
From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 11:43, 12 May 2011 by Tonsostuff (talk | contribs) (IdentityUnknown's Stories)

For changes and additional informations you want to put here, send Anti-APTX4869 a PM. and he will add it depending on what it is.

Credits goes to:

  • Maurice for creating the Detective Conan World.
  • Chekhov MacGuffin for helping Anti-APTX4869 with the info box.
  • IdentityUnknown for telling Anti-APTX4869 how to create this site.
  • Mohorovicic for giving a hint to structure this site.
  • Anti-APTX4869 for writing his own biography.

About Anti-APTX4869

Anti-APTX4869 is the DCW's Cure and is known as Cure-kun. Anti-APTX4869 does not mean to be against APTX4869, but it is a shorter version of Antidote-APTX4869. His basic information about himself is shown here in this blue box. ------------------------------>

Japanese name: 洪耀韓 (ハングヤオハン)
English name: Yohan (John) Hong
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of birth: September 28, 1993 (Libra)
Relatives: Don't want to list
Aliases: Troll
First appearance: April 18, 2011
Appearances: 5PM ~ 1AM PST
Cases solved: Don't know
Keyhole number: None
Japanese voice: Himself
He has no idea this info is being leaked by his evil-self.


Anti-APTX4869 is born in Seoul, Korea on September 28, 1993.

Child Life ~ Middle School (Age 0~14)

Seoul, Korea

Anti-APTX4869 grew up in Seoul, Korea until June 21, 2002. He grew up where he forgot the name of, and had a dog named Baang-wul-ee (means bells), a pure bred Jindo, that died on February 28, 1999. He went to a church for daycare and pre-kinder. He attended an Elementary school for only about 3 months and quit school due to bullies beating him up and ending up in hospital 5 times in 3 months. He still does not know why the bullies would pick on him only. It seemed to be that the whole class picked on him.

His theory about this is that it is because

  1. He was the shortest in class and weak
  2. He was being a teacher's pet, running on every single errands, do all homework/classwork, etc..
  3. Rank 1 in the school.

His first grade year was ruined and did not ever wanted to go back to school again. He was home schooled by his parents and mastered up to 6th grade math and science by the age of 9 (2rd grade).

Not much of fun memories exist except for watching Detective Conan.

He left Korea on June 21, 2002.

San Francisco, California

After leaving Seoul, Korea, he arrived at San Francisco. It was nice and quiet, and he went to (.....) Elementary school. He did not like it at first because he did not know English and he thought that they may have been plotting to beat him up again. He realizes they wanted to be friends with him but he couldn't stop the suspiciousness of them plotting something. He thinks that it is wrong to do so, and begins to study English. In 2.5 months, he was speaking English fluently (Funny thing is that he still lack in vocabs...).

He left San Francisco, California on July 2003 (still unsure about the date.)

Los Angeles, California

After leaving San Fransisco, California, he arrived at Los Angeles. He attended (.....) Elementary School, graduated from there. He then attended (.....) Middle School. Teasing and picking was started again in this school, and he remembered the bad memories. At one time, when someone was calling him names, he snapped and lost control of his thought. He got into a fight and actually beat someone up pretty bad that he couldn't move. No one teased him after that fight where he was almost suspended from school. He graduated from that middle school.

High school (Age 15~ Current)

He is now attending (.....) High school. His 9th grade was silent. No friends from the middle school were there, and he was alone. In his 10th grade, he made few friends, but they weren't that interesting to talk with. One time, he got into a fight with his best friend because Anti-APTX4869 forgot about the promise on studying at the (.....) Library for the big test which his friend needed help on. They did not talk to each other for 3 months until Anti-APTX4869 got hit by a Green Buggy. He had a broken leg. he had to be hospitalized for about 5 months. His friend came over shocked and visited him. They became best friends again afterwards. In 11th grade, it is the most boring year ever. Somehow he remembered Detective Conan which he haven't watched in 7.5 years came back to his memory and started searching. On April 5, 2011, he found a website called Detective Conan World. He joined Detective Conan World on April 18, 2011.


Korea - His dog died on February 28,1999. Detective Conan became the only best friend that existed in his mind.

San Francisco - Nothing particular.

Los Angeles - Started surfing website for Detective Conan and found this website, Detective Conan World.

Elementary School - His very first enemy and fear. He quited school in 3 months of attendance.

Middle School - Got into a fight with someone who were calling names. Almost got in trouble, but he was excused.

High School - Got bored too much. Got into a fight with his best friend. Got hit by a Green Buggy.

Depression - See below.


He had them twice. First time he had was when he was 8 years old, and second time was on beginning of April.

First Time

He went through depression alone when he was in Korea. He did not believe in friends at the time. He used his toys as an imitation of his friends who would talk to him and share about their day. He talked to him self quite often and would have mood swings. His parents were aware of this so they went to a doctor and found out that he had symptoms similar "Psychosis." to His school was a place where he would not be safe. He was often teased and beaten by some "thugs" in the school. Sometimes they were too severe and had to go to hospital a lot of times. He was hospitalized for 1 or 2 weeks about 5 times in 3 months. He began to refuse his birthdays shortly after that. He was home schooled by his parents. He learned everything that are taught in elementary school (1st ~ 6th Grade) when he was 8 years old. He doesn't get along with his sisters very well. When he was watching "Detective Conan" series from the TV, which was his Best Friend, his sisters would switch it to something else, such as "Sailor Moon," "Card Captor Cherry (Sakura in Japanese)," "Baby and Me," and other girly stuff. He had no choice to watch those also since he have no actual friends to play with. These events are still in his memory because these events were intense. These were the causes that Anti-APTX4869 believes that caused depression at the early age of 8. He was mostly mute, he barely talked and wrote down what he wanted to say in a piece of paper to tell others what he is trying to say. Because of this, he still have a habit of carrying a notebook and a pencil case no matter inside or outside of his house. He moved to US on June 21st, 2002. Since he had no friends to say good bye to, he was sitting in the back seat while the other family members were saying farewell to their friends and family. In San Fransisco, he went to the "hell" thinking that he would be beaten up again by others who look different than what he would normally see. When they came up close to him or even talk to him, he would be frightened, and would run away. He later realized when he studied English throughly, that they were trying to be friends. He accepted the kindness and the care from others and let his feelings out. His depression ended there when he made friends with new people.

Second Time

There aren't much to say about the second depression. It was about 2 weeks before he joined Detective Conan World. His stress of schoolwork, projects, AP class and his researches caused the depression. He needed to have a joy in life but his friends were not much of a help since he would talk about the educative stuff anyways. On April 10th 2011, he remembered about Detective Conan which was long gone after leaving Korea. He started to surf around the websites and found Detective Conan World. He read posts and the Wiki for the information he missed during the 9 years. He joined on April 18th, 2011, when he found out about the information on 16th movie, which is unsure if it is true or not. He got off the depression when he met friends on Detective Conan World.


Anti-APTX4869 has some odd personalities.


Anti-APTX4869 maybe has the one of the weirdest abnormal taste buds. He loves foods that are extremely Spicy, Bitter, Salty and/or Sour. Ironically, he does not like sweet flavors with an exception of Dark Chocolates and other similar stuff.

  • If he says that the food is salty, it is inedible and you should throw it away. It causes your tongue to dry up.
  • If he says that the food is spicy, it is inedible and you should avoid that. It can be fatal.
  • If he says that the food is sour, it is inedible and you should get away from it. You might not see your face again.
  • If he says that the food is bitter, it is inedible and you should not even look at it. You will suffer from its bitterness
  • If he says that the food is sweet, it is edible but you should run away from him. He might not feel very well.

His Love in Taste

He LOVES bitter and spicy stuff. You should avoid his snacks : Raw Ginger, Raw Ginseng, Tons of vegetables, Wasabi snacks, Raw Jalapeños, etc... If you can withstand his flavors, you are amazing. He also loves things that gives scents for more flavor to the food such as Parsley, Cilantros, Bay Leaves, Coriander, etc... Normally, a person would put it IN THE FOOD, but he will ask for it separately, and put it IN HIS MOUTH and chew on it. Weird. When it comes to food, stay away from his food. They are inedible and fatal. Oddly he have hard time trying to eat sweet stuff like Creams on cake, or extremely sweet stuff. He could barely eat brownies, which is his favorite pastry for desert.

Two Souls, One Body

No he is not a Siamese twin or anything like that. He is a normal person but he switch souls between one or the other. This maybe confusing and it is difficult to explain, but there are two different souls switching back and forth in his body, which explains he shows two different personalties in his posts in Detective Conan World forums. His real self is active most of the time, but sometimes what he calls his 'evil-self' would be pretending that nothing is wrong with him and does what ever he wants to do and turns back into his normal self again shortly after.

Relationship Analysis

The following members are Anti-APTX4869's Best friends in Detective Conan World.
The Stories and the Drawings sections are chronologically ordered. (If they are not, please PM Anti-APTX4869 asap. Thank you!)

IdentityUnknown: DCW's Forever Single Member

Main Article: IdentityUnknown

She is the first person to guide him to Detective Conan World. Anti-APTX4869 learned a lot of stuff about Detective Conan World from her. She is still unknown to everyone in Detective Conan World. It is common to see people who wants to know who she really is. Currently, Mohorovicic is trying to uncover her identity with other members. She is a writer according to her comments.

IdentityUnknown's Stories

So far, Anti-APTX4869 only found one story made by IdentityUnknown on DCW:

Out of DCW, IdentityUnknown has more stories, her most popular one being:

IdentityUnknown's Drawings

So far, Anti-APTX4869 only found one drawing mady by IdentityUnknown:

Mohorovicic: DCW's Maniac Scientist

Main Article: Mohorovicic

He is the second person to help out guiding through Detective Conan World. He is the 8th member of the Lonely hearts Club. He is curious about IdentityUnknown's true identity and is "hunting" her down through cyberspace. Whether he has succeeded or not is currently unknown.

Chelseaj500: DCW's Most Insane Laugher

Main Article: (Insert Link Here)

Anti-APTX4869's favorite member in Detective Conan World for her frequent laughs. He admires her insanity on laughing so he tries to imitate her laugh by his "evil laugh" which he fails to do so because his throat will feel like it will rip apart. She is found everywhere with her famous line "OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~~!!!!!" and the emoticon " :twisted: ". She might be showing up in the posts with these lines along with her crazy ideas. The word crazy and insane is a compliment to her as well as to Anti-APTX4869.

Chelseaj500's Stories

She made a good story of how it will be like to be in the World of Detective Conan. These are Series:

Into the World of Detective Conan

Misaki-Chan: DCW's Biggest Hugger

Main Article: (Insert Link Here)

Anti-APTX4869 chats with this member frequently. She is the 3rd member of the Lonely Hearts Club. Misaki-chan was the founder of the nickname "Cure-kun", to the relief of many members who were getting sore from typing "Anti-APTX4869" so much. Her title, "DCW's Biggest Hugger" was given to her by Anti-APTX4869 since she hugs just about anyone. To those who are slightly uncomfortable with this treatment, she gives "cyber treats" instead. The most popular cyber treat is a "cyber cookie", given to those who are feeling unhappy, depressed, or sick as a way of making them feel better.

Detective Kudo: DCW's Deduction Maniac

Main Article: (Insert Link Here)

Anti-APTX4869's role model in Detective Conan World for his great deductions. Anti-APTX4869 is jealous of his deductions, but he still admires him. Although Anti-APTX4869 have not talked to him much, he is still one of his best friend in Detective Conan World.

Aeyra: The Overachiever

Main Article: (Insert Link Here)

Aeyra is a girl who loves math and science, according to Anti-ATPX4869's thoughts. She shows her intelligent towards math and science through posts somewhere, which is not that common to see. She is a writer and artist.

Aeyra's Stories

Her stories very good. Anti-APTX4869 wishes he can write his own stories as this good. She wrote many stories:

Aeyra's Drawings

She also enjoys drawing and photo shopping as well. They are also very good:

Forever Lost

Main Article: Forever Lost

Forever Lost is the 2nd member of the Lonely Hearts Club. Anti-APTX4869 does not know much about her, but he talks to her in Lonely Hearts Club sometimes. Anti-APTX4869 thinks that she has hurtful pasts that she does not want to talk about or Anti-ATPX4869 have missed somewhere in the posts. According to her own Wiki Bio, she have a great personality, but it was destroyed by what is surrounding her. She have the hurtful past that cannot be explained by words, but through her emotions. Anti-APTX4869 thinks that she is getting better through talking to members in Detective Conan World.

The Lonely Hearts Club

Main Article: The Lonely Hearts Club

The Lonely Hearts Club is a place for those who think they'll never find love in their lives. It is created by IdentityUnknown, who is the Leader of the LHC. Anti-APTX4869 is the 4th member of the Lonely Hearts Club, and the 1st male member in the Lonely Hearts Club.

Fan Fiction

Anti-APTX4869 believes that his writing skills are horrible. He tries his best at it to improve them. His writing style is pretty much a script, and he prefers to stick with basic fact. He believes that "book style" is too complicated.

The Characters for his stories are:

  • Anti-APTX4869 (Cure-kun)
  • Detective Kudo (Kudo)
  • Misaki-chan
  • IdentityUnknown (IU)
  • Chelseaj500 (Chelsea)
  • Kiel
  • Aeyra
  • Mohorovicic (Moho)
  • Sayomi
  • Meitante Holmes (Holmes)
  • Forever Lost (Je-Chan or FL)
  • Maurice

There will be more characters.

He have currently posted 1 Fan Fiction based on the DCW characters.


Anti-APTX4869 believes that his drawing skills are horrible as well. He is interested in drawing numerous things, however, they never come out on paper the way he imagines it in his mind.
So far he can only draw 2 characters:

  • Edogawa Conan
  • Ai Haibara

Links to his drawings.


  • Anti-APTX4869 is ambidextrous. Left side is stronger than the right.
  • Anti-APTX4869 is an insomniac. This is why you will see him around late night.
  • Anti-APTX4869 is a quick-learner. If he learns it correctly, it will be stuck in his head for about 3 weeks minimum.
  • Anti-APTX4869 loves coffee. If he so much as spills one drop, he will fly into a rage.
  • Anti-APTX4869 likes to learn new things. Some teachers actually avoid him at school.
  • Anti-APTX4869 gets hungry after an hour or two between each meal. You will see him with granola bars anywhere.
  • Anti-APTX4869 is getting frustrated for writing all this down, then modifying it, changing it, deleting it, ect..
  • Anti-APTX4896 loves vegetables. He will eat just about anything but eggplants.
  • Anti-APTX4869 hates eggplants. They are his worst enemy, and he will avoid them at all costs.
  • Anti-APTX4869 eats eggs half cooked. He does not like hard-boiled. He likes them especially when it is boiled in Green Tea.
  • Anti-APTX4869 has 40 fish in 3 different tanks. They are all same species. He is doing an experiment on the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.
  • Anti-APTX4869 thought that Psychosis was a type of disease where he would die. He found out it was a Psychological disorder when he read a book shortly after in the library.
  • Anti-APTX4869 got hit by a Green Buggy name plate [4ATX869] O_o... coincidence?
  • Anti-APTX4869 is emotional. He often cries watching sad movie. e.g. Titanic
  • Anti-APTX4869 posted an information about Detective Conan movie 16, but it is unsure if it is real or not. This was his first post in Detective Conan World.

See Also