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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Amaranth

  1. I'm fine, really. Say, isn't it way past your...(okay, i forgot you're a nocturnal)

    And you?

  2. 2 in the morning? No, that's not late. It's early.

    @Xxx: Don't worry, he won't be alone :)

  3. Over here it's 8:30 in the morning

  4. No, I woke up at 7.

    At least, now that summer's over, I don't get to sleep til 10am.

    Speaking of summer, what are you doing this summer?--aside from staying up late posting and chatting on DCW, of course.

  5. I'm on whichever chapter this "Kid Kaitou's Solo Heist" is. Soooo far from the end. Man, I feel like I'm reading a full-length novel.

  6. Ah, alright. Keep it up.

    Hey, your rep reached 60! Congratulations!

  7. That proves that you're indeed "DCW's Most Wanted"...Thief I guess

  8. I thought you said you can't draw :P

  9. Right, right. Thankfully, you're just stealing reps and not hearts.

  10. *Slaps forehead*

    So what did you do this summer?

  11. Keep tryin! Keep up the good work!

  12. *facepalms*

    I lost count of how many times I've been facepalming when I talk to you. Really. -Laughing all the way-

    But how could you do nothing during the whole summer? I mean, I'm sure you've been reading, watching tv, eating, sleeping, travelling, etc...

  13. Of course! I'm ever your loyal fan!

  14. Oh, that's too bad, Kid-kun. I'm never allowed to hang out with friends either. And I'm not really close to many. I'm not a friendly person, after all. Basically, if I'm not at school, I'm at home.

    P.S.--I know one more thing you've stolen, or at least helped to steal. I swear you and Chels-chan collaborated to steal my sanity! WAHAHAHAHA!

  15. I'm friendly to you? Good! Whew, at least for once, I'm actually being friendly.

    Anyway, I gotta go. School begins in an hour. Bye!

  16. Hey, welcome! I agree with Kid-kun! I'm a fan of Conan also. Have fun here!

  17. Kamusta pare? Nagtatago ata u. :P


  18. Ah, okay. Anong oras pasok mo bukas?

  19. Yap, that's better. I like it, pare!

  20. Hi! Good evening! Almost 10pm...

  21. P.S.--there are lots of female fans of DC!

  22. Well, I'm not sure about that. I don't know if anyone else will call me No-chan...but as you see, I have LOTS of random nicknames.

  23. Waaaah! Pinapalayas ako ni bunso! Sige, iiyak na lang ako.

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