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Status Updates posted by Samantha

  1. I found it.....it was tucked in the very back of my desk, under a pile of papers. (Hey, there's the form I was supposed to have my mom sign and turn in a week ago.)

  2. It's my mom's birthday today........I TOTALLY FORGOT D: (My initial reaction was, "Whoa, it's September?" I must not have been paying attention to the date. XD)

    1. Black Demon

      Black Demon

      Happy birthday to Sam's mom XD

    2. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Ah, happy Birthday to your mother!! ^_^ I hope she'll have a great Birthday!! :D

    3. hopes


      Aw... Poor Sam's Mom.

  3. Well, the ceiling. XD I can't find my DS....I hope I didn't lose it.

  4. Yo. You've finally decided to stop ignoring me? :P

  5. Wanna see something funny? Visit this link: http://www.neopets.com/~Feiyoer

  6. Hm.......what're you up to?

  7. So I'm in my Clay class, and the girl next to me is making a bird out of clay. And I say, "Wow, that's really good!" And she's like, "Thanks, your sheep is really awesome, too." And my reaction was, ".....it's a dragon. *facepalm*"

  8. I got a 95 on a really hard science quiz. :D

  9. I guess. :/ I think I LOST one of my Pokemon games chips.....howcouldIbesostupid

  10. Aw. Hey, did you know Akai's VA is the same as Shank's?

  11. The guy who voices Akai Shuichi also voices Red-haired Shanks from One Piece.....excuse me? those two are polar opposites in personality.....

  12. Well.....I'll pay you after you buy it.

  13. Well, I have to do this spiritual journey thing for school and it's due in two days.....and I'm barely started. I want to scrap it and start over. I'm running out of time! :(

  14. Victinis are awesome!!!!


  16. No. I also care about DC manga chapters. :P

  17. YEEEESSSSS? Have you got pie for me? :3

  18. I better not be getting sick.......I think I'm getting sick. Agh.

    1. IdentityUnknown


      Or "I'm gonna puke because that's disgusting" sick? :V

    2. Samantha


      As in, *something more serious* sick. Agh. My head hurts.

    3. IdentityUnknown


      Go see a doctor Sam. Really.

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  19. Stupid silver specks swimming in my vision......not good.

    1. IdentityUnknown


      Same with me (been happening for a little less than a year), but black. And I sometimes black out for several minutes. :/

    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      @Samantha, I suggest you scehdule a visit to an ophthalmologist. IU, you should see a doctor.

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