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Forgotten Identity

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AN: So.. here's the deal. If you're bored (or, of course, if you're interested) read this chapter. This is the first chapter in a currently five-chapter (on-going) story. If you like it and would like to read more, please open the "spoiler" box for details. Also, keep in mind, this is a re-upload from 2-3 years ago if I recall correctly so my writing might be a little different and possibly worse (or better??) than normal.

Go to your favorite search engine and type in (or copy and paste) HaibaraDaiFan Fanfiction and you will most likely see my fanfiction profile as one of the first results. Go to my profile scroll down to find "Forgotten Identity". You are free to read my other stories, if you want. If you like the rest of the story and want me to continue past chapter 5, review (honest reviews, 'cause those are usually helpful in making the story better) and I will continue. I initially wasn't going to write fanfiction anymore, but this story is my personal favorite out of my collection and if my readers care about it, I'll finish it for once.

Chapter 1 – Nothing Like Coffee

A loud sound woke me, and I opened my eyes half way, knowing that I must stop the loud sound. It was bothersome, it was annoying, it hurt to listen to it. Must. Shut. It. Up. I reached over and smacked the device, causing it to cease its redundant beeping. I sat up, stepping into a pair of slippers that were on the floor. I felt the need to grab something to drink, my mind groggy and my throat a bit dry. "Coffee" is what came to my mind, and I shuffled over to a door.

I walked out of the door, my still-sleeping mind deciding that up the stairs was the way to go. There I saw the thing my mind said I needed, a cup of coffee, just sitting there, steam rising from it. I felt a smile pull at my features, but something demanded that I not, so I just went over to the cup. I was transfixed on that cup, with the steam dancing above it, and I grabbed the handle. I put my lips to the cup, drinking in burning hot liquid.


I put the cup down and looked over. I blinked a few times. And here was when I realized something. I didn't know who had spoken. I didn't know where I was. I didn't know why I was here. I didn't know… who I was. What was my objective? Questions raced through my mind as I stared at the old man sitting there. He kept looking at me as if he expected a reply. So I assumed I must be Ai-kun. Some voice told me not to confide in people, to simply agree that I was indeed Ai-kun.

"Sorry… was that yours?" The old man nodded slowly, looking at me incredulously. "Oh… ahaha… I'm just so sleepy I didn't notice…" I shrugged and walked back the way I came, looking for the shower. Surely I would need to be taking one, that's what the voice told me. After a few minutes, I located the bathroom and took a shower. I was busy putting clothes on when I heard a knock on the door.

"Ai-kun… I… just wanted to let you know that if you don't hurry, you'll be late to school. Do you have everything ready?" Something told me to not be a bother, so I said that I did.

"Y-Yeah… thanks for telling me." I had a feeling the man wanted to say more, so I waited. I was right.

"Ai-kun… are you feeling alright today?" Was I seeming less cheerful than normal? Now two opposing forces caught me. One said to just sound bored, the other was on the side of logic for a child like me, and told me to be more cheerful.

"Yeah, I'm fine, grandpa!" There was an awkward feeling as silence hung around me. I must have been wrong in my assumption that he was my grandfather. Then just who was he? Wasn't he a little old to be my dad? I began laughing. "Hahaha got you!" Some part of me shuddered at my own attitude and voice, making me wonder if I should've listened to the voice that told me to sound bored. He forced some sort of chuckle on the other side of the door, and I heard his footsteps retreat. I finished getting ready and raced out the door, grabbing a bag I figured was mine, since it looked like an elementary backpack.

I stopped, suddenly realizing that even if I did leave for school, I had no idea where it was. I looked both ways, and hoped that the way I went would at least lead me into town. I walked for maybe ten minutes before I ran into another child, who looked like a student.

"Haibara… aren't you a bit late today? And why are you coming from that direction?" Who? Wasn't I Ai-kun? I took a step back.

"Can… I walk with you today?" The boy gave me a weird look, but he shrugged, and I walked next to him. His face held a serious expression. I stayed silent, I didn't even know his name. In fact… I still wasn't sure about my own name. Two other children joined up with us; a girl and a tall thin boy. They were talking on and on about something that was supposed to happen in class today. I had no idea what exactly it was about, but I listened intently for their names and the way they addressed each other.

"Haibara-san, did you finish your homework?" I turned, reacting to the name I had been called by earlier. Before I could think of a response, the girl protectively intervened.

"Of course Ai-chan did! She's really smart, just like Conan-kun!" I noticed the tall boy glare at the short one with the strange wristwatch. I guessed that must be "Conan-kun." I half-smiled, not agreeing or disagreeing. I only hoped that I had done my homework, and that it was in the backpack I was carrying. If I still didn't have my memory by the time I went to school, I'd rather not deal with the teacher's anger.

"Haibara-san, not that it's a bad thing, but why are you walking with us today? Doesn't it take longer to go this way?" The speaker was the tall kid, his face showing his confusion. I decided to shrug as an answer. I found out earlier how much talking could put me in awkward situations. Unfortunately, the shrug didn't satisfy the tall boy, but he thankfully stayed silent, although his expression was still the same. We reached the gates of an elementary school, along with many other children. One of which ran towards us.

"Morning!" I watched as a rather chunky boy came closer, rice from breakfast still sticking on his mouth. I also noticed the short boy "Conan-kun" cringe. The little girl was the first to greet back.

"Moh, Genta-kun! You have rice on your mouth still!" The chunky boy wiped his mouth with his hand and ate the rice. A big grin spread across his face.

"Thanks, Ayumi!" I sighed inwardly. I guessed that this was a typical pig-out kid, who happens to go by the name of "Genta-kun." I followed the short boy when he decided to make his way to class instead of listening to the early morning antics. I then noticed him watching me out of the corner of his eye.

"Something wrong?" Again, I smiled. He on the other hand, frowned.

"Haibara… did something unusually good happen this morning? You're over-cheery…" So I was a strange child… who didn't like to smile? I returned with blank look, not sure to laugh or to glare.

"Not particularly…" I didn't want to go into detail, which seemed to be my nature, because the boy just gave me another weird look and shrugged it off. I followed him inside the classroom, and suddenly froze. I didn't know where to sit. I took a chance and sat by the short boy, since he seemed like a good person to follow. He didn't say anything, so I supposed that it wasn't anyone else's seat. While I waited for class to start, I began to ponder things.

My name is Haibara Ai. I'm an elementary student. I live with an old man, but he's not my grandpa, and he seems too old to be my dad. Butler? Usually butlers are thin and tall though… housekeeper? Usually a woman though… I'll find that part out later. I have no idea who my parents are or where they are. I seem to be a very bland child, who takes no interest in things, and I don't normally smile or laugh. Perhaps my parents being gone has made me a pitiful child who keeps the fear of being happy deep inside her. The worst part is, I don't even know if that is true. Even though I am her, I don't remember anything.

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@IdentityUnknown Ohh.. thanks XDD

@snowflake ^-^ which next chapter? Chapter 2-6 can be found on fanfiction(dot)net (as explained in my spoiler box thingy) Feel free to review there >3> XD But chapter 7 might take awhile to get here 'cause I haven't even started on it >.>

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@IdentityUnknown Ohh.. thanks XDD

@snowflake ^-^ which next chapter? Chapter 2-6 can be found on fanfiction(dot)net (as explained in my spoiler box thingy) Feel free to review there >3> XD But chapter 7 might take awhile to get here 'cause I haven't even started on it >.>

Oh, I didn't read the spoiler box.

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Oh yeah ! I read the fanfiction 2 days ago, when there were only 6 chapters, and I hadn't noticed that it wasn't finished, so the "end" (of the 6th chapter) really shocked me ! But now I'm glad to see you'll continue =D

By the way, I did read all of your fanfictions on this site since I really like your style of writing, please continue the great work ! =)

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@maxdefolsch: Oh wow! Thank you so much! Yes, well I've been noticing my "cliff hangers" often end up with the possibility of being actual endings sometimes XDD But yes, it's still continuing :D Thank you so much for your encouragement!

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I read this, and it has some really good qualities. One thing I would like to suggest, and this one's a bit big and vague: Cut out unnecessary stuff. There are plenty of sentences and words that don't really belong. Here's an example:

"Sorry… was that yours?" The old man nodded slowly, looking at me incredulously. "Oh… ahaha… I'm just so sleepy I didn't notice…" I shrugged and walked back the way I came, looking for the shower. Surely I would need to be taking one, that's what the voice told me. After a few minutes, I located the bathroom and took a shower. I was busy putting clothes on when I heard a knock on the door.

I would suggest more like this:

"Sorry… was that yours?" The old man nodded slowly, looking at me incredulously. "Oh… ahaha… I'm just so sleepy I didn't notice…" I shrugged and walked back the way I came, looking for the shower. Surely I would need to be taking one, that's what the voice told me. After a few minutes, I located the bathroom and took a shower. I was busy putting clothes on when I heard a knock on the door.

My second suggestion: More short sentences. I see you're really good at writing long sentences. However, short, concise sentences can get the point across as well. It also hastens the pace. There isn't much need for faster pace here, but keep that in mind.

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@Mohorovicic Thank you for the advice!! Yeah >.>'' Reading that now (I probably still have that problem...) some of the sentences make me cringe. I will keep that in mind when writing :)

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