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From Detective Conan Wiki
(Da Vinci Interview (MIXED IN RAW): same)
(Shonen Sunday Special Booklet File865 (WITH RAW))
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Oh! I found Nihon University's profile on Aoki Keishi. ( http://kenkyu-web.cin.nihon-u.ac.jp/Profiles/37/0003669/profile.html )
Oh! I found Nihon University's profile on Aoki Keishi. ( http://kenkyu-web.cin.nihon-u.ac.jp/Profiles/37/0003669/profile.html )
===Interview with Aoyama Gosho and Shibasaki Kou, Movie 17 (WITH RAW)===
柴咲コウ&青山剛昌『名探偵コナン 絶海の探偵(プライベート・アイ)』<br>
コナン史上、最もハードでダイナミックな作品 <br>
Original Japanese version: http://www.cinematoday.jp/page/A0003661 <br>
Interview occurred around April 2013
This is an interview of Aoyama Gosho (creator of Detective Conan) and Shibasaki Kou (Actress, singer, and voice actress of a character in the new Detective Conan Movie)which was posted by Cinema Today.
The 17th installment of the Detective Conan movie series is called "Detective Conan: Private Eye in the Distant Sea" and the trailers can be seen here.
[[File:Gosho Shibasaki interview1.jpg|300px]]
With this film involving entire cooperation of the Maritime Self-Defense Forces things get really intense. There is a special guest performance this time by Shibasaki Kou who has read Conan since she was a student. As a mysterious female member of the defense force, Fuji Nanami is played as a cool character. Her magnificent performance which made it seem easy even after having not been a voice actress for about 7 years, was given the stamp of approval and said to be "very cool" by the original author Aoyama Gosho. The two of them are just meeting for the first time now, but have a connection through Conan. We talked about thoughts towards Conan distinctive of a reader, and the scrutinizing of particular points which is distinctive to an author.
[[File:Gosho Shibasaki interview2.jpg|300px]]
■ A First Time Meeting, but an Association for Nearly 20 Years!
Q: This seems to be your first time meeting but what are your impressions of one an other?
Aoyama Gosho (hereafter referred to as Aoyama): I've seen her on TV, on things like "Galileo" and such.
Shibasaki Kou (hereafter referred to as Shibasaki): Well, I bought one of the special volumes of the manga, which has a portrait of Mr. Aoyama doesn't it?
Aoyama: The one where I'm always being killed right?
Shibasaki: Right! There's like blood pouring out or something (laughs). Anyway, it really looks like you. It's just as I expected.
Q: Around what time did you first start to read Conan, Ms. Shibasaki?
Shibasaki: It's a vague memory, but I read it in Shonen Sunday. I think when it started getting serialized I had to have been in middle school. I think I started reading from the first story, or maybe the second one.
Aoyama: Oh wow! There's actually some people who watched it as a kid, and they have now become fathers and they watch it together with their kid.
Q:As for Ms. Shibasaki, what would you say the charm of Conan is?
Shibasaki: Is it okay if I give my impressions completely as a fan (laughs). First of all, the pictures are very easy to get into and to follow. It's very characteristic and recognizable at a glance. But the mysteries to be solved are first-class. It deals with difficult cases that take time just as a TV drama would, so before you know it you're pulled into the world.
Aoyama: Such high praise. Thank you very much.
■Can kids really follow the extremely difficult historical subject matter of Conan!?
Q: This time in the world of Conan, you appear as the Maritime Self-Defense Force's Fuji Nanami right?
Shibasaki: As a fan, there's a somewhat selfish part to it isn't there? I interpreted it as it was convenient for me (wry smile) As the special guest this time, I got to participate as a character that only appears in this movie, so I thought I was lucky.
Aoyama: I also did the character design for Fuji Nanami. I drew it before I knew that Shibasaki would be playing the role, but they told me "we want her to be beautiful" and so I gave her thin eyebrows and sharp eyes like a soldier.
Shibasaki: Her eyebrows are cute aren't they! When I heard that her position was military personnel I worried a little about whether I could play the role properly, but I maintained a feeling of tension the whole time so I thought if I could expand on that then I could make it through somehow. And also, when I was recording, most of the other people had already recorded their lines so I could really use them as reference. I thought it would be difficult if it were a situation where no other voices had been recorded yet, but even Conan's voice was already added, so...
Aoyama: It was very well done. Nothing felt out of place! 
Shibasaki: But we did a lot of redoing. Like the way the song was sung, or matching the lines going with the melody, or getting a satisfactory intonation. So when you hear it after that's done it's okay, but sometimes you'd think "is this really good like this" when there was a feeling that it just didn't match up with the melody, and it would leave a feeling that it was just out of place and strange and so we would have to redo it.
Aoyama: So at those times you'd say something like "could we record that again?" That's amazing. As for me, if it were ok as it was I'd just be like "alright, it's good like this right?" (laughs)
Shibasaki: By nature, I'm probably a little self-conscious about my voice.  I felt some relief little by little. But when it's just my voice, I worry about if it came out clearly.  So we would test out listening to it afterwards.
Aoyama: You've got a voice unlike other voice actresses so I thought it was very nice. Very cool.
Q: In this movie, Fuji Nanami's role left a very hard and dynamic impression different from the other movie versions of Conan so far.
Aoyama: For this movie, from the time that the setting was decided to be the Aegis ship, I requested to the scriptwriter "Sakurai Takeharu" that they try to make it very realistic. So it became very much directed towards adults. Because even for me too, when it's more directed toward kids I don't find it as interesting. Having said that, midway through I started to worry about whether or not kids could also enjoy this movie, whether they could be brought along to see it. But in the movie Conan explains in a way that's easy to understand what you should look for or what you should think about, and so I think that it's contents can be enjoyable for children as well.
Shibasaki: I was also thinking "man, this is difficult" as I was working on it.
[[File:Gosho Shibasaki interview3.jpg|300px]][[File:Gosho Shibasaki interview4.jpg|300px]]
■What a Shock!! The announcement of the secret rule of Conan!!
Q: As for Mr. Aoyama, do you have any rules for when you're drawing Conan?
Aoyama: There's one rule I have which is "Conan must never cry."
Shibasaki: Does he cry this time?
Aoyama: Well, I'm not saying he cries.... But, there are people who are planning on seeing the movie so I have to keep it a secret (laughs).
Q: You played an active role in the Detective gadget that will appear this time too. Can you tell us anything about that?
Aoyama: I kept the names absolutely simple. Because if I didn't then it would be embarrassing. Something like "Ball Shooter" isn't embarrassing is it. "Kick-Power Reinforcing Shoes" isn't an embarrassing name, and also it's easy to understand. But those rarely get used. The most recent thing to get used was the belt wasn't it? But it won't get used from here on out. If something strange suddenly shows up then it would be weird, so it always has to be something that Conan can wear. But we've already used so many things, there's not much left besides and backpack.
Shibasaki: What about his hair?
Aoyama: Well, he's not Kitaro (laughs). (Kitaro is a famous character from a comic called "Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro" created by Mizuki Shigeru. Kitaro is a ghost who has many gadgets at his disposal, some of which being his hair which can be used for various things.)
Q: Lastly, could you tell us a scene that you really liked?
Shibasaki: Well, I've only been able to seen it once, but when I did see it obviously I could here my voice in it so naturally that got my focus. If I were to watch it again I think there's a scene with Conan that would really move me. The sound in the movie is very strong and I thought it was amazing. For example, the scene where the Aegis ship is going to attack was really amazing.
Aoyama: I also drew some key-frames, and it's embarrassing to see them appear in the movie, which I think is like what you were saying right? The animators' style and mine are different so it's easily noticed. It wasn't so much that way this time, but... how was it? You couldn't you notice could you?
Shibasaki: No, quite the opposite... it was really cool!
[[File:Gosho Shibasaki interview5.jpg|300px]]
Aoyama gave a signed and colored illustration of the rare combination of Conan, Haibara Ai, and (the seldom drawn) Phantom Thief Kid, as a present to the extremely happy Shibasaki. She seems to not have just been giving him a complement, but to truly love Conan. She said ecstatically "I'm going to definitely frame it and hang it in my room!" What's more, from the start and still now she excitedly said "I want to try doing a voice in the animation. Any small role is okay, and you don't have to pay me."
RAW text
劇場版「名探偵コナン」シリーズ、17作目となる最新作『名探偵コナン 絶海の探偵(プライベート・アイ)』。本作では海上自衛隊の全面協力の下、迫力の映像が実現した。スペシャルゲストとして出演したのは学生時代からコナン読者という柴咲コウ。ミステリアスな女性自衛官・藤井七海をクールに演じた。約7年ぶりの声優挑戦とは思えない堂々とした演技に原作者の青山剛昌も「かっこいい!」と太鼓判を押すほど。今回が初対面の二人だが、そこはコナンがつなぐ縁。読者ならではのコナンへの思い、作家ならではのこだわりを語った。
柴咲:そうそう! 血が流れている(笑)。似ています。さすがです。
青山:おお、すごい! 子どもの頃読んでいた人が、今はお父さんになって、子どもと一緒に観ているという人も多いんですよ。
柴咲:眉毛、かわいいですよね! 軍人役と聞いてきちんと演じられるのか、ちょっと心配だったのですが、緊張感をずっと持ち続けていたので、そこを膨らませていけば何とかなるかなと思っていました。それから、わたしが声を入れたときには、もうほとんどの人の声が入っていたので、とても参考になりましたね。何もない状態で入れるのはすごく大変なんじゃないかと思いますが、コナン君の声ももう入っていましたから。
青山:そういうときには自分から「録(と)り直した方がいいんじゃないですか」って言うの? すごいなぁ。僕はそれでOKなら「じゃ、いいね?」って言っちゃうなぁ(笑)。
■衝撃!! コナンの秘密のルールを発表!!
青山:名前は絶対、普通にしています。でないと恥ずかしいから。「ボールシューター」とか恥ずかしくないですか。「キック力増強シューズ」だと恥ずかしくないし、そのまんまだから、わかりやすい。めったに出しませんけどね。一番、最後に出したのがベルトかな? あれ以降、出ていないです。急に変なものを付けて出てくるとおかしいから、コナン君がいつも身に着けているものでないとダメ。だけど、ほとんど使っちゃって、あとはランドセルくらいしか残っていないんです。
青山:僕も原画とか描くんですけど、自分の絵が劇中に出ると恥ずかしいと思ってしまう感覚と一緒なのかな? アニメーターの人と自分の線が違うので気になるんです。今回はそうでもなかったですが。どう? 気にならなかった?

Revision as of 17:58, 16 March 2016


Gosho's Official Commentary and Interview list

Untranslated Interviews

The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. These did not have translations provided or had broken links which made it impossible to see either the Raw or the translation. It would be preferable if we could get the remaining interviews found and translated. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/

The remaining interviews come from this page : http://conan-4869.net/post-5361

Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama x Takayama RAW

May 1, 2003
Typing this up here in the next few days, possibly scanning the pages as well.

Raw Images

Love Conan (Rabu Conan) Interview RAW


Partial Translation
Source from yangti1674 ( link )
text copied from Chekov's post ( link )

Raw Images

Conan Vs Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition RAW

Detective Conan vs. Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition pg 169
Posted by: skyechan

Magic Kaito Volume 4 Interview RAW (images)

The volume was released sometime between Feb and Mar 2007
There are 4 pages, the first 2 seem to be an interview and special message
and the next 2 are a recap of all of the Kaito heists up to that point.

Urusei Yatsura Volume 21 Interview RAW

うる星やつら(新装版)21巻のインタビュー September 18th, 2007
A Detective Conan website had this listed as an interview
so it must have some relevance

The poster also had this to say about things from much later
in the Conan series like Rum and volume 85 (Scarlet Series)

Akigoro Interview RAW

2007年秋ごろのインタビュー 「最終回の構想できている」
Unknown interview

Otona Fami Interview #1 (no raw)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 21, 2008
Partial information below recovered from 2008

Shonen Sunday Interview #1 (no raw)

週刊少年サンデー17号 (Weekly Shonen Sunday #17), published March 27, 2009
no script

Shonen Sunday 50th Anniversary Interview RAW

少年サンデー1983 (Shonen Sunday 1983, a special issue commemorating Sunday's 50 years of publishing), published July 15, 2009

Otona Fami Interview #2 (no raw)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2010
no script

Mystery Magazine Interview RAW

ミステリマガジン6月号 (Mystery Magazine June issue), published April 25, 2011

Club Sunday Interview RAW

October 28th, 2011

Monthly BLT Interview RAW

月刊BLT 6月号 2012
June 2012

Sankei News Interview RAW

『産経ニュース』のインタビュー 「転機 話しましょう」
June 23rd, 2012

distant photograph of newspaper Raw

Gosho's True Intentions Interview RAW

剛昌先生の本音 ─ ホントの声
November 2012

Otona Fami Interview #5 RAW

June 2013

Shonen Sunday Lupin Vs Conan Secret Report RAW

少年サンデー51号|ルパン3世 VS コナン SECRET REPORT
November 20th, 2013

Monkey Punch and Gosho Aoyama Special Talk RAW

Unknown 2013

partial Raw

New Years Postcard list RAW

Collected postcard list from 2014 and 2015

AnimeAnime Interview RAW

劇場版「名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手」公開直前 原作・青山剛昌先生インタビュー
(before) April 18, 2014


The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. It would be preferable if we could find more interviews and get them located here. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/

Conan Drill Official Book (WITH RAW)

コナンドリル オフィシャルブック (Conan Drill Official Book), published May 1 2003
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Raw Images

Unknown Fan Gathering 2005 (partial text) (no raw)

Unknown interview 2005 Fan gathering
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 1 (WITH RAW)

読売新聞 「親子で夢中 コナン10年」
Translated by Startold
""It was published on NTV's website in 2006.""
January 6th 2006

Raw Text

Asahi Newspaper Interview "the boss's name has already appeared" (WITH RAW)

朝日新聞夕刊 (Asahi Evening Newspaper), published January 13, 2006
Posted by: Cindy Xin
Comment from Chekhov: "The last file before this boss's name has appeared interview was 551 (Nail and Snake)
and was in Shounen Sunday issue #5-6 2006 (a double issue with a week break afterwards) which was published January 4, 2006."
Fully Translated by Startold

Raw Text

Erlangen, Germany Interview (WITH GERMAN)

Press conference in Erlangen, Germany on June 17, 2006
Translated by: Aki-kun

Original German Text

Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 2 (no raw)

Aoyama Anime 10th anniversary interview on 2006
Posted at : https://reiarashi.wordpress.com/2006/09/10/aoyama-10th-anniversary-interview/

Conan and Kindaichi Files Interview #1 (WITH RAW)

名探偵コナン&金田一少年の事件簿01 (Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case files #1), published April 10, 2008
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Raw interview images

Conan and Lupin Interview #1 (MIXED IN RAW)

Aoyama & Monkey Punch interview from 2009
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Gundam Ace Interview (MIXED IN RAW)

ガンダムエース3月号 (Gundam Ace March issue) between Ikeda Shuuichi and Aoyama Gosho, published January 26, 2010
Partially Translated by: justwantanaccount

Masters Of Manga Interview (no raw)

Masters of Manga, published July 6, 2010
Text submitted by: Chekhov

Magic Kaitou Treasured Editions: Playback Episode Interviews (no raw)

Released at the end of the Treasured Editions through out 2011
Translated from German to English by : Cocoa moth / Cocoa

Otona Fami Interview #3 (MIXED IN RAW)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2011
RAW IMAGES: http://imgur.com/a/m7Qen
Proof of Origin: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/otona/2011/04/post_687.html
Included with a section called "Detective Conan Best Episode File 50"
Translated by: justwananaccount

Otona Fami Interview #4 (MIXED IN RAW)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 2012
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Nihon Uiversity College of Art Lecture Interview (2ch RAW ONLY)

various collected posts by: justwantanaccount at the bottom of the
DCW interview list forum post : link (see bottom of first post)

Interview with Aoyama Gosho and Shibasaki Kou, Movie 17 (WITH RAW)

柴咲コウ&青山剛昌『名探偵コナン 絶海の探偵(プライベート・アイ)』
Original Japanese version: http://www.cinematoday.jp/page/A0003661
Interview occurred around April 2013

RAW text

Shonen Sunday Special Booklet File865 (WITH RAW)

Shonen Sunday interview July 17th, 2013
File 865 Shounen Sunday Special Booklet
Post organized by : Chekhov
Partially translated, comment by Chekhov: """(DCTP translation page no longer exists). Since in its current form it is likely to be disarrayed,
I have organized the text here. Credit goes to the translators which include Fujiwara, Zenthisoror, and Wakarimashita."""
Heiji, Kaitou, Yaiba, and Drawing Conan sections translated by: Cocoa, from German

File 865 RAW text and images

Asahi Evening Newspaper Interview (no raw)

Asahi Evening Newspaper, published January 6, 2014
Translated by: bluesun
Originally sourced from : http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASG1534JCG15PUUB001.html (page dead)

Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014 (partial raw)

March (part 1) 2014 and April (part 2) 2014 edition of the Monthly Conan Newspaper
Translated by: meitanteikonan blogspot page
Part 1: http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/03/special-post-two-part-1-interview-with.html
Part 2: http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/04/special-post-two-part-2-interview-with.html

Part 1 Raw

Da Vinci Interview (MIXED IN RAW)

Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the Japanese actor Takeru Satoh, leaked April 13, 2014
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the fans/reporters/whatever, leaked April 15, 2014
Translated by ALAKTORN

Gosho Aoyama X Yomuri Giants Hayato Sakamoto (WITH RAW)

Officially released in the March 16th, 2016 Shonen Sunday #16,
but happened the previous week

Raw Images