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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by vawli

  1. Wow. So how is school now for you guys???

  2. Yay! Offically, I have been here for one year!

  3. Oh really? Well I just finished my summer course! Yay, so Mr. Yo; have anything to ask?

  4. Thant's great! So what have you been up to????

    Notices; lower comments....

    @Kid: What? No!!!!

    @MKID: Little bro? What did you do???

  5. Because I really am bad at history...I can't remeber the dates and stuff...what subject are you bad at???

  6. 2 more days and I will have been here for a year! This is what I have been waiting for!

    1. vawli


      @everyone: So happy that you guys are laughing and happier because all of you guys seemed down because ppl were leaving DCW.

    2. Sakila


      ^You're right....some of the people I used to talk with haven't been on in forever. I guess life catches up to you, huh?

    3. vawli


      @Yep, life totally catches up to you and especially when you have more and more things to do.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  7. Sorry for the late reply, I have been studying hard fro my exam coming up today, I think I am going to fail it.

  8. Really Nervous......History Exam!!!! Worth 20% of grade! I think I am going to fail it!

  9. Sorry for teh late reply, Oh so what have you been up to.

  10. Sorry that you had no one to talk to, I am almost done summer school and I am so busy right now, anyway hhow have you been??

  11. Hey how are you???

  12. Well I am fine thank you, I still have two more weeks of summer school and that is it for me? What have you been up to????

  13. I am fine, I still have two more weel of summer school and then I am done! Yay!

  14. Yay! I get one word again...wait what???

  15. Hope you come back soon.

  16. lol, that makes sense so how are you now???

  17. You gave me a one word answer.

  18. I don't get a really good? doing well? tired and busy? bord to death?

  19. Oh well here we have to learn French.

  20. That's all I get??? One word? Well I am tired but fine thsnks.

  21. Finally Finished the First Week of Summer School!!!!.......three more weeks to go......D:

    1. Lupin of the Heisei Era

      Lupin of the Heisei Era

      go go lee! you can do it!

    2. vawli


      Thanks, I will try.

  22. Thanks for the luck! How are you???

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