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Detective Conan World

newbie on the loose!!!

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I really don't know how to start this, so here goes nothing.. :))

My name is Elle.. Seventeen.

I've been watching Detective Conan since I was in elementary, (i think) but back then, I was not as hooked as I am now. ha ha. I can't remember when I started watching the anime again, but that doesn't matter now, does it? I like the anime more than the manga before (i'm too lazy to read manga, although I love reading novels and stuff like that..) but because of the slow pace of the anime's story line, I started to read it.. and I discovered that I was missing MUCH.


Sorry for all ShinRan fans out there, but in my opinion, AiCon is muchmuchmuchmuch better. I love them both, and I love them together. period. *hardcore AICON on the loose!!!*


okay, what else to say? I think that's enough for now....

since i'm a newbie, a few tips would be really helpful.. I've been trying to explore the site and I'm just starting to get a hang of it.

I hope to be friends with some (if not all) of you!!

Good day everyone.. :))

love lots,


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I really don't know how to start this, so here goes nothing.. :))

My name is Elle.. Seventeen.

I've been watching Detective Conan since I was in elementary, (i think) but back then, I was not as hooked as I am now. ha ha. I can't remember when I started watching the anime again, but that doesn't matter now, does it? I like the anime more than the manga before (i'm too lazy to read manga, although I love reading novels and stuff like that..) but because of the slow pace of the anime's story line, I started to read it.. and I discovered that I was missing MUCH.


Sorry for all ShinRan fans out there, but in my opinion, AiCon is muchmuchmuchmuch better. I love them both, and I love them together. period. *hardcore AICON on the loose!!!*


okay, what else to say? I think that's enough for now....

since i'm a newbie, a few tips would be really helpful.. I've been trying to explore the site and I'm just starting to get a hang of it.

I hope to be friends with some (if not all) of you!!

Good day everyone.. :))

love lots,


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YAY!!! NEW AICON FAN!!! :D I love AiXConan! :grin: Let's be great friends here in DCW! :P Welcome to DCW and let's chat sometime! :D

I'm get the feeling that we'd be great friends here.. hmmm. :) sure, let's chat some time.. that is, after I get a hang of things in this site. ha ha. I'm still a bit of in the dark but I know I will familiarize myself in these things soon! :)

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You're welcome.

I just want to tell you to read the rules.

As you can see there "Please, do NOT double post. You may instead hit the "Edit" button right below your post to add content or modify it." I guess neither triple post. Use the Edit button. ;)

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You're welcome.

I just want to tell you to read the rules.

As you can see there "Please, do NOT double post. You may instead hit the "Edit" button right below your post to add content or modify it." I guess neither triple post. Use the Edit button. ;)

I'm trying hard not to double post coz I don't like double posts as well, but sometimes because of my freaking computer, it's unavoidable. Thanks!!

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Hi Elle! Welcome to DCW! If you have questions feel free to ask!

sure thing!! here's one, how do you change the settings for notifications? It's been flooding my email which caused me to overlook some important emails.. thanks anniemay! :)

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I'm trying hard not to double post coz I don't like double posts as well, but sometimes because of my freaking computer, it's unavoidable. Thanks!!

Haha I'm pretty sure you understood it the wrong way~ but since Raz didn't explain in detail, I shall~

Double posts here mean that you post another post directly after another post of your own. Whether or not the posts are identical or different is still considered double posting. Of course, when you want to reply to more than one person, it would be troublesome to hit the reply button, copy the quote contents, and paste it into your previous post. That is why we have this handy button called 'multi-quote' at the right side of alllll of the posts.

The multiquote button is for you to quote more than one posts in a thread. (It's also possible to quote a post from another thread using this) :P once you have selected all of the posts you want to quote, just click on the 'Reply' button below. :) Don't worry~ just try it~ you'll get the hang of it soon :)

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Haha I'm pretty sure you understood it the wrong way~ but since Raz didn't explain in detail, I shall~

Double posts here mean that you post another post directly after another post of your own. Whether or not the posts are identical or different is still considered double posting. Of course, when you want to reply to more than one person, it would be troublesome to hit the reply button, copy the quote contents, and paste it into your previous post. That is why we have this handy button called 'multi-quote' at the right side of alllll of the posts.

The multiquote button is for you to quote more than one posts in a thread. (It's also possible to quote a post from another thread using this) :P once you have selected all of the posts you want to quote, just click on the 'Reply' button below. :) Don't worry~ just try it~ you'll get the hang of it soon :)

oh... I really messed up out there. haha. thank you very much!! I've been wondering what that button does but am afraid to use it so there. You've been REALLY helpful! :))

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oh... I really messed up out there. haha. thank you very much!! I've been wondering what that button does but am afraid to use it so there. You've been REALLY helpful! :))

Nahhhh nearly everyone had the same problem when they started~ now you can teach the newer members how to use it!!!! :D

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Enjoy my little rant.

Welcome (back!!!) to DCW and enjoy your stay! Your key number is 13069, registered under the name msELLE05. Once you hit 500 (ACTIVE) posts, you will officially graduate into the custom-made member title club! Just ring up the front desk to inform them of your new status and you'll be able to change your title whenever you want! Once you hit 750 posts, you will have the privilege of being able to ring up the front desk to change your registered name! We recommend you do not abuse the privilege (it can become confusing). Your room account is password protected. Hopefully you'll remember the password. If not, give the front desk a call. We'll sort it out.

So, let's start our tour! First, a few basic rules. We ask that you do not double post for your own safety. If you do, you risk being torn apart and eaten by vicious, allergic-to-double-post vacationers. Not a good experience. If you do it by accident, please edit it! For some reason, vacationers who are allergic to double posting are somehow healed when the second post is edited. Oh, and don't spam. We don't like spam. It often ends up being destroyed.

You have already completed the first step of your DCW journey...introducing yourself! Moving further ahead, you'll make friends with other regular vacationers and have fun in general. At least that's our hope.

If you'd like to depart from the DCW Resort, please turn in your key to the front desk. The DCW Resort is special in the fact that it keeps your room account active until you return. It'll keep your key for you. Please don't leave without turning in your key though...some vacationers are particularly upset when this happens.

Since you've been away for a while, let me reintroduce you to a some people you probably should know.

Alright! The next four are a few of the most important people here, the staff:

Maurice is the amazing owner and manager of the DCW Resort! It is because of Maurice that all the magic happens. Please remember that Maurice is a guy...the mistake has been made before.

Chekhov MacGuffin is the scholar of all things Conan. Then again, she has Gosho Aoyama locked in her basement. Her theories are almost always accurate...but again. Gosho Aoyama in the basement. Don't let that scare you off though, she's a great person to be around. At least, she's a great person to be around as long as you don't bring up the Bourbon-is-Okiya theory. That might not end well.

CarpetCrawler, oddly enough, doesn't seem to hang around carpets too much. He spends a great deal more time hosting the famous DCW Podcast, which you can find in the studio above. I recommend you listen to it for theories, questions, answers, and much, much more. Of course, it's also quite fun to listen to certain people's voices.

Last, but not least, is Southpaw. She is a little less playful than Chekhov and CarpetCrawler and rules with a firm but gentle hand. She is really a great person to talk to and while she may only drop in once or twice a day, if you do catch her, don't hesitate to say hi. I assure you, she'll respond positively.

As we close, I'd like to introduce you to a couple of frequent vacationers. You can ask just about anyone for help, but these may be the ones you see more often.

Mohorovicic (Newbie) -- Hahaha...we all know you're not exactly "new" anymore, Mark. Probably one of our oldest members (not including staff) that is still active. Recently been busy so you might require a bit of luck to be able to find him. He's a frequent flyer on MiniMafia, so if you go there (see Misaki-chan for more information) you're likely to spot him.

Kaitou Kid Legenary Thief (The Weirdest Weirdo) -- Sometimes referred to as Miss DCW, she is a definite person you want to make friends with. She's awesome by the way. And ignore anything she says about being new, we all know that's not true.

Kid the Phantom Thief (DCW's High-Five Loving Dude) -- He is awesome. And we all agree that he isn't God. Other than that, he's in love with our dear Nur M. (a pairing I love) and is one of the most amazing people you can meet here.

Meitantei Kaitou Kid (DCW's Flying Dutchman) -- Interesting guy you might see around. Usually hanging around the "What's On Your Mind" thread or on people's profiles. He's misspelled "meitantei" twice before now (finally got it right, three times is the charm).

Misaki-chan (DCW's Biggest Hugger) -- If you want hugs, she's the girl to go to. If you don't, I suggest you run. She's a frequent MiniMafia player and an absolutely wonderful person to meet. <3 Of course, the fact that she was my lover in the last MIniMafia game we played together helps. :3 If you have no idea what MiniMafia is, check out dctp.ws/minimafia.html.

Koizumi Akako (DCW's Passive-Aggressive Witch) -- Gotta love Chelsea. Also known as Chelseaj500 on Fanfiction.net, she is an author and amazing person to be around. Also a MiniMafia regular, she is a must meet.

Erza Scarlet (DCW's Titania/Dorothy-chan) -- Obvious big fan of Fairy Tail, a great person to know. Sometimes referred to as dorothy. Unlike when she first came, she is now much cheerier and happier, and of course, a joy to be around.

Anti-APTX4869 (DCW's Haibara Addict) -- One account shared by two almost twin-like friends, both named Yohan and madly in love, Cure-kun and Yohan are certainly people you want to meet. They only drop in late at night, so if you're not on then your chances of meeting them are a little lower.

AiXConan4ever -- One of the newer members, AiX has already made her mark on DCW with 1000+ posts (including games) and a personality that few can forget. She's great at encouraging people and is smart and sassy. Btw, she'll deny it.

Ro0se -- A frequent flyer as well, you'll see her around just about every day. She's someone you'll probably see around...maybe. That'll require her to post, as she often enjoys the Anonymous club.

There are so many more people I could spend days trying to introduce, but...as stated, it would take days. Don't let me do all the talking though...go and experience it for yourself!

P.S. There is no front desk by the way. :P

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Hi there.. Welcome ^_^ Hope you enjoy yourself here.. and if you need any help I'd be willing to try help you out. Although.. *looks above and smiles* I guess that little rant there pretty much tells everything.. :P See you around here..

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And now, I give you the Yoyo & Cici Welcome!!




Hello, and welcome to DCW!!JFBQ00154070129B.gifyociexpress08.gifyociexp86.gif

I have a bit of advice: Don't be like me and disappear for months the day after you join... whoops... guess you already did that one... JFBQ00125061225b.gif

I'm Sherlock Lupin. I'm THE Master Procrastinator and Trickster Extraordinaire, and I'm DCW's Yoyo & Cici Specialistyociexp88.gif. I have a lovely habit of calling IdentityUnknown Prye instead of Pyre. I suggest you don't do it because it aggravates dear Pyre. Some call me SL, some call me Sherlock, others call me Lupin. Come up with your own name if ya like.icon_e_biggrin.gif

We're not too crazy hereJFBQ00218070525A.gifJFBQ00173070312A.gifyociexp99.gif, and we love DCJFBQ00163070213B.gif.

I'm sure you'll enjoy being friends with usyociexpress01.gif, and if you don't...JFBQ00217070524A.gif

Just kidding~!JFBQ00241070914B.gif We're not trying to scare you away....is it working?yociexp108.gif


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