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Detective Conan World

I'm *deep breath* ... *puts on sunglasses* ... New...

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I'm screwed. :blink:

Welcome to DCW! :D Have a great time here and enjoy! :lol: Talk to me anytime! But WARNING! I'm an overall crazy person so if you don't like craziness, yoghurt, kicking and singing- BEWARE!!! I will talk about yoghurt and sing randomly! :twisted: This is just a warning for you!

Hm... :blink: Yeah I think thats it. :P Nothing much to add except that I also like cake. :lol:

So welcome and do give me cake and yoghurt anytime!! :lol:

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And now, I give you the Yoyo & Cici Welcome!!




Hello, and welcome to DCW!!JFBQ00154070129B.gifyociexpress08.gifyociexp86.gif

I have a bit of advice: Don't be like me and disappear for months the day after you join... whoops...JFBQ00125061225b.gif

I'm Sherlock Lupin. I'm THE Master Procrastinator and Trickster Extraordinaire, and I'm DCW's Yoyo & Cici Specialistyociexp88.gif. I have a lovely habit of calling IdentityUnknown Prye instead of Pyre. I suggest you don't do it because it aggravates dear Pyre. Some call me SL, some call me Sherlock, others call me Lupin. Come up with your own name if ya like.icon_e_biggrin.gif

We're not too crazy hereJFBQ00218070525A.gifJFBQ00173070312A.gifyociexp99.gif, and we love DCJFBQ00163070213B.gif.

I'm sure you'll enjoy being friends with usyociexpress01.gif, and if you don't...JFBQ00217070524A.gif

Just kidding~!JFBQ00241070914B.gif We're not trying to scare you away...is it working?yociexp108.gif


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Ooh, a game developer? :D

Hey do help us create one!!!

Need a plot? Start a thread and I'mm sure the geniuses will give you ideas! XD

Anyways... I'm screwed too. Is this forum simple? :mellow:

BTW, we're not very suspicious~ and Welcome to DCW, adventurous and unmeasureable intelligent detective~ :)

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lolz welcome to dcw!! :D Im mk :D One of the few old members who is still alive :P You can always ask me if you need help on.something although im no good at explaining :P

@edoco-kickers? O.o? are you pointing at me? :P

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Ooh, a game developer? biggrin.gif

Hey do help us create one!!!
Need a plot? Start a thread and I'mm sure the geniuses will give you ideas! XD

Anyways... I'm screwed too. Is this forum simple? mellow.gif
BTW, we're not very suspicious~ and Welcome to DCW, adventurous and unmeasureable intelligent detective~ smile.gif

Thanks for the welcome.

lolz welcome to dcw!! biggrin.gif Im mk biggrin.gif One of the few old members who is still alive tongue.gif You can always ask me if you need help on.something although im no good at explaining tongue.gif
@edoco-kickers? O.o? are you pointing at me? tongue.gif

Thanks biggrin.gif

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lolz welcome to dcw!! :D Im mk :D One of the few old members who is still alive :P You can always ask me if you need help on.something although im no good at explaining :P

@edoco-kickers? O.o? are you pointing at me? :P

Not at you.

@Diventurer: you can call me AL. I like swimming, if not diving.

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Thanks for the welcome.

I'll attempt to make a game when the game I'm currently working on is taking shape. A quite big project.

Though, graphics is the problem. I doubt people will find it attractive without proper graphics.

Thanks :D

ah huh~

You're an interesting one. :V

Have to take note of you~ :rolleyes:

I do hope we can finally get a game in DC~ and good luck in your current project too~ :)

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Thanks, and LOL, I knew I'd get that question :|

I found some diving site/business/whatever by the name Diventure xD

However, that's not why I'm named Diventurer. (I do not dive either)

There is a game I'm making that is called Diventures :P

That's not the game I'm currently working on though. Diventures is a game that I haven't even started programming yet. I will start when I get in college perhaps... No, the game is not about diving :)

If anyone is interested in the current game I'm making; it is an online 2D platformer RPG game :)

I have an awesome graphics artist for it, so that's covered. :)

We're looking for story/quest writers and music composers though. We'll start recruiting once the game has reached a certain stage of being finished :P

Edit: By finished, I mean released. It will get content updates as often as possible until it's dead. If it even gets players that is.

Aww. D: But diving is so... <333333333333

And that's pretty sweet. Why'd you name it Diventures if it has nothing to do with diving? =X

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