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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by GgGLoGiKz

  1. Nowhere. He didn't attend enough schooling so he won't graduate xD
  2. Eh, not really what i'm looking for. Those are too hipster-ish xD Conans are bigger and have a skinner bottom. If having those hipster gLasses wasn't such a fad right now I wouldn't mind, but when everyone is wearing those gLasses .-. Anyone else know where I kan find gLasses similar to conans? Or know the name of his kind?
  3. Would you give me a link (:
  4. I was hoping I Kould find some gLasses like conan wears? Something REALLY similar to those, anyone know a site I kould find something like that? I searched google and ebay and the klosest thing I got was the gem from airship movie, and a full conan suit. I just want some big gLAsses like him xD Thanks- Dakota Hines
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