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Detective Conan World

Emy Ulfsdotter

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Status Updates posted by Emy Ulfsdotter

  1. It's technically over, but it was a good day. How is your day? I hope it's fine.

  2. Jo det var den, men jag hade garanterat snubblat om jag försökte gå med det där långa släpet^^

  3. Nej, jag bor i Skåne så det är en bra bit att åka till Stockholm. Var du där?

  4. No, still working on it ^^

  5. Not that much into fanfic, but since it's you I'll make an exception

  6. Of course, I have yet to read all of the manga so I only know what has been shown in the anime, but I do love it whenever there's a new episode with them

  7. Oh, that's close to the bridge right?

  8. Okej, har som sagt aldrig hört uttrycket innan men jag bor långt ner i Sverige så det kanske är något man säger högre upp^^

  9. Revenge is a huge possibility in this case, I'm glad that I live in a neutral country, but I do fear for those who doesn't

  10. Sorry Kaoko I've been preoccupied ^^ and no that is not really what I look like, I do have blue eyes and I dye my hair red, but its not that short and it's curly. Do you look like your avatar?

  11. Sure, but English is not my first language, just so you know^^ What is it about btw?

  12. Tack det samma ^^ Firar ni första maj i Finland med?

  13. Tack det samma^^ Välkommen hit

  14. Thank you Mohorovicic aka XXL aka.... you know what it what it would be easier to just name you aka or alias since you change your name so often. ^^ Just kidding, thank you again my undefined friend

  15. Thank you! I loved the animation^^

  16. Thanks, i tried to make it look like me and I do believe that I've succeeded^^

  17. Thanks. I'm just fine, how about you?

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