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Detective Conan World

DCW IRL Round 3

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(It's looking fine right now, albeit a bit confusing. I'll give you guys something else to do since I have time. Time to screw things up! >:3)

"So... what clue should we leave for them today?" asked Aeyra, looking merely bored as she stared at the carnage on the screen. A month ago, she would have flinched away, but she knew better now. After all, this was all for the greater good. "First we had the website, though, that was only the beginning."

"We'll let someone else out," the man informed her, twirling around a pen in his hands. He too looked casual, as if the explosion had nothing to do with him, as if it were just some movie playing out in front of him. "Misaki."

"You're letting her join us?" Aeyra's voice was surprised as she stared at him. "I don't think that's the smartest-"

"No, I'm not going to. I'm going to send her over there... and she'll have all the information we need to give to them."

(Sorry for doing that to you, Misaki, but you can do whatever you want from here! Also, good to see you here, Rye.)

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Huge flames rose from the ground. Smoke engulfed the area as everything else shook hard. The pillars broke down one by one and the people around her panicked. They ran from the scene. She was left all alone there. Blood flowed continuously from her chest wound. Her vision blurred. In front of her she saw a silhouette....moving closer and closer to her. Her eyes drooped....this was the last vision she saw before she fell into deep slumber.

Bright lights. White---everything was white...

She woke up, enclosed in a clear glass tube. Her head ached hard. It was as if her skull was breaking down.

It was hard getting her eyes in focus. The headache was driving her insane. The glass case above her opened, and she sat straight, her long black hair flowed smoothly at her back.

Where am I? She asked herself. She tried to remember what happened, what she saw last...anything that would give her a clue as to her situation right now. But it was to no avail. Her mind just wouldn't process anything. She stood up and went out of the glass tube. She was in a laboratory. A white laboratory. Everything was white--the shelves, the sinks, floor, seats, desks--EVERYTHING.

She walked into a huge mirror on her left. She examined herself. Long, straight black hair ran smoothly over her shoulders, to her back. She wore a long black hospital gown that went over her knees, which was pretty unusual, for everything else around her was white.

What intrigued her most were her eyes. Striking silver gray orbs that were cold as steel. They were deep, dark....but they were beautiful.

"It seems you have awaken," a voice said, from behind her. She turned around, and at the doors was a tall man wearing a black suit. "Who-" She asked, but she stopped almost immediately as he raised his hand, signaling her to stop.

"I came here to give you something. As for who I am, I am afraid that is classified information.

"I am also here to tell you everything you need to know about who you are. You are Aquilas, a fifteen year old girl who will be used by our organization in order to fulfill our missions. You owe us your life, for we saved you. Now you must obey our orders without hesitation."

He walked in front of her, holding out a shoulder bag. Opening it, she saw a gun, a dagger, and a purse.

"That will be everything you need. As for shelter, I will take you there now."

He threw her a bag containing clothes. "Change."

He walked out the lab, and shut the doors.

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Misaki sat on the floor, guns pointed at her, she glanced around, waiting for a chance to escape to appear. Suddenly, the door behind her opened up before a thud was heard and the slamming of doors. She looked to see what had caused the noise to see Aeyra. Forgetting for a moment that she was having guns pointed at her, she cried happily, "Aeyra! You're safe!"

As soon as she said it, a gun butt smashed into her back, one of the men warning, "Shut up!"

Misaki ignored the man as she went over to help Aeyra up and gave her a quick hug as she murmured into her friend's ear, "Thank god you're safe."

Aeyra grinned as she whispered back, "Well, it's going to take a lot more to kill me."

Outside the room, a person yelled out, "Guards! Into the halls. I need to talk to you."

As soon as they exited, Aeyra quickly sliced the ropes bounding Misaki's limbs before handing her an iPod Touch and a Swiss Army knife. "Listen up," she said hastily, "I already have our other pal who helped me get out taking care of the guards outside. I need you to take this and go to the Tampa Airport. When I escaped, I contacted people to help us and to go there to meet us there. Give the iPod to them."

Misaki stuttered, "Wai- Wh-What!? Why can't we go together!? I can't leave you here!"

"Look, just do this for me, OK?"

"I'm not leaving you!"

"DO IT! Don't worry. I promise I'll be behind you after I grab something."


"Misaki, please..."

She looked at her friend, feeling so confused as to what to do. She wanted to leave so badly, but to leave Aeyra? She didn't want to. But she did say she would follow... Misaki let out a sigh, "... Fine. BUT you have to come, ok?"

Aeyra smiled, "Of course. I'll meet up at the airport. Now go! Before you lose your chance at freedom."

The two got up and barged through the door, seeing the guards' dead bodies lying nearby. Misaki didn't even wince at the scene. Worse things have happened to far less deserving people. She swiped a few guns, sticking them into her waistband. The girls took a glance at each other, giving the other a nod before running into opposite directions.

Thankfully for Misaki, she knew the basic outline of the building due to her past escape plans. As she ran, panting a little, she kept looking back every once in a while, wondering where Aeyra was. But most of her thoughts were occupied more towards as to why the building was so quiet. Normally there would be people. But none were to be found. Is this a trap? No, Aeyra wouldn't lead me to a trap. Maybe everyone had to leave. After all, that mobster head dude had left pretty abruptly....

After running for at least twenty minutes, she finally saw a hallway with a big door at the end. She grinned as she picked up the pace. She was going to be free! Finally, after so long, she was going to be free! She threw the door open and ran out, not stopping until she was at least a mile away. Misaki panted as she slouched against a tree, finally taking a break after all of her running. Her body felt hot and sticky from the sweat dripping down her face, though the cool air breezing through helped cooled her down.

After a few minutes of rest, she got up and started to go towards where she saw buildings. She walked down the road she never knew existed, holding a thumb ups out towards said road in an attempt to hitchhike. Probably not the best idea, but if she had to walk to whole way, it was likely to take a few days at the very least.

How lucky that a car came passing by and slowed down before honking at the girl. The window rolled down before an average-looking woman leaned towards her and asked, "Looking lost there little miss. You needing a ride?"

Misaki paused for a second, thinking about whether it was actually a good idea to hitchhike, before answering, "Yeah. Could you give me a lift the airport?"

The man smiled, "Of course! Get in."

She slid into the car's backseat, knife hidden and ready in her hand in case this was a trick. Misaki noticed there were two cardboard boxes next to her, though she didn't know what they contained. The car ride went peacefully for a while, music filling the would-be silence. The woman asked, "Say, your clothes look rather... Worn. Do you need some new clothes? I was heading over to the Tampa Goodwill Center to donate some stuff since I'm from a small town that doesn't have one, but it looks like you may need some of my stuff more than Goodwill does. Don't worry, I should have some clothes that fit you. I have a daughter who was like you in a way when she was your age, physically. Tall and thin. If you want any, just look in the box next to you. Oh, and if you want shoes, they're in the other box.""

Misaki gave said box a glance before looking at her own outfit. New clothes were clearly needed, especially since she would catch stares in such old clothes. She quickly said, "Thank you" before ripping the boxes open. There were plenty of different types of clothing, from teeshirts and jeans to dresses. She grabbed a simple teeshirt, a sweatshirt, jeans, socks and sneakers from the two boxes and changed into them before closing them up. Surprisingly, they fit her rather well. She made sure she had the guns she had swiped earlier with her and hid them in the sweatshirt pocket.The woman smiled as she looked at her, "You look great my dear."

As they approached the airport, flames and screams were all around. As soon as the car stopped, Misaki got out as fast as she could as she surveyed the scene. Plenty of dead bodies and debris scattered around. A bomb maybe? She was about to run and look around further, but before doing so, turned around to thank the woman who drove her here. But the car was gone. Misaki looked around, shocked that the woman had already driven away, and wondered where she had went before pushing the thought out of her mind. She had more pressing matters to take care of.


"I got her to the airport Aeyra."

"Perfect," she grinned as she lounged on a couch, "Good work."

Aeyra hung up her cell phone as she said to herself, "I hope you don't let me down Misaki..."


(Ta da :P Geez, I feel that's the most I've written in quite a while. =X)

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Lokar's man got a call, "Господине, ваша кућа је испретурано! И шта ког ђавола дешава?" (Sir, your house has been ransacked! And what the hell is going on?) He shrugged, looking at Lokar as he was captured by Erru, "Слушај, ФБИ имају заробили Локар и Саша још на аеродрому! Анд шта је са затвореницима?" (Listen, the FBI have captured Lokar and Sasha still in the airport! And how about the prisoners?)

Lokar's crew shrugged, "С****! Заробљеници имају побегли, а где сте сада?" (S***! The prisoners have escaped and where are you now?) as his man want to speech, he spotted Misaki and he told Lokar's crew, "Па, нашао сам једну од њих. Почистим у кућу и упознајте ме на железничкој дворишту." (Well, I found one of them. Mop up the house and meet me at the train yard) he hangs up the phone and he shouted to his comrades, "Сам добио један од њих! Ухватите је!" (I got one of them! Catch her!)

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Erru frowned, "I have no family, thanks..." She followed the man's gaze to Misaki, then grabbed Lokar, an arm around his neck. "Touch her, and he's dead." She cringed as she pulled him up and his arm brushed against her wound. "I- owe you... for that bullet..." Erru drew her knife, holding it up to Lokar. "Well, what are you guys gonna do?"

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Misaki glanced around as she ran around, still trying to survey the scene. She stopped on her tracks as she saw a face she knew, it was that mobster dude. She swore in her head as she began to hide within the crowds. If I get caught, I'll be captured again! Maybe even killed... I can't die, not yet. She grabbed a gun from her pocket and cocked it, making sure to be ready.

She saw the men still looking at her, so she kept running, she looked back every few seconds to make sure they were far enough away to not be able to hit her accurately/chasing her. Being unaware of who was around her for a second, she ran into someone before falling on top of them. The iPod Touch fell out of her pocket and tumbled onto the ground, turning on in the process. She noticed briefly that the screen picture was of Aeyra's name as she tried to reach for it. However, the person she fell on top of grabbed it before her and asked, "... Aeyra? Is that you?"

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He refused, and he readied his L86 and his henchmen are readied their weapon, aiming it at Erru and Misaki "So, what? You fool are trying to threat Lokar Bratva without your unit?! You gotta be kidding! And our mob have outnumbered you and FBI!"

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"The FBI other than myself are not involved. Leave that girl and all the other civilians unharmed and free and I'll drop your man. I won't raise a single weapon against you if you leave them unharmed. Do we have a deal?" She tightened her grip on Lokar. If they didn't agree, she was going to take him down, then get Misaki to safety.

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"If you harm a single one of them, none of you will be spared..." Erru retracted the blade of her knife, calling out to Misaki. "Miss, find Ren. He'll help you." She dropped Lokar to the ground, dusting off her sleeves. "There you go."

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His man brought him to their vehicle and he asked "Локар јеси ли добро? Могу ли да ходаш?" (Lokar are you alright? Can you walk?) Lokar snarled, "Да психопата ми се гаде! Где је моје оружје?" (That psycho make me sick! Where's my weapons?) his man tossed him an AK47 w/ Armor-Piercing rounds, EoTech, Drum-Mag and GP-25 Grenade Launcher. As Lokar want to speech, he heard police sirene and FBI and he cursed "С****..." (Holy ****) Lokar and his man are retreat to their vehicles.

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"C****, где је Саша сада?" (S***, where is Sasha now!?) Lokar's man said in anger. He took a SVU silenced bullpup sniper rifle as his man took an AA-12 automatic shotgun. Lokar are aiming the reticule to Erru and Misaki, hoping he can pick them off.

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Lokar still aiming his reticule "One Shot, Two Kill...." He fired the SVU, but not to Misaki and Erru but into the FBI Charger and his man fired a SMAW, effectively blowing the car off and the convoy began leaving

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Changing into a black jacket, jeans, and Converse running shoes, she made her way out of the lab. Beside the elevator stood the guy from earlier. "Let's go....for your first mission," he said, tapping a passcode on the screen beside the elevator.

The doors slid open, and the two made their way inside.

After a few seconds, the doors slid open again, and out they stepped on a beautiful flower-filled courtyard. The place they stepped out from was a small quaint cottage. Nobody would ever suspect that a secret white lab in which a mysterious young girl woke up in existed underneath this seemingly innocent cottage.

"Here's your phone," he said, handing her a beautiful sleek black iOS 5. "The organization will use that to contact you. You may erm...use it also for any personal concern. But be discreet."

Right outside the courtyard was a black Ford, waiting for them. "We'll drop you off at Tampa Park," said the man, sliding into the passenger seat, while Aquilas rode on the backseat.

On the way to Tampa Park, her phone beeped. It was a text message.

When you arrive at the Park, head for Tampa Airport. Instructions will follow when you get there.

The car stopped. Aquilas opened the door and got out, gazing at the park. Many civilians passed by, but apparently they avoided her.

The man's car window slid down. "I wish you luck on your first mission." He smiled, and the car sped off.

Using her phone's map, she looked for Tampa Airport. It's not that far, she thought, I might as well run.

Phone in hand and bag on her shoulder, she sprinted away, her long black ponytail swaying swiftly with the wind, her piercing grey eyes glinting under the sun's light.

Within minutes she arrived at the Tampa Airport, smoke engulfing the area as fires and flames flickered all around. With smoke covering the scene it was almost impossible to see a thing yet she was sure that she saw a vehicle with men pointing firearms at two girls standing by the airport.

Rushing over to the scene, her phone beeped. A text message yet again.

Follow EXACTLY these instructions.

Snipe the front right wheel of the van in which the two men are firing from.

Using your tranquilizer gun, shoot the girl blocking the other girl.

Take the girl named Misaki and leave the scene immediately.

A getaway vehicle will be waiting for you at the street beside Tampa Airport. Ride, and you will be taken to Kurosaka Hotel. You will receive another message once you arrive there.

I trust you will not fail me. I have complete faith in your accuracy.

Aquilas moved closer, getting ready to snipe the front wheel of the vehicle.

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(Rye: Did you know SMAW?)

His man spotted a girl with a sniper rifle from their van and he shouted, "C**** СНИПЕР!" (S***, SNIPER!) Lokar are hearing this, poped a box and took a KSVK 12,7mm sniper and insert several Tracer Rounds to it and tossed it into his man. He took a phone and he called Sasha, "Саша, ми смо под снајперском ватром! Можете ли да нерешено неке ватру поклопац?" (Sasha, we're under sniper fire! Can you draw some cover fire?) Sasha nodded, "Ок Локар, остану безбедна..." (Okay Lokar, stay safe) he hangs up the phone and takes his M-24 sniper rifle with his man, he are armed with AK-107 w/ PSO. They are sniping at the girl in black.

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Shoulder-launched Multi-purpose Assault Weapon?

They've noticed me. Aquilas stepped back, using the thick grey smoke to camouflage herself.

Her sniper still aiming at the front wheel of Lokar's vehicle, she pressed the trigger, and as the bullet hit the front wheel it exploded, Lokar's vehicle crashing into the airport, flames erupting due to extreme friction caused by the metal grinding hard against the ground.

Her phone beeped again.

Perfect. Now tranquilize Erru.

Following instructions, she took out her tranquilizing gun from her bag and aimed it directly at Erru's right shoulder.

In a heartbeat, she pressed the trigger, the dart grazing Erru's right shoulder as Erru slowly fell onto the ground, falling into sleep.

Running as fast as she can towards Misaki, Aquilas grabbed her hand and led her down the street into the getaway car.

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Bullets landed near her feet every time she stepped on the ground. Aquilas ran as fast as lightning towards the getaway vehicle, gunfire still behind her. She sidestepped as a bullet almost grazed her shoulder.

At last she reached the getaway car. She opened the car's door fast, slid down into the backseat, pulling Misaki with her.

The car sped up pretty fast, gunshots still behind them as they drove to Kurosaka Hotel.

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Rose stared at her iPhone, almost dying of boredom & waiting. “damn, it's been 30 minutes since I arrived here, What on earth---?” She shouted, she thanked god that the cops didn't hear her. She was planning to cross the tape, she was angry and she couldn't wait anymore. “Hey, You!” She shouted at one of the police officers, and he turned to her. “Miss, you can't cross the tape please----” She interrupted him. “Look, do your job then tell me what to do. Or should I teach you how to do it, huh?!” She said, putting her hands on her hips. “I'm waiting.”

“Miss, you better talk to me well or face the punishment.” He replied, calmly, not moved a bit by Rose's words. “What The---?!” She said. “But there are people inside! DO something dammit!” She shouted. “We're doing what we can, Miss. No you've gotta go. I'm busy.” He replied. “Yeah, obviously.” She muttered. She ran out of the cop's sight, and hide behind one of the cars. She slowly made her way without being seen to the airport's back door. She unlocked the door using her hair pin. The smoke rose and she began to cough. “Is someone out there? Hello?” She called. No response. “IS SOMEONE THERE?” She shouted. “Yes. There is.” A shaky voice replied.


[it's up to you, that voice belong to who.]

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Lokar are spotted the girl brought Misaki in a '05 Charger and he shouted, "Хеј! заустави тај ауто!" (Hey! stop that car!) His man are aiming the KSVK at the car, aiming it at the back and he pulls the trigger. Lokar are taking his phone, "Саша, нам треба неке брза кола! Упознајте ме брзо!" (Sasha, we need some fast car! Meet me quickly!)

Several minutes later, one modified white '06 Aston Martin DB9 and an '84 Buick Riveira are arrived and Lokar told Sasha, "Се Немамо много времена. Хајде да!" (We don't have much time. Let's go)

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(Note that this guy is my NPC. :))

From the shadows of the burned-down airport appeared the same man who ordered Aquilas. Wearing a black suit and holding an M14, he looked very intimidating.

"You must be Rose," he said, holding out his hand. "Come with me, I'll take you out of here. It isn't safe around here."

He continued.

Boom! Another explosion rose from the airport's south area. Screaming was heard all around as the others who were stuck inside were helped by the policemen get away.

Panic struck. Smoke and flames engulfed the entire area. It was only a matter of time before the whole airport burned down.

"Now do you want to stay here and die from the explosions or what??" The man said, his face cross. "Come with me!" He grabbed Rose's hands and pulled her out of the scene.

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(Rye: M16...)

They are following the girl's Charger and as Sasha told his man as he was readied his Dual-Uzi "Алригхт, ја сам детонирати у Ц4 на аеродрому као они улажу наш план отишао у страну." (Alright, I have detonate the C4 at the airport as they are making our plan gone sideways.) His man asked Sasha " Шта кажеш ФБИ?" (How about FBI?) he replied, "Мој човек ће се побринути за њих" (My man will take care of them...)

Sasha then took a walkies-talkie and began informing Lokar, he at the another Riveira. "Господине, ми смо пронашли возилом, можемо ли отворити ватру?" (Sir, we have found the vehicle, can we open fire?) he told Sasha "Добро, пушите их..." (Alright, smoke 'em...)

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Aquilas looked back and saw two cars chasing after her. The driver noticed this too, as he picked up speed and drove so fast flames erupted from where the wheels have been.

Aquilas's iOS 5 beeped again, as she received another message.

Shoot them. Don't hold back.

Taking out an M16 from her bag, her window slid open as she stuck her head out the window, aiming her gun at the cars behind her.

She shot continuously, with extreme accuracy as the wheels of the cars popped out one by one, severely damaged by the shots she sent them. The cars ground hard against the cement, building up great friction, flames now rising up due to the extreme speed combined with intense friction.

Her phone beeped again.


It took her a nanosecond to process the idea. Gunshots behind her, she opened her bag and dug in, and there she spotted it. A bottleful of Diesel.

It was strange why it was there, but she just shrugged off the idea and uncapped the bottle.

Sticking her head out the window again, she threw the entire bottle outside onto the vehicles behind.


Flames and smoke rose and engulfed the area as pieces of metal flew up the air, dropping hard against the road. She knew that Lokar was still alive. But at least she was safe....for now.

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