raw text

Raw image

Gosho Singapore visit Interview

Novemnber 12-13, 2016

Audio only : https://clyp.it/mwoiwshx (slide show and Q & A)

attempt at transcript of audio, stops at 19:23 of 57:52

(videos are missing some of the questions found in the above auido)
Slide show Qs part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGGhvkmku-c
Slide show Qs part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXJQWwhq4Io
Slide show Qs part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODk__NhljE
Slide show Qs part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP8foBO6cPU
Q & A part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6YqtasJmtE
Q & A part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI0jANZcPeI


GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AofBjLCbJ4
GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYFBZ9SPMh8
GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otZFryt92a0

Post Movie screening Q & A 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKiGBa3KGx8
Post Movie screening Q & A 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzqEE7riqQg

Book signing part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WDfaI9D20Q
Book signing part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op9HON7v9Jc
Book signing part 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDF_ywmI0Y8

Akai and Amuro Secret Files Voice Actors Interview 2016



Movie 21 Guidebook Interviews

Date: April 12, 2017
Published in: Movie 21 Guidebook

"Truth in Episode ONE" Booklet

Date:April 12,2017

News Zero Interview

Date: Mid April, 2017

"Truth in Crimson" Booklet

Date: April 26, 2017
Published in: Truth in Crimson booklet

Heiji and Kazuha Secret Archives Interviews

Date: May 9, 2017
Published in:

Gosho NHK Interview

Date: June, 2017
Published in:

Magic Kaito Vol 5 Playback Episode

Date: July 18, 2017
Published in:

Gosho Aoyama 30th Ann Book

Book Cover and inside cover : https://imgur.com/a/P3KPt
Color pages at beginning of book : https://imgur.com/a/Lhicp
Gosho's Seven tools and statistics : https://imgur.com/a/4P4up
Interview 1 : https://imgur.com/a/rlinI
Interview 2 : https://imgur.com/a/F37Q1 (40 pages)
Interview 3, more statistics, Gosho's studio layout, rough draft page : https://imgur.com/a/6NKK9
Secret talk pages : https://imgur.com/a/GbNAv
Everything else p1 : https://imgur.com/a/ChZe1
Everything else p2 : https://imgur.com/a/ZunGf

Some Translations from Red Thread

Gosho Aoyama Interview about the Boss

Date: November 30, 2017
Published in: Shonen Sunday Double Issue #3-4 (File 1008 issue)


Movie 22 Guidebook interview scans

Book released March 31, 2018 Translations by Spimer<
New characters introduced

Gosho 3 page interview

Furuya Toru 2 page interview

Takayama Minami 1 page interview

Staff Interview 1 page

Guidebook Explanation of Police Hierarchy 2 pages
Images typeset by Lailan : https://imgur.com/a/wq6P00d

Takarakuzu College Interview 2018

Gosho has been at Takarakuza College (April 15th, 2018) and there was a Q&A.
translated by Spimer

Truth in Zero booklet

Link to Truth in ... Black, Crimson, EP One, and Zero

Special Conan Movie Staff interview

from Shonen Sunday Super
two pages out of more
it says "continued on next page"

See Also
