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Detective Conan World

Boys vs. Girls Round 5

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Boys - 2

Girls - 2

***The following user is currently not allowed to play this round (thanks for reminding me, Shuu...smile.gif):

- Cindy-DetectiveConanLover

Good day to everyone! smile.gif

Since we've been dealing with numbers for 5 rounds (there are 2 3rd rounds...blink.gif) , I would like to try something new. Instead of numbers, we would now use LETTERS. (WTH??icon_e_surprised.gif)


1. The game will start from AA.

2. The boys will increment 1 letter, while the girls would do the opposite.

3. The girls will win this round when the letter reaches A, while the boys will win this round if the letter reaches BA.

Hints and tips:

1. When the letter reaches Z, when the boys would increment it, the next posts will be AA, AB AC, and so on.

2. In case you have difficulty on what to post next, you can refer to Microsoft Excel for reference, then check the column headings.


1st post: Z

2nd post (boy): AA

3rd post (boy): AB

4th post (girl): AA

5th post (girl): Z

6th post (girl): Y

...and so on...

Since this is the first time that we would use letters, I won't impose any other rules yet, except those that are mentioned above, and this would serve as a warm-up round.

Good luck to everyone and have fun! smile.gif


Edited by Monsi

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Hey, wait a minute. Isn't Detective Gin supposed to be a boy :blink: ? He is decreasing the number :rolleyes:... I'm not very sure about the rules yet, so... I suppose I will have to wait for someone to correct it :lol:.

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