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Status Updates posted by Samantha

  1. Orchestra concert was epic. I am so pro.

    1. IdentityUnknown


      What songs were you playing?

    2. Samantha


      Best of Queen (we will Rock You, Another one Bites the Dust, We are the Champions), Bella's Lullaby (from TWILIGHT), Beat It (Michael Jackson), The Prayer, and The Final Countdown. Whew!

  2. No....there's a freak chance lightning will strike our opposing team. XD

  3. I. Want. To. Die. I've got a debate on Tuesday and I'm gonna get KILLED.....I'm. Screwed.

  4. Um. Well.

    Agh. Tomorrow school starts. D:

  5. HEEHEE I ate too much cake and now I think I'm on a sugar rush

    1. Anti-APTX4869


      Sugar rush only lasts 20 mins. you will crash after that so you should get some complex carbs like bread.

    2. IdentityUnknown


      Meh. Brownies all got eaten by my sister's class. I was gonna sneak a few...got the news from Mom...

    3. Samantha
    4. Show next comments  69 more
  6. Me: *scrolls down* Oh my god. DX

  7. *scrolls down to comments* ..........

  8. I go off for a few hours and what's happened to my profile? D:

  9. So, Otaku-san.....how's life?

  10. Well, it's bad if you're me, 'cause I stink at math.....

  11. I'm fine! Got math finals coming up soon.......:(

  12. Your sympathy is appreciated. Truly.

  13. ARGH I hate homework

  14. Well.......Mini-I. has not yet come knocking on my door with a mace yet, so I assume I'm safe fo the time being......

  15. How's life going, Otaku-san?

  16. ARGH. I totally fail at math. Current mood: Wanting to strangle something

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie


      So IDU does not know math ( that good)

    2. IdentityUnknown


      I'm not bad. I just detest it.

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      sorry then IDU, i must have misunderstand it

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  17. ARGH. I totally fail at math. Current mood: Wanting to strangle something

  18. I'm Pyre's friend. I moved away a while ago, so don't try getting anything from me. XD She'd probably fly over here just to kill me.

  19. Don't send Mini-I. after me.......please.....

  20. And if I told you where Jean lived, she'd fly all the way over here just to murder me. See, I moved away a while ago, so you won't get anything from MY IP address. :P

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