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Detective Conan World

I made a DCW group on deviantArt!

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I don't know if somebody has made a group before, if so just tell me and I will delete this group.

The group is currently getting approved, also, I need co-founders and contributers to help *coughModscough* keep it clean. ^_^ I had trouble naming it but I called it Conan World-DCW, I could fit the whole: Detective Conan World in, you could only have a certain amount of characters. So, this is where you post your art you wanna show to DCW easier, you will need deviantArt, of course. :) I will post the link to the group here when it's being approved. ;)

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If you want mod help on deviant art then I can help, if you want. I have plenty of experience with moderating so (2+ yrs? officially, that is >.>') XD But I'm not sure if you were referring to the actual mods here to help you or if you'd need some.. 'cause I don't know if the actual mods here have time to mod deviant art and this place..

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^I didn't. I just meant people who are old members; unlike me XD to help, cuz you guys know the site well. ^_^ Anyone can be a member, if they wanna. I will check my dA account tomorrow and find out if its being approved, I don't have time now, I gotta go to sleep. All you guys can be contributers/co-founders. :D

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[sorry about the double post] Hey look it works! http://conanworld-dcw.deviantart.com/ There's the link! Miaski, I will invite you as a co-founder, you have 16,00 posts, as you have your dA account in your sig. :)

All, you other guys will need to follow the link and join as co-founders or contributers,or just members. I can also invite you by giving me your dA. ;)Either way.

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Your join requests are closed. To change this, go to the 'About Us' area and click 'Manage Members'. Go to the Members section and switch 'Join Requests not Allowed' to 'Join Requests Automatically Approved' or 'Join Requests Subject to Vote' depending on which one you want. I might join, but I don't have much DC art to contribute. The ones I have are extremely crappy and old. :V

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