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Detective Conan World

tengaku squared

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Status Updates posted by tengaku squared

  1. Holy sh-- you're 33?

    Anyways, happy birthday!

  2. How I reached Giga is different:

    IdentityUnknown --> Unknown --> enigma --> ? --> V.F.D --> huge organization --> huge --> Giga.

    Are you happy?

  3. I am counting the number of days until your birthday :).

    Can you answer the question about my reference tag thing?

  4. I am terrible...jk.

    Just fine. Working on the wiki.

  5. I believe Isana does meet Merry before.

    And I prefer Merry x Yumeji, why?

  6. I changed the link of the opening video of the 30th opening to one with sound. Is that OK?

    This was normally sent to CarpetCrawler, but he told me to ask you.

  7. I compose music. The whole list is in my About Me.

    BTW, you received the Rep Package thing.

  8. I counted. :V

    And judging by your response, you got my implication wrong. :/

  9. I do always wonder...

    John Doe, at first glance, does not seem to have any relation with cats.


  10. I don't know what you deleted, I don't want to know what you deleted.

    Anyway, how is your day?

  11. I don't know what you're talking about. :P


    OK, fine, you got me.

  12. I feel lonely; only got 25ish posts in today. On a normal day, I get 40ish posts. My record is 79 posts.

    How are you?

  13. I got 56% on a 50-point test.

    I had 182 out of 217 points before said test.

  14. I got plenty. You can have some more.

    *throws some more Choco Pies Jean's direction*

    *eats his own*

  15. I got some good news and bad news. Good news: my computer is back and working. Bad news: It can't access the Internet right now.

    I'm trying to fix the problem, I expect it won't take much longer. Sorry for the delay.

  16. I got the not-so-severe flu bug, so I should be better in a few days. Thanks for the get well! :)

    And good night.

  17. I hate it when I copy n' paste the wrong thing...

    Welcome to DCW!

  18. I have a tendency to look at who's online, and what the heck they are doing.

    Anyway, I caught you looking at the Onion Head Fan Club. Were you looking at the post that said that I was leaving?

  19. I invite you to my little avatar competition. :D

    You in?

  20. I invite you to vote on my poll.

    Poll location: Conan VS. The Red Hawk - Prologue.

  21. I just did. :V

    And I like talking to people. How are ya?

  22. I just noticed that you left a bunch of comments on my profile...


    Well, you're offline now. I'll get you for this later.

  23. I just read your comment on Shuichi Akai's profile.

    My answer: Do you know when he joined? He joined WAY BACK, when the forum pretty much started.

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