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Detective Conan World


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About GgGLoGiKz

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  1. Nowhere. He didn't attend enough schooling so he won't graduate xD
  2. Hello sorry I haven't been on here for a wile 0_0

  3. oh i love your name it reminds me of my friends name Dakota huh do you want me to call you that or no... oh and you should get a pic. too heehehheheh ok bye ^-^

  4. oh i love your name it reminds me of my friends name Dakota huh do you want me to call you that or no... oh and you should get a pic. too heehehheheh ok bye ^-^

  5. hey welcome to DCW i hope you have an awsome time ..... hmmm oh yeah im bunny .. friend i hope i get to talk to you more later on ^-^

  6. hey welcome to DCW i hope you have an awsome time ..... hmmm oh yeah im bunny .. friend i hope i get to talk to you more later on ^-^

  7. Hi! Welcome to DCW! Some info if you don't know already: Click on other members' display name - in my case, Cindy-Chen. Then scroll under "Friends" and type in the box called "Comments". If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

  8. Eh, not really what i'm looking for. Those are too hipster-ish xD Conans are bigger and have a skinner bottom. If having those hipster gLasses wasn't such a fad right now I wouldn't mind, but when everyone is wearing those gLasses .-. Anyone else know where I kan find gLasses similar to conans? Or know the name of his kind?
  9. Would you give me a link (:
  10. I was hoping I Kould find some gLasses like conan wears? Something REALLY similar to those, anyone know a site I kould find something like that? I searched google and ebay and the klosest thing I got was the gem from airship movie, and a full conan suit. I just want some big gLAsses like him xD Thanks- Dakota Hines
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