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From Detective Conan Wiki
(Otona Fami Interview #2 RAW)
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The remaining interviews come from this page : http://conan-4869.net/post-5361
The remaining interviews come from this page : http://conan-4869.net/post-5361
===Mid 90s Interview Unknown===
===Mid 90s Newtype Interview===
Unknown issue of the magazine "Newtype"<br>
Pictures from: http://ayase.blog4.fc2.com/blog-entry-803.html
[[File: interview with image of gosho and kaito.jpg|300px]]
[[File: interview with image of gosho and kaito.jpg|300px]]
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Raw Images
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Raw Images
Raw Images
[[File:Otona Fami 2010-06.jpg|800px|top]]<br>
[[File:Otona Fami 2010-06.jpg|600px]]<br>
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===Monthly BLT Interview RAW===
===Sankei News Interview RAW===
月刊BLT 6月号 2012<br>
『産経ニュース』のインタビュー 「転機 話しましょう」<br>
June 2012<br>
June 23rd, 2012<br>
distant photograph of newspaper Raw
[[File:Sankei Newspaper interview 1.jpg|600px]]
===Gosho's True Intentions Interview RAW===
剛昌先生の本音 ─ ホントの声<br>
November 2012<br>
Posted at : http://andantets.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-550.html
===Sankei News Interview RAW===
===Otona Fami Interview #4 RAW===
『産経ニュース』のインタビュー 「転機 話しましょう」<br>
June 23rd, 2012<br>
June 2013 <br>
─ 今同は先生ご自身に各キャラクターの輝いたシーンやエピソードを選んでいただきたいと思います。
─ 次は蘭が輝いたシーン、行ってみましょう!
─ コナンのライバルのひとり、怪盗キッドはどうでしょう?
青山:『集められた名探偵 工藤新一VS怪盗キッド』。まさか小五郎に変装しているとは思わなかったでしょ?おっちゃんがヘリから飛び出すところまで、読者をうまく騙せたかなと思います。
─ 『まじっく快斗』の怪盗キッドとコナンに登場する怪盗キッドは少し性格が違ってみえます。
─ ところで、赤井と言えば78巻で注目の展開に・・・。
─ それでは西の名探偵・平次はいかがでしょうか?
─ 以前、弊誌のインタビューで、描いていて楽しいキャラは灰原と仰っていましたね。
─ 先生が一番描きやすいキャラは?
distant photograph of newspaper Raw
[[File:Sankei Newspaper interview 1.jpg|600px]]
===Gosho's True Intentions Interview RAW===
剛昌先生の本音 ホントの声<br>
November 2012<br>
─ インスパイアされるのはやっぱり刑事ドラマなどが多いのでしょうか?
─ 最後に先生が一番好きなキャラクターを教えてください!
===Otona Fami Interview #5 RAW===
June 2013 <br>
─ 今同は先生ご自身に各キャラクターの輝いたシーンやエピソードを選んでいただきたいと思います。
─ 青山先生は、今回の劇場版ではどのように関わられたのでしょうか?
─ イージス艦も櫻井さんの発案だったのでしょうか?
─ 先生から見た今回の映画の見どころは?
===Shonen Sunday Lupin Vs Conan Secret Report RAW===
少年サンデー51号|ルパン3世 VS コナン SECRET REPORT<br>
November 20th, 2013 <br>
─ 次は蘭が輝いたシーン、行ってみましょう!
─ コナンのライバルのひとり、怪盗キッドはどうでしょう?
青山:『集められた名探偵 工藤新一VS怪盗キッド』。まさか小五郎に変装しているとは思わなかったでしょ?おっちゃんがヘリから飛び出すところまで、読者をうまく騙せたかなと思います。
─ 『まじっく快斗』の怪盗キッドとコナンに登場する怪盗キッドは少し性格が違ってみえます。
身長:167cm 体重:50kg バスト:99.9cm ウェスト:55.5cm ヒップ:88.8cm
===Otona Fami Interview #5 RAW===
オトナファミ1月号 2014 (Otona Fami or Adult Family January issue of 2014), published November 20, 2013<br>
Raw Images
[[File:Otona Fami 2014-01 Interview 1.jpg|600px]]<br>
[[File:Otona Fami 2014-01 Interview 2.jpg|600px]]
─ ところで、赤井と言えば78巻で注目の展開に・・・。
===Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan: Money Punch and Aoyama Gosho interivew===
ルパン三世 VS 名探偵コナン『モンキー・パンチ&青山剛昌☆作品がひとり歩きしていくのもいい』<br>
December 04, 2013<br>
Source: [http://www.oricon.co.jp/special/828/ link]<br>
Link includes video interview with Monkey Punch and Aoyama Gosho<br>
as well written interview with soccer player Kazuyoshi Miura, a guest star in the movie
2009年のテレビ初共演から4年。大いなる歴史を超えた“天下無敵の大泥棒・ルパン三世”VS“頭脳明晰の名探偵コナン”対決がスクリーンでふたたび実現! そんな同作の公開直前、ルパン三世ファンとコナンファンに向けて、モンキー・パンチ先生&青山剛昌先生の原作者同士の貴重な動画対談が実現! 世代、性別を超えてすべてのファンに贈る熱いメッセージとは☆ 友情出演の“キング”三浦知良、今作で声優に初挑戦した内野聖陽&夏菜のインタビューも!
─ それでは西の名探偵・平次はいかがでしょうか?
【モンキー・パンチ】 前作の評判も良かったし、映画もできるなって感じはしていましたね。映画でちゃんと対決できてよかったと思いました。<br>
【青山】 僕も、たぶん映画になるなと思っていました。GWにコナン、冬にルパコナ、1年に2回も映画をやるとは思ってもみませんでしたけど(笑)。
─ 以前、弊誌のインタビューで、描いていて楽しいキャラは灰原と仰っていましたね。
【青山】 あるパーティーでモンキー・パンチ先生にお目にかかったことがあって、そのとき、僕はサインをいただきました。きちんとお話したのは前回のテレビスペシャルで対談したときなので、5年ぶりです。
【モンキー・パンチ】 僕は少年漫画をあんまり読まないんだけど、『コナン』がうまいなぁと思ったのは、高校生が体だけ子どもになってしまうというキャラクター。このやり方は新鮮だなって思ったし、子どもをターゲットにする上で、うまいと思いました。ルパンもそれをやればよかったな(笑)。<br>
【青山】 とても光栄です。
【青山】 『007』的に変装でき、変声器を使わずとも声色を使い分け、どんな鍵がかかっていてもぱっと開けて盗み出す鮮やかな手口……、もうスーパーマンですね。
─ 先生が一番描きやすいキャラは?
【モンキー・パンチ】 僕は作品がひとり歩きしていくのもいいと思っています。漫画とアニメーションでは表現の仕方が違いますから、アニメのスタッフには自由に作ってくださいと言っています。ただ、キャラクターだけは変えないでくださいってことだけですね。後は自由に作っていただいたらいい。僕が漫画のルパンを描き始めたのは1967年。46年も前ですから、当時の感覚のままでやっていたらかなり古くなってしまいますので、才能ある若い監督さんに今の感覚でやってもらったほうがよりおもしろくなると思っています。これからも思う存分やってくれといいたいですね。<br>
【青山】 僕は原作通りにやってくれといいたがる方(笑)。もうちょっと年をとったらモンキー・パンチ先生のように好きにやってと言うかもしれないですけど。アニメオリジナルを作ることもあるので、そのときは僕もキャラクターだけは崩さないで、と言っています。原作者というだけでなくアニメの原画をやったりしていますし、今回の『ルパコナ』では絵コンテも書きましたし……。実は、アニメーターになりたかったので、アニメにも携われてよかったと思っています。
【モンキー・パンチ】 漫画家さんに聞きたいことはいっぱいあるんですけど……。ストーリーの作り方とか気になりますね。何をヒントに作っているのか、探偵もののなかで何を参考にしているか、聞いてみたいと思っていました。<Br>
【青山】 ありとあらゆるものを参考にしています。刑事ドラマを観て、こういう切り口もありか? とか。僕からの質問は、モンキー・パンチ先生のなかで峰不二子は何歳なんですか?<Br>
【モンキー・パンチ】 僕の漫画では、キャラクターの年齢をはっきり書いていないんですよね。観る人が感じた通りでいいんじゃないかと思って。子どもから見れば不二子はずいぶん年上に見えるだろうし、若者が見れば25~26歳かもしれないし、見る人の感覚にまかせていますね。<br>
【青山】 不二子ちゃんは僕自身の初恋の相手です。先生にとって不二子は恋人ですか?<br>
【モンキー・パンチ】 恋人ではないですね。<br>
【青山】 恋人じゃないのか……。<br>
【モンキー・パンチ】 女性のことはいまだにわからないところがありますから……(笑)。悪いことをしても許せる女性もいれば、腹が立つ女性もいる。不二子の場合はすべてひっくるめているんですよね。物語によってはものすごく腹が立つキャラクターになっている場合もありますし。僕のなかでは、はっきりした不二子像はないんです。
─ 本当によく寝る大人ですよね(笑)。そのほかのキャラクターのベストシーンについて教えてください。
【青山】 好きなのは蘭ちゃんで、気になるのは灰原って感じかな(笑)。
【モンキー・パンチ】 僕の『ルパン』の漫画は大人向けの作品でした。アニメ化でだいぶ対象年齢は下がったんですけど、それでも完全な子ども向けではない。それが、コナンくんが出てくることで、一気に年齢層が広がる感じがしますね。<br>
【青山】 確かに、『コナン』は子どものファンもけっこう多いので、逆に大人のファンが多い『ルパン』と対決することで、子どもから大人まで、あらゆる層の方に観ていただけるんじゃないかと期待しています。<br>
【モンキー・パンチ】 この映画をきっかけに『ルパン三世』『名探偵コナン』ともども、その素晴らしい魅力を再確認してもらいたいです。
===Monkey Punch and Gosho Aoyama Special Talk RAW===
Unknown 2013 <br>
Special talk on the official website of "Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan The Movie"<br>
─ インスパイアされるのはやっぱり刑事ドラマなどが多いのでしょうか?
─ 最後に先生が一番好きなキャラクターを教えてください!
─ 青山先生は、今回の劇場版ではどのように関わられたのでしょうか?
ファンの人たちと同じように公開された時にどんなのができたかなっていう楽しみがありますから。 あんまり深入りしないです。あとで喜んで見てるという感じです。
─ イージス艦も櫻井さんの発案だったのでしょうか?
─ 先生から見た今回の映画の見どころは?
===Shonen Sunday Lupin Vs Conan Secret Report RAW===
少年サンデー51号|ルパン3世 VS コナン SECRET REPORT<br>
November 20th, 2013 <br>
モンキー・パンチ先生:いや、若いからやった方がいいよ!僕はもう、ざるで水を汲んでる感じで、もういい 加減に終わりたいなと思ってた。でも後でアニメになったり映画になったりして、そっちを見る方が楽しいですね。監督さんの作り方によって違ったルパンで、違うルパンであってもルパン三世には変わりないので。今度の監督さんはこういう作り方なんだなと、今度のルパンはまた違った面白さがあるんだなと感じたり、楽しんでいますね。
身長:167cm 体重:50kg バスト:99.9cm ウェスト:55.5cm ヒップ:88.8cm
===Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan: Money Punch and Aoyama Gosho interivew===
ルパン三世 VS 名探偵コナン『モンキー・パンチ&青山剛昌☆作品がひとり歩きしていくのもいい』<br>
December 04, 2013<br>
Source: [http://www.oricon.co.jp/special/828/ link]<br>
Link includes video interview with Monkey Punch and Aoyama Gosho<br>
as well written interview with soccer player Kazuyoshi Miura, a guest star in the movie
2009年のテレビ初共演から4年。大いなる歴史を超えた“天下無敵の大泥棒・ルパン三世”VS“頭脳明晰の名探偵コナン”対決がスクリーンでふたたび実現! そんな同作の公開直前、ルパン三世ファンとコナンファンに向けて、モンキー・パンチ先生&青山剛昌先生の原作者同士の貴重な動画対談が実現! 世代、性別を超えてすべてのファンに贈る熱いメッセージとは☆ 友情出演の“キング”三浦知良、今作で声優に初挑戦した内野聖陽&夏菜のインタビューも!
【モンキー・パンチ】 前作の評判も良かったし、映画もできるなって感じはしていましたね。映画でちゃんと対決できてよかったと思いました。<br>
【青山】 僕も、たぶん映画になるなと思っていました。GWにコナン、冬にルパコナ、1年に2回も映画をやるとは思ってもみませんでしたけど(笑)。
【青山】 あるパーティーでモンキー・パンチ先生にお目にかかったことがあって、そのとき、僕はサインをいただきました。きちんとお話したのは前回のテレビスペシャルで対談したときなので、5年ぶりです。
【モンキー・パンチ】 僕は少年漫画をあんまり読まないんだけど、『コナン』がうまいなぁと思ったのは、高校生が体だけ子どもになってしまうというキャラクター。このやり方は新鮮だなって思ったし、子どもをターゲットにする上で、うまいと思いました。ルパンもそれをやればよかったな(笑)。<br>
【青山】 とても光栄です。
【青山】 『007』的に変装でき、変声器を使わずとも声色を使い分け、どんな鍵がかかっていてもぱっと開けて盗み出す鮮やかな手口……、もうスーパーマンですね。
【モンキー・パンチ】 僕は作品がひとり歩きしていくのもいいと思っています。漫画とアニメーションでは表現の仕方が違いますから、アニメのスタッフには自由に作ってくださいと言っています。ただ、キャラクターだけは変えないでくださいってことだけですね。後は自由に作っていただいたらいい。僕が漫画のルパンを描き始めたのは1967年。46年も前ですから、当時の感覚のままでやっていたらかなり古くなってしまいますので、才能ある若い監督さんに今の感覚でやってもらったほうがよりおもしろくなると思っています。これからも思う存分やってくれといいたいですね。<br>
【青山】 僕は原作通りにやってくれといいたがる方(笑)。もうちょっと年をとったらモンキー・パンチ先生のように好きにやってと言うかもしれないですけど。アニメオリジナルを作ることもあるので、そのときは僕もキャラクターだけは崩さないで、と言っています。原作者というだけでなくアニメの原画をやったりしていますし、今回の『ルパコナ』では絵コンテも書きましたし……。実は、アニメーターになりたかったので、アニメにも携われてよかったと思っています。
【モンキー・パンチ】 漫画家さんに聞きたいことはいっぱいあるんですけど……。ストーリーの作り方とか気になりますね。何をヒントに作っているのか、探偵もののなかで何を参考にしているか、聞いてみたいと思っていました。<Br>
【青山】 ありとあらゆるものを参考にしています。刑事ドラマを観て、こういう切り口もありか? とか。僕からの質問は、モンキー・パンチ先生のなかで峰不二子は何歳なんですか?<Br>
【モンキー・パンチ】 僕の漫画では、キャラクターの年齢をはっきり書いていないんですよね。観る人が感じた通りでいいんじゃないかと思って。子どもから見れば不二子はずいぶん年上に見えるだろうし、若者が見れば25~26歳かもしれないし、見る人の感覚にまかせていますね。<br>
【青山】 不二子ちゃんは僕自身の初恋の相手です。先生にとって不二子は恋人ですか?<br>
【モンキー・パンチ】 恋人ではないですね。<br>
【青山】 恋人じゃないのか……。<br>
【モンキー・パンチ】 女性のことはいまだにわからないところがありますから……(笑)。悪いことをしても許せる女性もいれば、腹が立つ女性もいる。不二子の場合はすべてひっくるめているんですよね。物語によってはものすごく腹が立つキャラクターになっている場合もありますし。僕のなかでは、はっきりした不二子像はないんです。
青山剛昌先生:じゃあTHE MOVIEの2は3Dで(笑)
【青山】 好きなのは蘭ちゃんで、気になるのは灰原って感じかな(笑)。
【モンキー・パンチ】 僕の『ルパン』の漫画は大人向けの作品でした。アニメ化でだいぶ対象年齢は下がったんですけど、それでも完全な子ども向けではない。それが、コナンくんが出てくることで、一気に年齢層が広がる感じがしますね。<br>
【青山】 確かに、『コナン』は子どものファンもけっこう多いので、逆に大人のファンが多い『ルパン』と対決することで、子どもから大人まで、あらゆる層の方に観ていただけるんじゃないかと期待しています。<br>
【モンキー・パンチ】 この映画をきっかけに『ルパン三世』『名探偵コナン』ともども、その素晴らしい魅力を再確認してもらいたいです。
===Monkey Punch and Gosho Aoyama Special Talk RAW===
Unknown 2013 <br>
モンキー・パンチ先生:僕も『DEAD OR ALIVE』で口出ししたのは、最初と終わりでした。
ファンの人たちと同じように公開された時にどんなのができたかなっていう楽しみがありますから。 あんまり深入りしないです。あとで喜んで見てるという感じです。
モンキー・パンチ先生:いや、若いからやった方がいいよ!僕はもう、ざるで水を汲んでる感じで、もういい 加減に終わりたいなと思ってた。でも後でアニメになったり映画になったりして、そっちを見る方が楽しいですね。監督さんの作り方によって違ったルパンで、違うルパンであってもルパン三世には変わりないので。今度の監督さんはこういう作り方なんだなと、今度のルパンはまた違った面白さがあるんだなと感じたり、楽しんでいますね。
Original link : http://lupicona-movie.com/specialtalk.html (page died)<br>
Webpage screenshot
[[File:Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan The Movie Special Talk.png|200px]]
===New Years Postcard list RAW===
Collected postcard list from 2014 and 2015 <br>
青山剛昌先生:じゃあTHE MOVIEの2は3Dで(笑)
モンキー・パンチ先生:僕も『DEAD OR ALIVE』で口出ししたのは、最初と終わりでした。
===AnimeAnime Interview RAW===
劇場版「名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手」公開直前 原作・青山剛昌先生インタビュー <br>
(before) April 18, 2014 <br>
http://animeanime.jp/article/2014/04/18/18340.html <br>
―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
そうですね、バイオリズムみたいなものです! オリンピック選手がオリンピックに向けて技術や体調を整えるように、僕もそこに向かって盛り上げる。今回のように原作と同じネタで盛り上がるのは初めてです。
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
映画やドラマを見て研究しています。最近のお気に入りはドラマ『福家警部補の挨拶』で音楽がかっこよくて好きです。最近見た映画では『ローン・レンジャー』『96時間 リベンジ』。
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
partial Raw
===Da Vinci Interviews (WITH RAWS)===
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the Japanese actor Takeru Satoh, leaked April 13, 2014<br>
[[File:Monkey Punch Gosho Aoyama interview 1.jpg|600px]]
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the fans/reporters/whatever, leaked April 15, 2014<br>
Translated by ALAKTORN <br>
===New Years Postcard list RAW===
So apparently a large chunk of this interview was never typed up AND this is only the cross talk with Takeru Satoh, <br>
not the "LONG INTERVIEW" from this issue of the magazine.
Collected postcard list from 2014 and 2015 <br>
'''Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama Cross Talk translated (partial interview)'''
(Interviewer?) Going on for 20 years is exceptional, isn’t it? Is thinking of the trick the hardest part?
(Aoyama) I think of the trick together with the chief editor during meetings. So, every time the editor changes, it’s a bother. I have to explain to him things all over again, like who the boss of the organization is, etc.
You’re nonchalantly talking about an amazing topic. That subject is sensitive… I’m purposefully not thinking much about it, because I want to be surprised at the reveal. But… when did you decide on who was the boss?
Hmm… it was about here, I guess. (While picking up a volume of the manga that was there)
【一同】おおお――!! 大ヒントじゃないですか!<br>
(all present) Ooooohh!! That’s a big hint!
(interviewer) This isn’t good. If you read that volume you’ll figure it out. I can’t write this.
A point worthy of note in Conan is also the love-comedy, isn’t it?
The love-comedy scenes are a big hassle. It takes a long time to think up cool lines for those situations.
I love Haibara. I really do. She’s a scientist and so cool.
【青山】灰原かー! 灰原、人気あるんですよ。<br>
Haibara, huh? Haibara is pretty popular.
At the beginning, we didn’t know if she was a friend or an enemy. But in the end, there is the moment where she opens her heart. She caught my heart when she ate Ran’s rice porridge and cutely said “hot…!” (volume 41, “The Secret Hidden in the Restroom”). I’m certain that Haibara likes Conan. But, understanding their complicated situation, she doesn’t take action. That’s on my mind. I also like Hayashibara Megumi-san. She has a beautiful voice.<br>
When making a character, I think “if I draw/write her like this, she’ll be popular”, I can more or less anticipate it. But, just for Haibara, her popularity highly exceeded my expectations. I think Hayashibara-san’s voice is loud. Haibara Ai’s Ai comes from Irene Adler. The only one to have defeated Sherlock Holmes, “that woman”.<br>
===AnimeAnime Interview RAW===
劇場版「名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手」公開直前 原作・青山剛昌先生インタビュー <br>
Huh? Isn’t that important information!?<br>
(before) April 18, 2014 <br>
http://animeanime.jp/article/2014/04/18/18340.html <br>
Yes, it’s the first time I’ve revealed it. In the manga, it’s said that “Ai” comes from the “I” in “V.I. Warshawsky”, but the truth is that it comes from Irene. It’s my special present to you.<br>
【佐藤】すごい! ありがとうございます!<br>
Awesome! Thank you very much!<br>
Edit: forgot to translate the last line, it basically says that the magazine itself has much more about the interview, so maybe it’d be nice if we got that (or maybe it’s in the second link, haven’t read it yet).
―青山 <br>
(Aoyama) tn: I don’t know what he’s saying exactly. Attempted translation: “If I were to spoil “that”, I thought it’d be good to make them link. That information is secret though. Rather… you’d find out that person’s real identity.” tn: he says ano hito, not ano kata, so I’m not sure who he’s talking about…
―AA <br>
 えっ! さらっと重要なこと言いましたよね!?<br>
(interviewer?) Eh!? You just said something important without hesitation!?
Right now, Sera is fun to write.<br>
tn: yes he jumps from one topic to another randomly, these interviews are weird
―AA <br>
(interviewer) She’s suspected of being Akai’s sister, and it seems like she’s related with Conan from the past, a mysterious person. She’ll probably influence future developments in a big way. The fans also think that Haneda Shūkichi is a key person.
―青山 <br>
Well, he is… quite complex. He’ll appear from now on too. Soon, I’ll go collect data at the professional shogi players' championship series. Haneda’s “Hane” comes from Yoshiharu Habu (tn: the kanji 羽 can be read both “Hane” and just “Ha”). In the manga, things like “that person’s” real identity and even more will be revelead one after the other. (tn: again, “ano hito”, not “ano kata”, so I’m not sure he’s talking about the boss, that would be insane…) First, Amuro Tōru’s real name will be revealed. Then, why did he think of Haibara’s mother, Elena, will also be explained. (tn: not sure about this phrase.) Two mothers will also be revealed as being sisters, etc.…… A lot of things are connected together. This is bad, I’m talking too much. Well, please look forward to the manga.
そうですね、バイオリズムみたいなものです! オリンピック選手がオリンピックに向けて技術や体調を整えるように、僕もそこに向かって盛り上げる。今回のように原作と同じネタで盛り上がるのは初めてです。
どうか! どうか、あと二つ質問させてください! 黒ずくめの組織の目的とはナニ? APTX4869の作用から考えると、不老不死が怪しいのでは……。<br>
Please! Please, let me ask 2 more questions! What is the BO’s goal? Going by the APTX4869, I would think immortality…
That’s wrong. It’s true that you’d think that, isn’t it? You see, right now, something really big is happening within the organization.
―AA <br>
え―っ、すごい気になる! では、誰もが知りたい最大の謎。黒ずくめの組織のボス“あの方”とは誰ですか? 阿笠博士はかなり以前から取り沙汰され、青山は公式に否定している。コナンの父・工藤優作も有力候補の一人だが。<br>
Eeeh, I’m super curious! Then, the question everyone wants answered. Who is Anokata? (tn: used “ano kata” this time, not “hito”.) Agasa Hakase was being rumored for a long time, but you have officially denied it. Conan’s father, Kudō Yūsaku is also a very big contender…
―青山 <br>
【青山】「優作も違います。もう決めました。これからは、“あの方”の質問は受け付けません! だってわかっちゃったらつまらないでしょ。読者の皆さんと俺で、これからも推理合戦をしましょう!」――<br>
Yūsaku is also wrong. Now I’ve decided. From now on, I will never accept questions about “Anokata”! (tn: not “ano hito” this time.) I mean, it would be no fun if it was figured out. Readers, let’s continue our deduction battle!
[[File:Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama interview1.jpg|300px|]]
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―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
映画やドラマを見て研究しています。最近のお気に入りはドラマ『福家警部補の挨拶』で音楽がかっこよくて好きです。最近見た映画では『ローン・レンジャー』『96時間 リベンジ』。
[[File:Davinci Long interview1.jpg|300px|]]
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―AA <br>
===Detective Conan Character Visual Book Voice Actor interviews===
Voice Actor interviews September 2014<br>
[[File:Character Visual Book1.jpg|300px]]<br>
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―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
===20th Anniversary DVD collection guidebook interviews RAW===
Pictures from: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295749-1-1.html <br>
'''Aoyama Interview'''
<!--[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview1.jpg|300px]]
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―青山 <br>
'''Aoyama Video Interview'''<br>
Spanish post: http://tanteikid.blogspot.it/2016/08/detective-conan-20th-anniversary.html <br>
Red Thread English post with video: https://www.facebook.com/DCTheRedThread/videos/1199107286807889/
―AA <br>
'''Voice Actors'''
Takayama Interiew (Conan)<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview9.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview8.jpg|300px]]
―青山 <br>
Yamazaki Wakana (Ran)<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview10.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview11.jpg|300px]]
===Da Vinci Interviews (WITH RAWS)===
Hori Yuitoshi (Gin)<br>
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the Japanese actor Takeru Satoh, leaked April 13, 2014<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview12.jpg|300px]]
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the fans/reporters/whatever, leaked April 15, 2014<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview13.jpg|300px]]
Translated by ALAKTORN <br>
So apparently a large chunk of this interview was never typed up AND this is only the cross talk with Takeru Satoh, <br>
Furuya Touru (Bourbon)<br>
not the "LONG INTERVIEW" from this issue of the magazine.  
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview14.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview15.jpg|300px]]
'''Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama Cross Talk translated (partial interview)'''
(Interviewer?) Going on for 20 years is exceptional, isn’t it? Is thinking of the trick the hardest part?
Hayashibara Megumi (Ai)<br>
(Aoyama) I think of the trick together with the chief editor during meetings. So, every time the editor changes, it’s a bother. I have to explain to him things all over again, like who the boss of the organization is, etc.
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview16.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview17.jpg|300px]]
Ikeda Shuuichi (Shuuichi)<br>
You’re nonchalantly talking about an amazing topic. That subject is sensitive… I’m purposefully not thinking much about it, because I want to be surprised at the reveal. But… when did you decide on who was the boss?
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview18.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview19.jpg|300px]]
Hmm… it was about here, I guess. (While picking up a volume of the manga that was there)
【一同】おおお――!! 大ヒントじゃないですか!<br>
Koyama Rikiya (Kogoro)<br>
(all present) Ooooohh!! That’s a big hint!
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview20.jpg|300px]]
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Yamaguchi Kappei (Kaitou Kid)<br>
(interviewer) This isn’t good. If you read that volume you’ll figure it out. I can’t write this.
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview22.jpg|300px]]
A point worthy of note in Conan is also the love-comedy, isn’t it?
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview23.jpg|300px]]
Horikawa Ryo (Heiji)<br>
The love-comedy scenes are a big hassle. It takes a long time to think up cool lines for those situations.
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview24.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview25.jpg|300px]]
Hidaka Noriko (Masumi)<br>
I love Haibara. I really do. She’s a scientist and so cool.
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview26.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview27.jpg|300px]]
【青山】灰原かー! 灰原、人気あるんですよ。<br>
Yuya Atsuko, Takagi Wataru, Chiba Isshin, Tanaka Rie, Kato Yuko, Inoue Kazuhiko, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Sugimoto Yu, Orikasa Ai, Chafurin (Police)<br>
Haibara, huh? Haibara is pretty popular.
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview28.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview29.jpg|300px]]
Iwai Yukiko, Ootani Ikue, Wakagi Wataru, Ogata Kenichi (Detective Boys)<br>
At the beginning, we didn’t know if she was a friend or an enemy. But in the end, there is the moment where she opens her heart. She caught my heart when she ate Ran’s rice porridge and cutely said “hot…!” (volume 41, “The Secret Hidden in the Restroom”). I’m certain that Haibara likes Conan. But, understanding their complicated situation, she doesn’t take action. That’s on my mind. I also like Hayashibara Megumi-san. She has a beautiful voice.<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview30.jpg|300px]]
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Yamaguchi Kappei (Shinichi)<br>
When making a character, I think “if I draw/write her like this, she’ll be popular”, I can more or less anticipate it. But, just for Haibara, her popularity highly exceeded my expectations. I think Hayashibara-san’s voice is loud. Haibara Ai’s Ai comes from Irene Adler. The only one to have defeated Sherlock Holmes, “that woman”.<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview36.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview37.jpg|300px]]
Furuya Toru and Ikeda Shuichi (Amuro and Akai)<br>
Huh? Isn’t that important information!?<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview38.jpg|300px]]
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[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview41.jpg|300px]]
Yes, it’s the first time I’ve revealed it. In the manga, it’s said that “Ai” comes from the “I” in “V.I. Warshawsky”, but the truth is that it comes from Irene. It’s my special present to you.<br>
Yamamoto Yasuichirou (Director) X Shizuno Koubun (Director)<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff1.jpg|300px]]
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【佐藤】すごい! ありがとうございます!<br>
Sakurai Takeharu (Scenario Writer)<br>
Awesome! Thank you very much!<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff5.jpg|300px]]
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Edit: forgot to translate the last line, it basically says that the magazine itself has much more about the interview, so maybe it’d be nice if we got that (or maybe it’s in the second link, haven’t read it yet).  
Suwa Michihiko (Producer)<br>
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[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff10.jpg|300px]]
Oono Katsuo (Music)<br>
(Aoyama) tn: I don’t know what he’s saying exactly. Attempted translation: “If I were to spoil “that”, I thought it’d be good to make them link. That information is secret though. Rather… you’d find out that person’s real identity.” tn: he says ano hito, not ano kata, so I’m not sure who he’s talking about…
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff11.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff12.jpg|300px]]<br>
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[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff14.jpg|300px]]
 えっ! さらっと重要なこと言いましたよね!?<br>
Sudou Masatomo (Character's format design / chief of animation directors)<br>
(interviewer?) Eh!? You just said something important without hesitation!?
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff15.jpg|300px]]
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff16.jpg|300px]]
Kodama Kenji (Director)<br>
Right now, Sera is fun to write.<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff17.jpg|300px]]
tn: yes he jumps from one topic to another randomly, these interviews are weird
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff18.jpg|300px]]<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview staff19.jpg|300px]]
(interviewer) She’s suspected of being Akai’s sister, and it seems like she’s related with Conan from the past, a mysterious person. She’ll probably influence future developments in a big way. The fans also think that Haneda Shūkichi is a key person.
Well, he is… quite complex. He’ll appear from now on too. Soon, I’ll go collect data at the professional shogi players' championship series. Haneda’s “Hane” comes from Yoshiharu Habu (tn: the kanji 羽 can be read both “Hane” and just “Ha”). In the manga, things like “that person’s” real identity and even more will be revelead one after the other. (tn: again, “ano hito”, not “ano kata”, so I’m not sure he’s talking about the boss, that would be insane…) First, Amuro Tōru’s real name will be revealed. Then, why did he think of Haibara’s mother, Elena, will also be explained. (tn: not sure about this phrase.) Two mothers will also be revealed as being sisters, etc.…… A lot of things are connected together. This is bad, I’m talking too much. Well, please look forward to the manga.
どうか! どうか、あと二つ質問させてください! 黒ずくめの組織の目的とはナニ? APTX4869の作用から考えると、不老不死が怪しいのでは……。<br>
Please! Please, let me ask 2 more questions! What is the BO’s goal? Going by the APTX4869, I would think immortality…
That’s wrong. It’s true that you’d think that, isn’t it? You see, right now, something really big is happening within the organization.
え―っ、すごい気になる! では、誰もが知りたい最大の謎。黒ずくめの組織のボス“あの方”とは誰ですか? 阿笠博士はかなり以前から取り沙汰され、青山は公式に否定している。コナンの父・工藤優作も有力候補の一人だが。<br>
Eeeh, I’m super curious! Then, the question everyone wants answered. Who is Anokata? (tn: used “ano kata” this time, not “hito”.) Agasa Hakase was being rumored for a long time, but you have officially denied it. Conan’s father, Kudō Yūsaku is also a very big contender…
【青山】「優作も違います。もう決めました。これからは、“あの方”の質問は受け付けません! だってわかっちゃったらつまらないでしょ。読者の皆さんと俺で、これからも推理合戦をしましょう!」――<br>
Yūsaku is also wrong. Now I’ve decided. From now on, I will never accept questions about “Anokata”! (tn: not “ano hito” this time.) I mean, it would be no fun if it was figured out. Readers, let’s continue our deduction battle!
'''Song Artist'''
[[File:Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama interview1.jpg|300px|]]
Mai Kuraki (Music)<br>
[[File:Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama interview2.jpg|300px|]]<br>
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===Movie 20 "Truth in Black" Booklet===
Pictures from : http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4508220071 <br>
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This Page is Missing from the source link<br>
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===Detective Conan Character Visual Book Voice Actor interviews===
===Animedia Gosho Interview ===
Voice Actor interviews September 2014<br>
June issue of 2016 <br>
released May 10th, 2016 <br>
Issue has the phrase "Next Conan's Dream" across the bottom in pink cursive letters <br>
Also has interviews with a few of the voice cast like Takayama Minami<br>
Sources of the images
http://imgur.com/a/3g1cj <br>
http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4539147071 <br>
Gosho Interview
[[File:Character Visual Book1.jpg|300px]]<br>
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===Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama 2016===
Interview with Gosho from 2016 inserted into book after a reproduction of 2003 interview<br>
images from : https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295984-1-1.html <br>
===20th Anniversary DVD collection guidebook interviews RAW===
Pictures from: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295749-1-1.html <br>
'''Aoyama Interview'''
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'''Aoyama Video Interview'''<br>
===20 Year Cinema Guide interviews ===
Spanish post: http://tanteikid.blogspot.it/2016/08/detective-conan-20th-anniversary.html <br>
Interviews with the cast and crew of the movies as well as Gosho 2016.<br>
Red Thread English post with video: https://www.facebook.com/DCTheRedThread/videos/1199107286807889/
'''Voice Actors'''
Takayama Interiew (Conan)<br>
[[File:20 Year Cinema Guide Inerview1.jpg|300px]]<br>
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[[File:20 Year Cinema Guide Inerview3.jpg|300px]]<br>
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Yamazaki Wakana (Ran)<br>
[[File:20 Year Cinema Guide Inerview5.jpg|300px]]<br>
[[File:DVD collection 2016 interview10.jpg|300px]]
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=== Asahi Newspaper Interview 2016 ===
「名探偵コナン」青山剛昌さんがエール July 16, 2016 <br>
Source: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-296434-1-1.html <br>
Raw text<br>
鳥取の球児 ガンバレ
Hori Yuitoshi (Gin)<br>
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Furuya Touru (Bourbon)<br>
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Hayashibara Megumi (Ai)<br>
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Ikeda Shuuichi (Shuuichi)<br>
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Koyama Rikiya (Kogoro)<br>
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Yamaguchi Kappei (Kaitou Kid)<br>
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Horikawa Ryo (Heiji)<br>
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Hidaka Noriko (Masumi)<br>
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Yuya Atsuko, Takagi Wataru, Chiba Isshin, Tanaka Rie, Kato Yuko, Inoue Kazuhiko, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Sugimoto Yu, Orikasa Ai, Chafurin (Police)<br>
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Iwai Yukiko, Ootani Ikue, Wakagi Wataru, Ogata Kenichi (Detective Boys)<br>
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Yamaguchi Kappei (Shinichi)<br>
 あおやま・ごうしょう  1963年、北栄町(旧大栄町)出身。日本大学芸術学部卒。86年、「ちょっとまってて」で小学館新人コミック大賞少年部門に入選、94年から「週刊少年サンデー」(小学館)で「名探偵コナン」の連載を開始。単行本は89巻まで刊行され、世界21の国と地域で翻訳、出版されている。テレビアニメなどにもなり、映画は今年公開の「名探偵コナン 純黒の悪夢」で20作目。ほかに「まじっく快斗」「YAIBA」などの作品がある。
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Furuya Toru and Ikeda Shuichi (Amuro and Akai)<br>
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=== Akai and Amuro Secret Files Voice Actors Interview 2016 ===
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The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. It would be preferable if we could find more interviews and get them located here. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/
===Mystery Museum Interview===
June 10th, 1997<br>
Gosho profile, Gosho's 4 special secrets<br>
Movie 1 producer and director interviews<br>
Voice actors talk<br>
Movie, and tv op / ed themes profiles<br>
Translation by Yuniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/149893527591/mystery-museum-interview-97-english-123 part 1], [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/149940982821/end-mystery-museum-interview-97-english-4-5 part 2]<br>
Yamamoto Yasuichirou (Director) X Shizuno Koubun (Director)<br>
Aoyama Gosho-sensei talks about Conan passionately!!<br>
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The first person whom we’ll interview is the author of ‘Meitantei Conan’,<br>
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the one who creates Conan’s brilliant deduction, Aoyama Gosho-sensei!
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Sakurai Takeharu (Scenario Writer)<br>
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Suwa Michihiko (Producer)<br>
He just saw Conan movie, [Meitantei Conan, The Time-Bombed Skyscraper], so he’ll surely speak about it!
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Oono Katsuo (Music)<br>
(I loved the movie!! I was really moved by it)
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'''I created the last scene when I was in middle school.'''<br>
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Thank you, it’s Aoyama. [Meitantei Conan] became a movie, and I have to share a word or two of my happiness. When it became an anime, I thought that someday it could became popular. I loved movies since the very childhood.<br>
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I love detectives, of course, but the works of Kurosawa Akira are my favourite. His samurai works, for example. He kind of influenced my previous work before [Meitantei Conan], [YAIBA]. When I think about manga compositing, I look at it from filming angle. I draw thinking about camera positioning.<br>
The last scene of [The Time-Bombed Skyscraper] was my idea I came up when I was a child. Around middle school age, or something like this, I imagined it after seeing a scene like this with spies. I come up with a lot of scenes after watching movies or TV. Especially when I watch something boring, I think something like 'I would’ve made it like this’. Though recently I’m not quite free to watch movies :)<br>
'''Try to find a cell I drew!'''<br>
Right-right, I just saw this movie… Whole movie :) I want to talk about the last scene. Like I just said, I had this idea since the very childhood. Connected by a red string… I wanted to make something like this. I wanted to use it in [Magic Kaito], but I didn’t get a chance. And it was not an idea that’ll suit [YAIBA]. Thus I put it off, but now had a chance to use it in a movie. Well, I came up with it when I was a child, but to tie this to Shinichi’s birthday… and other small details I thought off after getting a chance to use it in a movie. I want you to search key frames I drew for the last scene. 9 key scenes at all. I drew line art and it was filled by the incredible anime staff.<br>
That’s why I really wanted to see the last scene. I really couldn’t wait for it. And
Sudou Masatomo (Character's format design / chief of animation directors)<br>
'''I’m extremely grateful to anime staff!'''<br>
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Anime staff has incredible people… About seiyuus, Conan could only be Takayama Minami-san. She’s the best for him. I really love OP and ED themes. [Mune ga Doki-Doki] is my favourite. Utoku Keiko-san’s [Hikari to Kage no  Roman] also differs from everything that were before and it’s a really nice feeling. I also really like [Happy Birthday].  <br>
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I was a real fan of Kyoko-san’s husky voice since BARBEE BOYS :) Oono Katsu’s band’s music is also great. I loved them since they wrote the music to [Taiyou ni horoe!]. I always draw CD covers with all my might, as a way to say 'thank you’ to them :) Kodama director work was also cool. Anyway, I am really grateful to everyone if anime staff!<br>
Anime’s benefit is that it has sound. Well, of course it is :) Especially it was great at Moonlight Sonata’s episode. When I drew the manga, I listened to 'Moonlight Sonata’, to be honest. Moonlight Sonata 2nd Movement is especially great! And it came up just like I thought.<br>
Anime has a lot of benefits but… Manga will not surrender! Anime can’t show, for example, two-paged spread of Shinichi’s sudden appearance. Manga’s benefit is also that it helps reader to make their own deductions.
Kodama Kenji (Director)<br>
'''The anime became really good, so I’ll try my best for the manga not to be defeated!!'''
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'''Song Artist'''
Mai Kuraki (Music)<br>
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===Movie 20 "Truth in Black" Booklet===
'''4 secrets of Aoyama Gosho!'''<br>
Pictures from : http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4508220071 <br>
According to Puppeteer-Detective, Yama-chan’s manga, Aoyama-sensei really enjoys staying at home. While investigating whether this is true, we found it that he doesn’t go outside except for convenient stores and family restaurants! He usually goes to the places that are in 50m radius around his home/studio. When we found out what was the longest distance he went for recently… It was a press-conference for [Meitantei Conan, The Time-Bombed Skyscraper]. Looks like it is a 'record length Aoyama Gosho went out for’. When we invaded Aoyama-sensei’s studio/home, it was a really a really nice mansion with an incredible night view! Of course you wouldn’t want to go outside of such a nice place!<br>
'''He doesn’t play games?'''<br>
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Aoyama-sensei loved games since childhood… that was a rumour we heard, but turns out, according to Alco-Detective’s Tani Yutaka’s manga, he doesn’t play games at all recently. Is it true? After invading Studio/Home, we found it! A mountain of games, which weren’t even open! We also found a lot around his TV! The manga was true! According to the interview, Aoyama-sensei [Has to play everything since Dragon Quest VI~]. This game came out in 1995… That means he didn’t play his favourite game for a year?! That’s horrible…<br>
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'''You’re so busy, do you eat properly?'''<br>
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Aoyama-sensei is so busy he can’t even play his favourite games. If he’s that busy, we’re worrying is he eats properly. Fatty Detective’s yonkoma shows that he’s eating well… Aoyama-sensei’s daily schedule is to create a storyboard once in 4 days, and the next two days lining it down with assistants, and only one free day. What does he do at 5 days without the assistants? After a week investigation, we found out which family restaurants and convenient stores he uses. There’s a rumour that when his favourite convenient store was closed due to remodelling, he was about to starve…<br>
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'''He’s really serious when it comes to work?'''<br>
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And the last investigation was about his work! Bravo Detective’s yonkoma shows that he’s really strict at manga… looks like it, at least. But he doesn’t go anywhere, he can’t play his favourite games, eats in convenient stores and family restaurants… Didn’t he ever thought [I can’t stand [Meitantei Conan] anymore!] We decided to ask Aoyama-sensei himself!  <br>
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[I still have a lot I want to draw in [Meitantei Conan]. It doesn’t seem like ending (TN: It was 1997. I’m translating it in 2016 AND STILL GOING). [Kaito Kid] just appeared in it too finally… Wonder if I’ll see it in anime soon <3 Besides, I want to use Heiji’s hometown, Osaka as a stage more often… And I want to draw a Woman in Black too!!]… looks like our worries were for nothing.
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===Animedia Gosho Interview ===
'''Well then, next people we’ll interview are people who created [Meitantei Conan] anime.''' Kodama Kenji director, Yomiuri TV producer Suwa Michihiko-san amd Tokyo Movie producer, Yoshioka Masahito-san. You have different opinions about [Conan]? But they are the same in one - everyone loves it and had a lot of fun creating it, that’s why anime [Conan] is so great!
June issue of 2016 <br>
released May 10th, 2016 <br>
Issue has the phrase "Next Conan's Dream" across the bottom in pink cursive letters <br>
Also has interviews with a few of the voice cast like Takayama Minami<br>
Sources of the images
'''(We put in film a lot of stuff we were not able to put in TV anime)'''
http://imgur.com/a/3g1cj <br>
http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4539147071 <br>
Gosho Interview
First: Kodama Kenji
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===Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama 2016===
'''Which anime did you wanted to create?'''<br>
Interview with Gosho from 2016 inserted into book after a reproduction of 2003 interview<br>
I wanted to create a piece that would be enjoyed by adults. But I also wanted children to enjoy it too.<br>
images from : https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295984-1-1.html <br>
'''What is special to anime?'''<br>
Conan’s mystery solving is pretty easy to understand, I think. In manga it’s explained only by Conan himself, but in anime details are shown onscreen. Besides, characters can move.<br>
'''This film is love romance?'''<br>
[Conan]’s world’s love romance can be created only by Aoyama-sensei. If we’ll make something, we could break original manga’s world. That’s why we usually base everything on what was shown in manga. (TN: Cough. KaitoKid. Cough). In the film Aoyama-sensei planned a love romance subplot, so we started without second thoughts.
'''What do you want to note in this film?'''<br>
It enjoys all your senses. You watch you hear, your brain works out deductions, and your heart is moved by love romance. At the 5 minutes after beginning my heart started to beat quickly. The screen is so wide, so we can drew even smallest details, and that, I think, leaves a different impact than TV anime. That was the greatest work and I doubt I’ll be able to create something like that… said I, but guess what I’ll do if there would be another movie adaptation :)
'''Three main points of anime [Meitantei Conan]?'''<br>
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Suwa: Maybe the fact that the anime is a big lie. It’s not real, but talks about reality a lot. And the deduction. That’s the best. TN: I didn’t get it. Maybe I’m wrong.<br>
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Yoshioka: Three, huh. First is the deduction that even adults can enjoy. Second one is slapstick action with the Detective Boys. And the third one is love romance, which Aoyama-sensei spoke about.<br>
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TV anime continues while using all three.<br>
'''[Conan] movie had a lot of strong points'''<br>
Yoshioka: The movie had those three main points I just spoke about.<br>
Suwa: Felt like a big amusement park…  With a jet coaster, beautiful night view and a lot of attractions. Of course we enjoyed creating TV anime too, but this movie was something extra special. We hope that viewers had a lot of good experience with it.<br>
'''What you tried to achieve with this movie?'''<br>
Yoshioka: We want to make a lot of action we can’t do because of usual TV episode time limit. And on familiar scenery. Conan didn’t went overseas, and incidents and crimes happens nearby, with Detective Boys dealing with it.<br>
Suwa: I wanted to tell a long story. Since the movie is something you can dive into and it has a long running time. But I wanted to make it with breathtaking speed.<br>
Yoshioka: I wanted to create a movie with compilation of action and deduction.<br>
Suwa:  That was a movie like a takoyaki with red pasta.<br>
Yoshioka: That was really great till the very end. Like a jet coaster ride, where you can’t leave your seats.
===20 Year Cinema Guide interviews ===
'''We’re proud of our team work.'''<br>
Interviews with the cast and crew of the movies as well as Gosho 2016.<br>
'''Seiyuu-san, devoting their lives to anime [Meitantei Conan]. What do they think about characters they are playing? What is the atmosphere in the studio? Afrec (after recording) just ended, let’s hear them live!
What is Conan’s charm?'''<br>
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Takayama: Conan has that self-devotion trait of his, you see. He’ll never cheat, and he will try to protect the one and only girl for his whole life. That’s his charm. I played a role of main character in Aoyama-sensei’s previous work, [YAIBA], and he’s such type.<br>
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I wonder if Aoyama-sensei himself is a man like this… Women should be very happy (TN: My heart melted, they married after, sadly divorced though ;v;)<br>
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'''What was like recording for the movie?'''<br>
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Takayama: Even if it was a movie, it wasn’t really different from the usual.<br>
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Kamiya: As usual, we acted according to the director.<br>
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Takayama: But the story really made me nervous. That was not random bombing? If you don’t solve it soon, everyone should be in danger!.. like this.<br> Director said that his heart was beating after first 5 minutes, and I felt the same.<br>
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Kamiya: But it was a nice story. Really. I was about to cry. Especially at the last scene.<br>
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Takayama: Looks like there was a person who really cried.<br>
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Horikawa: Who?<br>
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Takayama: Not here at the moment, but Megure-keibu.<br>
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Horikawa: Chafurin-san?<br>
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Kamiya: Yep<br>
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'''What is Ran’s good side?'''<br>
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Yamazaki: Ran is really strong, she’s doing karate, but when Shinichi is around, she becomes really worried.<Br>
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Takayama: She always tells [Come back quickly, Shinichi!] at the phone..<br>
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Yamazaki: But she can’t say anything in front of a real Shinichi.<br>
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Kamiya: Yeah. Feels kind of off. Yamazaki-san plays her perfectly, but it is kind of strange.<Br>
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Yamazaki: When it comes to Shinichi, shows a brilliant deduction, but…<Br>
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Kamiya: …soft on the inside.<Br>
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Yamazaki: That’s also Ran’s cute trait :)<Br>
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'''Do you see Kogoro as father in this movie?'''<Br>
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Kamiya: I really like Kogoro. He has human weaknesses, like he can usually go astray, loves to drink, runs away of his own wife, and his child had to care about him… But sometimes he can be really cool. At the Kogoro’s Class Reunion Murder Case, for example.<br>
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Takayama: He was really cool at that time. And strong too.<Br>
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Kamiya: At the movie, he showed that he really cares about Ran.<Br>
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Horikawa: Kamiya-san has children too, do you understand Kogoro at that point?..<br>
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Kamiya: You can say that too.<br>
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'''Is Ayumi a girl in love?'''<Br>
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Kamiya: Ayumi feels like a boss.<br>
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Iwai: Usually she is, but when Conan drank sake and could’ve returned to Shinichi, when she saw Conan leaning, she thought [I feel like I’ll never see him again], right? When Shinichi was leaving Ran in the very first chapter, Ran thought exactly the same.<br>
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Kamiya: Do you have episodes you like?<br>
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Iwai: [Detective Boys Survival Case]. I really love such adventures.<br>
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'''What is the atmosphere in the studio after finishing recording lines?'''<br>
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Takayama: Conan and Heiji are really alike. They even act the same. Horikawa: They both love mysteries.<br>
Takayama: After today’s recording (Holmes Freak Murder Case), I feel like Heiji was really cool. And Shinichi is in pinch?! :)<br>
Horikawa: That’s my second Conan afrec (TN: No, third. You played an AO victim killed by chocolate), but it’s surprisingly easy to act.<br>
Kamiya: Because everyone even breath in sync.Takayama: We’re on good terms here. <br>
Kamiya: Every week I expect to meet everyone, that I work with pleasure and after that everyone goes eating. What a great work :)<br>
Takayama: Today we’ll also go to eat after that <3
'''The magic of sound playing in the Mystery World.'''
And the last ones on the backstage are people who create Conan’s Sound, musicians with Music Life Show! They stir up [Meitantei Conan] famous scenes, and write songs and music!<br>
Kyoko: '''Conan and Ran are always close, but they can’t say they love each other. That’s heartbreaking.'''<br>
Thinking about people I miss… [Happy Birthday] is a song that tries to convey feelings for those who are dear to you but far away. When I was recording it in London, I thought about my friend and ex boyfriend… That is a song that will be played in the movie ending, after the incident is resolved. Last scene that makes you chuckle a bit (TN: after credits I believe) I saw at the cinema by myself.<br>
They are below different skies and can’t tell ‘I love you’ to each other. It’s really sad not to be able to convey such feelings, but Conan-kun and Ran are always together, and yet they can’t tell their true feelings. I think that this is much more hard and sad situation. When I watched it, I thought [Why can’t you just understand he’s Shinichi?!] :) This song is sad, but it has optimistic subtext too. Goes well with Conan and Ran’s love.<br>
Utoku Keiko: A singer of anime’s current (3/51 :D) ED [Hikari to Kage no Roman]. Warm, heartwarming sound and Keiko-san’s sweet singing voice is starting to sound after the incident. It has a like [I understand everything but still continue to love you]… Sound a lot like Ran’s loving heart!<br>
Oono: '''It’s important to create music that goes with the story.'''<br>
I created a lot of music for TV animes and movies, but that was my first time creating music for Conan. I was totally okay with that. I don’t care whether it’s drama or anime. Same with movies. I created it thinking about how  it will suddenly change going in sync with story. Conan is really interesting, don’t you think? Even when adults are reading it, sometimes it’s hard for them. When I first read it, I read everything till the end in one breath.<br>
So both adults and children can enjoy it, so I created a lot of different types of music.<br>
Conan, Ran and Kogoro are a great team. He fits in. Always going after them when there’s an incident. They are starting to become a nice team. I guess it’s the same with music. It’s starting to be familiar to Conan series. I like Conan more than Shinichi. And Ran is cute too.<br>
'''What music would you recommend?'''<br>
I created a music for Conan movie in around 10 days. 2 days for recording. It’s usually 5 days for TV anime. Movie sound has a thing called Dolby Sound, so we had to record it in a unique way. Because of that we had to record not only new music, but also old music, changing it a bit. Movie’s melody is half-new, and I felt some kind of familiar while creating it. Besides, it was an action movie, right? So it was different from TV, with a more intense rhythm.
Music I can recommend? I don’t want to say it. I want you to listen to it and then decide.<br>
[Time bombed skyscraper] has connections with Dolby Sound, so there were two different versions for CDs and for movies. Please listen to in in the cinema theater, you will be really excited.<br>
=== Asahi Newspaper Interview 2016 ===
Raw Images
「名探偵コナン」青山剛昌さんがエール July 16, 2016 <br>
Source: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-296434-1-1.html <br>
Raw text<br>
鳥取の球児 ガンバレ
[[File:Mystery Museum interview1.jpg|300px]]
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===Conan Drill Official Book (WITH RAW)===
コナンドリル オフィシャルブック (Conan Drill Official Book), published May 1 2003<br>
Translated by: justwantanaccount
 あおやま・ごうしょう  1963年、北栄町(旧大栄町)出身。日本大学芸術学部卒。86年、「ちょっとまってて」で小学館新人コミック大賞少年部門に入選、94年から「週刊少年サンデー」(小学館)で「名探偵コナン」の連載を開始。単行本は89巻まで刊行され、世界21の国と地域で翻訳、出版されている。テレビアニメなどにもなり、映画は今年公開の「名探偵コナン 純黒の悪夢」で20作目。ほかに「まじっく快斗」「YAIBA」などの作品がある。
Raw image
[[File:Asahi newspaper interview 2016.jpg|300px]][[File:Asahi newspaper interview 2016 2.jpg|300px]]
Interview in Conan Drill from 2003 translated! No spoiler on the plot here, though there are a lot of interesting tidbits.<br>
Note: I took a lot of liberty with the English this time, since I wanted to focus more on making the English sound natural and readable. I usually try to translate as directly as possible, but I realize that the weird English probably turns off a lot of people – let me know if I've taken too much liberty, though.<br>
=== Akai and Amuro Secret Files Voice Actors Interview 2016 ===
Also, Gosho says a lot of things here that he mentions in future interviews, like how he was told to change Conan's name to Doyle since there was a work called Future Boy Conan, directed by Hayao Miyazaki. You kinda realize that interviewers keep asking the same questions, maybe because they don't bother looking over past interviews, ha ha.<br>
[[File:Secret Files Akai Amuro interview 2016.jpg|400px]]
[[File:Secret Files Akai Amuro interview2 2016.jpg|400px]]<br>
The plot for conan was planned in two weeks<br>
[[File:Secret Files Akai Amuro interview3 2016.jpg|400px]]
Gosho is not "high-strung / neurotic" - he seems pretty laid back<br>
[[File:Secret Files Akai Amuro interview4 2016.jpg|400px]]
Apparently, in File 125~, the dude pays the gal to be his lover<br>
Gosho has an editor who is from Kansai, and looks at DC's Kansai-ben – this makes sense, I've read people on 2chan talk about how young Kansai people these days don't say "ame-chan" (Files 778-780), but since Gosho gets coached on Kansai-ben by an older guy, the Kansai-ben in DC is rather dated.<br>
Gosho has two younger brothers, one who's an engineer and another who's a doctor. The engineer helps Gosho with tricks related to cars, and the doctor helps Gosho with medicine-related topics, like APTX. The doctor is also an anime otaku who advices Gosho about which voice actor should voice whom.<br>
Gosho also seems to have connections who are former police detectives, people working at banks, CSIs, etc.<br>
The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. It would be preferable if we could find more interviews and get them located here. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/
Gosho decided when he started that Conan won't cry<br>
Gosho only draws characters with names, leave backgrounds and characters without names to assistants - does that mean that the forensics dude who wasn't Tomo-san in File 756-758 will become important someday?! Lol I dunno.<br>
===Mystery Museum Interview===
Maybe you guys knew this already, but apparently Paikaru/Baiganer isn't a real brand of alcohol – the name comes from a character in Lupin III.<br>
June 10th, 1997<br>
Gosho profile, Gosho's 4 special secrets<br>
Movie 1 producer and director interviews<br>
Q: Aoyama-sensei became a manga artist after graduating from college, right? Have you decided to be a manga artist from your student days?<br>
Voice actors talk<br>
Movie, and tv op / ed themes profiles<br>
青山 大学時代から漫研には入っていましたけど、大学へは美術の先生になろうかなと漠然と考えて進学しました。小学生の頃、卒業文集に「将来は漫画家になる」と書いたらしいんですが、それも自分では覚えていないんです。でもまあ、子供の頃から絵や漫画を書くのは好きだったので、教科書にパラパラ漫画なんかを描いて遊んでいましたね。ただ、漫画を描いていると親には叱られましたから、コソコソではあったけど。漫画を始めて投稿したのは大学4年のときでしたが、卒業して漫画家になるといったら親には反対されました。学校の先生ならいいけど、漫画家なんてやっぱりどう転ぶかわからないやくざな商売でしょう。親としては、そりゃ心配しますよね。漫画家になる直接のきっかけは、先輩ですでに漫画家の人がいて、「青山、おまえちょっと出してみないか?」と声をかけてくれたことです。それで、ある少年誌に送ったら佳作になったんですよ。これはサンデーじゃないんですけど。で、ひょっとしたら俺ってうまいのかなと思って。それが大学4年のときでしたね。<br>
Translation by Yuniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/149893527591/mystery-museum-interview-97-english-123 part 1], [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/149940982821/end-mystery-museum-interview-97-english-4-5 part 2]<br>
A: I was studying manga since my college days, but I entered the university while vaguely thinking that I will become an art teacher someday. Apparently I wrote "I will become a manga artist in the future" in my elementary school's graduation anthology, but I don't remember it. Although, I did like drawing pictures and manga and such from childhood, and I drew flip books and such into my textbook. My parents scolded me when I drew manga, though, so there was a sneaky quality to it. I submitted manga for the first time when I was a fourth year university student, but when I told my parents that I will become a manga artist after graduation, my parents opposed me. Being a school teachers is fine, but being a manga artist is, after all, an unpredictable, yakuza-like business. Of course you would worry if you were a parent.The direct cause behind becoming a manga artist for me was when a senpai, who was already a manga artist, asked me, "Hey, Aoyama, do you want to try submitting?" Then, I sent one to a certain shonen magazine, and the work received a kasaku*. This wasn't at Sunday, though. After this, I thought that maybe I could possibly be good. This was when I was a fourth year university student.*佳作 (kasaku) directly translates to 1. well executed work or 2. second best work at something like an art/literature contest (source); however, given the context, it seems that if you receive this then you debut as a manga artist, so I left the original Japanese term since I'm not sure how to translate it. Some people translate it as an "honorable mention", but I don't know how accurate that is.<br>
Aoyama Gosho-sensei talks about Conan passionately!!<br>
The first person whom we’ll interview is the author of ‘Meitantei Conan’,<br>
Q: Back then, were the people around you already searching for permanent jobs?<br>
the one who creates Conan’s brilliant deduction, Aoyama Gosho-sensei!
青山 そうです。僕も一応、教育実習へ行ったんですよ。まだ地元の高校の美術教師になる選択肢もありましたから。でも自分なかでは、佳作に入った時点で、もうそういう気はなくなっていたのかな。アルバイトでフジテレビの「ポンキッキ」の背景書いたりして、就職活動はまったくしていなかったら。<br>
A: Yes. For me, I trained to be a teacher, just in case, since I still had the option to become an art teacher at my hometown's high school. Although, when I received the kasaku, I think I lost the urge to continue down that path. I drew the background for Ponkikki and such for part time jobs, so I wasn't searching for a permanent job at all.<br>
He just saw Conan movie, [Meitantei Conan, The Time-Bombed Skyscraper], so he’ll surely speak about it!
(I loved the movie!! I was really moved by it)
Q: How did you live as a university student? The characters in the manga that sensei draws are all unique - I suspect this might be due to influence from human relationships during student days.<br>
'''I created the last scene when I was in middle school.'''<br>
青山 うん、影響は学生時代に限らず、子供の頃からの蓄積でいろいろあるでしょうね。大学時代は、麻雀ですね、麻雀をよくやっていましたよ(笑)。住んでいたのは最初、西武池袋線沿いの江古田で、そのあと千川。ここがいちばん長かったんですが、大学に近いのですぐ麻雀のメンツなんかは集まるわけです。誰かの家に集まってやる事が多かったですね、お金もなかったですし。けっこう僕は強かったんですよ、当時。でも今はだめですね、やる時間がそもそもないですし、やってもみんなが楽しければいいやと思って、高い手を狙って打っちゃう。そうすると負けます。負けるだろうなと思って打って、やっぱり負ける(笑)。<br>
Thank you, it’s Aoyama. [Meitantei Conan] became a movie, and I have to share a word or two of my happiness. When it became an anime, I thought that someday it could became popular. I loved movies since the very childhood.<br>
A: Yes, though I think I was influenced not only during my university years but throughout my life, accumulating from my childhood. As for my university years, I did mahjong - a lot of mahjong (laughs). I used to live first in Egoda, which is along the Seibu Ikebukuro Line, then in Senkawa. The distance was the longest here, but it was close to the university so we met up for mahjong and such. We met up at someone's house many times, since we didn't have money. I was pretty strong back then. Right now, not so much - I don't have time to play, and even when I do play I think that we should just have fun, so I aim for a high hand. If you do that, you lose. If you play thinking that you'll lose, then you really will, as you'd expect (laughs).<br>
I love detectives, of course, but the works of Kurosawa Akira are my favourite. His samurai works, for example. He kind of influenced my previous work before [Meitantei Conan], [YAIBA]. When I think about manga compositing, I look at it from filming angle. I draw thinking about camera positioning.<br>
The last scene of [The Time-Bombed Skyscraper] was my idea I came up when I was a child. Around middle school age, or something like this, I imagined it after seeing a scene like this with spies. I come up with a lot of scenes after watching movies or TV. Especially when I watch something boring, I think something like 'I would’ve made it like this’. Though recently I’m not quite free to watch movies :)<br>
'''Try to find a cell I drew!'''<br>
Q: Even if you say you didn't have money, it wasn't such a period back when sensei was a student, right?<br>
Right-right, I just saw this movie… Whole movie :) I want to talk about the last scene. Like I just said, I had this idea since the very childhood. Connected by a red string… I wanted to make something like this. I wanted to use it in [Magic Kaito], but I didn’t get a chance. And it was not an idea that’ll suit [YAIBA]. Thus I put it off, but now had a chance to use it in a movie. Well, I came up with it when I was a child, but to tie this to Shinichi’s birthday… and other small details I thought off after getting a chance to use it in a movie. I want you to search key frames I drew for the last scene. 9 key scenes at all. I drew line art and it was filled by the incredible anime staff.<br>
That’s why I really wanted to see the last scene. I really couldn’t wait for it. And
青山 いや、けっこう貧乏だったなあ。カレーには肉を入れられなかったし。5日ぐらいそんな貧しいカレーで食いつなぐんですよ。毎日毎日カレー。でも米は田舎から送ってもらったので、食う物が何もないってことはなかったけど。米さえあれば何とかなるんですよね。毎日カレーばっかり食べて誰かの家で麻雀やってって、絵に描いたような貧乏大学生の姿だと思いますよ。<br>
A: Nah, I was pretty poor. I couldn't put in meat into curry. I would eat such an indigent curry for five days straight. Curry day after day. But I was sent rice from my hometown, so I did always have something to eat. If you have rice, you manage, don't you? I ate nothing but curry everyday and I played mahjong at someone's house - I think I was the very picture of a poor college student.<br>
'''I’m extremely grateful to anime staff!'''<br>
Anime staff has incredible people… About seiyuus, Conan could only be Takayama Minami-san. She’s the best for him. I really love OP and ED themes. [Mune ga Doki-Doki] is my favourite. Utoku Keiko-san’s [Hikari to Kage no  Roman] also differs from everything that were before and it’s a really nice feeling. I also really like [Happy Birthday].  <br>
I was a real fan of Kyoko-san’s husky voice since BARBEE BOYS :) Oono Katsu’s band’s music is also great. I loved them since they wrote the music to [Taiyou ni horoe!]. I always draw CD covers with all my might, as a way to say 'thank you’ to them :) Kodama director work was also cool. Anyway, I am really grateful to everyone if anime staff!<br>
December 31, 2002, nighttime. The interview took place, since sensei's schedule was apparently only open on this day. I could imagine that sensei was considerably tired; I thought that it couldn't be helped that sensei might be ill-humored. However, you couldn't tell that he was tired, even though he must have been. My impression was that he was upright as a human being and as an adult, though he was of course aware that he was first-class as an artist.<br>
Anime’s benefit is that it has sound. Well, of course it is :) Especially it was great at Moonlight Sonata’s episode. When I drew the manga, I listened to 'Moonlight Sonata’, to be honest. Moonlight Sonata 2nd Movement is especially great! And it came up just like I thought.<br>
Anime has a lot of benefits but… Manga will not surrender! Anime can’t show, for example, two-paged spread of Shinichi’s sudden appearance. Manga’s benefit is also that it helps reader to make their own deductions.
Q: In truth, I thought that it couldn't be helped if Aoyama-sensei had a difficult temper, until I met you like this. It is the truth that mystery writers often have complicated personalities, to say nothing of their difficult schedules. I'm surprised that you are far more cheerful than I've imagined you to be.<br>
'''The anime became really good, so I’ll try my best for the manga not to be defeated!!'''
青山 もっとストレスの固まりみたいな人間を想像していました?もちろんストレスはあるけど、もともと神経質な方ではないんですよ。だからハードスケジュールでも耐えられるというところもあるかな。僕も推理小説とか読んでて、この作者は神経質だなあと思う事がありますね。人のアラ捜すのがうまいやつだなとか。僕の場合はまったくそういうタイプではないです。編集者を困らせた事もあまりない・・・・・・と自分では思うんですけど(笑)。編集者とケンカすることもないですね。ケンカするとしても漫画とは関係ないところで、すごいくだらないこと。編集者が阪神ファンで、僕は巨人ファンなんですが、巨人の優勝がかかっている試合で阪神が巨人に連勝したとき、たまたま映画のポスターのイラストを描く約束をしていたんですよ。でも気分悪いから「俺、描かねえぞ!」って(笑)。編集者も心得たもので、その日はもう連絡してきませんでした(笑)。これ、ケンカっていうのかなあ。<br>
A: Did you imagine someone who was stress personified? I have stress, of course, but I've never been the type to be highly strung. I think that that's why I can endure difficult schedules. I, too, think sometimes that some writers are highly strung when I read their work – the type who are good at searching people from scratch, and such. For me, I'm not that type of person at all. I haven't inconvenienced the editor* much, either . . . or at least, I'd like to think so (laughs).I haven't quarreled with the editor, either. Even if there's a quarrel, it's not about manga, it's about something really trivial. The editor is a Hanshin fan, and I'm a Giants fan; when Hanshin won consecutively against the Giants in the match where the Giants' championship was at stake, I happened to have promised to draw the illustration for the movie poster. But I was in a bad mood, so I said, "I'm not drawing!" (laughs) Since the editor was understanding, he didn't contact me anymore that day (laughs). This isn't really a quarrel, is it? *Strictly speaking, the term could be plural, but I've left it as singular here since Aoyama seems to be talking about his editor.<br>
'''4 secrets of Aoyama Gosho!'''<br>
According to Puppeteer-Detective, Yama-chan’s manga, Aoyama-sensei really enjoys staying at home. While investigating whether this is true, we found it that he doesn’t go outside except for convenient stores and family restaurants! He usually goes to the places that are in 50m radius around his home/studio. When we found out what was the longest distance he went for recently… It was a press-conference for [Meitantei Conan, The Time-Bombed Skyscraper]. Looks like it is a 'record length Aoyama Gosho went out for’. When we invaded Aoyama-sensei’s studio/home, it was a really a really nice mansion with an incredible night view! Of course you wouldn’t want to go outside of such a nice place!<br>
'''He doesn’t play games?'''<br>
Q: You got an kasaku with a submission to a magazine other than Shonen Sunday, right? Did you not want to continue at that magazine? Why the move to Shonen Sunday?<br>
Aoyama-sensei loved games since childhood… that was a rumour we heard, but turns out, according to Alco-Detective’s Tani Yutaka’s manga, he doesn’t play games at all recently. Is it true? After invading Studio/Home, we found it! A mountain of games, which weren’t even open! We also found a lot around his TV! The manga was true! According to the interview, Aoyama-sensei [Has to play everything since Dragon Quest VI~]. This game came out in 1995… That means he didn’t play his favourite game for a year?! That’s horrible…<br>
'''You’re so busy, do you eat properly?'''<br>
青山 佳作に選んでくれた漫画雑誌の、編集者が「僕は君の絵は好きなんだけど、今のうち雑誌では絵柄を変えろといわれるだろうから、よそへ行ったほうがいいよ」とアドバイスしてくれて。だったらあだち充さんが好きだし、全体的に絵がかわいいし、サンデーに持っていこうかなと思ったんです。そうしたら、わりとすぐにいけると言われて、その後はけっこうスムーズに。ただ、先輩の漫画家から「編集部に何度も足を運んで編集者に名前を覚えてもらわなきゃいけないよ」といわれたので、できるだけ編集部に通いました。「ちょっとまってて」で新人賞をいただいたんですが、その時点で僕の場合は編集者が付いていたんです。でも自分と同じような新人は何人もいる、その中で顔を覚えてもらうためには頻繁にネーム(下絵原稿)を持って行こうと。そこは意図的に考えてやっていました。半年ぐらいは、かなりしつこく「ネームを直してきました」と通いましたね。ほとんど毎日のように。ほかにやることもなかったし、早く連載待ちたいなと思っていましたね。<br>
Aoyama-sensei is so busy he can’t even play his favourite games. If he’s that busy, we’re worrying is he eats properly. Fatty Detective’s yonkoma shows that he’s eating well… Aoyama-sensei’s daily schedule is to create a storyboard once in 4 days, and the next two days lining it down with assistants, and only one free day. What does he do at 5 days without the assistants? After a week investigation, we found out which family restaurants and convenient stores he uses. There’s a rumour that when his favourite convenient store was closed due to remodelling, he was about to starve…<br>
A: At the manga magazine where I was kindly given the kasaku, the editor kindly advised me, "I personally like your art, but you'll probably be told to change your style sometime soon, so it'll be better for you if you went elsewhere." If so, I like Mitsuru Adachi, and the picture is cute overall, so I thought about moving to Sunday. Then, I was told that I could go sooner than I'd thought, and things went smoothly after that.But then, a senior manga artist told me, "You should visit the editorial department many times until they memorize your name," so I visited the editorial department whenever I could. When I received the Newcomer Award with Wait a Minute, I already had an editor, in my case. There are many newcomers just like you, so to stand out you must bring in the name (roughly sketched manuscript) often. I did that intentionally. For about half a year, I visited quite insistently, saying "I fixed the name again!" Almost everyday. It's not like I had anything else to do, and I wanted to serialize as soon as possible.<br>
'''He’s really serious when it comes to work?'''<br>
And the last investigation was about his work! Bravo Detective’s yonkoma shows that he’s really strict at manga… looks like it, at least. But he doesn’t go anywhere, he can’t play his favourite games, eats in convenient stores and family restaurants… Didn’t he ever thought [I can’t stand [Meitantei Conan] anymore!] We decided to ask Aoyama-sensei himself!  <br>
[I still have a lot I want to draw in [Meitantei Conan]. It doesn’t seem like ending (TN: It was 1997. I’m translating it in 2016 AND STILL GOING). [Kaito Kid] just appeared in it too finally… Wonder if I’ll see it in anime soon <3 Besides, I want to use Heiji’s hometown, Osaka as a stage more often… And I want to draw a Woman in Black too!!]… looks like our worries were for nothing.
Q: Magic Kaito's serialization started in that evironment, didn't it? In Sunday's Special Edition?<br>
青山 そうです。単発で少しずつ描かせてもらったりしていましたけど、基本的にはその間、無職ですよね。漫画家として食べていけるようになったわけじゃないですから。学生時代にバイトで貯めたお金と、新人賞の賞金を食いつぶしていました。でも、こうして話すと苦労の時代と思われるかもしれませんが、実はえらい楽しい日々だったんですよ(笑)。漫画は好きな事だから、結局、自分の好きなことやってるだけなんですね。新人の頃は時間もたくさんあったから、好きなゲームもできましたし。ドラクエをやりながら漫画を描いていた頃の話で、編集者と待ち合わせの約束があったんです。で、江古田の駅前の喫茶店にいるからって電話かかってきたときに、僕は寝ぼけて「あ、あのー、ゴールドがないからいけないよー」って(笑)。そのままガシャンって切って、その30分後にまたかかってきたときに、そういえばさっき俺、なんかへんなこと言ってたなーとぼんやり(笑)。そのときの編集者もいい人だったんです。だからいろんな面で楽しかった。今はもうゲームをやる時間もありませんしね。<br>A: Yes. I was allowed to draw from time to time, but you're basically jobless during that time, aren't you? You can't eat as a manga artist, yet. I was eating with the money I saved through part-time jobs as a student, and with the prize money from the Newcomer Award. Although, you might think that this was a difficult time period the way I talk, but those days were actually really fun for me (laughs). In the end, I was doing what I liked, since I like manga. I also had a lot of time when I was a newcomer, so I could play my favorite games. Back when I used to draw manga while playing Dragon Quest, I had a promise to meet with the editor. Then, when the editor called since he was at a cafe near Egoda's train station, I replied, half asleep, "Uuuum, I can't gooo, since I don't have the gold yeeet" (laughs). Then I hanged up, and when I got a call again after thirty minutes, I vaguely thought, "I said something weird, didn't I?" (laughs).The editor back then was a good person, too. Things were fun back then, in many aspects. Now, I don't quite have the time to play games as I used to.<br>
'''Well then, next people we’ll interview are people who created [Meitantei Conan] anime.''' Kodama Kenji director, Yomiuri TV producer Suwa Michihiko-san amd Tokyo Movie producer, Yoshioka Masahito-san. You have different opinions about [Conan]? But they are the same in one - everyone loves it and had a lot of fun creating it, that’s why anime [Conan] is so great!
'''(We put in film a lot of stuff we were not able to put in TV anime)'''
Q: Did you realize that you could continue as a manga artist, that you could eat as one with Magic Kaito?<br>
First: Kodama Kenji
青山 そうですね。当時の編集長が「マジック快斗」をあまり評価してくれなくて、「これが単行本になって10万部売れたらおごってやる」って言われていたんです。だけどあっという間に越えちゃって、その時単行本が売れるって儲かるんだなと思いました。そのあと「YAIBA」の連載が本誌で始まったんですが、週間だから単行本が出るのも速いでしょう。それでずいぶん楽になりました。生活もですが、精神的にもですね。忙しくなって遊ぶ時間はなくなっちゃいましたけど。コナンは「YAIBA」が終わってから、編集者と次はどうしようという打ち合わせの中で決まりました。当時、「少年マガジン」で金田一君(「金田一少年の事件簿」)が始まっていたんですが、探偵モノは好きだし、面白そうだから自分もやってみたいなと思いました。最初は「探偵物語」みたいな、ちょっとハードボイルドっぽいコメディというのを考えていたんですよ。でもコナンはわりと少年漫画の王道なんですよね。小さくなって、悪い奴らに脅かされてという。プロットは2週間ぐらいでできあがったんだけど、そんなに神経質に考えたわけでもないんです。コナンが小1に戻っちゃうというのも、新一は17才だから、ちょうど10才戻ればわかりやすいだろうと思ったんです。小1にしたことにどんな意味があるんですか、と聞かれる事があるけど、意味はただそれだけ(笑)。あと、小1だと完全に子供だから、その年齢の子が何をやっても笑って許してもらえるだろう、みたいなことはちょっとありましたけど。<br>
A: Yes, I think so. The editor-in-chief back then didn't like Magic Kaito very much, and he said, "I'll treat you something if this gets sold as volumes and sells 100,000 copies." Then the number was passed in the blink of time - I thought, it's profitable to sell volumes, isn't it? After that, YAIBA started at the magazine, and since the magazine is weekly, volumes came out quickly, too. Things became much easier after that, not only in terms of livelihood but psychologically, too. I did become busy and lost time to have some fun, though. Conan was decided when I met up with the editor to discuss what to do next after YAIBA ended. At the time, Kindaichi (from Kindaichi Case Files) started at Shonen Magazine, and since I like mysteries and it seemed interesting, I wanted to have a go at it. At first, I/we thought about a hardboiled-esque comedy with a title like "Tale of a Detective" or something similar. But Conan is the royal road to shonen manga, isn't it? Becoming small, and then getting threatened by bad guys. The plot was finished in about two weeks, but it's not something I/we thought neurotically about. Conan turned back to a first grader, since Shinichi is 17, so I thought that turning back exactly ten years would be easy to understand. I get asked if why I chose first grade, but that's pretty much all the reason (laughs). Although, there also was a bit of an aspect that, since first graders are completely children, someone that age will be laughed at and then forgiven for doing anything.<br>
'''Which anime did you wanted to create?'''<br>
I wanted to create a piece that would be enjoyed by adults. But I also wanted children to enjoy it too.<br>
'''What is special to anime?'''<br>
Q: Did you decide the characters' appearances along with the plot?<br>
Conan’s mystery solving is pretty easy to understand, I think. In manga it’s explained only by Conan himself, but in anime details are shown onscreen. Besides, characters can move.<br>
'''This film is love romance?'''<br>
青山 ほとんど同時に。絵については1分もかかってないかな。<br>
[Conan]’s world’s love romance can be created only by Aoyama-sensei. If we’ll make something, we could break original manga’s world. That’s why we usually base everything on what was shown in manga. (TN: Cough. KaitoKid. Cough). In the film Aoyama-sensei planned a love romance subplot, so we started without second thoughts.
A: Almost at the same time. I don't think that the pictures took more than a minute.<br>
'''What do you want to note in this film?'''<br>
It enjoys all your senses. You watch you hear, your brain works out deductions, and your heart is moved by love romance. At the 5 minutes after beginning my heart started to beat quickly. The screen is so wide, so we can drew even smallest details, and that, I think, leaves a different impact than TV anime. That was the greatest work and I doubt I’ll be able to create something like that… said I, but guess what I’ll do if there would be another movie adaptation :)
Q: The idea for Conan's glasses was decided at the time, too?<br>
'''Three main points of anime [Meitantei Conan]?'''<br>
Suwa: Maybe the fact that the anime is a big lie. It’s not real, but talks about reality a lot. And the deduction. That’s the best. TN: I didn’t get it. Maybe I’m wrong.<br>
青山 スーパーマンが好きなので。彼はクラーク・ケントのときにはメガネをかけていたでしょう。それが頭にありました。新一のときはメガネしていないけど、コナンになるとメガネ。メガネで思い出しましたけど、掟破りの漫画を作りたいなと考えていたんですよね。少年誌の主人公でメガネって、アラレちゃんぐらいでしょう。のび太は厳密にいえば主人公じゃないし。あとはネーム(文字)の多さですね。ネームの多い漫画は少年誌ではウケない、というのが定説だったんです。それからもう一個何かあったんだけど、何だっけな。コナンっていう名前についてだったかな。「未来少年コナン」と同じだからということで、編集長はいい顔をしませんでした。ドイル君にしろと言われたような(笑)。でも担当編集者とは掟破りをやろうと盛り上がっていましたよ。<br>
Yoshioka: Three, huh. First is the deduction that even adults can enjoy. Second one is slapstick action with the Detective Boys. And the third one is love romance, which Aoyama-sensei spoke about.<br>
A: I like Superman, you see. Superman wore glasses as Clark Kent, right? That was what was in my head at the time. No glasses when he's Shinichi, but glasses once he turns into Conan. I just remembered, I wanted to make a rule-breaking manga. In shonen, Arare-chan is about the only one who is a protagonist and who also has glasses. Strictly speaking, Nobita-kun isn't a protagonist. Also, names (characters/letters). In shonen, there was a rule that manga with a lot of names in it don't become popular. There was another rule I tried to break – hmm, what was it? Was it about the name, Conan? Since it was the same as Future Boy Conan, the editor-in-chief didn't make a very good face. I think I was told to change the name to Doyle-kun (laughs). My editor was excited about breaking the rules, though.<br>
TV anime continues while using all three.<br>
'''[Conan] movie had a lot of strong points'''<br>
Yoshioka: The movie had those three main points I just spoke about.<br>
Q: Going back to what you have just said about shonen manga's royal path – your work also has an element of love comedy; childhood friends are also royal-path material, aren't they?<br>
Suwa: Felt like a big amusement park…  With a jet coaster, beautiful night view and a lot of attractions. Of course we enjoyed creating TV anime too, but this movie was something extra special. We hope that viewers had a lot of good experience with it.<br>
'''What you tried to achieve with this movie?'''<br>
青山 そうですね。幼なじみはまあ、僕の趣味といわれればそうだけど(笑)、ラクなんですよ設定が。幼なじみで昔から知っているというのはストーリーが展開しやすいんです。ラブコメではやっぱりあだち充さんの「タッチ」とか好きでしたから。テレビドラマだと「男女七人夏物語」。今の若い読者の子はこのドラマを知らない人も多いでしょうけど、ラブコメの最高傑作だと僕は思っているんですよ。ああいう雰囲気を出したかった。ただ、ラブはあるんだけれども、新一と服部に関していうと女好きではないんですね、どっちも。普通の高校生の男の子とはちょっと違う。探偵ってやっぱりホームズにしても横溝正史の金田一にしても、かなり変わったところがあるんですよ。そこが探偵という人種の魅力でもあるんです。<br>
Yoshioka: We want to make a lot of action we can’t do because of usual TV episode time limit. And on familiar scenery. Conan didn’t went overseas, and incidents and crimes happens nearby, with Detective Boys dealing with it.<br>
A: That's true. You could say that it's my preference to use childhood friends, though (laughs). The setup becomes really easy. It's easy to develop the story when the characters are childhood friends who have known each other for a long time. I liked Mitsuru Adachi-san's Touch, after all. As for dramas, I like The Tale of Seven Men and Women*. Though most young readers now probably don't know about this drama, I think that this is the masterpiece of love comedy. I wanted to bring out such an atmosphere in my work. Although, despite the presence of love, neither Shinichi nor Hattori chases after women, do they? They're a little different from a normal high school boy. In the end, detectives are fairly different, whether you're talking about Holmes or Seishi Yokomizo's Kindaichi. That's the appeal of detective-type people, though. *There's a Japanese Wikipedia page for it, but that's about it. Apparently it ran from July 25 to September 26, 1986 on TBS, and was so popular that its ratings exceeded 31% at one time.<br>
Suwa: I wanted to tell a long story. Since the movie is something you can dive into and it has a long running time. But I wanted to make it with breathtaking speed.<br>
Yoshioka: I wanted to create a movie with compilation of action and deduction.<br>
Suwa:  That was a movie like a takoyaki with red pasta.<br>
Q: Have your names ever been disgarded before?<br>
Yoshioka: That was really great till the very end. Like a jet coaster ride, where you can’t leave your seats.
青山 イラストレーターの女の人が愛人の画家に殺される回(FILE. 125「落ちる死体」~)で、「俺はおまえにお金をやる。だからおまえはオレを満足させる。それで50・50でいいじゃないか」と書いたら、これはちょっとまずいですって。サンデーでは確かに生々しいかなと思いました(笑)。結局、「仕事をやるから家庭に口出しするな」というような、あっさりしたものにしたんです。そのぐらいですね。<br>
'''We’re proud of our team work.'''<br>
A: In the case where the female illustrator gets killed by her lover, who is an artist (File 125~ "Falling Corpse"), I wrote, "I give you money. You give me satisfaction. That sounds like a fair deal to me," and they told me that this was not good. I do agree that it was too raw for Sunday (laughs). In the end, I changed it to something light like "I'll do my job so don't meddle with the family." That's about it.<br>
'''Seiyuu-san, devoting their lives to anime [Meitantei Conan]. What do they think about characters they are playing? What is the atmosphere in the studio? Afrec (after recording) just ended, let’s hear them live!
What is Conan’s charm?'''<br>
Takayama: Conan has that self-devotion trait of his, you see. He’ll never cheat, and he will try to protect the one and only girl for his whole life. That’s his charm. I played a role of main character in Aoyama-sensei’s previous work, [YAIBA], and he’s such type.<br>
Q: What about collecting data? I'm often surprised about how firm the factual areas on police relations, crime knowledge, and such are.<br>
I wonder if Aoyama-sensei himself is a man like this… Women should be very happy (TN: My heart melted, they married after, sadly divorced though ;v;)<br>
'''What was like recording for the movie?'''<br>
青山 編集者の友達に鑑識や銀行の人がいたり、アシスタントの親せきが元刑事だったりするので、聞いてもらって。たとえば貸し金庫を夜中にあけるとしたら何が必要か?とか。警察用語でも出していいものは作品で使わせてもらうし、「これはちょっと秘密だから出さないで」というものも当然ありますし。クルマ関係は一つ年下の弟に聞いています。エンジニアなんです。トリックで、氷を前輪に挟んで動かないようにして、とけたらどうなるのか、多分水はクーラーかけっぱなしだったらラジエーターの水が落ちる、で、どっからどう落ちるの?と聞いたり(巻末最新416話リスト、302頁を参照)。薬者関係はもう一人の弟が医者だから・・・・・・。アポトキシンの設定などは二人で考えました。若返る・・・・・・骨が元に戻るっていうのはあり得ないんで、それはフィクションだとしても、細胞が若返るというのはありうるな、とか。この弟はアニメについても詳しいので、声優さんを決めるときにアドバイスもくれました。あと、服部と和葉の大阪弁は、関西出身の編集者が細かく見てくれます。取材といえば、寝台特急「北斗星」を編集者と二人で取材に行ったことがあります。夕方近くに待ち合わせしていて、今回の事件の舞台は「北斗星」で行こうと突然決まって。その時偶然、翌朝のチケットが取れたんですよ。でも北海道までは行かず、宇都宮で降りてきちゃったんで、ちょっともったいなかったですけどね。車掌さんに驚かれましたよ。「途中で降りちゃうんですか」って。<br>
Takayama: Even if it was a movie, it wasn’t really different from the usual.<br>
A: The editor has friends who does CSI or are working at a bank, and the assistants' relatives turn out to be former police detectives, so I ask them. For example, what do you need if you want to open a safe at night? I get to use some police terminology, too, though of course there are secret ones that I can't use. On car-related subjects, I ask my brother, who is one year younger than me. He's an engineer. I ask him things like, if you insert ice between the front wheels and the ice melts, what will happen? The radiator's water will probably drip if the cooler was kept open – then, where would the water drip from? Things like that. (File 221) On medicine-related subjects, I have another younger brother, who is a doctor. He and I came up with the APTX. To be rejuvenated . . . you can't get your bones back to the way it was, so that aspect is fictional, but maybe it's possible to rejuvenate cells, and such. This younger brother is also knowlegeable about anime, so he advised me on who to pick for voice actors. Also, on Hattori and Kazuha's Kansai dialect, the editor, who is from Kansai, looks over them carefully for me. On site research, I've rode the sleeping car train Hokutosei with the editor before. We had a meeting around dusk once, and suddenly decided to make this case center on Hokutosei. By chance, I/we managed to obtain the ticket(s) for next morning. Unfortunately, we didn't go up to Hokkaido and got off at Utsunomiya, so it was a bit of a waste. The train conductor surprised me. I said, "I have to get off in the middle?"<br>
Kamiya: As usual, we acted according to the director.<br>
Takayama: But the story really made me nervous. That was not random bombing? If you don’t solve it soon, everyone should be in danger!.. like this.<br> Director said that his heart was beating after first 5 minutes, and I felt the same.<br>
Kamiya: But it was a nice story. Really. I was about to cry. Especially at the last scene.<br>
Q: What do you struggle with the most in Conan's story?<br>
Takayama: Looks like there was a person who really cried.<br>
Horikawa: Who?<br>
青山 動機ですね、犯人の。トリックを考えるのが大変だと思われますけど、僕としては動機の方にいつも苦労しています。怨恨が多いんだけど、いつもじゃ面白くないし。かといって無差別殺人みたいなのはイヤですし。たとえば暑かったから、ムシャクシャしたから人を殺したとか、そういうのは後味が悪いでしょ。それはやりたくないんです。犯人も死なせません。月影島の話だけですね、最後に犯人が自殺して終わるのは。<br>
Takayama: Not here at the moment, but Megure-keibu.<br>
A: The culprit's motives. People often think that coming up with tricks is troublesome, but for me, I always struggle with the motives. Grudges pop up a lot, but if it happens too often, then it's not interesting anymore. But then, I don't like indiscriminate murder, either. For example, someone kills people because it was hot outside – that leaves a bad taste, doesn't it? I don't want to do things like that. I also don't let the culprit die. The culprit commits suicide in the end only in the Tsukikage (Moon Shadow) Island story, right?<br>
Horikawa: Chafurin-san?<br>
Kamiya: Yep<br>
'''What is Ran’s good side?'''<br>
Q: On the characters, is there something you decided the characters won't do?<br>
Yamazaki: Ran is really strong, she’s doing karate, but when Shinichi is around, she becomes really worried.<Br>
Takayama: She always tells [Come back quickly, Shinichi!] at the phone..<br>
青山 コナンは泣かない、ということぐらいですね。あくびして目に涙がたまるのはいいけど、号泣しない、感情移入して泣いたりしない。これは最初に決めたことです。ほかにもいろいろあるけどあんまり言わない方がいいですよね。読者のみんなに捜してもらうほうが楽しいでしょう。<br>
Yamazaki: But she can’t say anything in front of a real Shinichi.<br>
A: Conan doesn't cry, but that's about it. He might have tears in his eyes from yawning, but he won't wail, he won't cry from empathy. I decided this at the beginning. There are other things I decided, but it's better not to say them, isn't it? It'll be more fun for the readers to search for themselves.<br>
Kamiya: Yeah. Feels kind of off. Yamazaki-san plays her perfectly, but it is kind of strange.<Br>
Yamazaki: When it comes to Shinichi, shows a brilliant deduction, but…<Br>
Kamiya: …soft on the inside.<Br>
Q: Do you decide the story with the editor?<br>
Yamazaki: That’s also Ran’s cute trait :)<Br>
'''Do you see Kogoro as father in this movie?'''<Br>
青山 はい、編集者と最初に話しながら決めていきます。これは前の話が終わったら仮眠をとって、すぐその日のうちにやります。フリートークのような感じで、トリックから話の流れから結末まで、一気に編集と一話分、つまりおよそ3~4週分を決めてしまうんです。だから大まかなスケジュールは、一つの話が終わって仮眠、その日のうちに立ち合わせ、そこから3日間でネームを上げて、またそこで打ち合わせ、それから4日間でペン入れ、仕上げという感じです。これで一週間。<br>
Kamiya: I really like Kogoro. He has human weaknesses, like he can usually go astray, loves to drink, runs away of his own wife, and his child had to care about him… But sometimes he can be really cool. At the Kogoro’s Class Reunion Murder Case, for example.<br>
A: Yes, I first discuss with the editor and decide. When the previous case ends, I take a nap, then I discuss within that day. With a free-talk-like style, we discuss from the trick, the flow of the story, to the conclusion, and we decide one case at once – in another words, we decide what will happen for the next 3~4 weeks. So the overall schedule goes like this: one case ends, I take a nap, I meet with the editor within that day, then I finish the name (pre-manuscript) in three days, then I meet up with the editor again, and then I ink it, then I add the finishing touches in the next four days. This is my week.<br>
Takayama: He was really cool at that time. And strong too.<Br>
Kamiya: At the movie, he showed that he really cares about Ran.<Br>
Horikawa: Kamiya-san has children too, do you understand Kogoro at that point?..<br>
Q: You can't rest at all, can you? You must have other things to do within that period, too.<br>
Kamiya: You can say that too.<br>
'''Is Ayumi a girl in love?'''<Br>
青山 ええ、休めないです。原稿を完成して寝てるときぐらいしか休みはないですね。休載のときは旅行なんかもしますが、それでもコナンのことを考えていて完全に休みにはならない。息抜きは野球を見てるときぐらいですね。<br>
Kamiya: Ayumi feels like a boss.<br>
A: No, I can't rest. I rest only about the time when I sleep after finishing the manuscript. I might travel when Conan doesn't print, but even then I think about Conan so it's not truly a rest at all. I relax only about when I watch baseball.<br>
Iwai: Usually she is, but when Conan drank sake and could’ve returned to Shinichi, when she saw Conan leaning, she thought [I feel like I’ll never see him again], right? When Shinichi was leaving Ran in the very first chapter, Ran thought exactly the same.<br>
Kamiya: Do you have episodes you like?<br>
Iwai: [Detective Boys Survival Case]. I really love such adventures.<br>
Q: Everyone is curious about how Conan will develop in the future.<br>
'''What is the atmosphere in the studio after finishing recording lines?'''<br>
Takayama: Conan and Heiji are really alike. They even act the same. Horikawa: They both love mysteries.<br>
青山 いや、それもいっぱい言わないのが楽しいでしょう(笑)。読者があっと驚くような展開を考えていますけど、今はまだ言えないことのほうが多いですね。<br>
Takayama: After today’s recording (Holmes Freak Murder Case), I feel like Heiji was really cool. And Shinichi is in pinch?! :)<br>
A: It's probably more fun to not say much about that (laughs). I am thinking about a development that will surprise the readers, but for now there are more things that I can't say.<br>
Horikawa: That’s my second Conan afrec (TN: No, third. You played an AO victim killed by chocolate), but it’s surprisingly easy to act.<br>
Kamiya: Because everyone even breath in sync.Takayama: We’re on good terms here. <br>
Kamiya: Every week I expect to meet everyone, that I work with pleasure and after that everyone goes eating. What a great work :)<br>
Even if sensei does take a few weeks of vacation, no one forgets about Conan, and the popularity doesn't go down, either (though this will trouble the editorial department). Even though sensei climbed up to that point, he continues writing Conan amid an even more difficult schedule. I wonder about where such an energy come from. One more thing, sensei never said the word "job". Though writing manga is undoubedly a job for sensei, it seems to be completely different from the what is called "labor".<br>
Takayama: Today we’ll also go to eat after that <3
'''The magic of sound playing in the Mystery World.'''
Q: What is important for a manga artist? What would you advise people who want to become manga artists, for example?<br>
And the last ones on the backstage are people who create Conan’s Sound, musicians with Music Life Show! They stir up [Meitantei Conan] famous scenes, and write songs and music!<br>
青山 なんだろう・・・・・・。僕はあんまり自分で「ああ、俺は漫画家なんだな」と強く意識するような瞬間ってないんだけども。まあ基本的には好きっていうのがありますよね。好きじゃなきゃやっていけない。あとは、好奇心を持つこと。ありきたりですけど、これぐらいしか思いつかないですよね。好奇心っていうのは、たとえばすっごくつまらない映画を見て「つまんねー!」って終わるんじゃなくて、俺ならここはこうするのに、とか、こうすればどんどん面白くなるのにと考えていくようなことかな。面白い映画はそのままでいいんだけど、つまらない映画を見たときにそこで何を考えるのか。だから案外、つまらない映画のほうが結果的には自分にはよかったりします(笑)。それから、世の中のことで自分が知らないことはたくさんあるでしょう。アニメに関しての話なんだけど、視聴率で「F1, F2」という専門用語を聞いたとき、あ、これで何かできないかなと考えちゃったりしましたね*。新しいことを見たり聞いたりしたときに、何かできるんじゃないかと考えるのは大事なことです。<br>
Kyoko: '''Conan and Ran are always close, but they can’t say they love each other. That’s heartbreaking.'''<br>
A: I wonder . . . I never had a moment where I had a strong sense that I am a manga artist.You might say that, at the core, you have to like it. You can't continue if you don't like it. Also, you must have a sense of inquisitiveness. These might be common, but that's all that I can think of. On inquisitiveness, say you see a boring movie. Don't say "Boooring!" and be done with it, for me I would think about how this part should be like this, how if this is done then it will be come more and more interesting – things like that. Interesting movies are fine the way they are, but what are you doing to think when you see a boring one? That's why boring movies are surprisingly better for me results-wise (laughs). Also, there are a lot of things that you don't know about in this world, right? In a story related to anime, when I heard of the terminologies "F1, F2" for ratings, I end up thinking if I could make something out of them or not.* It's important to think about what you can do with things you've never heard of before.<br>
Thinking about people I miss… [Happy Birthday] is a song that tries to convey feelings for those who are dear to you but far away. When I was recording it in London, I thought about my friend and ex boyfriend… That is a song that will be played in the movie ending, after the incident is resolved. Last scene that makes you chuckle a bit (TN: after credits I believe) I saw at the cinema by myself.<br>
They are below different skies and can’t tell ‘I love you’ to each other. It’s really sad not to be able to convey such feelings, but Conan-kun and Ran are always together, and yet they can’t tell their true feelings. I think that this is much more hard and sad situation. When I watched it, I thought [Why can’t you just understand he’s Shinichi?!] :) This song is sad, but it has optimistic subtext too. Goes well with Conan and Ran’s love.<br>
Utoku Keiko: A singer of anime’s current (3/51 :D) ED [Hikari to Kage no Roman]. Warm, heartwarming sound and Keiko-san’s sweet singing voice is starting to sound after the incident. It has a like [I understand everything but still continue to love you]… Sound a lot like Ran’s loving heart!<br>
Oono: '''It’s important to create music that goes with the story.'''<br>
*Symbols representing TV viewers' age groups. F1 = female, 20~34; F2 = female, 35~49; others are as follows:<br>
I created a lot of music for TV animes and movies, but that was my first time creating music for Conan. I was totally okay with that. I don’t care whether it’s drama or anime. Same with movies. I created it thinking about how  it will suddenly change going in sync with story. Conan is really interesting, don’t you think? Even when adults are reading it, sometimes it’s hard for them. When I first read it, I read everything till the end in one breath.<br>
F3 = females 50 and above; M1 = male, 20~34; M2 = male, 35~49; M3 = males 50 and above; C1 = children, 4~12; C2 = children, 13~19.<br>
So both adults and children can enjoy it, so I created a lot of different types of music.<br>
Conan, Ran and Kogoro are a great team. He fits in. Always going after them when there’s an incident. They are starting to become a nice team. I guess it’s the same with music. It’s starting to be familiar to Conan series. I like Conan more than Shinichi. And Ran is cute too.<br>
'''What music would you recommend?'''<br>
Q: Your head constantly turns toward creative work, doesn't it? Creative brain, perhaps.<br>
I created a music for Conan movie in around 10 days. 2 days for recording. It’s usually 5 days for TV anime. Movie sound has a thing called Dolby Sound, so we had to record it in a unique way. Because of that we had to record not only new music, but also old music, changing it a bit. Movie’s melody is half-new, and I felt some kind of familiar while creating it. Besides, it was an action movie, right? So it was different from TV, with a more intense rhythm.
Music I can recommend? I don’t want to say it. I want you to listen to it and then decide.<br>
青山 そうですね。だからやっぱり好きじゃないとだめでしょ。普通は旅行に行ったらなんにも考えずのんびりするんだけど、僕もそうしようとは思うんですが、つい普段の癖で何かネタになりそうなことはないかなと。基本的にマジメってこともあるんです(笑)。ただしあんまり根を詰めるとダメなんですけども。<br>
[Time bombed skyscraper] has connections with Dolby Sound, so there were two different versions for CDs and for movies. Please listen to in in the cinema theater, you will be really excited.<br>
A: That's true. That's why you have to like it, in the end. You're usually carefree without any thoughts if you travel, and I try to do that, too, but I end up thinking about if I can find material to work with out of habit. At the core, there's an aspect of diligence (laughs). You shouldn't strain your nerves too much, though.<br>
Q: Are you all right from tendonitis? They say that being a manga artist means a fight against tendonitis.<br>
青山 一回なりかけて、ヤバイなというときがありました。元々、筆圧が強いので腱鞘炎にはなりやすいタイプなんです。それからは描き方を変えましたね。細マジックで、何度も線をなぞって太くしていくんですよ。ピグマの0.1ミリというペンがあるんですが、それでサッサッと。そうすると腕に力を入れなくてもすむんです。絵は背景と重要じゃない登場人物以外は、自分で描いています。クルマを含めた背景、それに人物で言うと鑑識とか名前のない警察はアシスタントに任せて、名前のある人物については僕がやるという分け方です。<br>
A: There was one time when I almost got it. I always had strong pressure on the pen, so I'm the type who easily gets tendonitis. I've changed my drawing style since then. I use a thin marker and trace over the same line many times to make it thicker. I use the PIGMA 0.1mm pen. That way, I don't have to put much pressure on the arms. Except for background and unimportant characters, I draw everything. Meaning, I leave things like backgrounds with cars, CSI's and police people without names to assistants, then draw the characters who have names myself.<br>
Q: On the art, which manga artist did you receive influence from?<br>
青山 「ルパン三世」のモンキー・パンチさんですね。コナンがお酒を飲んで元の身体に戻るときがあるでしょう?あの「白乾児(パイカル)」というお酒は、「ルパン三世」に出てくるすごくかっこいい魔術師の名前なんです。あとはあだち充さん、意外なところでは少女漫画家の松苗あけみさんかな。それから大友克洋さんは世代的に、僕らの年齢だとみんな多かれ少なかれ影響を受けているんじゃないかな。<br>
A: Monkey Punch, of Lupin III. There's a time when Conan drinks some alcohol and reverts back to his former body, right? The alcohol called Paikaru comes from the name of a magician that appears in Lupin III. I would also say Mitsuru Adachi-san, and surprisingly a shojo manga artist named Akemi Matsunae-san, I think. And people my age all received influence to some degree from Katsuhiro Otomo-san, I think. (Ha ha, I wonder if Miyano Akemi's name comes from Matsunae Akemi's . . . it sounds like it does, doesn't it?)<br>
Q: Sensei is single, but if you marry you can't continue living like this, can you?<br>
青山 無理でしょう。生活が変わっちゃったら、今のペースは維待できない。最初にコナンを立ち上げたときも、「これは大変だよな」と思いました。で、実際やってみたら本当にあまりに大変なんで、もう上の人からどうこう言われるんならやらない。勝手にやらせてくれなきゃいやだと言ったぐらいです。そうやって、生活も作品も好き勝手にやっているから続けていけるんでしょうね。コナンをドイルにしろとか、服部を純然たるライバルにしろとか、そういうことは言われてきたけど、それは僕が考えてることと違うので。そこは作家として主張してきました。だからずいぶん好きなようにやっています。好きなことを、好きなように・・・・・・心身ともに大変ではあるんですが、結局はそこに尽きると思っています。それで、そうやって生きていける自分はやっぱり幸せなんですよね。アイデアが枯れてもう何も出なくなるまで、もしくは読者から「おまえはもういらない」と言われるまで、漫画家としてずっとやれたらいいと思っています。口では「あー、もうやめてえ~!」と言うことはあってもね。<br>
A: No, I can't. If my lifestyle changes, I can't continue the current pace anymore.* When I started Conan, I thought that this would be a lot of work. When I actually started, it was truly so much work that I don't do what my superiors say. I even said that I won't do anything unless they let me do whatever I want to do. This way, I can continue because I'm doing whatever I want in life and in my work. I was told to change the name from Conan to Doyle, to make Hattori into an absolute rival, things like that, but that's different from what I'm thinking. In that aspect, I insisted on my way as the artist. So I've been doing whatever I want. You should do what you like, as you like . . . This may be quite troublesome to both mind and body, but in the end I think that I want to be consumed there. Therefore, I'm happy, after all, because I'm living this way. I think I want to continue being a manga artist until ideas run dry, or readers tell me that they don't need me anymore. Though I might say "Aaaah, stooop!" from time to time. *There seems to be a typo here - I can't find the meaning of 維待anywhere – so I guessed at what it meant.<br>
Raw Images
Raw Images  
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===Love Conan (Rabu Conan) Interview RAW===
===Conan Drill Official Book (WITH RAW)===
http://conan-4869.net/post-19909 <BR>
コナンドリル オフィシャルブック (Conan Drill Official Book), published May 1 2003<br>
Raw Text
Translated by: justwantanaccount
Interview in Conan Drill from 2003 translated! No spoiler on the plot here, though there are a lot of interesting tidbits.<br>
─ 女の子向けの本ということで、いきなりですが、先生の好みの夕イブからうかがってもよろしいですか?<br>
Note: I took a lot of liberty with the English this time, since I wanted to focus more on making the English sound natural and readable. I usually try to translate as directly as possible, but I realize that the weird English probably turns off a lot of people – let me know if I've taken too much liberty, though.<br>
─ 登場人物でいうと、どのキャラクターが好みなんでしょうか?<br>
Also, Gosho says a lot of things here that he mentions in future interviews, like how he was told to change Conan's name to Doyle since there was a work called Future Boy Conan, directed by Hayao Miyazaki. You kinda realize that interviewers keep asking the same questions, maybe because they don't bother looking over past interviews, ha ha.<br>
─ だからあんなに胸が大きいんですか。<br>
The plot for conan was planned in two weeks<br>
Gosho is not "high-strung / neurotic" - he seems pretty laid back<br>
Apparently, in File 125~, the dude pays the gal to be his lover<br>
─ 先生の作品に出てくる女の子って、みんなスタイルいいですよね。<br>
Gosho has an editor who is from Kansai, and looks at DC's Kansai-ben – this makes sense, I've read people on 2chan talk about how young Kansai people these days don't say "ame-chan" (Files 778-780), but since Gosho gets coached on Kansai-ben by an older guy, the Kansai-ben in DC is rather dated.<br>
Gosho has two younger brothers, one who's an engineer and another who's a doctor. The engineer helps Gosho with tricks related to cars, and the doctor helps Gosho with medicine-related topics, like APTX. The doctor is also an anime otaku who advices Gosho about which voice actor should voice whom.<br>
Gosho also seems to have connections who are former police detectives, people working at banks, CSIs, etc.<br>
─ ああ、色でちょうど桃子ちゃんのファンだったころに描かれた作品なんですね。<br>
Gosho decided when he started that Conan won't cry<br>
Gosho only draws characters with names, leave backgrounds and characters without names to assistants - does that mean that the forensics dude who wasn't Tomo-san in File 756-758 will become important someday?! Lol I dunno.<br>
Maybe you guys knew this already, but apparently Paikaru/Baiganer isn't a real brand of alcohol – the name comes from a character in Lupin III.<br>
─ 具体的に女優さんでは誰か、いらっしゃいますか?<br>
Q: Aoyama-sensei became a manga artist after graduating from college, right? Have you decided to be a manga artist from your student days?<br>
─ ちょっと癒し系っぽい優しい感じの人がお好きなんですね。<br>
青山 大学時代から漫研には入っていましたけど、大学へは美術の先生になろうかなと漠然と考えて進学しました。小学生の頃、卒業文集に「将来は漫画家になる」と書いたらしいんですが、それも自分では覚えていないんです。でもまあ、子供の頃から絵や漫画を書くのは好きだったので、教科書にパラパラ漫画なんかを描いて遊んでいましたね。ただ、漫画を描いていると親には叱られましたから、コソコソではあったけど。漫画を始めて投稿したのは大学4年のときでしたが、卒業して漫画家になるといったら親には反対されました。学校の先生ならいいけど、漫画家なんてやっぱりどう転ぶかわからないやくざな商売でしょう。親としては、そりゃ心配しますよね。漫画家になる直接のきっかけは、先輩ですでに漫画家の人がいて、「青山、おまえちょっと出してみないか?」と声をかけてくれたことです。それで、ある少年誌に送ったら佳作になったんですよ。これはサンデーじゃないんですけど。で、ひょっとしたら俺ってうまいのかなと思って。それが大学4年のときでしたね。<br>
A: I was studying manga since my college days, but I entered the university while vaguely thinking that I will become an art teacher someday. Apparently I wrote "I will become a manga artist in the future" in my elementary school's graduation anthology, but I don't remember it. Although, I did like drawing pictures and manga and such from childhood, and I drew flip books and such into my textbook. My parents scolded me when I drew manga, though, so there was a sneaky quality to it. I submitted manga for the first time when I was a fourth year university student, but when I told my parents that I will become a manga artist after graduation, my parents opposed me. Being a school teachers is fine, but being a manga artist is, after all, an unpredictable, yakuza-like business. Of course you would worry if you were a parent.The direct cause behind becoming a manga artist for me was when a senpai, who was already a manga artist, asked me, "Hey, Aoyama, do you want to try submitting?" Then, I sent one to a certain shonen magazine, and the work received a kasaku*. This wasn't at Sunday, though. After this, I thought that maybe I could possibly be good. This was when I was a fourth year university student.*佳作 (kasaku) directly translates to 1. well executed work or 2. second best work at something like an art/literature contest (source); however, given the context, it seems that if you receive this then you debut as a manga artist, so I left the original Japanese term since I'm not sure how to translate it. Some people translate it as an "honorable mention", but I don't know how accurate that is.<br>
─ 聖子ちゃん派、明菜ちゃん派ってありましたもんねえ。
Q: Back then, were the people around you already searching for permanent jobs?<br>
─ 物語では幼なじみ同士の恋愛が同時進行していますが、先生は幼なじみの女の子を好きになったことはないですか?<br>
青山 そうです。僕も一応、教育実習へ行ったんですよ。まだ地元の高校の美術教師になる選択肢もありましたから。でも自分なかでは、佳作に入った時点で、もうそういう気はなくなっていたのかな。アルバイトでフジテレビの「ポンキッキ」の背景書いたりして、就職活動はまったくしていなかったら。<br>
A: Yes. For me, I trained to be a teacher, just in case, since I still had the option to become an art teacher at my hometown's high school. Although, when I received the kasaku, I think I lost the urge to continue down that path. I drew the background for Ponkikki and such for part time jobs, so I wasn't searching for a permanent job at all.<br>
─ そうなんですか?子どものころよく探偵ごっこをされていたとうかがっています。その中に女の子がいたりしなかったんですか?<br>
Q: How did you live as a university student? The characters in the manga that sensei draws are all unique - I suspect this might be due to influence from human relationships during student days.<br>
─ なんだか楽しそうですね。おいくつぐらいのときですか?<br>
青山 うん、影響は学生時代に限らず、子供の頃からの蓄積でいろいろあるでしょうね。大学時代は、麻雀ですね、麻雀をよくやっていましたよ(笑)。住んでいたのは最初、西武池袋線沿いの江古田で、そのあと千川。ここがいちばん長かったんですが、大学に近いのですぐ麻雀のメンツなんかは集まるわけです。誰かの家に集まってやる事が多かったですね、お金もなかったですし。けっこう僕は強かったんですよ、当時。でも今はだめですね、やる時間がそもそもないですし、やってもみんなが楽しければいいやと思って、高い手を狙って打っちゃう。そうすると負けます。負けるだろうなと思って打って、やっぱり負ける(笑)。<br>
A: Yes, though I think I was influenced not only during my university years but throughout my life, accumulating from my childhood. As for my university years, I did mahjong - a lot of mahjong (laughs). I used to live first in Egoda, which is along the Seibu Ikebukuro Line, then in Senkawa. The distance was the longest here, but it was close to the university so we met up for mahjong and such. We met up at someone's house many times, since we didn't have money. I was pretty strong back then. Right now, not so much - I don't have time to play, and even when I do play I think that we should just have fun, so I aim for a high hand. If you do that, you lose. If you play thinking that you'll lose, then you really will, as you'd expect (laughs).<br>
─ ずるい(笑)。そしたら怒られないですみました?<br>
Q: Even if you say you didn't have money, it wasn't such a period back when sensei was a student, right?<br>
─ 先生が応援したい作中のカップルは誰と誰ですか?<br>
青山 いや、けっこう貧乏だったなあ。カレーには肉を入れられなかったし。5日ぐらいそんな貧しいカレーで食いつなぐんですよ。毎日毎日カレー。でも米は田舎から送ってもらったので、食う物が何もないってことはなかったけど。米さえあれば何とかなるんですよね。毎日カレーばっかり食べて誰かの家で麻雀やってって、絵に描いたような貧乏大学生の姿だと思いますよ。<br>
A: Nah, I was pretty poor. I couldn't put in meat into curry. I would eat such an indigent curry for five days straight. Curry day after day. But I was sent rice from my hometown, so I did always have something to eat. If you have rice, you manage, don't you? I ate nothing but curry everyday and I played mahjong at someone's house - I think I was the very picture of a poor college student.<br>
─ 読者も新一だけじゃなく蘭のことも好きで、ふたりを応援したいという感じですよね。<br>
December 31, 2002, nighttime. The interview took place, since sensei's schedule was apparently only open on this day. I could imagine that sensei was considerably tired; I thought that it couldn't be helped that sensei might be ill-humored. However, you couldn't tell that he was tired, even though he must have been. My impression was that he was upright as a human being and as an adult, though he was of course aware that he was first-class as an artist.<br>
─ そこがまた切なくて、みんな応援したくなるのかもしれないですよね。登場人物はみんな、基本的ににぶいですよね。<br>
Q: In truth, I thought that it couldn't be helped if Aoyama-sensei had a difficult temper, until I met you like this. It is the truth that mystery writers often have complicated personalities, to say nothing of their difficult schedules. I'm surprised that you are far more cheerful than I've imagined you to be.<br>
─ そのじれったい感がまた、読んででみんなおもしろいんでしょうね。<br>
青山 もっとストレスの固まりみたいな人間を想像していました?もちろんストレスはあるけど、もともと神経質な方ではないんですよ。だからハードスケジュールでも耐えられるというところもあるかな。僕も推理小説とか読んでて、この作者は神経質だなあと思う事がありますね。人のアラ捜すのがうまいやつだなとか。僕の場合はまったくそういうタイプではないです。編集者を困らせた事もあまりない・・・・・・と自分では思うんですけど(笑)。編集者とケンカすることもないですね。ケンカするとしても漫画とは関係ないところで、すごいくだらないこと。編集者が阪神ファンで、僕は巨人ファンなんですが、巨人の優勝がかかっている試合で阪神が巨人に連勝したとき、たまたま映画のポスターのイラストを描く約束をしていたんですよ。でも気分悪いから「俺、描かねえぞ!」って(笑)。編集者も心得たもので、その日はもう連絡してきませんでした(笑)。これ、ケンカっていうのかなあ。<br>
A: Did you imagine someone who was stress personified? I have stress, of course, but I've never been the type to be highly strung. I think that that's why I can endure difficult schedules. I, too, think sometimes that some writers are highly strung when I read their work the type who are good at searching people from scratch, and such. For me, I'm not that type of person at all. I haven't inconvenienced the editor* much, either . . . or at least, I'd like to think so (laughs).I haven't quarreled with the editor, either. Even if there's a quarrel, it's not about manga, it's about something really trivial. The editor is a Hanshin fan, and I'm a Giants fan; when Hanshin won consecutively against the Giants in the match where the Giants' championship was at stake, I happened to have promised to draw the illustration for the movie poster. But I was in a bad mood, so I said, "I'm not drawing!" (laughs) Since the editor was understanding, he didn't contact me anymore that day (laughs). This isn't really a quarrel, is it? *Strictly speaking, the term could be plural, but I've left it as singular here since Aoyama seems to be talking about his editor.<br>
Q: You got an kasaku with a submission to a magazine other than Shonen Sunday, right? Did you not want to continue at that magazine? Why the move to Shonen Sunday?<br>
青山 佳作に選んでくれた漫画雑誌の、編集者が「僕は君の絵は好きなんだけど、今のうち雑誌では絵柄を変えろといわれるだろうから、よそへ行ったほうがいいよ」とアドバイスしてくれて。だったらあだち充さんが好きだし、全体的に絵がかわいいし、サンデーに持っていこうかなと思ったんです。そうしたら、わりとすぐにいけると言われて、その後はけっこうスムーズに。ただ、先輩の漫画家から「編集部に何度も足を運んで編集者に名前を覚えてもらわなきゃいけないよ」といわれたので、できるだけ編集部に通いました。「ちょっとまってて」で新人賞をいただいたんですが、その時点で僕の場合は編集者が付いていたんです。でも自分と同じような新人は何人もいる、その中で顔を覚えてもらうためには頻繁にネーム(下絵原稿)を持って行こうと。そこは意図的に考えてやっていました。半年ぐらいは、かなりしつこく「ネームを直してきました」と通いましたね。ほとんど毎日のように。ほかにやることもなかったし、早く連載待ちたいなと思っていましたね。<br>
A: At the manga magazine where I was kindly given the kasaku, the editor kindly advised me, "I personally like your art, but you'll probably be told to change your style sometime soon, so it'll be better for you if you went elsewhere." If so, I like Mitsuru Adachi, and the picture is cute overall, so I thought about moving to Sunday. Then, I was told that I could go sooner than I'd thought, and things went smoothly after that.But then, a senior manga artist told me, "You should visit the editorial department many times until they memorize your name," so I visited the editorial department whenever I could. When I received the Newcomer Award with Wait a Minute, I already had an editor, in my case. There are many newcomers just like you, so to stand out you must bring in the name (roughly sketched manuscript) often. I did that intentionally. For about half a year, I visited quite insistently, saying "I fixed the name again!" Almost everyday. It's not like I had anything else to do, and I wanted to serialize as soon as possible.<br>
─ 年齢的にいうとやっぱり佐藤刑事と高木刑事が先かな?っていう感じもして。そう思っているファンがたくさんいるんですよ。「頼むから結婚させて!」という。<br>
Q: Magic Kaito's serialization started in that evironment, didn't it? In Sunday's Special Edition?<br>
─ そのうちって感じですか?うけっこういいところまで進展してますね。<br>
青山 そうです。単発で少しずつ描かせてもらったりしていましたけど、基本的にはその間、無職ですよね。漫画家として食べていけるようになったわけじゃないですから。学生時代にバイトで貯めたお金と、新人賞の賞金を食いつぶしていました。でも、こうして話すと苦労の時代と思われるかもしれませんが、実はえらい楽しい日々だったんですよ(笑)。漫画は好きな事だから、結局、自分の好きなことやってるだけなんですね。新人の頃は時間もたくさんあったから、好きなゲームもできましたし。ドラクエをやりながら漫画を描いていた頃の話で、編集者と待ち合わせの約束があったんです。で、江古田の駅前の喫茶店にいるからって電話かかってきたときに、僕は寝ぼけて「あ、あのー、ゴールドがないからいけないよー」って(笑)。そのままガシャンって切って、その30分後にまたかかってきたときに、そういえばさっき俺、なんかへんなこと言ってたなーとぼんやり(笑)。そのときの編集者もいい人だったんです。だからいろんな面で楽しかった。今はもうゲームをやる時間もありませんしね。<br>A: Yes. I was allowed to draw from time to time, but you're basically jobless during that time, aren't you? You can't eat as a manga artist, yet. I was eating with the money I saved through part-time jobs as a student, and with the prize money from the Newcomer Award. Although, you might think that this was a difficult time period the way I talk, but those days were actually really fun for me (laughs). In the end, I was doing what I liked, since I like manga. I also had a lot of time when I was a newcomer, so I could play my favorite games. Back when I used to draw manga while playing Dragon Quest, I had a promise to meet with the editor. Then, when the editor called since he was at a cafe near Egoda's train station, I replied, half asleep, "Uuuum, I can't gooo, since I don't have the gold yeeet" (laughs). Then I hanged up, and when I got a call again after thirty minutes, I vaguely thought, "I said something weird, didn't I?" (laughs).The editor back then was a good person, too. Things were fun back then, in many aspects. Now, I don't quite have the time to play games as I used to.<br>
─ 白鳥警部さえいなければ。<br>
Q: Did you realize that you could continue as a manga artist, that you could eat as one with Magic Kaito?<br>
─ もう、あのトロピカルマリンランドの尾行の話がもんのすごくおもしろかったです。あんな聞き間違いってあり?って。<br>
青山 そうですね。当時の編集長が「マジック快斗」をあまり評価してくれなくて、「これが単行本になって10万部売れたらおごってやる」って言われていたんです。だけどあっという間に越えちゃって、その時単行本が売れるって儲かるんだなと思いました。そのあと「YAIBA」の連載が本誌で始まったんですが、週間だから単行本が出るのも速いでしょう。それでずいぶん楽になりました。生活もですが、精神的にもですね。忙しくなって遊ぶ時間はなくなっちゃいましたけど。コナンは「YAIBA」が終わってから、編集者と次はどうしようという打ち合わせの中で決まりました。当時、「少年マガジン」で金田一君(「金田一少年の事件簿」)が始まっていたんですが、探偵モノは好きだし、面白そうだから自分もやってみたいなと思いました。最初は「探偵物語」みたいな、ちょっとハードボイルドっぽいコメディというのを考えていたんですよ。でもコナンはわりと少年漫画の王道なんですよね。小さくなって、悪い奴らに脅かされてという。プロットは2週間ぐらいでできあがったんだけど、そんなに神経質に考えたわけでもないんです。コナンが小1に戻っちゃうというのも、新一は17才だから、ちょうど10才戻ればわかりやすいだろうと思ったんです。小1にしたことにどんな意味があるんですか、と聞かれる事があるけど、意味はただそれだけ(笑)。あと、小1だと完全に子供だから、その年齢の子が何をやっても笑って許してもらえるだろう、みたいなことはちょっとありましたけど。<br>
A: Yes, I think so. The editor-in-chief back then didn't like Magic Kaito very much, and he said, "I'll treat you something if this gets sold as volumes and sells 100,000 copies." Then the number was passed in the blink of time - I thought, it's profitable to sell volumes, isn't it? After that, YAIBA started at the magazine, and since the magazine is weekly, volumes came out quickly, too. Things became much easier after that, not only in terms of livelihood but psychologically, too. I did become busy and lost time to have some fun, though. Conan was decided when I met up with the editor to discuss what to do next after YAIBA ended. At the time, Kindaichi (from Kindaichi Case Files) started at Shonen Magazine, and since I like mysteries and it seemed interesting, I wanted to have a go at it. At first, I/we thought about a hardboiled-esque comedy with a title like "Tale of a Detective" or something similar. But Conan is the royal road to shonen manga, isn't it? Becoming small, and then getting threatened by bad guys. The plot was finished in about two weeks, but it's not something I/we thought neurotically about. Conan turned back to a first grader, since Shinichi is 17, so I thought that turning back exactly ten years would be easy to understand. I get asked if why I chose first grade, but that's pretty much all the reason (laughs). Although, there also was a bit of an aspect that, since first graders are completely children, someone that age will be laughed at and then forgiven for doing anything.<br>
─ それにしても佐藤刑事のあのモテっぷりはなんなんでしょうかね?他の県警の人たちまで。目暮警部と干葉刑事以外のみんなが好き!っていう感じですよね。<br>
Q: Did you decide the characters' appearances along with the plot?<br>
─ 捜査一課では、佐藤さんだけなんですか?<br>
青山 ほとんど同時に。絵については1分もかかってないかな。<br>
A: Almost at the same time. I don't think that the pictures took more than a minute.<br>
─ 本当ですよ~。でもあのぐらいモテてると、読んでるほうも気持ちがいいですよ。
Q: The idea for Conan's glasses was decided at the time, too?<br>
─ 以前、先生も「小五郎さんは陣内孝則さん」などいくつかお答えいただいていますが、現在でも実写にしたらどなたっでいうのはありますか?ファンからは「実写は反対」という意見が圧倒的に多いのですが。<br>
青山 スーパーマンが好きなので。彼はクラーク・ケントのときにはメガネをかけていたでしょう。それが頭にありました。新一のときはメガネしていないけど、コナンになるとメガネ。メガネで思い出しましたけど、掟破りの漫画を作りたいなと考えていたんですよね。少年誌の主人公でメガネって、アラレちゃんぐらいでしょう。のび太は厳密にいえば主人公じゃないし。あとはネーム(文字)の多さですね。ネームの多い漫画は少年誌ではウケない、というのが定説だったんです。それからもう一個何かあったんだけど、何だっけな。コナンっていう名前についてだったかな。「未来少年コナン」と同じだからということで、編集長はいい顔をしませんでした。ドイル君にしろと言われたような(笑)。でも担当編集者とは掟破りをやろうと盛り上がっていましたよ。<br>
A: I like Superman, you see. Superman wore glasses as Clark Kent, right? That was what was in my head at the time. No glasses when he's Shinichi, but glasses once he turns into Conan. I just remembered, I wanted to make a rule-breaking manga. In shonen, Arare-chan is about the only one who is a protagonist and who also has glasses. Strictly speaking, Nobita-kun isn't a protagonist. Also, names (characters/letters). In shonen, there was a rule that manga with a lot of names in it don't become popular. There was another rule I tried to break hmm, what was it? Was it about the name, Conan? Since it was the same as Future Boy Conan, the editor-in-chief didn't make a very good face. I think I was told to change the name to Doyle-kun (laughs). My editor was excited about breaking the rules, though.<br>
─ アンケートでは、平次役の候補ももっと出てくるかなと思ったんですけど、意外と出てこなくて。<br>
Q: Going back to what you have just said about shonen manga's royal path – your work also has an element of love comedy; childhood friends are also royal-path material, aren't they?<br>
─ 先生がいちばん最初に「名探偵コナン」を描き始められたころ、女性の読者やファンっていうのは意識はされてましたか?<br>
青山 そうですね。幼なじみはまあ、僕の趣味といわれればそうだけど(笑)、ラクなんですよ設定が。幼なじみで昔から知っているというのはストーリーが展開しやすいんです。ラブコメではやっぱりあだち充さんの「タッチ」とか好きでしたから。テレビドラマだと「男女七人夏物語」。今の若い読者の子はこのドラマを知らない人も多いでしょうけど、ラブコメの最高傑作だと僕は思っているんですよ。ああいう雰囲気を出したかった。ただ、ラブはあるんだけれども、新一と服部に関していうと女好きではないんですね、どっちも。普通の高校生の男の子とはちょっと違う。探偵ってやっぱりホームズにしても横溝正史の金田一にしても、かなり変わったところがあるんですよ。そこが探偵という人種の魅力でもあるんです。<br>
A: That's true. You could say that it's my preference to use childhood friends, though (laughs). The setup becomes really easy. It's easy to develop the story when the characters are childhood friends who have known each other for a long time. I liked Mitsuru Adachi-san's Touch, after all. As for dramas, I like The Tale of Seven Men and Women*. Though most young readers now probably don't know about this drama, I think that this is the masterpiece of love comedy. I wanted to bring out such an atmosphere in my work. Although, despite the presence of love, neither Shinichi nor Hattori chases after women, do they? They're a little different from a normal high school boy. In the end, detectives are fairly different, whether you're talking about Holmes or Seishi Yokomizo's Kindaichi. That's the appeal of detective-type people, though. *There's a Japanese Wikipedia page for it, but that's about it. Apparently it ran from July 25 to September 26, 1986 on TBS, and was so popular that its ratings exceeded 31% at one time.<br>
─ 特にアニメは子どもといっしょに見ていたら、自分のほうがハマッちゃったっていうお母さんは、多いと思いますよ。映画館に行くともう、お母さん世代の人のほうが多いくらいですよ。子どもとお母さんの数が合っていないような。<br>
Q: Have your names ever been disgarded before?<br>
─ 先生が特に印象に残っている犯人はいますか?事件を起こさせちゃったけど、実は気に入っているとか。<br>
青山 イラストレーターの女の人が愛人の画家に殺される回(FILE. 125「落ちる死体」~)で、「俺はおまえにお金をやる。だからおまえはオレを満足させる。それで50・50でいいじゃないか」と書いたら、これはちょっとまずいですって。サンデーでは確かに生々しいかなと思いました(笑)。結局、「仕事をやるから家庭に口出しするな」というような、あっさりしたものにしたんです。そのぐらいですね。<br>
A: In the case where the female illustrator gets killed by her lover, who is an artist (File 125~ "Falling Corpse"), I wrote, "I give you money. You give me satisfaction. That sounds like a fair deal to me," and they told me that this was not good. I do agree that it was too raw for Sunday (laughs). In the end, I changed it to something light like "I'll do my job so don't meddle with the family." That's about it.<br>
─ 最初からその話は、最後殺しちゃうって決めていたんですか?<br>
Q: What about collecting data? I'm often surprised about how firm the factual areas on police relations, crime knowledge, and such are.<br>
─ 「SHINE」と書いて「死ね」と読んでしまったという。<br>
青山 編集者の友達に鑑識や銀行の人がいたり、アシスタントの親せきが元刑事だったりするので、聞いてもらって。たとえば貸し金庫を夜中にあけるとしたら何が必要か?とか。警察用語でも出していいものは作品で使わせてもらうし、「これはちょっと秘密だから出さないで」というものも当然ありますし。クルマ関係は一つ年下の弟に聞いています。エンジニアなんです。トリックで、氷を前輪に挟んで動かないようにして、とけたらどうなるのか、多分水はクーラーかけっぱなしだったらラジエーターの水が落ちる、で、どっからどう落ちるの?と聞いたり(巻末最新416話リスト、302頁を参照)。薬者関係はもう一人の弟が医者だから・・・・・・。アポトキシンの設定などは二人で考えました。若返る・・・・・・骨が元に戻るっていうのはあり得ないんで、それはフィクションだとしても、細胞が若返るというのはありうるな、とか。この弟はアニメについても詳しいので、声優さんを決めるときにアドバイスもくれました。あと、服部と和葉の大阪弁は、関西出身の編集者が細かく見てくれます。取材といえば、寝台特急「北斗星」を編集者と二人で取材に行ったことがあります。夕方近くに待ち合わせしていて、今回の事件の舞台は「北斗星」で行こうと突然決まって。その時偶然、翌朝のチケットが取れたんですよ。でも北海道までは行かず、宇都宮で降りてきちゃったんで、ちょっともったいなかったですけどね。車掌さんに驚かれましたよ。「途中で降りちゃうんですか」って。<br>
A: The editor has friends who does CSI or are working at a bank, and the assistants' relatives turn out to be former police detectives, so I ask them. For example, what do you need if you want to open a safe at night? I get to use some police terminology, too, though of course there are secret ones that I can't use. On car-related subjects, I ask my brother, who is one year younger than me. He's an engineer. I ask him things like, if you insert ice between the front wheels and the ice melts, what will happen? The radiator's water will probably drip if the cooler was kept open – then, where would the water drip from? Things like that. (File 221) On medicine-related subjects, I have another younger brother, who is a doctor. He and I came up with the APTX. To be rejuvenated . . . you can't get your bones back to the way it was, so that aspect is fictional, but maybe it's possible to rejuvenate cells, and such. This younger brother is also knowlegeable about anime, so he advised me on who to pick for voice actors. Also, on Hattori and Kazuha's Kansai dialect, the editor, who is from Kansai, looks over them carefully for me. On site research, I've rode the sleeping car train Hokutosei with the editor before. We had a meeting around dusk once, and suddenly decided to make this case center on Hokutosei. By chance, I/we managed to obtain the ticket(s) for next morning. Unfortunately, we didn't go up to Hokkaido and got off at Utsunomiya, so it was a bit of a waste. The train conductor surprised me. I said, "I have to get off in the middle?"<br>
─ アシスタントの方がそういうこと言ったりするんですか?<br>
Q: What do you struggle with the most in Conan's story?<br>
─ 怪盗キッドなど、他の作品からのグストキャラも人気を集めていますが、先生としてはこの反響はどう思われますか?<br>
青山 動機ですね、犯人の。トリックを考えるのが大変だと思われますけど、僕としては動機の方にいつも苦労しています。怨恨が多いんだけど、いつもじゃ面白くないし。かといって無差別殺人みたいなのはイヤですし。たとえば暑かったから、ムシャクシャしたから人を殺したとか、そういうのは後味が悪いでしょ。それはやりたくないんです。犯人も死なせません。月影島の話だけですね、最後に犯人が自殺して終わるのは。<br>
A: The culprit's motives. People often think that coming up with tricks is troublesome, but for me, I always struggle with the motives. Grudges pop up a lot, but if it happens too often, then it's not interesting anymore. But then, I don't like indiscriminate murder, either. For example, someone kills people because it was hot outside – that leaves a bad taste, doesn't it? I don't want to do things like that. I also don't let the culprit die. The culprit commits suicide in the end only in the Tsukikage (Moon Shadow) Island story, right?<br>
─ キザですよね。新一くんといい勝負くらいですよね。<br>
Q: On the characters, is there something you decided the characters won't do?<br>
─ かっこいいセリフは、小説とか映画を参考にされてるんですか?<br>
青山 コナンは泣かない、ということぐらいですね。あくびして目に涙がたまるのはいいけど、号泣しない、感情移入して泣いたりしない。これは最初に決めたことです。ほかにもいろいろあるけどあんまり言わない方がいいですよね。読者のみんなに捜してもらうほうが楽しいでしょう。<br>
A: Conan doesn't cry, but that's about it. He might have tears in his eyes from yawning, but he won't wail, he won't cry from empathy. I decided this at the beginning. There are other things I decided, but it's better not to say them, isn't it? It'll be more fun for the readers to search for themselves.<br>
─ 実は読者アンケートで一番多かったのが「登場人物の詳しいプロフィールが知りたい」という意見です。特に平次の誕生を知りたいという声が多いですね。<br>
Q: Do you decide the story with the editor?<br>
─ 確かに、色黒のせいもありますけど、8月っぽいですよね。そのうち、明かされるようなお話があったりするんですか?<br>
青山 はい、編集者と最初に話しながら決めていきます。これは前の話が終わったら仮眠をとって、すぐその日のうちにやります。フリートークのような感じで、トリックから話の流れから結末まで、一気に編集と一話分、つまりおよそ3~4週分を決めてしまうんです。だから大まかなスケジュールは、一つの話が終わって仮眠、その日のうちに立ち合わせ、そこから3日間でネームを上げて、またそこで打ち合わせ、それから4日間でペン入れ、仕上げという感じです。これで一週間。<br>
A: Yes, I first discuss with the editor and decide. When the previous case ends, I take a nap, then I discuss within that day. With a free-talk-like style, we discuss from the trick, the flow of the story, to the conclusion, and we decide one case at once – in another words, we decide what will happen for the next 3~4 weeks. So the overall schedule goes like this: one case ends, I take a nap, I meet with the editor within that day, then I finish the name (pre-manuscript) in three days, then I meet up with the editor again, and then I ink it, then I add the finishing touches in the next four days. This is my week.<br>
─ みんなから「じいさん」とか言われたりするし、たしかに見た目おじいさんぽいですよね。<br>
Q: You can't rest at all, can you? You must have other things to do within that period, too.<br>
─ お茶の水博士くらい。<br>
青山 ええ、休めないです。原稿を完成して寝てるときぐらいしか休みはないですね。休載のときは旅行なんかもしますが、それでもコナンのことを考えていて完全に休みにはならない。息抜きは野球を見てるときぐらいですね。<br>
A: No, I can't rest. I rest only about the time when I sleep after finishing the manuscript. I might travel when Conan doesn't print, but even then I think about Conan so it's not truly a rest at all. I relax only about when I watch baseball.<br>
─ 誕生日や血液型に関して言えば、本当にみんな「好きな人のことが知りたい」っていうのと同じ感覚なんですよね。特に血液型なんかは、蘭が「わたしもこの子と同じ血液型ですから」というところまでわかってただけに、みんな気になっていると思うんですが。<br>
Q: Everyone is curious about how Conan will develop in the future.<br>
─ シャロン・ヴィンヤードの年齢は、何歳なんでしょうか?クリスは29歳だから、その親ぐらいだろうし・・・と、想像するのですが。<br>
青山 いや、それもいっぱい言わないのが楽しいでしょう(笑)。読者があっと驚くような展開を考えていますけど、今はまだ言えないことのほうが多いですね。<br>
A: It's probably more fun to not say much about that (laughs). I am thinking about a development that will surprise the readers, but for now there are more things that I can't say.<br>
─ ジンはその年齢を知ってるのかな?と心配になったりもします(笑)。そのへんはそのうち大々的にわかってくるんですかね?<br>
Even if sensei does take a few weeks of vacation, no one forgets about Conan, and the popularity doesn't go down, either (though this will trouble the editorial department). Even though sensei climbed up to that point, he continues writing Conan amid an even more difficult schedule. I wonder about where such an energy come from. One more thing, sensei never said the word "job". Though writing manga is undoubedly a job for sensei, it seems to be completely different from the what is called "labor".<br>
─ 結末を知りたいという声も多いのですが、それをおうかがいするわけにはいきませんので、あっさりした質問に。新一は、3年間ひとり暮らしをしているという設定ですが、その間の家事はどうしていたんでしょうか?<br>
Q: What is important for a manga artist? What would you advise people who want to become manga artists, for example?<br>
─ 復活したときに、朝トーストだけしか食べてなかったから、こりゃ料理はしなかったんじゃないかな?と思ったんですよね。<br>
青山 なんだろう・・・・・・。僕はあんまり自分で「ああ、俺は漫画家なんだな」と強く意識するような瞬間ってないんだけども。まあ基本的には好きっていうのがありますよね。好きじゃなきゃやっていけない。あとは、好奇心を持つこと。ありきたりですけど、これぐらいしか思いつかないですよね。好奇心っていうのは、たとえばすっごくつまらない映画を見て「つまんねー!」って終わるんじゃなくて、俺ならここはこうするのに、とか、こうすればどんどん面白くなるのにと考えていくようなことかな。面白い映画はそのままでいいんだけど、つまらない映画を見たときにそこで何を考えるのか。だから案外、つまらない映画のほうが結果的には自分にはよかったりします(笑)。それから、世の中のことで自分が知らないことはたくさんあるでしょう。アニメに関しての話なんだけど、視聴率で「F1, F2」という専門用語を聞いたとき、あ、これで何かできないかなと考えちゃったりしましたね*。新しいことを見たり聞いたりしたときに、何かできるんじゃないかと考えるのは大事なことです。<br>
A: I wonder . . . I never had a moment where I had a strong sense that I am a manga artist.You might say that, at the core, you have to like it. You can't continue if you don't like it. Also, you must have a sense of inquisitiveness. These might be common, but that's all that I can think of. On inquisitiveness, say you see a boring movie. Don't say "Boooring!" and be done with it, for me I would think about how this part should be like this, how if this is done then it will be come more and more interesting – things like that. Interesting movies are fine the way they are, but what are you doing to think when you see a boring one? That's why boring movies are surprisingly better for me results-wise (laughs). Also, there are a lot of things that you don't know about in this world, right? In a story related to anime, when I heard of the terminologies "F1, F2" for ratings, I end up thinking if I could make something out of them or not.* It's important to think about what you can do with things you've never heard of before.<br>
─ 蘭がフサエ・キャンベルの限定アイテムのため並んだことがありましたが、結局何を買ったんでしょうか?蘭ちゃんだし、お財布とかかな?と思うのですが。<br>
*Symbols representing TV viewers' age groups. F1 = female, 20~34; F2 = female, 35~49; others are as follows:<br>
F3 = females 50 and above; M1 = male, 20~34; M2 = male, 35~49; M3 = males 50 and above; C1 = children, 4~12; C2 = children, 13~19.<br>
Q: Your head constantly turns toward creative work, doesn't it? Creative brain, perhaps.<br>
青山 そうですね。だからやっぱり好きじゃないとだめでしょ。普通は旅行に行ったらなんにも考えずのんびりするんだけど、僕もそうしようとは思うんですが、つい普段の癖で何かネタになりそうなことはないかなと。基本的にマジメってこともあるんです(笑)。ただしあんまり根を詰めるとダメなんですけども。<br>
A: That's true. That's why you have to like it, in the end. You're usually carefree without any thoughts if you travel, and I try to do that, too, but I end up thinking about if I can find material to work with out of habit. At the core, there's an aspect of diligence (laughs). You shouldn't strain your nerves too much, though.<br>
Q: Are you all right from tendonitis? They say that being a manga artist means a fight against tendonitis.<br>
青山 一回なりかけて、ヤバイなというときがありました。元々、筆圧が強いので腱鞘炎にはなりやすいタイプなんです。それからは描き方を変えましたね。細マジックで、何度も線をなぞって太くしていくんですよ。ピグマの0.1ミリというペンがあるんですが、それでサッサッと。そうすると腕に力を入れなくてもすむんです。絵は背景と重要じゃない登場人物以外は、自分で描いています。クルマを含めた背景、それに人物で言うと鑑識とか名前のない警察はアシスタントに任せて、名前のある人物については僕がやるという分け方です。<br>
A: There was one time when I almost got it. I always had strong pressure on the pen, so I'm the type who easily gets tendonitis. I've changed my drawing style since then. I use a thin marker and trace over the same line many times to make it thicker. I use the PIGMA 0.1mm pen. That way, I don't have to put much pressure on the arms. Except for background and unimportant characters, I draw everything. Meaning, I leave things like backgrounds with cars, CSI's and police people without names to assistants, then draw the characters who have names myself.<br>
Q: On the art, which manga artist did you receive influence from?<br>
青山 「ルパン三世」のモンキー・パンチさんですね。コナンがお酒を飲んで元の身体に戻るときがあるでしょう?あの「白乾児(パイカル)」というお酒は、「ルパン三世」に出てくるすごくかっこいい魔術師の名前なんです。あとはあだち充さん、意外なところでは少女漫画家の松苗あけみさんかな。それから大友克洋さんは世代的に、僕らの年齢だとみんな多かれ少なかれ影響を受けているんじゃないかな。<br>
A: Monkey Punch, of Lupin III. There's a time when Conan drinks some alcohol and reverts back to his former body, right? The alcohol called Paikaru comes from the name of a magician that appears in Lupin III. I would also say Mitsuru Adachi-san, and surprisingly a shojo manga artist named Akemi Matsunae-san, I think. And people my age all received influence to some degree from Katsuhiro Otomo-san, I think. (Ha ha, I wonder if Miyano Akemi's name comes from Matsunae Akemi's . . . it sounds like it does, doesn't it?)<br>
Q: Sensei is single, but if you marry you can't continue living like this, can you?<br>
青山 無理でしょう。生活が変わっちゃったら、今のペースは維待できない。最初にコナンを立ち上げたときも、「これは大変だよな」と思いました。で、実際やってみたら本当にあまりに大変なんで、もう上の人からどうこう言われるんならやらない。勝手にやらせてくれなきゃいやだと言ったぐらいです。そうやって、生活も作品も好き勝手にやっているから続けていけるんでしょうね。コナンをドイルにしろとか、服部を純然たるライバルにしろとか、そういうことは言われてきたけど、それは僕が考えてることと違うので。そこは作家として主張してきました。だからずいぶん好きなようにやっています。好きなことを、好きなように・・・・・・心身ともに大変ではあるんですが、結局はそこに尽きると思っています。それで、そうやって生きていける自分はやっぱり幸せなんですよね。アイデアが枯れてもう何も出なくなるまで、もしくは読者から「おまえはもういらない」と言われるまで、漫画家としてずっとやれたらいいと思っています。口では「あー、もうやめてえ~!」と言うことはあってもね。<br>
A: No, I can't. If my lifestyle changes, I can't continue the current pace anymore.* When I started Conan, I thought that this would be a lot of work. When I actually started, it was truly so much work that I don't do what my superiors say. I even said that I won't do anything unless they let me do whatever I want to do. This way, I can continue because I'm doing whatever I want in life and in my work. I was told to change the name from Conan to Doyle, to make Hattori into an absolute rival, things like that, but that's different from what I'm thinking. In that aspect, I insisted on my way as the artist. So I've been doing whatever I want. You should do what you like, as you like . . . This may be quite troublesome to both mind and body, but in the end I think that I want to be consumed there. Therefore, I'm happy, after all, because I'm living this way. I think I want to continue being a manga artist until ideas run dry, or readers tell me that they don't need me anymore. Though I might say "Aaaah, stooop!" from time to time. *There seems to be a typo here - I can't find the meaning of 維待anywhere – so I guessed at what it meant.<br>
Raw Images
─ あんまり大きいバッグとか買ってなさそうですもんね。蘭はおこづかいもらってなさそうだし。<br>
[[File: Conan Drill Interview 1.jpg|520px|]][[File: Conan Drill Interview 2.jpg|300px|]][[File: Conan Drill Interview 3.jpg|300px|]]
[[File: Conan Drill Interview 4.jpg|280px|]][[File: Conan Drill Interview 5.jpg|280px|]][[File: Conan Drill Interview 6.jpg|280px|]][[File: Conan Drill Interview 7.jpg|280px|]]<br>
[[File: Conan Drill Interview 8.jpg|280px|]][[File: Conan Drill Interview 9.jpg|280px|]][[File: Conan Drill Interview 10.jpg|280px|]]
===Love Conan (Rabu Conan) Interview RAW===
http://conan-4869.net/post-19909 <BR>
Raw Text
─ そうなんですか?子どものころよく探偵ごっこをされていたとうかがっています。その中に女の子がいたりしなかったんですか?<br>
– (笑)けっこう「哀ちゃんとコナン君をなんとかしてあげてほしい」っていう声もあるんですよ。<br>
─ もう二度と出てこないのかと思ったら、ちゃんと帰ってきてよかったです。<br>
– やっぱり無理なんですか?哀ちゃんは、工藤くんと江戸川くん、どっちのことが好きなんですか?<br>
─ 優しい人だっていうのが、みんなにもわかったし。<br>
─ 怪盗キッドなど、他の作品からのグストキャラも人気を集めていますが、先生としてはこの反響はどう思われますか?<br>
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150147160606/love-conan-interview-2004-english link]<br>
Our magazine is for women, so forgive us for such a sudden question, but can we ask what is sensei’s favourite girl type?
─ キザですよね。新一くんといい勝負くらいですよね。<br>
What?! (laughs) Okay.
─ かっこいいセリフは、小説とか映画を参考にされてるんですか?<br>
Judging from the characters that are appearing in your work, which one is your favourite?
─ 実は読者アンケートで一番多かったのが「登場人物の詳しいプロフィールが知りたい」という意見です。特に平次の誕生を知りたいという声が多いですね。<br>
If I have to chose from girls, it’s Ran. And Conan’s mother, Yukiko. Yukiko was modelled after Fujiko Mine, and, to be honest, I borrowed her hair style.
─ 確かに、色黒のせいもありますけど、8月っぽいですよね。そのうち、明かされるようなお話があったりするんですか?<br>
That’s why her chest is so big.
─ みんなから「じいさん」とか言われたりするし、たしかに見た目おじいさんぽいですよね。<br>
Hahaha. Her chest is big, yeah, and she also can disguise herself. She also rides Harley and wears leather jackets. The whole disguising technique came from Lupin the Third.
─ お茶の水博士くらい。<br>
Do you have any favourite actresses?
─ 誕生日や血液型に関して言えば、本当にみんな「好きな人のことが知りたい」っていうのと同じ感覚なんですよね。特に血液型なんかは、蘭が「わたしもこの子と同じ血液型ですから」というところまでわかってただけに、みんな気になっていると思うんですが。<br>
Right… Some time ago it was Kikuchi Momoko. Now… Hirosue :) And Yūka, I guess.
─ シャロン・ヴィンヤードの年齢は、何歳なんでしょうか?クリスは29歳だから、その親ぐらいだろうし・・・と、想像するのですが。<br>
Looks like you like women with sweet and comforting personality.
─ ジンはその年齢を知ってるのかな?と心配になったりもします(笑)。そのへんはそのうち大々的にわかってくるんですかね?<br>
I like women most people like. 
─ 結末を知りたいという声も多いのですが、それをおうかがいするわけにはいきませんので、あっさりした質問に。新一は、3年間ひとり暮らしをしているという設定ですが、その間の家事はどうしていたんでしょうか?<br>
All girls appearing in sensei’s works have a great sense of style.
─ 復活したときに、朝トーストだけしか食べてなかったから、こりゃ料理はしなかったんじゃないかな?と思ったんですよね。<br>
Right. Nakamori Aoko, a character from the manga [Magic Kaito], where Kaito Kid first appeared, has a small chest, and she’s the only one. And she’s not [Momoko], but [Aoko].
─ 蘭がフサエ・キャンベルの限定アイテムのため並んだことがありましたが、結局何を買ったんでしょうか?蘭ちゃんだし、お財布とかかな?と思うのですが。<br>
I see. By color. You drew her when you were a fan of Momoko-chan?
─ あんまり大きいバッグとか買ってなさそうですもんね。蘭はおこづかいもらってなさそうだし。<br>
Yes-yes. At that time. And she is Nakamori, because I liked Nakamori Akina. I liked her more than Matsuda Seiko.
─ 本当にいろんなこと調べで描いていかないといけないんですね。その分野の専門的なことがわかってないと描けないことが多いから、リサーチが大変ですよね?<br>
There were Seiko-chan fraction and Akina-chan fraction, yeah…
─ (笑)おもしろいですね。<br>
You have a lot of childhood friends sweethearts in your works, is it because you had one?
─ 動物もけっこう出できますよね。先生ご自身は動物お好きなんですか?<br>
Nope. I didn’t.
─ すぐあきちゃいました?<br>
Really? You played detective a lot when you were a child, you didn’t have girls as friends?
─ けっこういろんな場所が出てきますけど、実際に描かれるときは、やっぱり取材に行かれるんですか?<br>
Yeah. Nope. I didn’t have, but at the elementary school I was taken camping to the mountains, it was a lesson, so I had to, I was the last and I lost… And came to girls’ group. When we met, I left the cave with them.
─ そうなんですか。行けるわけではないんですね。お時間もないし。<br>
There was a girl I liked in there :)
─ また新しい県警の人とか出てくるとうれしいのですが。<br>
Sounds really funny! How old were you?
─ 特に警察関係の方に叱られるってことはないんですよね。<br>
Elementary school student. So I were able to get the direction from tree stump… But still I really was lost, and girls started to cry. We kind of made a long way around, and returned. We thought everyone would be angry at us, so everyone started crying before we reached the meeting point. I called it fake tears :)
─ 黒の組織は全部で何人くらいなのでしよう?<br>
That’s cheating :) And? Everyone were angry?
They weren’t. We said [it was scary], but it wasn’t scary at all. It was really fun.
─ 考えてみたら、ジンとかも国籍は明確にされてないですよね?<br>
Which couple sensei wants to support?
─ 見えなさすぎですよ(笑)まさかそんなダジャレでコードネームつはつけられていないはず!と思っていたのですが~(笑)。
Of course Shinichi and Ran. Shinichi became small, so it doesn’t go well for him.
─ 42巻まで、黒の組織やFBlは謎が多くて、赤井秀一はあやしいー!と思ってたんですよね。だから「ええ~つー!」って。<br>
Readers should also love not just Shinichi, but also Ran, and I want them to support them both! Right?
─ あやしすぎー!でしたよね。目が冷たいし。<br>
Yeah. It was like that at the beginning, see? It’s because you understand it’s mutual feeling, right? It’s not like when characters pretend to hate each other and then, at vol. 8 or something you just [oh, so they loved each other?]. You know it from the very beginning. But since he turned small, it’s a bit hard for them.
─ 先生ご自身が声優さんをリクエストされたという話ですよね。<br>
It’s even sadder because of that, I think everyone will support them. Every character is, so to speak, slow.
─ 新出先生はアメリカで何をしていたんですか?<br>
Ah, yeah-yeah. Seiyuu Hayashibara Megumi-san said that too! [Kind of too slow] :) I believe she thought [It’s because they think about themself].
─ もう二度と出てこないのかと思ったら、ちゃんと帰ってきてよかったです。<br>
That’s a really irritating feeling, but I bet readers find it amazing.
─ 優しい人だっていうのが、みんなにもわかったし。<br>
Yes-yes. So I’ll probably make them more irritated :)
─ ぐええっ!そうなんですかあ?聞いておいて聞きたくないような(笑)。<br>
A lot of people say [We want Conan-kun and Ai-chan to have something]
─ 洋服や持ち物について…コナンくんは、新一くんの子どもの洋服を着ていますが、哀ちゃんは、一から買ってるんですかね?<br>
Yes-yes. A-a… Impossible, just impossible :)
─ 本当におとながちっちゃくなったような、おねえさんぽいカッコしてますよね。<br>
Impossible after all? Which one Ai-chan prefer - Kudo-kun or Edogawa-kun?
─ そういう雑誌を見ながら、洋服とか描いてらっしゃるんですか?<br>
Smaller one, I think? Conan. Hayashibara-san also said that [big one is nice, but give me a smaller one] :)
─ 時間差はちょっとファッション的にはつらいですね。<br>
Speaking about adults, Satou-keiji and Takagi-keiji are also leading? They have a lot of fans. Saying things like [Please let them marry!]
─ (笑)そのへんご苦労がありますね。
Hahaha. So they want them to marry… Wonder what should I do…
─ 米花町や杯戸町、モデルにしてる街は、ありますか?<br>
Don’t you think it’s time? Their relationships developed a lot… (TN: COUGH 2004 year COUGH)
─ PAPCOのあたりは、本当に渋谷公園通りのPARCOのところのように見えたので、渋谷に近い?と思ったりするのですが。<br>
Right-right (big laughter) I look forward to drawing it. Comparing to Shinichi and the others, Satou and Takagi didn’t have much obstacles.
─ でも、いろんなものありますよね。遊園地もあるし、映画館もショッピングセンターもみんなあるし。<br>
If only there wasn’t Shiratori-keibu.
─ 街に入りきらなくなっでますよね(笑)。米花町は五丁目までなんでしょうか。<br>
Aa. Shiratori :) Right-right.
─ 最初っからこういう街っていうのが、あるわけじゃなくて、ここを描き、ここを描き…で、ここはつながる?っていうような。<br>
Ah, that tailing at Tropical Marine Land was so funny. All their hearing errors…
─ 最後になりますが、今後事件を起こしたいというか、どこか先生が行きたい、という街はありますか?<br>
[Heroin]’s became [hirouen (reception)] and blood’s [kekkon (stain)] - [kekkon (marriage)], that? To be honest, I really liked drawing it.
─ それはじっくり取材に行ってらしてください。でもロンドンといえばホームズの本拠地、もう「決戦の場」になりそうですね。<br>
And Satou-keiji is really popular, right? Everyone but Megure-keibu and Chiba-keibu love her!
─ ラブコメの決戦の場!どんなことになるんでしょう?ぜひぜひ読みたいです。これからも楽しみにしでいます。
Right. She’s great :) When a woman takes a job full of male workers, of course she’ll be popular.
─ 歩美ちゃんのおうちについてお聞きしました。<br>
Is Satou-san the only one woman in the first division of Criminal Investigation Bureau?
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150147160606/love-conan-interview-2004-english link]<br>
Right… I never drew it, but I guess there are others? If they are there, I bet they are quite pitiable. Hahaha.
Our magazine is for women, so forgive us for such a sudden question, but can we ask what is sensei’s favourite girl type?
What?! (laughs) Okay.
Sensei, you said earlier [I see Kogoro-san as Jinnai Takanori], if you were to make a live action, what would you do? There are a lot of fans who are against life action, you see…
Judging from the characters that are appearing in your work, which one is your favourite?
I would like to see Matuda Yuusaku as Shinichi’s dad. I really like him. I would’ve wrote Takizawa-kun as Kudo Shinichi, but even if I’ll say saw, fangirls will go like [no waay~ not Takki!], you see :)
If I have to chose from girls, it’s Ran. And Conan’s mother, Yukiko. Yukiko was modelled after Fujiko Mine, and, to be honest, I borrowed her hair style.
In the survey, we thought there would be more Heiji-playing candidates, but, surprisingly, there weren’t.
That’s why her chest is so big.
Weren’t? Not much dark-skinned, you see.
Hahaha. Her chest is big, yeah, and she also can disguise herself. She also rides Harley and wears leather jackets. The whole disguising technique came from Lupin the Third.
When sensei just started to draw the very first chapter of [Meitantei Conan], did he expected a lot of fangirls?
Do you have any favourite actresses?
Yeah… But I didn’t expect that many. The love comedy aspect wasn’t really strong. When I look through fan letters, all male fans are around middle school, and everyone older are all female fans. Looks like I’m popular among housewives :)
Right… Some time ago it was Kikuchi Momoko. Now… Hirosue :) And Yūka, I guess.
Especially a lot of cases where a mother watches it with her child and becomes interested herself. When I go to cinemas, there a lot of women of mother-like age. I don’t think children and mothers number is equal.
Looks like you like women with sweet and comforting personality.
:) [When I started reading it, I was a high school student, but now I am a mother] - fan letters like this came to me. That’s going pretty wild.
I like women most people like.
What criminal left the most big impression on you, sensei? Like, even if they committed a crime, you really liked them.
Of course Tsukishima Island’s Asou Seiji. But he died. A criminal who can’t kill people easily. That’s the impression left of him.
All girls appearing in sensei’s works have a great sense of style.
Did you decide to kill him in the end of the story right from the beginning?
Right. Nakamori Aoko, a character from the manga [Magic Kaito], where Kaito Kid first appeared, has a small chest, and she’s the only one. And she’s not [Momoko], but [Aoko].
Yes. That has been decided. And there was a foreigner… what’s his name, Harold. At the Karakuri Spider Mansion. I pitied him too…
I see. By color. You drew her when you were a fan of Momoko-chan?
[SHINE] that was read as [die]?
Yes-yes. At that time. And she is Nakamori, because I liked Nakamori Akina. I liked her more than Matsuda Seiko.
Yes, that was pitiful too. After I drew that, I thought that he really is pitiful… :) If it wasn’t for that, I would’ve probably made him commit suicide, murdering someone just for that… Assistant also asked me [why? why did you drew that?]
There were Seiko-chan fraction and Akina-chan fraction, yeah…
Your assistants can say such things?
You have a lot of childhood friends sweethearts in your works, is it because you had one?
They can. If something’s boring, they’ll say it’s boring. And they can say something like [That was kind of great that time].
Nope. I didn’t.
Kaito Kid is a guest from another manga, but he’s becoming famous. Sensei, what do you think about it?
Really? You played detective a lot when you were a child, you didn’t have girls as friends?
When I was about to enter Kaito Kid, I thought [Should I make that egoistic thing?] :) Matsumoto Reiji-sensei makes that a lot, don’t you think? In 999, Harlock and Queen Emeralds appear, for example. I liked that feeling. I always wait eagerly for the pain plot, but when a guest appears, I think it’s nice.
Recently, when Kaito Kid appeared, when I read internet, Magic Kaito fans went nuts. [He won’t lose to Conan!], a lot of comments like that :) That became kind of fuss. But, different from [Magic Kaito], I drew only Kaito Kid himself. Not Kuroba Kaito. And I don’t show what Kid thinks, only Conan’s POV. And Kid uses really pompous phrases….
Yeah. Nope. I didn’t have, but at the elementary school I was taken camping to the mountains, it was a lesson, so I had to, I was the last and I lost… And came to girls’ group. When we met, I left the cave with them.
Really pompous. He’s a good rival to Shinichi-kun.
There was a girl I liked in there :)
Yeah… He really became kind of pretentious. :) My main character. It’s hard to think of his lines.
Sounds really funny! How old were you?
Have you taken some cool lines from books or films?
Elementary school student. So I were able to get the direction from tree stump… But still I really was lost, and girls started to cry. We kind of made a long way around, and returned. We thought everyone would be angry at us, so everyone started crying before we reached the meeting point. I called it fake tears :)
No… They just come to me, while I’m relaxing.
That’s cheating :) And? Everyone were angry?
To be honest, in readers survey the most popular opinion is [we want complete profiles for characters]. Like, a lot want to know Heiji’s birthdate.
They weren’t. We said [it was scary], but it wasn’t scary at all. It was really fun.
Heeh. When Heiji born, huh… I want to know it myself, but he acts like a Leo.
Which couple sensei wants to support?
Yes, and him being dark-skinned… That’s an August kind of thing. You’re planning to reveal it eventually?
Of course Shinichi and Ran. Shinichi became small, so it doesn’t go well for him.
Hm. I really want to think of birthdays. I did Agasa-hakase’s birthday. That took me 10 years :) 53 years… When I started drawing it, I thought [That’s quite a grandpa], but when I think about it right now, he’s not that old. Maybe I should’ve made him 63? Fail~
Readers should also love not just Shinichi, but also Ran, and I want them to support them both! Right?
Everyone call him [jii-san], and he looks like a ojiisan.
Yeah. It was like that at the beginning, see? It’s because you understand it’s mutual feeling, right? It’s not like when characters pretend to hate each other and then, at vol. 8 or something you just [oh, so they loved each other?]. You know it from the very beginning. But since he turned small, it’s a bit hard for them.
Yep. I failed :)
It’s even sadder because of that, I think everyone will support them. Every character is, so to speak, slow.
He looks like a professor from Ocha no Mizu.
Ah, yeah-yeah. Seiyuu Hayashibara Megumi-san said that too! [Kind of too slow] :) I believe she thought [It’s because they think about themself].
Right. It even looks like I’ve stolen Ocha no Mizu’s professor :)
That’s a really irritating feeling, but I bet readers find it amazing.
Speaking of birthdays and blood types, people really [want to know about their loved one]. Especially blood types, Ran said [My blood type is the same as this child’s], and everyone got curious.  
Yes-yes. So I’ll probably make them more irritated :)
If I’ll say it, I think girls with other blood type would be sad. Just think of it as anyone you like. That’s why I probably won’t reveal it.
A lot of people say [We want Conan-kun and Ai-chan to have something]
What is Sharon Vineyard’s age? Chris is 29, so being her mother… Have you thought about it?
Yes-yes. A-a… Impossible, just impossible :)
Hee. Hehehe.
Impossible after all? Which one Ai-chan prefer - Kudo-kun or Edogawa-kun?
Gin knows her age? We’re worried :) At least relatively?
Smaller one, I think? Conan. Hayashibara-san also said that [big one is nice, but give me a smaller one] :)
Hehehe. Right. That’s pretty much a core question.
Speaking about adults, Satou-keiji and Takagi-keiji are also leading? They have a lot of fans. Saying things like [Please let them marry!]
A lot of people want to know how it’ll end. I won’t ask about that, so I’ll make another question. Shinichi lived alone 3 years, right? How did he managed his housework?
Hahaha. So they want them to marry… Wonder what should I do…
He made his meals my himself, sometimes Ran made it for him, professor too. I don’t think he’s skilled at cooking.
Don’t you think it’s time? Their relationships developed a lot… (TN: COUGH 2004 year COUGH)
When he was back, he had only a toast for breakfast, so I guess he didn’t cook anything?
Right-right (big laughter) I look forward to drawing it. Comparing to Shinichi and the others, Satou and Takagi didn’t have much obstacles.
Hahaha. Yeah, that’s true.
If only there wasn’t Shiratori-keibu.
Ran standed in line for Fusae Campbell’s branded goods, so what did she buy in the end? Because it is Ran-chan, maybe it was a purse?
Aa. Shiratori :) Right-right.
What did she buy hmm… Well, let’s think she did buy a purse. When I’ll draw her purse next time, I’ll tell assistant [here, ass some leaf pattern]. And readers would be like [a-a, so that is what she bought]. Hahaha.
Ah, that tailing at Tropical Marine Land was so funny. All their hearing errors…
It doesn’t look like she bought a big bag. Ran doesn’t have that much of allowance.
[Heroin]’s became [hirouen (reception)] and blood’s [kekkon (stain)] - [kekkon (marriage)], that? To be honest, I really liked drawing it.
Aa, right. Right. That was not expensive. Nice good with reasonable price.
And Satou-keiji is really popular, right? Everyone but Megure-keibu and Chiba-keibu love her!
You really need to draw after making a big research. At that sphere there are a lot of things you can’t draw without understanding technical details, I guess it’s hard to research?
Right. She’s great :) When a woman takes a job full of male workers, of course she’ll be popular.
That’s more of [please ask about…] and searching in internet kind of thing. When I drew a story about fishing, I became really knowledgeable in fishing sphere. And when I drew the story about bears, I learned a lot of details of bear behaviour.
Is Satou-san the only one woman in the first division of Criminal Investigation Bureau?
I also know a lot about dogs.
Right… I never drew it, but I guess there are others? If they are there, I bet they are quite pitiable. Hahaha.
That’s interesting :)
Sensei, you said earlier [I see Kogoro-san as Jinnai Takanori], if you were to make a live action, what would you do? There are a lot of fans who are against life action, you see…
Like, about dog breeds. But I’m starting to forget by now.
I would like to see Matuda Yuusaku as Shinichi’s dad. I really like him. I would’ve wrote Takizawa-kun as Kudo Shinichi, but even if I’ll say saw, fangirls will go like [no waay~ not Takki!], you see :)
You have a lot of animals appearing. Sensei, do you like animals?
In the survey, we thought there would be more Heiji-playing candidates, but, surprisingly, there weren’t.
Hmm… I guess? Haibara loves animals. I had a dog when I was a child, and was really sad when it died…
Weren’t? Not much dark-skinned, you see.
I can’t get another one because I think it’ll die someday too. I bought a robot dog once…
When sensei just started to draw the very first chapter of [Meitantei Conan], did he expected a lot of fangirls?
But you lost interest in it?
Yeah… But I didn’t expect that many. The love comedy aspect wasn’t really strong. When I look through fan letters, all male fans are around middle school, and everyone older are all female fans. Looks like I’m popular among housewives :)
Yep. I gave it to a friend :) Robot dogs really grow. By stages. At first it starts walking around the house slowly… So when I thought [it’ll start to walk soon], it tried to stand but couldn’t. That was a bit revolting. It was too much ‘real’. I was scared.
Especially a lot of cases where a mother watches it with her child and becomes interested herself. When I go to cinemas, there a lot of women of mother-like age. I don’t think children and mothers number is equal.
A lot of places appear in series. When you want to draw it, do you go there to gather material?
:) [When I started reading it, I was a high school student, but now I am a mother] - fan letters like this came to me. That’s going pretty wild.
The story that’s going on right now is in Okinawa, but I never been there. Camera people made photos of Naha airport for me.
What criminal left the most big impression on you, sensei? Like, even if they committed a crime, you really liked them.
I see. You can’t go, right? Having no time…
Of course Tsukishima Island’s Asou Seiji. But he died. A criminal who can’t kill people easily. That’s the impression left of him.
Did you decide to kill him in the end of the story right from the beginning?
I went to NY. There’s [author takes a break in order to gather materials] message a lot, but that time it was not a non appearance because I missed deadline, I actually went to gather material :) Other than NY, just being in Tokyo is boring, so Conan and others travel a lot.
Yes. That has been decided. And there was a foreigner… what’s his name, Harold. At the Karakuri Spider Mansion. I pitied him too…
Would you be happy if another prefectural police officer appears?
[SHINE] that was read as [die]?
?! Yes. Totally. I thought about it a lot. Gunma, Shizuoka, Kanagawa… And Saitama’s Yokomizo-keiji stopped appearing. To be honest, police officers don’t actually transfer. At the beginning, I made him being transferred a lot to whole of different places, and had him said [you too have come here!], but then I was told that [there’s no thing as job transfer in police]
Yes, that was pitiful too. After I drew that, I thought that he really is pitiful… :) If it wasn’t for that, I would’ve probably made him commit suicide, murdering someone just for that… Assistant also asked me [why? why did you drew that?]
You were scolded by a police-related person?
Your assistants can say such things?
Not exactly, I have a fan who’s really fluent in police relations. [In WEB Sunday’s next preview there was [Takagi-keiji is going to transfer to Tottori?] written, so I thought [there’s no transferring!], went to inquire about to Joint Security Investigation Center, and there is actually, so good job, Aoyama-sensei!]
They can. If something’s boring, they’ll say it’s boring. And they can say something like [That was kind of great that time].
That was close~ :)
Kaito Kid is a guest from another manga, but he’s becoming famous. Sensei, what do you think about it?
How much people are inside the BO?
When I was about to enter Kaito Kid, I thought [Should I make that egoistic thing?] :) Matsumoto Reiji-sensei makes that a lot, don’t you think? In 999, Harlock and Queen Emeralds appear, for example. I liked that feeling. I always wait eagerly for the pain plot, but when a guest appears, I think it’s nice.
Aa… I guess a lot.
Recently, when Kaito Kid appeared, when I read internet, Magic Kaito fans went nuts. [He won’t lose to Conan!], a lot of comments like that :) That became kind of fuss. But, different from [Magic Kaito], I drew only Kaito Kid himself. Not Kuroba Kaito. And I don’t show what Kid thinks, only Conan’s POV. And Kid uses really pompous phrases….
Really pompous. He’s a good rival to Shinichi-kun.
A lot of people want to know who is [Anokata]. They wrote an e-mail/text message in Japanese, is they Japanese?
Yeah… He really became kind of pretentious. :) My main character. It’s hard to think of his lines.
Well… I wonder. Everyone see even smallest details, huh.
Have you taken some cool lines from books or films?
If you’ll come up with it, will Gin’s or someone else’s nationality be shown?
No… They just come to me, while I’m relaxing.
Heh, Gin’s concept name was [Kurosawa Jin] :) Hahaha
To be honest, in readers survey the most popular opinion is [we want complete profiles for characters]. Like, a lot want to know Heiji’s birthdate.
Ehhhhh! Gin has a name?! Then Vodka’s is [Uoka Saburou]? That name was in registry book!
Heeh. When Heiji born, huh… I want to know it myself, but he acts like a Leo.
Aa~ I drew a registry book! You can’t see it, but there’s [Kurosawa Jin] written next to Uoka Saburou. Really! Hahaha. :)
Yes, and him being dark-skinned… That’s an August kind of thing. You’re planning to reveal it eventually?
It can’t be that they came up with their code names because of that puns! I think :)
Hm. I really want to think of birthdays. I did Agasa-hakase’s birthday. That took me 10 years :) 53 years… When I started drawing it, I thought [That’s quite a grandpa], but when I think about it right now, he’s not that old. Maybe I should’ve made him 63? Fail~
Before vol. 42 people thought that Akai Shuichi is suspicious. And because of that everyone went [eeeeh?!]
Everyone call him [jii-san], and he looks like a ojiisan.
He’s a good man. Hahaha :) He is a little gloomy. But this has a reason. Hehehe. :)
Yep. I failed :)
We was like [He’s too suspicious!] Because of his cold eyes.
He looks like a professor from Ocha no Mizu.
He was the only one character of mine whom I added a slant line to the eyes :) I usually do that only to dead people. I really like this character. His voice is Ikeda Shuichi-san after all.
Right. It even looks like I’ve stolen Ocha no Mizu’s professor :)
There is a rumour that sensei requested this seiyuu-san by himself.
Speaking of birthdays and blood types, people really [want to know about their loved one]. Especially blood types, Ran said [My blood type is the same as this child’s], and everyone got curious.  
Right-right. When NY special was out, I said [he’s cool. too cool]. That was great.
If I’ll say it, I think girls with other blood type would be sad. Just think of it as anyone you like. That’s why I probably won’t reveal it.
What was Araide-sensei doing in America?
What is Sharon Vineyard’s age? Chris is 29, so being her mother… Have you thought about it?
Hm. He was a doctor, right? I don’t know. Maybe something different? You see, when everyone saw that Araide-sensei was Vermouth, Araide-sensei’s fans became really sad about it.
Hee. Hehehe.
I thought he won’t appear again, I’m really happy he returned.
Gin knows her age? We’re worried :) At least relatively?
He’s back~! I think he is pretty interesting character.
Hehehe. Right. That’s pretty much a core question.
He’s a tender person and everyone understand it.
A lot of people want to know how it’ll end. I won’t ask about that, so I’ll make another question. Shinichi lived alone 3 years, right? How did he managed his housework?
Araide-sensei is going to have a bad time after all of that… kind of.
He made his meals my himself, sometimes Ran made it for him, professor too. I don’t think he’s skilled at cooking.
Eehhh?! Why? I don’t want to hear it, to be honest :)
When he was back, he had only a toast for breakfast, so I guess he didn’t cook anything?
Because of the place Vermouth lived in. Maybe she left a lot of stuff, don’t you think? It would be bad if he’ll find some.
Hahaha. Yeah, that’s true.
Conan-kun wears Shinichi’s old clothes, and Ai-chan buys her by herself?
Ran standed in line for Fusae Campbell’s branded goods, so what did she buy in the end? Because it is Ran-chan, maybe it was a purse?
Ha~ Yes. Hakase can’t buy it after all.
What did she buy hmm… Well, let’s think she did buy a purse. When I’ll draw her purse next time, I’ll tell assistant [here, ass some leaf pattern]. And readers would be like [a-a, so that is what she bought]. Hahaha.
She is really like a small adult. Her clothes feels like one onee-san would wear.
It doesn’t look like she bought a big bag. Ran doesn’t have that much of allowance.
Right-right. Haibara reads magazines like CanCam. Such magazines are brought to me too. Sometime ago I went to buy by myself, but people in store made strange faced. Because I was buying a lot of women magazines. Thus I stopped buying it by myself.
Aa, right. Right. That was not expensive. Nice good with reasonable price.
You draw their clothes by looking at such magazines?
You really need to draw after making a big research. At that sphere there are a lot of things you can’t draw without understanding technical details, I guess it’s hard to research?
I took one I like and that look easy to draw. If there’re swimsuits, I look through fashionable swimsuits. Usually when it becomes an anime episode, a year passed and by the time it comes on screens, that clothes are not fashionable. I managed to catch a moment when  ganguros were trending. Hahaha :)
That’s more of [please ask about…] and searching in internet kind of thing. When I drew a story about fishing, I became really knowledgeable in fishing sphere. And when I drew the story about bears, I learned a lot of details of bear behaviour.
At the time anime episode was out they nearly stopped trending at all. When I drew the case, they were really popular and by the anime episode time only village girls were doing that.
I also know a lot about dogs.
Time difference is harsh for fashion.
That’s interesting :)
It is. That’s why I didn’t draw things like loose socks. I didn’t draw it because I thought they’ll go out of fashion, but. Until this very day (2004) they are remaining. [What. I should’ve drawn them].
Like, about dog breeds. But I’m starting to forget by now.
Are there towns that became models for Beika and Haido?
You have a lot of animals appearing. Sensei, do you like animals?
Names come out from Baker street and Hyde park but I wonder where town structure came~
Hmm… I guess? Haibara loves animals. I had a dog when I was a child, and was really sad when it died…
PAPCO surroundings really look like Shibuya Park’s PARCO, is it somewhere in Shibuya?
I can’t get another one because I think it’ll die someday too. I bought a robot dog once…
Hmm… I never thought of it :) That’s random. I drew the atmosphere of the place I live in. Like, when I lived at Kita Senju, I drew surroundings having it in mind. A place that’s just of some distance from the city centre.
But you lost interest in it?
But it has a lot of stuff. An amusement park, a cinema, a shopping centre…
Yep. I gave it to a friend :) Robot dogs really grow. By stages. At first it starts walking around the house slowly… So when I thought [it’ll start to walk soon], it tried to stand but couldn’t. That was a bit revolting. It was too much ‘real’. I was scared.
It grew bigger, huh.
A lot of places appear in series. When you want to draw it, do you go there to gather material?
You had to have that in town :) Beika-city has only 5 town blocks?
The story that’s going on right now is in Okinawa, but I never been there. Camera people made photos of Naha airport for me.
Maybe? You ask even about this… :) You see, at the case with a series of arson I had to say which town block had it. I was asked [How about making it in 5 block?] So I did.
I see. You can’t go, right? Having no time…
In a previous book I was asked to draw a map, but I can’t. It doesn’t come together.
I went to NY. There’s [author takes a break in order to gather materials] message a lot, but that time it was not a non appearance because I missed deadline, I actually went to gather material :) Other than NY, just being in Tokyo is boring, so Conan and others travel a lot.
Like… You draw that street, you draw another street… And those two are connected?-feeling?
Would you be happy if another prefectural police officer appears?
They don’t. Tohto tower is Tokyo tower. It’s like a mix of fiction and reality.
?! Yes. Totally. I thought about it a lot. Gunma, Shizuoka, Kanagawa… And Saitama’s Yokomizo-keiji stopped appearing. To be honest, police officers don’t actually transfer. At the beginning, I made him being transferred a lot to whole of different places, and had him said [you too have come here!], but then I was told that [there’s no thing as job transfer in police]
That would be the least question. What is the future place you want to make a case in? Is there a place you want to go to?
You were scolded by a police-related person?
That’s of course London. Although I heard the food there is really bad. I need to make cool incident in London.
Not exactly, I have a fan who’s really fluent in police relations. [In WEB Sunday’s next preview there was [Takagi-keiji is going to transfer to Tottori?] written, so I thought [there’s no transferring!], went to inquire about to Joint Security Investigation Center, and there is actually, so good job, Aoyama-sensei!]  
Then please go there to gather material. But speaking of London, that’s a place where Holmes lived, maybe that’ll become a place for [final battle]?
That was close~ :)
Hahaha :) Noo. London would be served for love comedy. Ran and Shinichi’s. Love comedy’s final battle.
How much people are inside the BO?
Love comedy’s final battle! What will be there? I really want to read it! I’ll be waiting!
Aa… I guess a lot.
Raw Images
[[File:Love Conan Interview 2.jpg|400px|top]]
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A lot of people want to know who is [Anokata]. They wrote an e-mail/text message in Japanese, is they Japanese?
Partial Translation<br>
Source from yangti1674 ( [http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2169&start=15#p797472 link] )<br>
text copied from Chekov's post ( [http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/?p=314648 link] )
Interview with Gosho concerning the names in the mermaid guestbook, including Gin's. Love Conan
Well… I wonder. Everyone see even smallest details, huh.
If you’ll come up with it, will Gin’s or someone else’s nationality be shown?
Heh, Gin’s concept name was [Kurosawa Jin] :) Hahaha
Fujiwara: Just real quick then: Gosho says that the name Gin comes from Kurosawa Jin and that that name is actually written next to the one that sounds like Vodka. He's asked how many people are in the org -- many. Is the boss Japanese since the text messages are in Japanese? Vague answer about people being very attentive. The Gin/guest book thing then follows from a remark (by the interviewer) that Gins mother tongue is also unclear.
Ehhhhh! Gin has a name?! Then Vodka’s is [Uoka Saburou]? That name was in registry book!
===Conan Vs Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition RAW===
Detective Conan vs. Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition pg 169<br>
Aa~ I drew a registry book! You can’t see it, but there’s [Kurosawa Jin] written next to Uoka Saburou. Really! Hahaha. :)
Posted by: skyechan
It can’t be that they came up with their code names because of that puns! I think :)
Before vol. 42 people thought that Akai Shuichi is suspicious. And because of that everyone went [eeeeh?!]
He’s a good man. Hahaha :) He is a little gloomy. But this has a reason. Hehehe. :)
We was like [He’s too suspicious!] Because of his cold eyes.
はじめは単純にコナンに強力なライバルが欲しかっただけだからね。 <br>
He was the only one character of mine whom I added a slant line to the eyes :) I usually do that only to dead people. I really like this character. His voice is Ikeda Shuichi-san after all.
服部平次は、推理する上ではライバルだけど探偵仲間。 <br>
There is a rumour that sensei requested this seiyuu-san by himself.
そうじゃなくって探偵の宿敵というか天敵みたいなライバルを出したかったんだよね。 <br>
Right-right. When NY special was out, I said [he’s cool. too cool]. That was great.
だったらやっぱり、アルセーヌ・ルパンやルパン三世みたいな神出きぱつ*で大胆不敵な怪盗でしょ? <br>
What was Araide-sensei doing in America?
自分も子供の頃から、彼らのファンだったしね。 で、コナンも相当頭がいいから、ちゃんと対抗できる相手を、いろいろ考えていたんだけど… 待てよ!? <br>
Hm. He was a doctor, right? I don’t know. Maybe something different? You see, when everyone saw that Araide-sensei was Vermouth, Araide-sensei’s fans became really sad about it.
そういえば、 ちょうどピッタリなヤツを、 オレは知ってるぞって。 <br>
I thought he won’t appear again, I’m really happy he returned.
しかも、身近にいる!(笑) <br>
He’s back~! I think he is pretty interesting character.
めでたくコナンと怪盗キッドの対決が実現したってワケ。 <br>
そんないきさつもあって、『まじっく快斗』の「ブラック・スターの巻」(この本では「最初の対決」として収録)で、新一が登場してくる話なんて、当然、最初は全然考えてなかった(笑)。 <br>
もちろん今はコナンとキッドの関係とか、ちゃんと考えてあるけどね。 <br>
でも『まじっく快斗』に新一を出したのは、時期的に新一の姿での活躍をちゃんと描いてやりたかっただけど、別に深い関係とか意味はないなぁ。 <br>
もともとキッド=快斗には、中森警部や白馬君っていうライバルがいるからね。 <br>
新一は、いわばスペシャルゲスト。 <br>
というわけで、コナンになる前の新一の貴重な活躍をこの本でじっくり楽しんでください。 <br>
あと『まじっく快斗』ファンのために解決しておくと、時計塔の話は中森警部が警視庁に転属になる前、まだみなと**警察署にいるころの話になってます。 <br>
追いかけるものと、それから逃げる者、『名探偵コナン』でのコナンと怪盗キッドの対決は、これからもまだ続いていくと思います。 <br>
まあ、最後に勝つのはどっちかわからないけど(笑)。 <br>
*The furigana reads "kipatsu" but I guess the kanji is something different? I can't seem to get the correct kanji to show up for the life of me.<br>
**Furigana reads "Minato" but it doesn't match the kanji used for "Minato-ku", so I'm not sure what kanji is used.<br>
He’s a tender person and everyone understand it.
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150232943761/conan-vs-kaito-kid-perfect-edition-interview link]<br>
Hello, it’s Aoyama Gosho. Speaking about a book that’ll have Conan VS Kid battles, I was unsure, whether would people actually buy it, but at least people who are reading it right now have bought it. Thank you.
Araide-sensei is going to have a bad time after all of that… kind of.
When Kid first appeared, I drew him thinking of him like special guest for one time, I never thought he’ll appear enough to compile a book, what a shock :) At first I only wanted Conan to have a strong rival. Hattori Heiji is his deduction rival and detective pal. But I wanted a rival that was an arch nemesis to detectives, natural enemy, to appear. Then how about an elusive daredevil thief, like Arsen Lupin and Lupin III? I was their fan since the very childhood. So, I thought a lot about a rival, who’s smart as Conan and can oppose him….
Eehhh?! Why? I don’t want to hear it, to be honest :)
Wait a second! I knew someone who is exactly fit for this… And he’s right next to me! :)
Because of the place Vermouth lived in. Maybe she left a lot of stuff, don’t you think? It would be bad if he’ll find some.
I was unsure about a main character from my other work appearing, so I went to consult with that time Shounen Sunday’s Editor in Chief. He readily said me that it’s okay. So I happily created a showdown between Conan and Kaito Kid.
Conan-kun wears Shinichi’s old clothes, and Ai-chan buys her by herself?
They even have a beginning, in [Magic Kaito]’s [Black Star chapter] Shinichi appears, which of course wasn’t an original thought :) Of course right now I think a lot about Conan and Kid connections.
Ha~ Yes. Hakase can’t buy it after all.
But the reason of Shinichi’s appearance in [Magic Kaito] is that I wanted to draw him acting in his Shinichi form, it doesn’t have any deep meaning. Kid/Kaito’s rivals are Nakamori-keibu and Hakuba-kun. Shinichi is, so called, special guest.
She is really like a small adult. Her clothes feels like one onee-san would wear.
So you can expect to read Shinichi’s important activity before he became Conan in this book. And I’ll comment it for [Magic Kaito] fans, Nakamori-keibu wasn’t assigned to police HQ at that time, that was back in time where he worked at Minato Police Station.
Right-right. Haibara reads magazines like CanCam. Such magazines are brought to me too. Sometime ago I went to buy by myself, but people in store made strange faced. Because I was buying a lot of women magazines. Thus I stopped buying it by myself.
I think that Conan and Kid relation as ‘the one who chases’ and 'the one who runs’ will continue in [Meitantei Conan]. Well, I don’t know who’ll win in the end though :)
You draw their clothes by looking at such magazines?
I will draw it with great pleasure, so please wait for it!!
I took one I like and that look easy to draw. If there’re swimsuits, I look through fashionable swimsuits. Usually when it becomes an anime episode, a year passed and by the time it comes on screens, that clothes are not fashionable. I managed to catch a moment when  ganguros were trending. Hahaha :)
[[File:Conan and Kaitou Perfect Edition Interview1.jpg|300px]]
[[File:Conan and Kaitou Perfect Edition Interview2.jpg|300px]]
At the time anime episode was out they nearly stopped trending at all. When I drew the case, they were really popular and by the anime episode time only village girls were doing that.
===Unknown Fan Gathering 2005 (partial text) (no raw)===
Unknown interview 2005 Fan gathering<br>
Translated by: justwantanaccount
From Q&A in a gathering between Aoyama Gosho and Conan fans in 2005
Time difference is harsh for fashion.
Q. On the Black Syndicate/Organization?<br>
A. A formal name exists. If mentioned, the boss' name will be exposed so I can't say.
It is. That’s why I didn’t draw things like loose socks. I didn’t draw it because I thought they’ll go out of fashion, but. Until this very day (2004) they are remaining. [What. I should’ve drawn them].
===Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 1 (WITH RAW)===
読売新聞 「親子で夢中 コナン10年」<br>
Translated by Startold <br>
""It was published on NTV's website in 2006.""<br>
January 6th 2006 <br>
''I want to thank every reader and viewer who reads the manga or watches the anime'', stated the original artist, Gosho Aoyama.
Are there towns that became models for Beika and Haido?
NTV's popular anime, ''Detective Conan'' (Monday, 7:30 to 8:00), celebrates this year its 10th broadcast anniversary, by broadcasting this Monday a two-hour special called ''Black Impact! The Moment the Organization Reaches Out'' (starting 7:00 PM). The original work's author, Gosho Aoyama, gave us his feelings on this anniversary (article by Jun Fukuda).
Names come out from Baker street and Hyde park but I wonder where town structure came~
Shinichi Kudo was a high-school detective until a mysterious criminal organization made him drink a poison which shrank his body to the state of a child. He now calls himself Conan Edogawa and solves any kind of cases thanks to his mind.
The original work began on January 1994 in the Shonen Sunday magazine (from Shogakukan). It became an instant hit, and was animated in 1996. 424 episodes have been broadcasted to this day, and the average rating is of 16.7% (in the Kanto area).
PAPCO surroundings really look like Shibuya Park’s PARCO, is it somewhere in Shibuya?
Aoyama told us: ''At the beginning, I thought I wouldn't draw the manga for a long time. I thought it would last three months, give or take. A few years ago, a fan told me in a fan-letter that he had thought Conan would become Shinichi before the end of the year. But I told myself that the story wouldn't have any meaning if I did something that quick.''
Hmm… I never thought of it :) That’s random. I drew the atmosphere of the place I live in. Like, when I lived at Kita Senju, I drew surroundings having it in mind. A place that’s just of some distance from the city centre.
The idea of a little hero comes from ''Mikeneko Holmes no Suiri'', created by Jiro Akagawa. ''He lives in a big lie, he must understand murder tricks, and he in a quest for the truth'', he told us. ''I don't draw for kids. There are scenes where people strangle other people with cold blood. That's why older people like the series.''
But it has a lot of stuff. An amusement park, a cinema, a shopping centre…
While he is not involved in drawing the anime, he has written and drawn some scenes of the annual movies. ''Actually, I've always enjoyed animes, so I wanted to become an anime artist.'', he told us, even though he already draws the manga. ''I've written and drawn one scene of the movie, because I wanted to do it.''
The movie ''The Private Eyes' Requiem'', the tenth movie of the franchise, will be released on the 15th of April.
It grew bigger, huh.
He got married with Conan's voice actress, Minami Takayam, in May. ''When I go home after my work is finished, I want to forget my job, but I still hear Conan's voice in my house.'', he told us, a grin on his lips.
''Sometimes, people tell me ''Conan says what I feel'', and it's sometimes the same for me !'', he also told us with a smile.
You had to have that in town :) Beika-city has only 5 town blocks?
The director of Yomiuri TV, Michihiko Suwa, stated that he hadn't thought that the anime would have lasted so long, since 10-year old animes are very rare.
Maybe? You ask even about this… :) You see, at the case with a series of arson I had to say which town block had it. I was asked [How about making it in 5 block?] So I did. 
Raw Text
In a previous book I was asked to draw a map, but I can’t. It doesn’t come together.
Like… You draw that street, you draw another street… And those two are connected?-feeling?
They don’t. Tohto tower is Tokyo tower. It’s like a mix of fiction and reality.
That would be the least question. What is the future place you want to make a case in? Is there a place you want to go to?
That’s of course London. Although I heard the food there is really bad. I need to make cool incident in London.
Then please go there to gather material. But speaking of London, that’s a place where Holmes lived, maybe that’ll become a place for [final battle]?
Hahaha :) Noo. London would be served for love comedy. Ran and Shinichi’s. Love comedy’s final battle.
Love comedy’s final battle! What will be there? I really want to read it! I’ll be waiting!
Raw Images
2006年1月6日 読売新聞 Online
[[File:Love Conan Interview 2.jpg|400px|top]]
[[File:Love Conan Interview 1.jpg|400px|top]]<br>
[[File:Love Conan Interview 3.jpg|400px|top]]
[[File:Love Conan Interview 4.jpg|410px|top]] <!-- again leave at 410 so it lines up -->
Partial Translation<br>
Source from yangti1674 ( [http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2169&start=15#p797472 link] )<br>
text copied from Chekov's post ( [http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/?p=314648 link] )
Interview with Gosho concerning the names in the mermaid guestbook, including Gin's. Love Conan
Fujiwara: Just real quick then: Gosho says that the name Gin comes from Kurosawa Jin and that that name is actually written next to the one that sounds like Vodka. He's asked how many people are in the org -- many. Is the boss Japanese since the text messages are in Japanese? Vague answer about people being very attentive. The Gin/guest book thing then follows from a remark (by the interviewer) that Gins mother tongue is also unclear.
===Asahi Newspaper Interview "the boss's name has already appeared" (WITH RAW)===
朝日新聞夕刊 (Asahi Evening Newspaper), published January 13, 2006<br>
Posted by: Cindy Xin<br>
Comment from Chekhov: "The last file before this boss's name has appeared interview was 551 (Nail and Snake) <br>
and was in Shounen Sunday issue #5-6 2006 (a double issue with a week break afterwards) which was published January 4, 2006."<br>
Fully Translated by Startold
Asahi Newspaper of January 13th, 2006
"Detective Conan" celebrates its 10 years on NTV
An anime that creates a "good intellectual stimulation"
The voice actors of the series have never changed since the beginning of the anime: "Conan is like their home", told us the artist, Aoyama.
The popular anime of Nihon Television, "Detective Conan", celebrates its 10th anniversary in January this year. The ratings are on an average of 10% among teenagers, and the tenth movie will be released in April. The sales for the 51 first volumes have reached 100 million units, and the series still goes on. "I thought an anime wouldn't go well with a deduction-themed manga. But the anime is still being made thanks to the team's hard work," told us Gosho Aoyama.
Shinichi Kudo was a high-school detective until a mysterious criminal organization made him drink a poison which shrank his body to the state of a child. He now calls himself Conan Edogawa, and lives at his childhood friend's house, in order to solve all kinds of cases, while waiting for the Black Organization to make a move.
An anime adaptation began to air on television one year after the first chapter's release in Shogakukan's 'Shonen Sunday'. "The murders are drawn, and people die frequently. So I first thought "It's impossible, are they really going to do an anime?"," Aoyama told us.
When he was in college, the author wanted to become an anime artist. That's why Aoyama works together with the movie production team for the Detective Conan movies. He is very involved in everything related to the Conan anime.
''I was already drawing the manga, so when the anime team began the creation process of the anime, I told them "I'll also do my best". It became one of my main motivations. Even better, I found ideas for the manga while talking to the anime production team."
A 10-year Special episode was realeased on the 9th of January. It's a battle between the Black Organization and Conan, where both of them have to attack and defend themselves. Since the episodes are released, the gap between the anime and the original work has been shortened. Are the final confrontation and the end of the series near?
''Everything we talk about during our meetings is kept secret. Actually, the boss's name has already appeared in the manga. Try and find it."
The veteran voice actor of the clumsy detective Kogoro Mori, Akira Kamiya-san, gave a certain charm to the anime thanks to his vocal performances.
"Her voice is exactly what I had in mind," Aoyama-san told us when speaking of Conan's voice actor, Minami Takayama-san, a woman. He's married with her since last year.
''After I create a case, I like to ask myself "How would Conan say that?", or "Is it good like that?". Moreover, I always have Conan at home. When I go home after my work is finished, I want to forget my job, but I still hear Conan's voice... in my house."
===Conan Vs Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition RAW===
Raw Image
Detective Conan vs. Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition pg 169<br>
Posted by: skyechan
[[File:Asahi Newspaper 2006 page 1.jpg|300px]]
Raw Text
Source: http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x416/Natsuki2012/200601138.jpg <br>
はじめは単純にコナンに強力なライバルが欲しかっただけだからね。 <br>
服部平次は、推理する上ではライバルだけど探偵仲間。 <br>
そうじゃなくって探偵の宿敵というか天敵みたいなライバルを出したかったんだよね。 <br>
だったらやっぱり、アルセーヌ・ルパンやルパン三世みたいな神出きぱつ*で大胆不敵な怪盗でしょ? <br>
自分も子供の頃から、彼らのファンだったしね。 で、コナンも相当頭がいいから、ちゃんと対抗できる相手を、いろいろ考えていたんだけど… 待てよ!? <br>
そういえば、 ちょうどピッタリなヤツを、 オレは知ってるぞって。 <br>
しかも、身近にいる!(笑) <br>
めでたくコナンと怪盗キッドの対決が実現したってワケ。 <br>
そんないきさつもあって、『まじっく快斗』の「ブラック・スターの巻」(この本では「最初の対決」として収録)で、新一が登場してくる話なんて、当然、最初は全然考えてなかった(笑)。 <br>
===Erlangen, Germany Interview (WITH GERMAN)===
Press conference in Erlangen, Germany on June 17, 2006<br>
Video: [http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzI2NjI4MTAw.html link] (may cause you to wait 45 secs to view)<br>
Translated by: Aki-kun
This interview was given on 22nd July 2006 during a press conference at "Comic-Salon" in Erlangen (Germany). [TN: Actually, the interview was given on 17th June 2006.]<br>
Note: At this time, volume 54 was published in Japan, while there were 44 volumes obtainable in Germany. So the events in Japan were 10 volumes ahead in comparison to the German ones.<br>
もちろん今はコナンとキッドの関係とか、ちゃんと考えてあるけどね。 <br>
[Tranlator note: Part of this interview was published in the German version of volume 50, but only a few of the questions/answers. I guess the other questions just weren't written down there for some reason, but were asked and answered during that convention.]<br>
でも『まじっく快斗』に新一を出したのは、時期的に新一の姿での活躍をちゃんと描いてやりたかっただけど、別に深い関係とか意味はないなぁ。 <br>
Q: How many volumes is Detective Conan going to have?<br>
A: The amount of volumes is not certain yet.<br>
もともとキッド=快斗には、中森警部や白馬君っていうライバルがいるからね。 <br>
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama already know, how the series is going to end?<br>
A: He does already know what the last scene is going to be, but of course he won't reveal it yet. <br>
Q: Will there be a happy end? <br>
A: He won't reveal it, either.<br>
Q: On which day is Heiji's birthday?<br>
A: It's not certain yet, but it should be July or August.<br>
Q: Is Conan going to grow older over the course of the series, e.g. becoming a second grader?<br>
A: No, Conan is not going to grow older. He may be at the end of the series, but that's still a secret.<br>
Q: During one of the movies Sonoko got a different hairstyle (see movie 5). Is she also going to get this hairstyle in the manga version?<br>
A: The movies and the manga version are completely separated from each other. So Sonoko will keep her old hairstyle in the manga version.<br>
新一は、いわばスペシャルゲスト。 <br>
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to write the last volume already and to keep it in a safe for now?<br>
A: No, he does not plan to.<br>
というわけで、コナンになる前の新一の貴重な活躍をこの本でじっくり楽しんでください。 <br>
Q: Is the antidote of APTX related to Necrosis?<br>
A: It's still uncertain.<br>
あと『まじっく快斗』ファンのために解決しておくと、時計塔の話は中森警部が警視庁に転属になる前、まだみなと**警察署にいるころの話になってます。 <br>
Q: Are there going to be new members of the Detective Boys in the future?<br>
A: For now, no new members are planned.<br>
追いかけるものと、それから逃げる者、『名探偵コナン』でのコナンと怪盗キッドの対決は、これからもまだ続いていくと思います。 <br>
Q: Are there going to be big surprises for Japanese fans in the near future?<br>
A: Yes, there are going to be some big surprises. The name of Haibara [TN: could be either her name or Haibara herself; probably Haibara herself though] is going to be a big part of it [TN: referring to the surprises]. <br>
まあ、最後に勝つのはどっちかわからないけど(笑)。 <br>
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to have children in the future?<br>
A: For now, he does not.<br>
Q: How does Gosho Aoyama like Germany? Is Conan going to solve some case in Germany sometime?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama really thinks Germany is very beautiful. He especially likes the sausages. <br>
There probably won't be a case for Conan in a foreign country since he wouldn't been able to get a passport.<br>
*The furigana reads "kipatsu" but I guess the kanji is something different? I can't seem to get the correct kanji to show up for the life of me.<br>
Q: But in one of the movies Conan has solved a case in London already (see movie 6).<br>
**Furigana reads "Minato" but it doesn't match the kanji used for "Minato-ku", so I'm not sure what kanji is used.<br>
A: He wasn't really in London. But maybe he will get a faked passport... (At that time Steffen Hautog interjects how nice it is that the German fans are traveling to Japan just to see the Conan movies as the movies weren't published yet in Germany at that time.) <br>
Q: Where do the ideas for the cases come from?<br>
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150232943761/conan-vs-kaito-kid-perfect-edition-interview link]<br>
A: He has to answer this question a lot of times. He gets his inspiration from everyday life, for example from a toilet: <br>
If the lid is up, a man has used the toilet. If it's down, it was a woman. Such details can become part of the cases.<br>
Hello, it’s Aoyama Gosho. Speaking about a book that’ll have Conan VS Kid battles, I was unsure, whether would people actually buy it, but at least people who are reading it right now have bought it. Thank you.
Q: In the manga version there often are little extra comics. [TN: Not sure what they are referring to, here] Are they just little jokes or are the assistants using them to annoy their boss?<br>
When Kid first appeared, I drew him thinking of him like special guest for one time, I never thought he’ll appear enough to compile a book, what a shock :) At first I only wanted Conan to have a strong rival. Hattori Heiji is his deduction rival and detective pal. But I wanted a rival that was an arch nemesis to detectives, natural enemy, to appear. Then how about an elusive daredevil thief, like Arsen Lupin and Lupin III? I was their fan since the very childhood. So, I thought a lot about a rival, who’s smart as Conan and can oppose him….
A: They are just little jokes.<br>
Wait a second! I knew someone who is exactly fit for this… And he’s right next to me! :)
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to have a cameo in Detective Conan?<br>
A: No, he's not going to appear in the series himself.<br>
I was unsure about a main character from my other work appearing, so I went to consult with that time Shounen Sunday’s Editor in Chief. He readily said me that it’s okay. So I happily created a showdown between Conan and Kaito Kid.
Q: What is Gosho Aoyama's bet for the WC soccer game between Japan and Croatia? [TN: of the soccer WC 2006 in Germany]<br>
They even have a beginning, in [Magic Kaito]’s [Black Star chapter] Shinichi appears, which of course wasn’t an original thought :) Of course right now I think a lot about Conan and Kid connections.
A: He hopes for a 2:0 for Japan. However, he thinks the Croatian team is very srong, so the Japanese team won't have it easy.<br>
But the reason of Shinichi’s appearance in [Magic Kaito] is that I wanted to draw him acting in his Shinichi form, it doesn’t have any deep meaning. Kid/Kaito’s rivals are Nakamori-keibu and Hakuba-kun. Shinichi is, so called, special guest.
Q: Gosho is actively doing sports, e.g. Kendo. Does he also play soccer?<br>
A: He is only a viewer when it comes to soccer. His favorite soccer team is Juventus Turin.<br>
So you can expect to read Shinichi’s important activity before he became Conan in this book. And I’ll comment it for [Magic Kaito] fans, Nakamori-keibu wasn’t assigned to police HQ at that time, that was back in time where he worked at Minato Police Station.
Q: How tall is Conan?<br>
I think that Conan and Kid relation as ‘the one who chases’ and 'the one who runs’ will continue in [Meitantei Conan]. Well, I don’t know who’ll win in the end though :)
A: Gosho shows with his hand that it's at about 1,30 meter.<br>
I will draw it with great pleasure, so please wait for it!!
Q: Why are all members of the BO named after alcoholic beverages?<br>
A: Because it's cool.<br>
Q: Why did Gosho Aoyama put a detective in the body of an elementary school pupil?<br>
A: Since the series primary audience are children, the protagonist should also be a child.<br>
[[File:Conan and Kaitou Perfect Edition Interview1.jpg|300px]]
[[File:Conan and Kaitou Perfect Edition Interview2.jpg|300px]]
Q: Why are almost all characters in the series blue-eyed, while blue-eyed people aren't very common in Japan in reality?<br>
A: Blue is more colorful.<br>
===Unknown Fan Gathering 2005 (partial text) (no raw)===
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama want to continue Kaito Kid?<br>
Unknown interview 2005 Fan gathering<br>
A: He wants to, but he has no time to do so at the moment. So the master thief is only going to appear occasionally <br>
Translated by: justwantanaccount
in Detective Conan for now. In Japan a volume recently was published, which tells the story of the origin of Kid's name.<br>
Q: Is Conan going to find out who's Kid? Is Kid going to be captured, by Conan or police?<br>
From Q&A in a gathering between Aoyama Gosho and Conan fans in 2005
A: It's not certain for now.<br>
Q: Is Yusaku Kudo going to reappear in the future?<br>
Q. On the Black Syndicate/Organization?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama is drawing a story which plays ten years before the current storyline. Conan's father is going to appear in this case, too. [TN: Obviously referring to volume 55 chapter 6-9]<br>
A. A formal name exists. If mentioned, the boss' name will be exposed so I can't say.
Q: When Gosho Aoyama started Detective Conan, did he expect his series to get so successful?<br>
A: No, he didn't expect it to get so successful. He estimated that it would be only published for three months in a Japanese magazine.<br>
===Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 1 (WITH RAW)===
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama teach talented young manga artists?<br>
読売新聞 「親子で夢中 コナン10年」<br>
A: No, he does not teach.<br>
Translated by Startold <br>
""It was published on NTV's website in 2006.""<br>
Q: Which part of Detective Conan is done by Gosho Aoyama himself and which part by his assistants?<br>
January 6th 2006 <br>
A: Gosho Aoyama himself draws the characters, his assistants draw the backgrounds and painting big areas.<br>
Q: Is Sonoko going to have a boyfriend?<br>
''I want to thank every reader and viewer who reads the manga or watches the anime'', stated the original artist, Gosho Aoyama.
A: She already has a boyfriend and they are going to stay together.<br>
NTV's popular anime, ''Detective Conan'' (Monday, 7:30 to 8:00), celebrates this year its 10th broadcast anniversary, by broadcasting this Monday a two-hour special called ''Black Impact! The Moment the Organization Reaches Out'' (starting 7:00 PM). The original work's author, Gosho Aoyama, gave us his feelings on this anniversary (article by Jun Fukuda).  
Q: Are there going to be further entanglements between Kaito Kid and Conan?<br>
A: No, because the story would become too complicated, otherwise.<br>
Shinichi Kudo was a high-school detective until a mysterious criminal organization made him drink a poison which shrank his body to the state of a child. He now calls himself Conan Edogawa and solves any kind of cases thanks to his mind.
The original work began on January 1994 in the Shonen Sunday magazine (from Shogakukan). It became an instant hit, and was animated in 1996. 424 episodes have been broadcasted to this day, and the average rating is of 16.7% (in the Kanto area).
Q: Why does Makoto always wear a plaster on his face?<br>
A: Because it's cool.<br>
Aoyama told us: ''At the beginning, I thought I wouldn't draw the manga for a long time. I thought it would last three months, give or take. A few years ago, a fan told me in a fan-letter that he had thought Conan would become Shinichi before the end of the year. But I told myself that the story wouldn't have any meaning if I did something that quick.''
Q: Why are there so many pairings in Detective Conan between old childhood friends?<br>
The idea of a little hero comes from ''Mikeneko Holmes no Suiri'', created by Jiro Akagawa. ''He lives in a big lie, he must understand murder tricks, and he in a quest for the truth'', he told us. ''I don't draw for kids. There are scenes where people strangle other people with cold blood. That's why older people like the series.''
A: Childhood friends becoming lovers is an easy concept to comprehend for everybody. That's why it's used so often.<br>
While he is not involved in drawing the anime, he has written and drawn some scenes of the annual movies. ''Actually, I've always enjoyed animes, so I wanted to become an anime artist.'', he told us, even though he already draws the manga. ''I've written and drawn one scene of the movie, because I wanted to do it.''
Q: How much hours in a week does Gosho Aoyama work and what is he doing when he's not working?<br>
The movie ''The Private Eyes' Requiem'', the tenth movie of the franchise, will be released on the 15th of April.
A: Gosho Aoyama claims that he sleeps three hours a day. When he's not working, he plays computer games, watches TV and movies, reads crime novels, and - of course - watches soccer.<br>
He got married with Conan's voice actress, Minami Takayam, in May. ''When I go home after my work is finished, I want to forget my job, but I still hear Conan's voice in my house.'', he told us, a grin on his lips.
Q: How is Kogoro able to get sober in an instant?<br>
''Sometimes, people tell me ''Conan says what I feel'', and it's sometimes the same for me !'', he also told us with a smile.
A: Gosho Aoyama didn't even notice that before.<br>
The director of Yomiuri TV, Michihiko Suwa, stated that he hadn't thought that the anime would have lasted so long, since 10-year old animes are very rare.
Q: In one movie, the divorce of Kogoro and his wife was shown (see movie 2). Is it going to be shown in the manga series, too?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama is drawing a story, where they are still together. [TN: Probably again referring to volume 55 chapter 6-9]<br>
Raw Text
Q: What is the first name of Professor Agasa's first love?<br>
A: Her first name is Fusae.<br>
Q: Why is Ran so violent?<br>
A: For that you have to ask Ran herself.<br>
Q: Who is Gosho Aoyama's favorite caharcter from Detective Conan?<br>
A: The little master detective himself.<br>
Q: Why does Shuuichi hate Gin so much?<br>
A: It is going to become clear soon in the manga.<br>
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to start a new series after Detective Conan is finished?<br>
A: As of yet, there's no new series planned.<br>
Q: How old is Gosho Aoyama?<br>
A: He is going to be 43 years-old on 21st June [TN: 2006].<br>
Q: For how long has Gosho Aoyama worked on Detective Conan?<br>
A: For this, Gosho Aoyama has to ask his editor, who traveled along.<br>
He has worked on Detective Conan since 1993.<br>
Q: Who is the boss of the BO?<br>
2006年1月6日 読売新聞 Online
A: It's already decided and it is going to be revealed sometime.<br>
Q: Which style of music does Gosho Aoyama prefer?<br>
A: He doesn't listen to music very often and he prefers no particular style.<br>
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama have some role models among other mangaka?<br>
A: Yes, for example the famous movie director Kurosawa is one of his role models.<br>
===Asahi Newspaper Interview "the boss's name has already appeared" (WITH RAW)===
Q: How old was he, when he published his first manga?<br>
朝日新聞夕刊 (Asahi Evening Newspaper), published January 13, 2006<br>
A: That has to be answered by his editor as well. Gosho Aoyama was 24 years-old at that time.<br>
Posted by: Cindy Xin<br>
Comment from Chekhov: "The last file before this boss's name has appeared interview was 551 (Nail and Snake) <br>
Q: When did Gosho Aoyama buy his first manga?<br>
and was in Shounen Sunday issue #5-6 2006 (a double issue with a week break afterwards) which was published January 4, 2006."<br>
A: When he was in kindergarten, he bought his first manga, which probably isn't known by anyone in Germany.<br>
Fully Translated by Startold
By the way, his father bought him "Peter Pan".<br>
Asahi Newspaper of January 13th, 2006
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama have contact to other mangaka?<br>
"Detective Conan" celebrates its 10 years on NTV
A: He visits parties where he meets his colleagues.<br>
An anime that creates a "good intellectual stimulation"
Q: Would he like to visit Germany again, even if the Japanese national team doesn't play there at that time?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama really likes German sausages, so he would like to visit Germany again in the future.<br>
The voice actors of the series have never changed since the beginning of the anime: "Conan is like their home", told us the artist, Aoyama.
Q: Which manga does Gosho Aoyama like to read?<br>
The popular anime of Nihon Television, "Detective Conan", celebrates its 10th anniversary in January this year. The ratings are on an average of 10% among teenagers, and the tenth movie will be released in April. The sales for the 51 first volumes have reached 100 million units, and the series still goes on. "I thought an anime wouldn't go well with a deduction-themed manga. But the anime is still being made thanks to the team's hard work," told us Gosho Aoyama.
A: Among other things he is a big fan of "Vagabond".<br>
Shinichi Kudo was a high-school detective until a mysterious criminal organization made him drink a poison which shrank his body to the state of a child. He now calls himself Conan Edogawa, and lives at his childhood friend's house, in order to solve all kinds of cases, while waiting for the Black Organization to make a move.
An anime adaptation began to air on television one year after the first chapter's release in Shogakukan's 'Shonen Sunday'. "The murders are drawn, and people die frequently. So I first thought "It's impossible, are they really going to do an anime?"," Aoyama told us.
When he was in college, the author wanted to become an anime artist. That's why Aoyama works together with the movie production team for the Detective Conan movies. He is very involved in everything related to the Conan anime.
''I was already drawing the manga, so when the anime team began the creation process of the anime, I told them "I'll also do my best". It became one of my main motivations. Even better, I found ideas for the manga while talking to the anime production team."
A 10-year Special episode was realeased on the 9th of January. It's a battle between the Black Organization and Conan, where both of them have to attack and defend themselves. Since the episodes are released, the gap between the anime and the original work has been shortened. Are the final confrontation and the end of the series near?
''Everything we talk about during our meetings is kept secret. Actually, the boss's name has already appeared in the manga. Try and find it."
The veteran voice actor of the clumsy detective Kogoro Mori, Akira Kamiya-san, gave a certain charm to the anime thanks to his vocal performances.
"Her voice is exactly what I had in mind," Aoyama-san told us when speaking of Conan's voice actor, Minami Takayama-san, a woman. He's married with her since last year.
''After I create a case, I like to ask myself "How would Conan say that?", or "Is it good like that?". Moreover, I always have Conan at home. When I go home after my work is finished, I want to forget my job, but I still hear Conan's voice... in my house."
Raw Image
[[File:Asahi Newspaper 2006 page 1.jpg|300px]]
Raw Text
Source: http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x416/Natsuki2012/200601138.jpg <br>
Q: Which crime story authors did inspire Gosho Aoyama the most?<br>
A: He is a big fan of Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. <br>
Q: When did Gosho Aoyama start to draw manga?<br>
A: He began to draw manga when he was three years old. However, those drawings could only be called scribbles.<br>
Q: On the internet, there is a rumor that Gosho Aoyama would be on a two month-break. Is it true?<br>
A: No, it's not. If someone would offer him such a long break, he wouldn't decline, but, alas, no one does.<br>
Q: Is Gosho Aoyama also interested in European and US comics?<br>
A: Yes, he is. His favorites are "Superman" and "Batman" among other things. But he also likes works from Moebius.<br>
Q: How many persons work on the manga?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama works together with six assitants.<br>
Q: Would Gosho Aoyama read and answer fan letters from Germany, if they are written in Japanaese?<br>
A: He would read them. But instead of answering each of them, he would send a new years card.<br>
Q: To what extend is Detective Conan autobiographic?<br>
A: From time to time, there are events of Gosho Aoyama's daily life, which are represented in the manga.<br>
Q: Is Gosho Aoyama able to imagine one day in the life of Conan without a murder?<br>
A: He would like to write such a story one day.<br>
Q: Are there really as many murders as shown in Detective Conan in Japan?<br>
A: No, thankfully not.<br>
Q: The word is that the Japanese police has used Conan for an anti drug campaign in the past. Is it true?<br>
A: It's true. The campaign was directed at children. Many children watch Deective Conan and while watching it catch this message.<br>
TN: That's it ~<br>
I'm sorry for my bad English. <br>
Feel free to ask if some parts do not make sense in Englisch or to correct any mistakes.<br>
Also, my translation may not be 100 % literal all of the time since it isn't really possible at some parts with how the German sentences are worded.<br>
===Erlangen, Germany Interview (WITH GERMAN)===
Original German Text
Press conference in Erlangen, Germany on June 17, 2006<br>
Video: [http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzI2NjI4MTAw.html link] (may cause you to wait 45 secs to view)<br>
Translated by: Aki-kun
This interview was given on 22nd July 2006 during a press conference at "Comic-Salon" in Erlangen (Germany). [TN: Actually, the interview was given on 17th June 2006.]<br>
From : http://conanwiki.org/wiki/Interview_mit_Gosho_Aoyama_(2006)
Note: At this time, volume 54 was published in Japan, while there were 44 volumes obtainable in Germany. So the events in Japan were 10 volumes ahead in comparison to the German ones.<br>
[Tranlator note: Part of this interview was published in the German version of volume 50, but only a few of the questions/answers. I guess the other questions just weren't written down there for some reason, but were asked and answered during that convention.]<br>
Wie viele Bände soll Detektiv Conan insgesamt haben?
Q: How many volumes is Detective Conan going to have?<br>
Es steht noch nicht fest, wie viele Bände es insgesamt werden.
A: The amount of volumes is not certain yet.<br>
Steht schon fest, wie die Serie enden wird?
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama already know, how the series is going to end?<br>
A: He does already know what the last scene is going to be, but of course he won't reveal it yet. <br>
Die letzte Szene hat Gosho Aoyama schon im Kopf, aber er wird sie natürlich noch nicht verraten.
Q: Will there be a happy end? <br>
Wird es ein Happy End geben?
A: He won't reveal it, either.<br>
Auch das verrät Gosho Aoyama noch nicht.
Q: On which day is Heiji's birthday?<br>
A: It's not certain yet, but it should be July or August.<br>
Wann hat Heiji Geburtstag?
Q: Is Conan going to grow older over the course of the series, e.g. becoming a second grader?<br>
Das steht noch gar nicht fest, er dürfte aber im Juli oder August geboren sein.
A: No, Conan is not going to grow older. He may be at the end of the series, but that's still a secret.<br>
Wird Conan im Lauf der Serie auch mal älter, wird er beispielsweise in die zweite Klasse versetzt?
Q: During one of the movies Sonoko got a different hairstyle (see movie 5). Is she also going to get this hairstyle in the manga version?<br>
A: The movies and the manga version are completely separated from each other. So Sonoko will keep her old hairstyle in the manga version.<br>
Nein, Conan wird nicht älter werden. Außer vielleicht am Schluss, aber wie gesagt, der ist noch geheim.
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to write the last volume already and to keep it in a safe for now?<br>
In einem der Kinofilme legt sich Sonoko eine andere Frisur zu(siehe Film 5). Wird sie diese Frisur auch in Manga bekommen?
A: No, he does not plan to.<br>
Die Filme und die Manga sind völlig getrennt. Im Manga wird Sonoko also ihre alte Frisur behalten.
Q: Is the antidote of APTX related to Necrosis?<br>
A: It's still uncertain.<br>
Will Gosho Aoyama nicht den letzten Band schon schreiben und in einem Safe einschließen?
Q: Are there going to be new members of the Detective Boys in the future?<br>
Nein, das wird er nicht machen.
A: For now, no new members are planned.<br>
Hat das Gegenmittel für das Schrumpfgift etwas mit Nekrose zu tun?
Q: Are there going to be big surprises for Japanese fans in the near future?<br>
A: Yes, there are going to be some big surprises. The name of Haibara [TN: could be either her name or Haibara herself; probably Haibara herself though] is going to be a big part of it [TN: referring to the surprises]. <br>
Das ist noch unklar.
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to have children in the future?<br>
Werden weitere Kinder die Detective Boys verstärken?
A: For now, he does not.<br>
Zur Zeit sind keine weiteren Mitglieder vorgesehen.
Q: How does Gosho Aoyama like Germany? Is Conan going to solve some case in Germany sometime?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama really thinks Germany is very beautiful. He especially likes the sausages. <br>
Stehen den japanischen Fans in der nächsten Zeit größere Überraschungen ins Haus?
There probably won't be a case for Conan in a foreign country since he wouldn't been able to get a passport.<br>
Ja, es wird einige Überraschungen geben. Dabei wird der Name Haibara eine Rolle spielen.
Q: But in one of the movies Conan has solved a case in London already (see movie 6).<br>
A: He wasn't really in London. But maybe he will get a faked passport... (At that time Steffen Hautog interjects how nice it is that the German fans are traveling to Japan just to see the Conan movies as the movies weren't published yet in Germany at that time.) <br>
Möchte Gosho Aoyama Kinder haben?
Q: Where do the ideas for the cases come from?<br>
Im Moment ist kein Nachwuchs geplant.
A: He has to answer this question a lot of times. He gets his inspiration from everyday life, for example from a toilet: <br>
If the lid is up, a man has used the toilet. If it's down, it was a woman. Such details can become part of the cases.<br>
Wie gefällt es Gosho Aoyama in Deutschland? Wird Conan vielleicht mal einen Fall in Deutschland lösen?
Q: In the manga version there often are little extra comics. [TN: Not sure what they are referring to, here] Are they just little jokes or are the assistants using them to annoy their boss?<br>
Gosho Aoyama findet Deutschland sehr schön, insbesondere die Würste haben es ihm angetan. Ein Fall für Conan im Ausland wird es allerdings wohl nicht geben, denn woher sollte der kleine Detektiv einen Reisepass bekommen?
A: They are just little jokes.<br>
Aber in einem der Filme hat Conan einen Fall in London(siehe Film 6) gelöst?
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to have a cameo in Detective Conan?<br>
A: No, he's not going to appear in the series himself.<br>
Er war ja nicht wirklich in London. Aber vielleicht besorgt er sich einen gefälschten Pass... An dieser Stelle wirft Steffen Hautog ein, wie gut er es findet, dass die Fans für die Kinofilme extra nach Japan fahren, denn in Deutschland sind die Filme ja noch nicht veröffentlicht worden.
Q: What is Gosho Aoyama's bet for the WC soccer game between Japan and Croatia? [TN: of the soccer WC 2006 in Germany]<br>
Woher nimmt Gosho Aoyama die Ideen für Conans Fälle?
A: He hopes for a 2:0 for Japan. However, he thinks the Croatian team is very srong, so the Japanese team won't have it easy.<br>
Diese Frage bekommt er oft gestellt. Seine Inspiration findet er oft im Alltag, beispielsweise bei einer Toilette: Wenn der Deckel aufgeklappt ist, hat zuletzt ein Mann die Toilette benutzt. Ist der Deckel unten, war es eine Frau. Solche Kleinigkeiten können in die Fälle einfließen.
Q: Gosho is actively doing sports, e.g. Kendo. Does he also play soccer?<br>
A: He is only a viewer when it comes to soccer. His favorite soccer team is Juventus Turin.<br>
In den Manga finden sich oft kleine Extra-Comics. Sind das reine Gags, oder nutzen seine Assistenten das schon mal, um ihren
Q: How tall is Conan?<br>
Chef etwas zu ägern?
A: Gosho shows with his hand that it's at about 1,30 meter.<br>
Das sind reine Gag-Strips.
Q: Why are all members of the BO named after alcoholic beverages?<br>
A: Because it's cool.<br>
Kann sich Gosho Aoyama einen Cameo-Auftritt in Conan vorstellen?
Q: Why did Gosho Aoyama put a detective in the body of an elementary school pupil?<br>
Nein, er wird nicht selbst in Conan auftreten.
A: Since the series primary audience are children, the protagonist should also be a child.<br>
Welches Ergebnis tippt Gosho Aoyama für das WM-Fußballspiel Japan gegen Kroatien?
Q: Why are almost all characters in the series blue-eyed, while blue-eyed people aren't very common in Japan in reality?<br>
A: Blue is more colorful.<br>
Er wünscht sich ein 2:0 für Japan. Aber die Kroaten sind sehr stark, deshalb wird die japanische Mannschaft es schwer haben.
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama want to continue Kaito Kid?<br>
Gosho Aoyama betreibt aktiv Sport, beispielsweise Kendo. Spielt er auch Fußball?
A: He wants to, but he has no time to do so at the moment. So the master thief is only going to appear occasionally <br>
in Detective Conan for now. In Japan a volume recently was published, which tells the story of the origin of Kid's name.<br>
Beim Fußball ist er nur Zuschauer. Seine Lieblingsmannschaft ist übrigens Juventus Turin.
Q: Is Conan going to find out who's Kid? Is Kid going to be captured, by Conan or police?<br>
Wie groß ist Conan?
A: It's not certain for now.<br>
Gosho Aoyama zeigt mit der Hand auf etwa 1,30 Meter. Steffen Hautog wirft die Begriffe ABC-Schützengröße und Dreikäsehoch ein.
Q: Is Yusaku Kudo going to reappear in the future?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama is drawing a story which plays ten years before the current storyline. Conan's father is going to appear in this case, too. [TN: Obviously referring to volume 55 chapter 6-9]<br>
Warum sind alle Mitglieder der Schwarzen Organisation nach alkoholischen Getränken benannt?
Q: When Gosho Aoyama started Detective Conan, did he expect his series to get so successful?<br>
Weil das cool ist.
A: No, he didn't expect it to get so successful. He estimated that it would be only published for three months in a Japanese magazine.<br>
Wieso hat Gosho Aoyama einen Detektiv in den Körper eines Grundschulkindes gesteckt?
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama teach talented young manga artists?<br>
A: No, he does not teach.<br>
Die Serie ist für Kinder gedacht, deshalb sollte auch die Hauptperson ein Kind sein.
Q: Which part of Detective Conan is done by Gosho Aoyama himself and which part by his assistants?<br>
Warum sind fast alle Charaktere in Conan blauäugig, obwohl in Japan nur wenige Menschen blaue Augen haben?
A: Gosho Aoyama himself draws the characters, his assistants draw the backgrounds and painting big areas.<br>
Blau ist bunter.
Q: Is Sonoko going to have a boyfriend?<br>
A: She already has a boyfriend and they are going to stay together.<br>
Möchte Gosho Aoyama Kaito Kid fortsetzen?
Q: Are there going to be further entanglements between Kaito Kid and Conan?<br>
Er möchte schon, allerdings hat er im Moment nicht die Zeit dazu. Also wird sich der Meisterdieb erst mal auf gelegentliche Auftritte bei Conan beschränken. In Japan ist gerade ein Band erschienen, in dem die Entstehung von Kids Namen erzählt wird.
A: No, because the story would become too complicated, otherwise.<br>
Wird Conan erfahren, wer hinter Kid steckt? Wird Kid gefasst, von Conan oder von der Polizei?
Q: Why does Makoto always wear a plaster on his face?<br>
A: Because it's cool.<br>
Das steht noch nicht fest.
Q: Why are there so many pairings in Detective Conan between old childhood friends?<br>
Wird Yusaku Kudo wieder einmal einen Auftritt haben?
A: Childhood friends becoming lovers is an easy concept to comprehend for everybody. That's why it's used so often.<br>
Gosho Aoyama zeichnet gerade an einer Geschichte, die vor etwa zehn Jahren spielt. Dort wird auch Conans Vater vorkommen.
Q: How much hours in a week does Gosho Aoyama work and what is he doing when he's not working?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama claims that he sleeps three hours a day. When he's not working, he plays computer games, watches TV and movies, reads crime novels, and - of course - watches soccer.<br>
Als Gosho Aoyama mit Conan begonnen hat, hat er da mit diesem überwältigenden Erfolg gerechnet? Nein, mit einem so großen Erfolg hat er nicht gerechnet. Er hätte eher geschätzt, dass die Serie vielleicht drei Monate im japanischen Magazin laufen würde.
Q: How is Kogoro able to get sober in an instant?<br>
Unterrichtet Gosho Aoyama in Japan Nachwuchszeichner?
A: Gosho Aoyama didn't even notice that before.<br>
Nein, er unterrichtet nicht.
Q: In one movie, the divorce of Kogoro and his wife was shown (see movie 2). Is it going to be shown in the manga series, too?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama is drawing a story, where they are still together. [TN: Probably again referring to volume 55 chapter 6-9]<br>
Welchen Teil der Arbeit an Conan erledigt Gosho Aoyama selbst, welchen Teil seine Assistenten?
Q: What is the first name of Professor Agasa's first love?<br>
Gosho Aoyama selbst zeichnet die Figuren, seine Assistenten kümmern sich um die Hintergründe, malen größere Flächen aus.
A: Her first name is Fusae.<br>
Wird Sonoko mal einen festen Freund haben?
Q: Why is Ran so violent?<br>
A: For that you have to ask Ran herself.<br>
Sie hat schon einen festen Freund, und mit dem wird sie auch zusammenbleiben.
Q: Who is Gosho Aoyama's favorite caharcter from Detective Conan?<br>
Wird es weitere Verwicklungen zwischen Kaito Kid und Conan geben?
A: The little master detective himself.<br>
Nein, sonst würde die Geschichte zu schwer zu verstehen.
Q: Why does Shuuichi hate Gin so much?<br>
A: It is going to become clear soon in the manga.<br>
Warum trägt Makoto Kyogoku immer ein Pflaster?
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to start a new series after Detective Conan is finished?<br>
Weil es cool ist.
A: As of yet, there's no new series planned.<br>
Warum gibt es in Conan so viele Paare, die aus einer Sandkastenliebe hervorgegangen sind?
Q: How old is Gosho Aoyama?<br>
A: He is going to be 43 years-old on 21st June [TN: 2006].<br>
Eine Sandkastenliebe ist ein einfaches Motiv, das jeder nachvollziehen kann, deshalb wird es oft verwendet.
Q: For how long has Gosho Aoyama worked on Detective Conan?<br>
Wieviel Stunden in der Woche arbeitet Gosho Aoyama, und was macht er in seiner Freizeit?
A: For this, Gosho Aoyama has to ask his editor, who traveled along.<br>
He has worked on Detective Conan since 1993.<br>
Gosho Aoyama behauptet, dass er drei Stunden pro Tag schläft. In seiner Freizeit spielt er Computerspiele, schaut Fernsehen und Filme, liest gerne
Q: Who is the boss of the BO?<br>
Kriminalromane und schaut natürlich auch Fußball.
A: It's already decided and it is going to be revealed sometime.<br>
Wie schafft es Kogoro, von einer Sekunde auf die nächste nüchtern zu werden?
Q: Which style of music does Gosho Aoyama prefer?<br>
A: He doesn't listen to music very often and he prefers no particular style.<br>
Das ist Gosho Aoyama noch gar nicht aufgefallen.
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama have some role models among other mangaka?<br>
In einem Film wird die Trennung von Kogoro und seiner Frau gezeigt(siehe Film 2), wird das auch im Manga vorkommen?
A: Yes, for example the famous movie director Kurosawa is one of his role models.<br>
Gosho Aoyama zeichnet gerade an einer Episode, in der die beiden noch zusammen sind.
Q: How old was he, when he published his first manga?<br>
A: That has to be answered by his editor as well. Gosho Aoyama was 24 years-old at that time.<br>
Wie heißt Professor Agasas erste Liebe mit Vornamen?
Q: When did Gosho Aoyama buy his first manga?<br>
Sie heißt Fusae.
A: When he was in kindergarten, he bought his first manga, which probably isn't known by anyone in Germany.<br>
By the way, his father bought him "Peter Pan".<br>
Warum ist Ran so gewalttätig?
Q: Does Gosho Aoyama have contact to other mangaka?<br>
Das müsste man Ran selbst fragen.
A: He visits parties where he meets his colleagues.<br>
Wer ist Gosho Aoyamas Lieblingscharakter aus Conan?
Q: Would he like to visit Germany again, even if the Japanese national team doesn't play there at that time?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama really likes German sausages, so he would like to visit Germany again in the future.<br>
Der kleine Meisterdetektiv selbst.
Q: Which manga does Gosho Aoyama like to read?<br>
Warum hasst Shuichi Gin so sehr?
A: Among other things he is a big fan of "Vagabond".<br>
Das wird bald im Manga klar werden.
Q: Which crime story authors did inspire Gosho Aoyama the most?<br>
A: He is a big fan of Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. <br>
Hat Gosho Aoyama vor, nach Conan eine neue Serie zu starten?
Q: When did Gosho Aoyama start to draw manga?<br>
Eine neue Serie ist bisher nicht geplant.
A: He began to draw manga when he was three years old. However, those drawings could only be called scribbles.<br>
Wie alt ist Gosho Aoyama?
Q: On the internet, there is a rumor that Gosho Aoyama would be on a two month-break. Is it true?<br>
A: No, it's not. If someone would offer him such a long break, he wouldn't decline, but, alas, no one does.<br>
Er wird am 21. Juni 43 Jahre alt.
Q: Is Gosho Aoyama also interested in European and US comics?<br>
Wie lang wurde schon insgesamt an Conan gearbeitet?
A: Yes, he is. His favorites are "Superman" and "Batman" among other things. But he also likes works from Moebius.<br>
Q: How many persons work on the manga?<br>
A: Gosho Aoyama works together with six assitants.<br>
Q: Would Gosho Aoyama read and answer fan letters from Germany, if they are written in Japanaese?<br>
A: He would read them. But instead of answering each of them, he would send a new years card.<br>
Q: To what extend is Detective Conan autobiographic?<br>
A: From time to time, there are events of Gosho Aoyama's daily life, which are represented in the manga.<br>
Q: Is Gosho Aoyama able to imagine one day in the life of Conan without a murder?<br>
A: He would like to write such a story one day.<br>
Q: Are there really as many murders as shown in Detective Conan in Japan?<br>
A: No, thankfully not.<br>
Q: The word is that the Japanese police has used Conan for an anti drug campaign in the past. Is it true?<br>
A: It's true. The campaign was directed at children. Many children watch Deective Conan and while watching it catch this message.<br>
TN: That's it ~<br>
I'm sorry for my bad English. <br>
Feel free to ask if some parts do not make sense in Englisch or to correct any mistakes.<br>
Also, my translation may not be 100 % literal all of the time since it isn't really possible at some parts with how the German sentences are worded.<br>
Original German Text
Da muss Gosho Aoyama seinen mitgereisten Redakteur fragen. Die Arbeit an Conan läuft seit 1993.
From : http://conanwiki.org/wiki/Interview_mit_Gosho_Aoyama_(2006)
Wer ist der Boss der Schwarzen Organisation?
Wie viele Bände soll Detektiv Conan insgesamt haben?
Das steht bereits fest, und der Oberboss wird auch noch enttarnt werden.
Es steht noch nicht fest, wie viele Bände es insgesamt werden.
Welche Musikrichtung hört Gosho Aoyama gerne?
Steht schon fest, wie die Serie enden wird?
Er hört eigentlich kaum Musik, bevorzugt keine bestimmte Richtung.
Die letzte Szene hat Gosho Aoyama schon im Kopf, aber er wird sie natürlich noch nicht verraten.
Hat Gosho Aoyama noch Vorbilder unter den anderen Mangaka?
Wird es ein Happy End geben?
Ja, beispielsweise ist der berühmte Filmregisseur Kurosawa eines seiner Vorbilder.
Auch das verrät Gosho Aoyama noch nicht.
In welchem Alter hat er seinen ersten Manga veröffentlicht?
Wann hat Heiji Geburtstag?
Auch hier muss der Redakteur aushelfen, Gosho Aoyama war damals etwa 24 Jahre alt.
Das steht noch gar nicht fest, er dürfte aber im Juli oder August geboren sein.
Wann hat sich Gosho Aoyama seinen ersten Manga gekauft? Als er im Kindergarten war, hat er sich einen Manga gekauft, den hier aber bestimmt niemand kennt. Sein Vater hat ihm übrigens "Peter Pan" geschenkt.
Wird Conan im Lauf der Serie auch mal älter, wird er beispielsweise in die zweite Klasse versetzt?
Hat Gosho Aoyama Kontakt zu anderen Mangaka?
Nein, Conan wird nicht älter werden. Außer vielleicht am Schluss, aber wie gesagt, der ist noch geheim.
Er besucht Partys, auf denen er seine Kollegen trifft.
In einem der Kinofilme legt sich Sonoko eine andere Frisur zu(siehe Film 5). Wird sie diese Frisur auch in Manga bekommen?
Würde er Deutschland nochmal besuchen, auch ohne dass die japanische Nationalmannschaft hier spielt?
Die Filme und die Manga sind völlig getrennt. Im Manga wird Sonoko also ihre alte Frisur behalten.
Gosho Aoyama ist von den deutschen Würsten so begeistert, dass er gerne wiederkommt.
Will Gosho Aoyama nicht den letzten Band schon schreiben und in einem Safe einschließen?
Welche Manga liest Gosho Aoyama?
Nein, das wird er nicht machen.
Er ist beispielsweise ein Fan von Vagabond.
Hat das Gegenmittel für das Schrumpfgift etwas mit Nekrose zu tun?
Welche Krimi-Autoren sind die größte Inspirationsquelle für Gosho Aoyama?
Das ist noch unklar.
Er ist ein großer Fan von Arthur Conan Doyle und Sherlock Holmes.
Werden weitere Kinder die Detective Boys verstärken?
In welchem Alter hat Gosho Aoyama mit dem Manga-Zeichnen angefangen?
Zur Zeit sind keine weiteren Mitglieder vorgesehen.
Bereits im Altern von etwa drei Jahren hat er gezeichnet, das war aber noch eher Gekrakel.
Stehen den japanischen Fans in der nächsten Zeit größere Überraschungen ins Haus?
Im Internet geht das Gerücht um, Gosho Aoyama plane eine zweimonatige Pause. Stimmt das?
Ja, es wird einige Überraschungen geben. Dabei wird der Name Haibara eine Rolle spielen.
Nein, das stimmt nicht. Wenn jemand ihm so einen langen Urlaub anbieten würde, würde er ihn gerne nehmen, aber das tut leider niemand.
Möchte Gosho Aoyama Kinder haben?
Interessiert sich Gosho Aoyama auch für europäische und US-Comics?
Im Moment ist kein Nachwuchs geplant.
Ja, zu seinen Favoriten gehören unter anderem Superman und Batman, aber auch die Arbeiten von Moebius.
Wie gefällt es Gosho Aoyama in Deutschland? Wird Conan vielleicht mal einen Fall in Deutschland lösen?
Wie viele Menschen arbeiten an dem Manga?
Gosho Aoyama findet Deutschland sehr schön, insbesondere die Würste haben es ihm angetan. Ein Fall für Conan im Ausland wird es allerdings wohl nicht geben, denn woher sollte der kleine Detektiv einen Reisepass bekommen?
Gosho Aoyama arbeitet mit sechs Assistenten zusammen.
Aber in einem der Filme hat Conan einen Fall in London(siehe Film 6) gelöst?
Würde Gosho Aoyama auch Leserbriefe aus Deutschland, geschrieben auf Japanisch, lesen und beantworten? Lesen würde er sie, aber anstelle einer individuellen Antwort gibt es eher eine Neujahrskarte.
Er war ja nicht wirklich in London. Aber vielleicht besorgt er sich einen gefälschten Pass... An dieser Stelle wirft Steffen Hautog ein, wie gut er es findet, dass die Fans für die Kinofilme extra nach Japan fahren, denn in Deutschland sind die Filme ja noch nicht veröffentlicht worden.
Inwieweit ist Conan autobiographisch?
Woher nimmt Gosho Aoyama die Ideen für Conans Fälle?
Es gibt immer wieder Ereignisse aus Gosho Aoyamas Alltag, die sich im Manga wiederfinden.
Diese Frage bekommt er oft gestellt. Seine Inspiration findet er oft im Alltag, beispielsweise bei einer Toilette: Wenn der Deckel aufgeklappt ist, hat zuletzt ein Mann die Toilette benutzt. Ist der Deckel unten, war es eine Frau. Solche Kleinigkeiten können in die Fälle einfließen.
Kann Gosho Aoyama sich einen Tag für Conan ohne Mord vorstellen?
In den Manga finden sich oft kleine Extra-Comics. Sind das reine Gags, oder nutzen seine Assistenten das schon mal, um ihren
Eine solche Geschichte würde er gerne einmal schreiben.
Chef etwas zu ägern?
Gibt es in Japan tatsächlich so viele Morde wie in Conan?
Das sind reine Gag-Strips.
Nein, Gott sei dank nicht.
Kann sich Gosho Aoyama einen Cameo-Auftritt in Conan vorstellen?
Es heißt, die japanische Polizei habe einmal Conan in einer Anti-Drogen-Kampagne verwendet, stimmt das? Das stimmt. Die Kampagne richtete sich an Kinder. Viele Kinder schauen gerne Conan an und bekommen dann die Botschaft mit.
Nein, er wird nicht selbst in Conan auftreten.
Welches Ergebnis tippt Gosho Aoyama für das WM-Fußballspiel Japan gegen Kroatien?
===Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 2===
Aoyama Anime 10th anniversary interview in 2006 on the Yomiuri Television (YTV) website<br>
Original link : http://www.ytv.co.jp/conan/index_set.html (page died)<br>
Posted at : https://reiarashi.wordpress.com/2006/09/10/aoyama-10th-anniversary-interview/
Q: The animated version of “Detective Conan” is welcoming it’s 10 years anniversary. Looking back on these ten years, How do you feel?<br>
Gosho: Even though that is a long time, to me… it feels like a blink of an eye.
Er wünscht sich ein 2:0 für Japan. Aber die Kroaten sind sehr stark, deshalb wird die japanische Mannschaft es schwer haben.
Q: Are there any differences between now and then?<br>
Gosho: (Conan) grew taller. *laugh* In the beginning, I was drawing him at the cute size of three head sizes. Now I’m slowly drawing him at 4 head size, because kids in real life are taller now.
Gosho Aoyama betreibt aktiv Sport, beispielsweise Kendo. Spielt er auch Fußball?
Q: What’s your favorite moment in the anime?<br>
Gosho: “The moonlight sonata case”. In the manga, there was no sound so it felt better with music in the anime. Other ones, are like the bomb case of Sato-san.
Beim Fußball ist er nur Zuschauer. Seine Lieblingsmannschaft ist übrigens Juventus Turin.
Q: How’d you feel when they decided to make an anime?<br>
Gosho: Conan is based on logical deduction, so I thought it was better to make it into a play. As an anime, if there’s no action, if it can’t make people happy, it wouldn’t be accepted. At the time I felt even if Conan was made into an anime, it won’t be accepted so… I thought it would be over very soon *laugh*
Wie groß ist Conan?
Q: You never expected that it would last ten years?<br>
Gosho: Never… I’m surprised myself.
Gosho Aoyama zeigt mit der Hand auf etwa 1,30 Meter. Steffen Hautog wirft die Begriffe ABC-Schützengröße und Dreikäsehoch ein.
Q: What’s the most important thing to take note of when drawing Conan?<br>
Gosho: When it was made into an anime, I told the artist not to draw Conan like the edogawa detective group’s Rin-san but draw him like Kogorou, a person who looks like he’s overseeing the whole case.
Warum sind alle Mitglieder der Schwarzen Organisation nach alkoholischen Getränken benannt?
Q: What do you feel when looking at the anime?<br>
Gosho: Conan’s voice is my wife’s voice, but in the anime she’ll say “yatte ne” in a voice more fitting of her beautiful attitude *laugh*
Weil das cool ist.
Q: What’s hardest to draw in Conan?<br>
Gosho: The corpse, if you draw it too scary, too ugly, or too rough… people won’t find it interesting. It’s very hard to find the balance in this area… but still fit for kids to watch because kids are really smart these days. In truth, I’ve drawn a lot of content that’s just more fitting for adults.
Wieso hat Gosho Aoyama einen Detektiv in den Körper eines Grundschulkindes gesteckt?
Q: Were you ever worried about the possibility that the anime might be more popular then the original work?<br>
Gosho: I never worried about that before, I don’t mind the anime originals that the anime staff came up with.
Die Serie ist für Kinder gedacht, deshalb sollte auch die Hauptperson ein Kind sein.
Q: What do you think of the anime original?<br>
Gosho: Conan in the Manga says only stuff that I know, stuff that I researched, and stuff that I heard and sources like that. Anime Original is different, I’ve got no idea of the plotline. Sometimes I’ll let out a “Ho~o, you’re so smart!” or “Wow, you even know things like that” remarks.
Warum sind fast alle Charaktere in Conan blauäugig, obwohl in Japan nur wenige Menschen blaue Augen haben?
Q: Did you even think about drawing the anime and the manga at the same time?<br>
Gosho: Of course, of course, especially when I’m drawing action scenes like Ran’s karate because if you see it in anime, it is very interesting. Like Conan’s kicking scenes. There wasn’t any sort of continuous action in the manga.
Blau ist bunter.
Q: The reason Conan is so loved by fans over this long period of time?<br>
Gosho: Yeah, to tell you the truth. I’m not really clear on it. I guess it’s because everybody likes to see detective shows and drama shows. The man who was shrunk and can not confess his love, everyone seems able to embrace this.
Möchte Gosho Aoyama Kaito Kid fortsetzen?
Q: What does Conan mean to you?<br>
Gosho: Painful days and happy days. I’m very happy when I’m drawing Conan, but at the same time… it is very tiresome *laugh*
Er möchte schon, allerdings hat er im Moment nicht die Zeit dazu. Also wird sich der Meisterdieb erst mal auf gelegentliche Auftritte bei Conan beschränken. In Japan ist gerade ein Band erschienen, in dem die Entstehung von Kids Namen erzählt wird.
Q: What is the most tired period within these ten years?<br>
Gosho: Well, because there are so many lines… it took a long time to produce it. If anybody feels that the lines are too long, that’s because I wrote it that long. *laugh* This is a really tiresome work. I have a few pages full of lines in tiny letters.
Wird Conan erfahren, wer hinter Kid steckt? Wird Kid gefasst, von Conan oder von der Polizei?
Q: Compared to your other work, is the production time the same?<br>
Gosho: It’s completely different. When I was drawing Yaiba, if I’m lucky, I can be done in 4 to 5 days. Conan needs at least 1 week or a bit more then 1 week. For a weekly published manga… I killed quite a bit of my brain cells.
Das steht noch nicht fest.
Q: How many more years do you set as your goal?<br>
Gosho: Because I’ve been drawing it for 10 years, I haven’t thought of the future. Although I have already thought of the ending, because I can’t lay the clues if I don’t have the ending.
Wird Yusaku Kudo wieder einmal einen Auftritt haben?
Q: The 10th movie that’s going to premiere in April.. what’s the difference between it and the 9th film?<br>
Gosho: It’s different, to say… there’s going to be a lot more detectives this time. (Did you see that poster with all the detectives) Yeah, even though this guy came out before, this time, he’s coming out at the same time. The other point worth mentioning is my other project “Magic Kaito”. The showdown between Kaitou and his nemesis Hakuba. Heiji, Conan and Hakuba. The joint appearance of the 3 high school detectives at the same time.
Gosho Aoyama zeichnet gerade an einer Geschichte, die vor etwa zehn Jahren spielt. Dort wird auch Conans Vater vorkommen.
Q: The story of the movie?<br>
Gosho: Within limited time, can the case be solved? Can the criminal be captured? The criminal will have a lot of hostages… It’s not good if I say anymore *laugh*
Als Gosho Aoyama mit Conan begonnen hat, hat er da mit diesem überwältigenden Erfolg gerechnet? Nein, mit einem so großen Erfolg hat er nicht gerechnet. Er hätte eher geschätzt, dass die Serie vielleicht drei Monate im japanischen Magazin laufen würde.
Q: Finally, do you have anything to say to the audience?<br>
Gosho: This time it’s the 10th movie, so all the detectives who’ve shown up within these ten years should appear. So even though I can’t say fancy, it’s the 10 year special. Please look forward to it!
Raw text
Unterrichtet Gosho Aoyama in Japan Nachwuchszeichner?
Nein, er unterrichtet nicht.
Welchen Teil der Arbeit an Conan erledigt Gosho Aoyama selbst, welchen Teil seine Assistenten?
Gosho Aoyama selbst zeichnet die Figuren, seine Assistenten kümmern sich um die Hintergründe, malen größere Flächen aus.
Wird Sonoko mal einen festen Freund haben?
Sie hat schon einen festen Freund, und mit dem wird sie auch zusammenbleiben.
Wird es weitere Verwicklungen zwischen Kaito Kid und Conan geben?
Nein, sonst würde die Geschichte zu schwer zu verstehen.
Warum trägt Makoto Kyogoku immer ein Pflaster?
Weil es cool ist.
Warum gibt es in Conan so viele Paare, die aus einer Sandkastenliebe hervorgegangen sind?
Eine Sandkastenliebe ist ein einfaches Motiv, das jeder nachvollziehen kann, deshalb wird es oft verwendet.
Wieviel Stunden in der Woche arbeitet Gosho Aoyama, und was macht er in seiner Freizeit?
Gosho Aoyama behauptet, dass er drei Stunden pro Tag schläft. In seiner Freizeit spielt er Computerspiele, schaut Fernsehen und Filme, liest gerne
Kriminalromane und schaut natürlich auch Fußball.
Wie schafft es Kogoro, von einer Sekunde auf die nächste nüchtern zu werden?
Das ist Gosho Aoyama noch gar nicht aufgefallen.
In einem Film wird die Trennung von Kogoro und seiner Frau gezeigt(siehe Film 2), wird das auch im Manga vorkommen?
Gosho Aoyama zeichnet gerade an einer Episode, in der die beiden noch zusammen sind.
===Urusei Yatsura Volume 21 Interview RAW===
うる星やつら(新装版)21巻のインタビュー September 18th, 2007 <br>
A Detective Conan website had this listed as an interview<br>
so it must have some relevance <br>
Wie heißt Professor Agasas erste Liebe mit Vornamen?
Sie heißt Fusae.
しかしこの名は日本中の・・・いや、今や世界中のまんがファンの心に刻み込まれ、皆、悟っております・・・この名を名乗っていいキャラは誰であるべきかと・・・ なにより私自身が・・・
使えねぇ─── ぜってぇ使えねぜ!!<br>
Warum ist Ran so gewalttätig?
Das müsste man Ran selbst fragen.
The poster also had this to say about things from much later <br>
in the Conan series like Rum and volume 85 (Scarlet Series)
Wer ist Gosho Aoyamas Lieblingscharakter aus Conan?
Der kleine Meisterdetektiv selbst.
Warum hasst Shuichi Gin so sehr?
Das wird bald im Manga klar werden.
Hat Gosho Aoyama vor, nach Conan eine neue Serie zu starten?
Eine neue Serie ist bisher nicht geplant.
Wie alt ist Gosho Aoyama?
⇒85巻 緋色シリーズでバーボン編が一区切り。新たに組織のNO.2である”ラム”の登場が示唆され、ラム編が始まる。
Er wird am 21. Juni 43 Jahre alt.
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150234936186/urusei-yatsura-volume-21-interview-2007 link]
Excuse me for being personal, but my series [Meitantei Conan] are continuing more than 10 years now, and a quite a lot of Conan’s enemies - BO’s members - had appeared. Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Sherry, Vermouth…
Wie lang wurde schon insgesamt an Conan gearbeitet?
Right. Their names are all alcohol. And the only one name left, which sounds cool for a name is [Rum]….
Da muss Gosho Aoyama seinen mitgereisten Redakteur fragen. Die Arbeit an Conan läuft seit 1993.
But this name is carved in hearts of all Japan, no… whole world’s manga fans… And this character who has that name… I, for all, too…
Wer ist der Boss der Schwarzen Organisation?
I can’t use it! I’ll never use it!!
Das steht bereits fest, und der Oberboss wird auch noch enttarnt werden.
Once an Oni Princess suddenly appeared on a magazine page, and with her cute face, sexy body, and destructive lightning attacks stole the hearts of her fans. Even now she continues to live inside of them! And I believe she’ll continue in the future… Like Tezuka-sensei’s Atom…
Welche Musikrichtung hört Gosho Aoyama gerne?
…Well, one day I will use this name…<br>
…You can laugh all you want at that day…<br>
…Ohoho… :)
Er hört eigentlich kaum Musik, bevorzugt keine bestimmte Richtung.
TN: Rum/Lum is a character from Takahashi Rumiko’s Urusei Yatsura 
Hat Gosho Aoyama noch Vorbilder unter den anderen Mangaka?
===Akigoro Interview RAW===
2007年秋ごろのインタビュー 「最終回の構想できている」<br>
Unknown interview <br>
Ja, beispielsweise ist der berühmte Filmregisseur Kurosawa eines seiner Vorbilder.
In welchem Alter hat er seinen ersten Manga veröffentlicht?
Auch hier muss der Redakteur aushelfen, Gosho Aoyama war damals etwa 24 Jahre alt.
Wann hat sich Gosho Aoyama seinen ersten Manga gekauft? Als er im Kindergarten war, hat er sich einen Manga gekauft, den hier aber bestimmt niemand kennt. Sein Vater hat ihm übrigens "Peter Pan" geschenkt.
Hat Gosho Aoyama Kontakt zu anderen Mangaka?
Er besucht Partys, auf denen er seine Kollegen trifft.
Würde er Deutschland nochmal besuchen, auch ohne dass die japanische Nationalmannschaft hier spielt?
Gosho Aoyama ist von den deutschen Würsten so begeistert, dass er gerne wiederkommt.
Welche Manga liest Gosho Aoyama?
Er ist beispielsweise ein Fan von Vagabond.
Welche Krimi-Autoren sind die größte Inspirationsquelle für Gosho Aoyama?
Er ist ein großer Fan von Arthur Conan Doyle und Sherlock Holmes.
In welchem Alter hat Gosho Aoyama mit dem Manga-Zeichnen angefangen?
Bereits im Altern von etwa drei Jahren hat er gezeichnet, das war aber noch eher Gekrakel.
Im Internet geht das Gerücht um, Gosho Aoyama plane eine zweimonatige Pause. Stimmt das?
Nein, das stimmt nicht. Wenn jemand ihm so einen langen Urlaub anbieten würde, würde er ihn gerne nehmen, aber das tut leider niemand.
Interessiert sich Gosho Aoyama auch für europäische und US-Comics?
Ja, zu seinen Favoriten gehören unter anderem Superman und Batman, aber auch die Arbeiten von Moebius.
Wie viele Menschen arbeiten an dem Manga?
Gosho Aoyama arbeitet mit sechs Assistenten zusammen.
Würde Gosho Aoyama auch Leserbriefe aus Deutschland, geschrieben auf Japanisch, lesen und beantworten? Lesen würde er sie, aber anstelle einer individuellen Antwort gibt es eher eine Neujahrskarte.
Inwieweit ist Conan autobiographisch?
Es gibt immer wieder Ereignisse aus Gosho Aoyamas Alltag, die sich im Manga wiederfinden.
Kann Gosho Aoyama sich einen Tag für Conan ohne Mord vorstellen?
Eine solche Geschichte würde er gerne einmal schreiben.
Gibt es in Japan tatsächlich so viele Morde wie in Conan?
Nein, Gott sei dank nicht.
Es heißt, die japanische Polizei habe einmal Conan in einer Anti-Drogen-Kampagne verwendet, stimmt das? Das stimmt. Die Kampagne richtete sich an Kinder. Viele Kinder schauen gerne Conan an und bekommen dann die Botschaft mit.
===Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 2 (no raw)===
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150517368956/2007s-autumn-interview-english-translation link]
Aoyama Anime 10th anniversary interview on 2006<br>
Posted at : https://reiarashi.wordpress.com/2006/09/10/aoyama-10th-anniversary-interview/
Q: The animated version of “Detective Conan” is welcoming it’s 10 years anniversary. Looking back on these ten years, How do you feel?<br>
2007’s Autumn Interview [I started thinking about the last arc]
Gosho: Even though that is a long time, to me… it feels like a blink of an eye.
Q: Are there any differences between now and then?<br>
“When I started reading, I was just an elementary schooler but now I am university student" [I felt like ‘Ehh? Did so much time really passed?’ once again. So I should draw something that would make my fans happy.]
Gosho: (Conan) grew taller. *laugh* In the beginning, I was drawing him at the cute size of three head sizes. Now I’m slowly drawing him at 4 head size, because kids in real life are taller now.
Q: What’s your favorite moment in the anime?<br>
That’s 14th year (TN: 2007) after Detective Manga [Meitantei Conan] started publishing in Shogakukan’s [Shounen Sunday]. 120 mln. copies were sold and this month vol. 59 is out for sale.
Gosho: “The moonlight sonata case”. In the manga, there was no sound so it felt better with music in the anime. Other ones, are like the bomb case of Sato-san.
Q: How’d you feel when they decided to make an anime?<br>
Story follows high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who had taken the name of Edogawa Conan after being turned into a child by some mysterious organization. He tries to catch the organization while solving different cases…
Gosho: Conan is based on logical deduction, so I thought it was better to make it into a play. As an anime, if there’s no action, if it can’t make people happy, it wouldn’t be accepted. At the time I felt even if Conan was made into an anime, it won’t be accepted so… I thought it would be over very soon *laugh*
Q: You never expected that it would last ten years?<br>
[Mysteries are interesting because you can draw them in different genres. If the criminal is a player, then it’s sports world, an actor - the world of theater, you see. Every time I’m drawing it with fresh emotions, because of a feeling I’m going to meet a new world. That’s hard but I don’t get bored]
Gosho: Never… I’m surprised myself.
Q: What’s the most important thing to take note of when drawing Conan?<br>
It’s 11th year after TV anime started, and with live-action drama confirmed in December, this series are a good example of media mix.
Gosho: When it was made into an anime, I told the artist not to draw Conan like the edogawa detective group’s Rin-san but draw him like Kogorou, a person who looks like he’s overseeing the whole case.
Q: What do you feel when looking at the anime?<br>
[There’s no pressure. Rather than pressure, I think of it as fun? Hehehe. Besides, I’m more of intuitive person. I’m lucky to draw by a hunch.]
Gosho: Conan’s voice is my wife’s voice, but in the anime she’ll say “yatte ne” in a voice more fitting of her beautiful attitude *laugh*
Q: What’s hardest to draw in Conan?<br>
The latest issue had the color theme. [The color is easy for understanding even for children. I usually include things that are familiar and known to everyone into the cases]
Gosho: The corpse, if you draw it too scary, too ugly, or too rough… people won’t find it interesting. It’s very hard to find the balance in this area… but still fit for kids to watch because kids are really smart these days. In truth, I’ve drawn a lot of content that’s just more fitting for adults.
Q: Were you ever worried about the possibility that the anime might be more popular then the original work?<br>
Drawing murders without any doubts…
Gosho: I never worried about that before, I don’t mind the anime originals that the anime staff came up with.
Q: What do you think of the anime original?<br>
There are some negative effects about long-running series. Case are becoming to be more and more difficult with time. Meitantei Conan tries to keep the same tone since vol. 1.
Gosho: Conan in the Manga says only stuff that I know, stuff that I researched, and stuff that I heard and sources like that. Anime Original is different, I’ve got no idea of the plotline. Sometimes I’ll let out a “Ho~o, you’re so smart!” or “Wow, you even know things like that” remarks.
Q: Did you even think about drawing the anime and the manga at the same time?<br>
[Don’t make it too professional. Using hard words and riddles is easy, but the reader won’t understand it]
Gosho: Of course, of course, especially when I’m drawing action scenes like Ran’s karate because if you see it in anime, it is very interesting. Like Conan’s kicking scenes. There wasn’t any sort of continuous action in the manga.
Q: The reason Conan is so loved by fans over this long period of time?<br>
One of the important things is to be considerate about crime.
Gosho: Yeah, to tell you the truth. I’m not really clear on it. I guess it’s because everybody likes to see detective shows and drama shows. The man who was shrunk and can not confess his love, everyone seems able to embrace this.
Q: What does Conan mean to you?<br>
[I’m not treating murders lightly, but in order not to disappoint my readers, I let it proceed without obstacles. I want them to read it eagerly.]
Gosho: Painful days and happy days. I’m very happy when I’m drawing Conan, but at the same time… it is very tiresome *laugh*
Q: What is the most tired period within these ten years?<br>
Right now there are 624 files.
Gosho: Well, because there are so many lines… it took a long time to produce it. If anybody feels that the lines are too long, that’s because I wrote it that long. *laugh* This is a really tiresome work. I have a few pages full of lines in tiny letters.
Q: Compared to your other work, is the production time the same?<br>
[If I can’t come up with a story no matter what, I have around 12 hours to arrange my thoughts. Although sometimes I can decide it in 4 hours… When I got stuck, I start thinking if I can implement elements of stories I already drawn, go for a lazy walk, watch DVDs. Try to change my mood]
Gosho: It’s completely different. When I was drawing Yaiba, if I’m lucky, I can be done in 4 to 5 days. Conan needs at least 1 week or a bit more then 1 week. For a weekly published manga… I killed quite a bit of my brain cells.
Q: How many more years do you set as your goal?<br>
The interview was carried out in Tokyo workplace. After look at the IC recorder that was on desk, he immediately takes it.
Gosho: Because I’ve been drawing it for 10 years, I haven’t thought of the future. Although I have already thought of the ending, because I can’t lay the clues if I don’t have the ending.
Q: The 10th movie that’s going to premiere in April.. what’s the difference between it and the 9th film?<br>
[So small. That’s incredible now]
Gosho: It’s different, to say… there’s going to be a lot more detectives this time. (Did you see that poster with all the detectives) Yeah, even though this guy came out before, this time, he’s coming out at the same time. The other point worth mentioning is my other project “Magic Kaito”. The showdown between Kaitou and his nemesis Hakuba. Heiji, Conan and Hakuba. The joint appearance of the 3 high school detectives at the same time.
Q: The story of the movie?<br>
That’s Aoyama for you. He can be amused by everything. He was born in Tottori, Daiei-machi (now called Hokuei). He used to explore mountains all the time when he was a kid. [That’s why it’s easy for me to draw expeditions. Conan’s actions are all my experience.]
Gosho: Within limited time, can the case be solved? Can the criminal be captured? The criminal will have a lot of hostages… It’s not good if I say anymore *laugh*
Q: Finally, do you have anything to say to the audience?<br>
After graduating from the university, he refused to become an art teacher his father wanted him to be, but [now he’s my best supporter. Every time I return home, he asks for a sign]
Gosho: This time it’s the 10th movie, so all the detectives who’ve shown up within these ten years should appear. So even though I can’t say fancy, it’s the 10 year special. Please look forward to it!
===Urusei Yatsura Volume 21 Interview RAW===
I’m thinking about the last arc, but the fans won’t forgive me if I’ll end it now.
うる星やつら(新装版)21巻のインタビュー September 18th, 2007 <br>
A Detective Conan website had this listed as an interview<br>
so it must have some relevance <br>
[I won’t betray your expectations]
しかしこの名は日本中の・・・いや、今や世界中のまんがファンの心に刻み込まれ、皆、悟っております・・・この名を名乗っていいキャラは誰であるべきかと・・・ なにより私自身が・・・
His obedient son, Conan, will continue.
使えねぇ─── ぜってぇ使えねぜ!!<br>
Media mix spreading in the world.
According to publications investigation carried by Research Institute for Publications (Tokyo, Shinjuku), manga (tankoban) market extends via media mix, such as anime serialization, and had maintained a 250 billion yen scale among the severe publishing world (253.3 bln yen in 2006)
The poster also had this to say about things from much later <br>
in the Conan series like Rum and volume 85 (Scarlet Series)
One of the leaders, [Meitantei Conan] became an anime series on NTV 11 years ago. In 15 days [Autumn’s Mystery Special] would be broadcasted in 6 episodes. 11th movie, [Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure] will be out in April and 12th movie’s production had been decided.
It was translated and published in 22 countries and regions of the world. There’s [Aoyama Gosho’s Hometown Museum] in Tottori, crowded with fans.
⇒85巻 緋色シリーズでバーボン編が一区切り。新たに組織のNO.2である”ラム”の登場が示唆され、ラム編が始まる。
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150234936186/urusei-yatsura-volume-21-interview-2007 link]
===Conan and Kindaichi Files Interview #1 (WITH RAW)===
名探偵コナン&金田一少年の事件簿01 (Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case files #1), published April 10, 2008<br>
Translated by: justwantanaccount
Excuse me for being personal, but my series [Meitantei Conan] are continuing more than 10 years now, and a quite a lot of Conan’s enemies - BO’s members - had appeared. Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Sherry, Vermouth…
First, pleast tell the details on how the serializations began.<br>
Seimaru Amagi (the writer for Kindaichi): At the time we started Kindaichi Case Files, genuine mystery manga using tricks were hopeless. When I started this job, there were a few themes that I wanted to do, and mystery manga was one of them. I thought of plans according to that.<br>
Fumiya Sato (the illustrator for Kindaichi): For me, after returning from a trip, there was a probe about Kindaichi from the editorial department. At the time, it didn't sell, so it was the time when I thought about things like “what should I do next?”<br>
Gosho Aoyama: Same feel for me. In my case, I was probed, “Since Kindaichi is popular, can do you do that kind of manga for Shonen Sunday?” At first, though, I had no interest at all. It would be a lot of trouble, you see.<br>
Sato: You were already drawing Magic Kaito at the time, though, right?<br>
Aoyama: That's thief material, you see. For thief material, you only have to steal something so it's easy.<br>
Right. Their names are all alcohol. And the only one name left, which sounds cool for a name is [Rum]….
Amagi: By nature, children love mysteries, and we read mystery novels when we were small, too. For manga, I thought that I could do it if I stretched it long with mysteries.<br>
Aoyama: But when you actually do it, you understand why no one does it. Lines are long, and it's a lot of trouble.<br>
Sato: At the beginning of Kindaichi's serialization, I thought it would only last about a year.<br>
Aoyama: I, too, thought that it would only last about three months, since it's difficult to continue material-wise.<br>
Sato: And then you do it at a weekly pace, so it's too unreasonable.<br>
Aoyama: But Kindaichi served as quite a reference. I practically copied the part where the culprit is completely black.<br>
Everyone: (Laughs wildly)<br>
Amagi: That's Sato-sensei's invention. In the original work, I only wrote, “make sure you cannot identify the person.”<br>
Sato: They're merely black, that's all.<br>
Aoyama: But you can't tell who it is, and it feels eerie.<br>
Amagi: There's a rule to it, isn't there? You draw the same body type for both men and women. Then, when the culprit is revealed, even if the body type changes no one makes a joke about it.<br>
Aoyama: In novels, you explain the evidence, culprit, etc. in the text, but in manga, you can deftly draw them somewhere in the panel to build your trick.<br>
Amagi: Mysteries are basically novels, so visual mysteries were untouched. When I realized that, I thought that I could do it for a long time. Meanwhile, I'll continue to give Sato-sensei trouble.<br>
But this name is carved in hearts of all Japan, no… whole world’s manga fans… And this character who has that name… I, for all, too…
Do you verify your tricks?<br>
I can’t use it! I’ll never use it!!
Aoyama: For the trick that locks the door from the outside with tape, I got the editor to go outside and test it. But for tricks involving sealed rooms, I must show all the room beforehand for the trick. That is quite difficult.<br>
Once an Oni Princess suddenly appeared on a magazine page, and with her cute face, sexy body, and destructive lightning attacks stole the hearts of her fans. Even now she continues to live inside of them! And I believe she’ll continue in the future… Like Tezuka-sensei’s Atom…
Drawing-wise, drawing apart the characters must be a lot of trouble.<br>
Aoyama: A lot of characters appear in Kindaichi at once – drawing apart seems like a lot of trouble.<br>
Sato: I don't put much effort into drawing apart anymore (laughs). When I draw, things like “I might draw this tear-inducing, good-things-saying character the same way I drew that mean lady” happen.<br>
…Well, one day I will use this name…<br>
…You can laugh all you want at that day…<br>
What about the characters' names?<br>
…Ohoho… :)
Aoyama: For me, I match with the theme of the work – for example, if the story was about the sky, I would give bird-related names. I get letters like “this time, [the names are based on] birds, right?” This is for self-satisfaction, though.<br>
Sato: We don't use realistic names, do we?<br>
Amagi: We try not to repeat the mood of the previous names. Characters that don't appear for long lasts only about three chapters, up to maybe 15 chapters, so in a sense the characters are built on the name. Give dubious names to dubious guys.<br>
Aoyama: I see.<br>
Sato: For forsaken heroins, we may use kanji's meaning “winter” or something that feels cold.<br>
Aoyama: Characters are named well in Kindaichi. The names are quite scary. Names are truly important, aren't they?<br>
Sato: You can convey a mood through the name's ideographs.<br>
TN: Rum/Lum is a character from Takahashi Rumiko’s Urusei Yatsura 
Both Conan and Kindaichi take place at various locations. Do you go to places for reference?<br>
===Akigoro Interview RAW===
Aoyama: When I drew the story about the sleeping car train Hokutosei, I actually rode it. When I took pictures, I had to get off in the middle, though.<br>
2007年秋ごろのインタビュー 「最終回の構想できている」<br>
Unknown interview <br>
Sato: I drew material about trains, but I never went . . .<br>
Aoyama: But traveling with the editor is dull, isn't it?<br>
Sato: That happens!<br>
Amagi: What did we do at Kindaichi's time?<br>
Sato: The staff went and took pictures. We never went to Hokkaido! Even Hajime went many times, though he's only a high school student.<br>
Aoyama: (laughs)<br>
Snowy places appear often in Kindaichi. What is the reason?<br>
Sato: Because it's easy to isolate people in winter.<br>
Aoyama: There was a trick that made footprints appear by sprinkling salt, wasn't there? I thought that it was good.<br>
Amagi: It was simple and easy to understand, and it was beautiful, too, wasn't it? I like the phrase “sakura snow”, too. I had a lot of fun writing it at the time.<br>
Aoyama: At the time? (laughs)<br>
Sato: We tried to change the taste a little for that, since we'd done this for a long time back then.<br>
Did you do location hunting at the time?<br>
Sato: No, not at all!<br>
Aoyama: (laughs)<br>
What do you think is the appeal of mystery manga?<br>
Amagi: The number one appeal would be solving mysteries. That aspect is manga-esque now, isn't it?<br>
Sato: In the end, if there is a mystery, one must solve it.<br>
Aoyama: Love comedy is an element in Kindaichi and Conan.<br>
Characters like female high school student heroines and sexy women appear, don't they?<br>
Amagi: It's a promise.<br>
Aoyama: Not much sexy girls appear in Conan, though beautiful women might float naked in a bathtub in Kindaichi.<br>
Sato: That's because we're at Shonen Magazine (laughs).<br>
Amagi: Shower scenes and such.<br>
Aoyama: The editorial department would stop it in Shonen Sunday (laughs).<br>
Sato: Shonen Sunday doesn't do it much from the old days, do they?<br>
Amagi: Mystery mangas are logical and hard to understand, aren't they? So you include eye-catching panty shots to make the readers want to try reading, because you don't want to limit the audience.<br>
Sato: Those kind of pulls really does become the start sometimes in manga, doesn't it? Some readers start reading simply because cute girls appear in the manga.<br>
Aoyama: For me, I drew with the intention to include elements of love comedy in Conan from the beginning. The protagonist becoming small is truly a love comedy, you see. I thought that having a small boy and a girl that the boy's real self loves would be interesting.<br>
Amagi: That sounds interesting, even if it wasn't a mystery manga.<br>
Aoyama: Yes, that part by itself without deductions would be good, I think.<br>
Amagi: The small boy might look inside a skirt really quick.<br>
Sato: That's only in Shonen Magazine!<br>
Amagi: That's true (laughs).<br>
Then, what is especially troublesome doing a mystery manga?<br>
Amagi: Though the motive for the case is really important, in truth there aren't much variation, is there?<br>
Aoyama: You use everything, and running out of ideas on interesting motives become imminent (laughs).<br>
Amagi: Since the readership is wide in manga, you have to hype up dramatically or else the readers may start feeling unsatisfied.<br>
Sato: The motive for the murder starts changing, too. In the old days, you use “my lover was killed . . .”, but recently it became “in truth the person wasn't even my lover!” - it becomes distorted like this.<br>
Aoyama: That's true, twists are essential.<br>
Amagi: If you make it a simple revenge and the like, you get told that you've already done it before.<br>
Aoyama: I think “I did this, didn't I?”, even when I'm drawing myself.<br>
Amagi: Yes, yes. I ran out of ideas for motives in the first 1~2 years. I've had difficulty ever since.<br>
Catch phrases are characteristic, too, aren't they?<br>
Amagi: They tighten the story, and I like how it gives the expectation that the tables will be turned from that point on. Thanks to “In the name of grandpa”, I feel that I've gained one chapter's worth.<br>
Aoyama: In Conan's case, he says “Edogawa Conan – a detective” from time to time, and that's it. Maybe I should make him say “In the name of ___”, at least once.<br>
Everyone: (laughs)<br>
Amagi: Yes, let us exchange!<br>
Aoyama: You'll make him say “Kindaichi Hajime – a detective”?<br>
Amagi: I like it!<br>
Sato: But he's a high school student.<br>
Amagi: Someone might joke, “He's not [officially] a detective, is he?”<br>
As a result of the two works' influence, manga with a lot of text increased, didn't it?<br>
Aoyama: Maybe, perhaps.<br>
Amagi: It became acceptable due to the hits, didn't it?<br>
Sato: The readers nowadays can apparently understand better.<br>
Amagi: For example, in the old days, the amount of text in this manga, which was also made into a film, was impossible. It's at the level that if you applied for the New Talent Award, you'll be told to cut down the text to a third.<br>
Aoyama: But readers came to accept this.<br>
Sato: Games exist, too – readers got accustomed to reading more text, didn't they?<br>
Aoyama: But the one that created most of this is Kindaichi, isn't it?<br>
Then, do you prohibit yourselves from doing anything in the manga?<br>
Aoyama: That would be indiscriminate killings. I take care to include a motive, even if it looks indiscriminate.<br>
Sato: It'll be a different manga if we do a psycho killer.<br>
Amagi: Indiscriminate killings and the like feel like you've run out of ideas, and there's the fear that they might interest those with cruel tendencies.<br>
Aoyama: That's true. It would be problematic if people sympathized with the culprit and attempted murder.<br>
Kindaichi focus on longer cases, and Conan focus on shorter cases, don't they?<br>
Amagi: About 14, 15 chapters.<br>
Aoyama: That's amazing. In Conan, one case is three chapters, six chapters at the longest. First, a person dies, then the mystery is presented, and finally the case gets solved. This is the golden pattern. Right now, I can't draw more than that. You two are doing well.<br>
Sato: That's because the plot is divided with Amagi-sensei.<br>
Amagi: But sometimes you begin before you complete the plot.<br>
Aoyama: Do you never contradict each other?<br>
Sato: It does happen.<br>
Amagi: For example, even though it's a wedding, the bridegroom is missing. [In another example,] I said that, since I'll put it in the pre-manuscript later, why don't you put a bag or something over the head, and there really was a bag over the head.<br>
Aoyama: Does Sato-sensei never want to change the original work?<br>
Sato: As you'd expect, I can't change the trick, but sometimes I change the emotional parts.<br>
Amagi: On how to draw the characters, there are parts that I leave completely to you – with those parts, you have some degree of freedom, yes?<br>
Aoyama: Since I think [of ideas] on my own and draw on my own, sometimes I arbitrarily change arrangements with the editor. If you work with someone, I thought that that aspect seems troublesome.<br>
Amagi: It's actually all right.<br>
Sato: Sometimes I add a gag ad lib. I've changed the flow in the end at times.<br>
Finally, do you have anything you want to say?<br>
Amagi: Can I start? Aoyama-sensei, please continue Conan until your death!<br>
Aoyama: I do feel like dying from exhaustion (laughs).<br>
Amagi: If Aoyama-sensei does it, we can work hard, too.<br>
Sato: Yes, yes. In manga, if you don't have a rival in your genre, it's easier for your work to go to waste.<br>
Aoyama: It's an incentive for me, too.<br>
Amagi: In truth, our fan bases are slightly different, so we can divide our habitats well.<br>
Aoyama: We're no [Yomiuri] Giants and Hanshin [Tigers]*, but let us work hard as rivals.<br>
* Famous Japanese baseball teams<br>
Raw interview images
[[File:Conan and Kindaichi interview images1.jpg‎|500px|]]<br>
[[File:Conan and Kindaichi interview images3.jpg‎|500px|]][[File:Conan and Kindaichi interview images2.jpg‎|500px|]]<br>
[[File:Conan and Kindaichi interview images5.jpg‎|500px|]][[File:Conan and Kindaichi interview images4.jpg‎|500px|]]<br>
[[File:Conan and Kindaichi interview images6.jpg‎|500px|]]<br>
===Conan and Lupin Interview #1 (MIXED IN RAW)===
Aoyama & Monkey Punch interview from 2009<br>
Translated by: justwantanaccount
The dream confrontation between Lupin III and Conan in anime will be realized. What were your impressions when you first heard of this?<br>
Aoyama: From Conan's side, [Lupin III is] the most powerful adversary currently imaginable. I'm highly excited.<br>
Monkey Punch: When I first heard of the talk, I thought, is it possible to realize this? But I thought that, if it is, then it definitely must become interesting.<br>
Aoyama: I also wondered if it was possible (laughs).<br>
That's true, it's a stunning project.<br>
Monkey Punch: The scriptwriter must have gone through a lot of trouble. I have absolutely no idea what the story will be like.<br>
Aoyama: I, too, checked the script here and there. Of course [I went over] the parts where Conan appears, but since I love the original work for Lupin III, [I also] included revisions like “Lupin isn't like this” (laughs).<br>
Since there is the Lupin III promise to include Fujiko's shower scene and so on, [this show] might be a little different from the usual Detective Conan.<br>
Monkey Punch: [I'm] excited for that.<br>
It's also established that the police detectives appearing in both series are acquaintances.<br>
Aoyama: Both Inspector Megure and Inspector Zenigata are from the Metropolitan Police Department, aren't they? (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: In Detective Conan, Maurice Leblanc (creator of Arsene Lupin) appears as the name of the writer who wrote the gentleman thief. Since [Lupin III is] the grandchild of the Lupin written by that Leblanc, Lupin III is a fictitious person in Detective Conan's world. [Conan will] have a face-off with that [fictitious character], so this truly is a “dream” confrontation. Although this got cut, I really wanted to include the “Lupin's grandchild” line.<br>
Monkey Punch: In this anime, Conan is a boy, and Lupin is a young man. I wondered how they'll put these together. In Edogawa Ranpo's novels, there was a face-off between the Kaijin Niju-Menso (Twenty-Faced Fiend) and Shounen Tanteidan (Boy Detective League) - I'd like it if that kind of feel is used.<br>
Aoyama: In Conan's case, the main character is both the Shounen Tanteidan and Akechi Kogoro. The small guy is the sharpest person in the Conan world. In that sense, the confrontation is a good one.<br>
Also, what's worth watching this time?<br>
Aoyama: For Conan, the entanglement with Lupin & Jigen. I especially recommend the entanglement between Jigen and Conan. I added the scene where Conan, who has looked at Jigen's hands, said “You're no ordinary man, are you?”<br>
I would like to ask Aoyama-sensei – what is Lupin III's appeal?<br>
Aoyama: I have loved the original work since childhood - [I would] definitely [say] the cool feel [you] can get from the entire work. It's also similar to 007 in the old days.<br>
Monkey Punch: I have consciously tried to draw that way.<br>
Aoyama: The style is cool, too. The characters' limbs are thin. In truth, the atmosphere of Conan's mouth when he grins is in Monkey Punch-sensei's imitation. I received quite an influence.<br>
Monkey Punch: Thank you kindly for that. At the time, serial magazines' readers were not boys but young adults, so with that in mind, I tried to draw with an adult-like style.<br>
青:僕が「ルパン三世」にふれたのは小学3年生ぐらい。本屋さんで買ってきて家の本棚に並べていたら、エッチすぎるからと親に処分されて、後でまた買い直したこともあります(笑)。(編集部注 扉のページでモンキー・パンチ先生が持っているコミックは、青山先生が持参した私物)<br>
Aoyama: I came across Lupin III around third grade. There was one time, when I bought it from the bookstore and lined it up on the bookshelf, my parents thought that it was too sensual so they confiscated it - I had to buy it again afterward (laughs). (Editorial notice: The comic Monkey Punch-sensei is holding on the front page is Aoyama-sensei's)<br>
Lupin III was too stimulating for elementary school children back then, wasn't it?<br>
Monkey Punch: Actually, back when I was drawing Lupin III, a child who might be in kindergarten said “Buy Lupin!” to the mother at a bookstore, and the mother replied, “[You] can't read things like these!” (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: Back then, I felt excited from turning the page.<br>
Aoyama: I am deeply moved to hear that you know about Detective Conan. Actually, I have something I want to ask. How did you get the pen name, Monkey Punch?<br>
Monkey Punch: I got the name at a certain editorial department. I first wanted to decline [the name] since I thought it was strange (laughs). At the time, there was a jinx where pen names in katakana did't become successful, and the editor-in-chief at the time told me, “You break that jinx. If you don't like it after a year, you can pick your favorite name.” That was the start.<br>
Aoyama: The pen name suits your style, and I first thought that [the name] was a foreigner's. American comics have backgrounds with high contrast, right?
Monkey Punch: I like European artists and received their influence – things like that combined together and here I am.<br>
Aoyama: Where did Lupin III's idea come from?<br>
Monkey Punch: I was told that I'll get the cover and the opening page when the new magazine comes out, at right there I thought, Arsene Lupin. Then I said that I want to do something Lupin-related without reflection, and I started working.<br>
Aoyama: I prefer the cool Lupin III in the original work. In the original work, [Lupin III was] Lupin Empire's third generation and had minions all over the world; the similarity to Arsene Lupin was appealing.<br>
What is Detective Conan's appeal according to Monkey Punch-sensei?<br>
Monkey Punch: I actually wanted to do mysteries in Lupin III; personally, when I think of detectives I think of Agatha-Christie-like, genuine deductions. In that case, the word count becomes considerable at the end and no longer manga-like. So I wanted to find a good way to do this. Then I watched Detective Conan for the first time, and my eyes were opened. A boy who's actually a high school student – I think that this is what appeals to children. I feel that [Aoyama Gosho] really did it. I should have made Lupin III swallow a pill and become a child, too (laughs).<br>
Monkey Punch: How long has Detective Conan continued so far?<br>
Aoyama: About 15 years already.<br>
Monkey Punch: It's amazing that you've continued for so long.<br>
Aoyama: Oh no, coming up with ideas is a lot of trouble (laughs). I came here after spending hours from morning coming up with ideas today, for example.<br>
Monkey Punch: For me, I serialized when I absorb several things, so I didn't struggle coming with ideas. Although, the ending involved expanding what was in the head and was a lot of trouble.<br>
Aoyama: For me, I ran out of ideas from the third chapter (laughs). I thought that the series would end by the first volume, and that no one would read manga with such high word count.<br>
What do you two take care to do when drawing your work?<br>
Monkey Punch: I got influenced by the voice actors' voices for the characters after my work got animated. After I watch the anime with Yamada Yasuo-san's voice, the manga's lines become ones that Yamada-san might say.<br>
Aoyama: That's true.<br>
Monkey Punch: The calm Lupin becomes the “Ara ara ara”-type. I struggled trying not to be influenced by the anime's Lupin.<br>
Aoyama: In Detective Conan, Kamiya Akira-san does Kogoro's voice, so lines like “I don't want to be told by dad's hoarse voice” were used. Also, since Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko's Ootani Ikue-san's voice is cute, Mitsuhiko gradually became a cute character. There are children who think that the anime is the original, too, and when I receive fan letters that say “[The manga is] different from the anime”, I can't help but think, the [manga] is the one that's original . . .<br>
Monkey Punch: Children, looking at my drawings while watching anime's Lupin III, told me that “This is different” (laughs). After becoming an anime, the sharper parts from the times I started drawing became softer, and I changed the style and atmosphere, keeping children in mind. The work's atmosphere is quite different when comparing the beginning and the end, isn't it?<br>
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150517368956/2007s-autumn-interview-english-translation link]
For the end, please leave a message for all the fans.<br>
Monkey Punch: As one of the viewers, I want to enjoy the interesting combination of Lupin III and Edogawa Conan. If you could enjoy that, I am happy as the original author.<br>
Aoyama: Actually, I haven't checked the contents at all, so I am excited about the airing. Everyone please be sure to watch with excitement.<br>
===Gundam Ace Interview (MIXED IN RAW)===
ガンダムエース3月号 (Gundam Ace March issue) between Ikeda Shuuichi and Aoyama Gosho, published January 26, 2010 <br>
Partially Translated by: justwantanaccount
2007’s Autumn Interview [I started thinking about the last arc]
Ikeda (voice actor for Char Aznable, the namesake of Akai Shuuichi, in case you didn't know): By the way, under what circumstance did a character named "Akai Shuuichi" emerge?
In Conan, the characters are always named after famous detectives.
It's curious that Gundam is the basis of this name.
“When I started reading, I was just an elementary schooler but now I am university student" [I felt like ‘Ehh? Did so much time really passed?’ once again. So I should draw something that would make my fans happy.]
本来は採用しないんですが、今回だけはいいやと思って」 <br>
Aoyama: There's also the possibility that (I) ran out of detective-based names (laughs)
When it was decided that (we) would introduce an FBI agent who would side with the protagonist, Conan,
I wanted to base the image of that astute investigator on Char.
That's why (I) decided on just the last name to be "Akai (red)" at first.
After that, when (I) pondered on what the first name should be, (I) decided it to be "Shuuichi" after you, Ikeda-san (laughs)
Since Conan's real name is "Shinichi," and "Shinichi" and "Shuuichi" sound similar,
(I) wouldn't normally pick (this name), but I thought that it would be okay, just this once.
That’s 14th year (TN: 2007) after Detective Manga [Meitantei Conan] started publishing in Shogakukan’s [Shounen Sunday]. 120 mln. copies were sold and this month vol. 59 is out for sale.
すごい縁を感じます」 <br>
Ikeda: What an honor! Since I get to voice the TV-version as well,
I feel a quite a deep bond (to the character? to Gosho?).
Story follows high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who had taken the name of Edogawa Conan after being turned into a child by some mysterious organization. He tries to catch the organization while solving different cases…
ってリクエストしたら、夢が叶ってしまいました。 <br>
Gosho: For the anime's important character's, I get asked by P (I don't know what the heck P is), "Do you have an image (of who the voice actor should be) in mind?"
For Akai, I requested (by replying), "Who else but Ikeda-san!" and the wish came true!
[Mysteries are interesting because you can draw them in different genres. If the criminal is a player, then it’s sports world, an actor - the world of theater, you see. Every time I’m drawing it with fresh emotions, because of a feeling I’m going to meet a new world. That’s hard but I don’t get bored]
池田「コナンでは、これからもガンダムネタは出たりはしそうですか?」 <br>
Ikeda: Will there be more Gundam-based (ideas? characters?) in Conan?
声は誰がやるか決まってしまいますが(笑)」 <br>
Aoyama: If Conan's ally's highest ranking member is Akai,
then it would be interesting if there were characters with Gundam-based names in the Black Organization as well.
Like "Amuro Akira/Tooru" (徹 can be read both as Tooru or Akira) (laughs)
For Gundam, the good guys and bad guys should be reversed. In this case,
the voice actor is more or less decided (laughs).
Ikeda: That's true, there's only that person (laughs)
Full raw text <br>
It’s 11th year after TV anime started, and with live-action drama confirmed in December, this series are a good example of media mix.
[There’s no pressure. Rather than pressure, I think of it as fun? Hehehe. Besides, I’m more of intuitive person. I’m lucky to draw by a hunch.]
The latest issue had the color theme. [The color is easy for understanding even for children. I usually include things that are familiar and known to everyone into the cases]
Drawing murders without any doubts…
There are some negative effects about long-running series. Case are becoming to be more and more difficult with time. Meitantei Conan tries to keep the same tone since vol. 1.
[Don’t make it too professional. Using hard words and riddles is easy, but the reader won’t understand it]
One of the important things is to be considerate about crime.
[I’m not treating murders lightly, but in order not to disappoint my readers, I let it proceed without obstacles. I want them to read it eagerly.]
Right now there are 624 files.
[If I can’t come up with a story no matter what, I have around 12 hours to arrange my thoughts. Although sometimes I can decide it in 4 hours… When I got stuck, I start thinking if I can implement elements of stories I already drawn, go for a lazy walk, watch DVDs. Try to change my mood]
The interview was carried out in Tokyo workplace. After look at the IC recorder that was on desk, he immediately takes it.
[So small. That’s incredible now]
That’s Aoyama for you. He can be amused by everything. He was born in Tottori, Daiei-machi (now called Hokuei). He used to explore mountains all the time when he was a kid. [That’s why it’s easy for me to draw expeditions. Conan’s actions are all my experience.]
After graduating from the university, he refused to become an art teacher his father wanted him to be, but [now he’s my best supporter. Every time I return home, he asks for a sign]
I’m thinking about the last arc, but the fans won’t forgive me if I’ll end it now.
[I won’t betray your expectations]
His obedient son, Conan, will continue.
Media mix spreading in the world.
According to publications investigation carried by Research Institute for Publications (Tokyo, Shinjuku), manga (tankoban) market extends via media mix, such as anime serialization, and had maintained a 250 billion yen scale among the severe publishing world (253.3 bln yen in 2006)
One of the leaders, [Meitantei Conan] became an anime series on NTV 11 years ago. In 15 days [Autumn’s Mystery Special] would be broadcasted in 6 episodes. 11th movie, [Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure] will be out in April and 12th movie’s production had been decided.
It was translated and published in 22 countries and regions of the world. There’s [Aoyama Gosho’s Hometown Museum] in Tottori, crowded with fans.
===Conan and Kindaichi Files Interview #1 (WITH RAW)===
名探偵コナン&金田一少年の事件簿01 (Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case files #1), published April 10, 2008<br>
Translated by: justwantanaccount
First, pleast tell the details on how the serializations began.<br>
Seimaru Amagi (the writer for Kindaichi): At the time we started Kindaichi Case Files, genuine mystery manga using tricks were hopeless. When I started this job, there were a few themes that I wanted to do, and mystery manga was one of them. I thought of plans according to that.<br>
Fumiya Sato (the illustrator for Kindaichi): For me, after returning from a trip, there was a probe about Kindaichi from the editorial department. At the time, it didn't sell, so it was the time when I thought about things like “what should I do next?”<br>
Gosho Aoyama: Same feel for me. In my case, I was probed, “Since Kindaichi is popular, can do you do that kind of manga for Shonen Sunday?” At first, though, I had no interest at all. It would be a lot of trouble, you see.<br>
Sato: You were already drawing Magic Kaito at the time, though, right?<br>
Aoyama: That's thief material, you see. For thief material, you only have to steal something so it's easy.<br>
Amagi: By nature, children love mysteries, and we read mystery novels when we were small, too. For manga, I thought that I could do it if I stretched it long with mysteries.<br>
Aoyama: But when you actually do it, you understand why no one does it. Lines are long, and it's a lot of trouble.<br>
Sato: At the beginning of Kindaichi's serialization, I thought it would only last about a year.<br>
Aoyama: I, too, thought that it would only last about three months, since it's difficult to continue material-wise.<br>
Sato: And then you do it at a weekly pace, so it's too unreasonable.<br>
Aoyama: But Kindaichi served as quite a reference. I practically copied the part where the culprit is completely black.<br>
Everyone: (Laughs wildly)<br>
Amagi: That's Sato-sensei's invention. In the original work, I only wrote, “make sure you cannot identify the person.”<br>
Sato: They're merely black, that's all.<br>
Aoyama: But you can't tell who it is, and it feels eerie.<br>
Amagi: There's a rule to it, isn't there? You draw the same body type for both men and women. Then, when the culprit is revealed, even if the body type changes no one makes a joke about it.<br>
Aoyama: In novels, you explain the evidence, culprit, etc. in the text, but in manga, you can deftly draw them somewhere in the panel to build your trick.<br>
Amagi: Mysteries are basically novels, so visual mysteries were untouched. When I realized that, I thought that I could do it for a long time. Meanwhile, I'll continue to give Sato-sensei trouble.<br>
Do you verify your tricks?<br>
Aoyama: For the trick that locks the door from the outside with tape, I got the editor to go outside and test it. But for tricks involving sealed rooms, I must show all the room beforehand for the trick. That is quite difficult.<br>
Drawing-wise, drawing apart the characters must be a lot of trouble.<br>
Aoyama: A lot of characters appear in Kindaichi at once – drawing apart seems like a lot of trouble.<br>
Sato: I don't put much effort into drawing apart anymore (laughs). When I draw, things like “I might draw this tear-inducing, good-things-saying character the same way I drew that mean lady” happen.<br>
What about the characters' names?<br>
Aoyama: For me, I match with the theme of the work – for example, if the story was about the sky, I would give bird-related names. I get letters like “this time, [the names are based on] birds, right?” This is for self-satisfaction, though.<br>
Sato: We don't use realistic names, do we?<br>
Amagi: We try not to repeat the mood of the previous names. Characters that don't appear for long lasts only about three chapters, up to maybe 15 chapters, so in a sense the characters are built on the name. Give dubious names to dubious guys.<br>
Aoyama: I see.<br>
Sato: For forsaken heroins, we may use kanji's meaning “winter” or something that feels cold.<br>
Aoyama: Characters are named well in Kindaichi. The names are quite scary. Names are truly important, aren't they?<br>
Sato: You can convey a mood through the name's ideographs.<br>
Both Conan and Kindaichi take place at various locations. Do you go to places for reference?<br>
Aoyama: When I drew the story about the sleeping car train Hokutosei, I actually rode it. When I took pictures, I had to get off in the middle, though.<br>
Sato: I drew material about trains, but I never went . . .<br>
Aoyama: But traveling with the editor is dull, isn't it?<br>
Sato: That happens!<br>
Amagi: What did we do at Kindaichi's time?<br>
Sato: The staff went and took pictures. We never went to Hokkaido! Even Hajime went many times, though he's only a high school student.<br>
Aoyama: (laughs)<br>
Snowy places appear often in Kindaichi. What is the reason?<br>
Sato: Because it's easy to isolate people in winter.<br>
Aoyama: There was a trick that made footprints appear by sprinkling salt, wasn't there? I thought that it was good.<br>
Amagi: It was simple and easy to understand, and it was beautiful, too, wasn't it? I like the phrase “sakura snow”, too. I had a lot of fun writing it at the time.<br>
Aoyama: At the time? (laughs)<br>
Sato: We tried to change the taste a little for that, since we'd done this for a long time back then.<br>
Did you do location hunting at the time?<br>
Sato: No, not at all!<br>
Aoyama: (laughs)<br>
What do you think is the appeal of mystery manga?<br>
Amagi: The number one appeal would be solving mysteries. That aspect is manga-esque now, isn't it?<br>
Sato: In the end, if there is a mystery, one must solve it.<br>
Aoyama: Love comedy is an element in Kindaichi and Conan.<br>
===Masters Of Manga Interview (no raw)===
Characters like female high school student heroines and sexy women appear, don't they?<br>
Masters of Manga, published July 6, 2010<br>
Text submitted by: Chekhov
Amagi: It's a promise.<br>
Gōshō Aoyama is one of the most successful shōnen manga artists of our time and its most successful work, Detective Conan (Case Closed in the US), serialized on Shōnen Sunday (Shōgakukan) since 1994 (68 paperbacks so far), has been one of the biggest hits of the 1900s and 2000s. Detective Conan, a detective story whose main character, little Conan Edogawa, is a teenager detective trapped in a body of a little kid, is still going on. Uber-busy Aoyama, who is required to draw twenty pages of manga every week, wasn’t able to meet me for a face to face interview, but even so he was so kind as to agree to answer to my questions via e-mail. Here I transcribe the interview in full.
Aoyama: Not much sexy girls appear in Conan, though beautiful women might float naked in a bathtub in Kindaichi.<br>
Sato: That's because we're at Shonen Magazine (laughs).<br>
Amagi: Shower scenes and such.<br>
Aoyama: The editorial department would stop it in Shonen Sunday (laughs).<br>
Sato: Shonen Sunday doesn't do it much from the old days, do they?<br>
Amagi: Mystery mangas are logical and hard to understand, aren't they? So you include eye-catching panty shots to make the readers want to try reading, because you don't want to limit the audience.<br>
Sato: Those kind of pulls really does become the start sometimes in manga, doesn't it? Some readers start reading simply because cute girls appear in the manga.<br>
Aoyama: For me, I drew with the intention to include elements of love comedy in Conan from the beginning. The protagonist becoming small is truly a love comedy, you see. I thought that having a small boy and a girl that the boy's real self loves would be interesting.<br>
Amagi: That sounds interesting, even if it wasn't a mystery manga.<br>
Aoyama: Yes, that part by itself without deductions would be good, I think.<br>
Amagi: The small boy might look inside a skirt really quick.<br>
Sato: That's only in Shonen Magazine!<br>
Amagi: That's true (laughs).<br>
Please do not publish this interview on other blogs or publications without my permission. (Tough cookies Masters of Manga, if the originals go down, someone's gotta rehost for the good of the fandom)
Then, what is especially troublesome doing a mystery manga?<br>
1. Why did you decide to become a mangaka? How did it all start?<br>
Amagi: Though the motive for the case is really important, in truth there aren't much variation, is there?<br>
It all happened because I wanted to give shape to stories that were only in my head in order to show them to everybody.
Aoyama: You use everything, and running out of ideas on interesting motives become imminent (laughs).<br>
Amagi: Since the readership is wide in manga, you have to hype up dramatically or else the readers may start feeling unsatisfied.<br>
Sato: The motive for the murder starts changing, too. In the old days, you use “my lover was killed . . .”, but recently it became “in truth the person wasn't even my lover!” - it becomes distorted like this.<br>
Aoyama: That's true, twists are essential.<br>
Amagi: If you make it a simple revenge and the like, you get told that you've already done it before.<br>
Aoyama: I think “I did this, didn't I?”, even when I'm drawing myself.<br>
Amagi: Yes, yes. I ran out of ideas for motives in the first 1~2 years. I've had difficulty ever since.<br>
Catch phrases are characteristic, too, aren't they?<br>
Amagi: They tighten the story, and I like how it gives the expectation that the tables will be turned from that point on. Thanks to “In the name of grandpa”, I feel that I've gained one chapter's worth.<br>
Aoyama: In Conan's case, he says “Edogawa Conan – a detective” from time to time, and that's it. Maybe I should make him say “In the name of ___”, at least once.<br>
Everyone: (laughs)<br>
Amagi: Yes, let us exchange!<br>
Aoyama: You'll make him say “Kindaichi Hajime – a detective”?<br>
Amagi: I like it!<br>
Sato: But he's a high school student.<br>
Amagi: Someone might joke, “He's not [officially] a detective, is he?”<br>
2. What other mangaka or artists had influence on you?<br>
As a result of the two works' influence, manga with a lot of text increased, didn't it?<br>
Tetsuya Chiba, Monkey Punch and Mitsuru Adachi.
Aoyama: Maybe, perhaps.<br>
Amagi: It became acceptable due to the hits, didn't it?<br>
Sato: The readers nowadays can apparently understand better.<br>
Amagi: For example, in the old days, the amount of text in this manga, which was also made into a film, was impossible. It's at the level that if you applied for the New Talent Award, you'll be told to cut down the text to a third.<br>
Aoyama: But readers came to accept this.<br>
Sato: Games exist, too – readers got accustomed to reading more text, didn't they?<br>
Aoyama: But the one that created most of this is Kindaichi, isn't it?<br>
Then, do you prohibit yourselves from doing anything in the manga?<br>
Aoyama: That would be indiscriminate killings. I take care to include a motive, even if it looks indiscriminate.<br>
Sato: It'll be a different manga if we do a psycho killer.<br>
Amagi: Indiscriminate killings and the like feel like you've run out of ideas, and there's the fear that they might interest those with cruel tendencies.<br>
Aoyama: That's true. It would be problematic if people sympathized with the culprit and attempted murder.<br>
3. Do you usually read or watch detective stories? What kind of stories do you prefer?<br>
Kindaichi focus on longer cases, and Conan focus on shorter cases, don't they?<br>
I watch a lot of movies and TV series, so many I’m even unable to count them. Sherlock Holmes, Furuhata Ninzaburō, Columbo, and the novels of Hercule Poirot would be good examples of what I like.
Amagi: About 14, 15 chapters.<br>
4. Outside Japan there are a lot of famous authors specializing in detective stories, such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Agatha Christie. I believe that the same can be said about Japan, where there are also many novelists specialized on the genre. But what about manga? Were there other manga stories before Detective Conan whose main character was a detective? If the answer is “no”, was Conan a pioneer of the genre?<br>
Aoyama: That's amazing. In Conan, one case is three chapters, six chapters at the longest. First, a person dies, then the mystery is presented, and finally the case gets solved. This is the golden pattern. Right now, I can't draw more than that. You two are doing well.<br>
If I’m not mistaken, Kindaichi Shōnen no jikenbo (The Case Files of Young Kindaichi) serialization began earlier than Conan’s.
Sato: That's because the plot is divided with Amagi-sensei.<br>
5. What was the driving force behind your decision to draw Detective Conan?<br>
Amagi: But sometimes you begin before you complete the plot.<br>
I wanted to write/draw a romantic comedy whose main character was a detective that has been made small again.
Aoyama: Do you never contradict each other?<br>
Sato: It does happen.<br>
Amagi: For example, even though it's a wedding, the bridegroom is missing. [In another example,] I said that, since I'll put it in the pre-manuscript later, why don't you put a bag or something over the head, and there really was a bag over the head.<br>
Aoyama: Does Sato-sensei never want to change the original work?<br>
Sato: As you'd expect, I can't change the trick, but sometimes I change the emotional parts.<br>
Amagi: On how to draw the characters, there are parts that I leave completely to you – with those parts, you have some degree of freedom, yes?<br>
Aoyama: Since I think [of ideas] on my own and draw on my own, sometimes I arbitrarily change arrangements with the editor. If you work with someone, I thought that that aspect seems troublesome.<br>
Amagi: It's actually all right.<br>
Sato: Sometimes I add a gag ad lib. I've changed the flow in the end at times.<br>
Finally, do you have anything you want to say?<br>
Amagi: Can I start? Aoyama-sensei, please continue Conan until your death!<br>
Aoyama: I do feel like dying from exhaustion (laughs).<br>
Amagi: If Aoyama-sensei does it, we can work hard, too.<br>
Sato: Yes, yes. In manga, if you don't have a rival in your genre, it's easier for your work to go to waste.<br>
Aoyama: It's an incentive for me, too.<br>
Amagi: In truth, our fan bases are slightly different, so we can divide our habitats well.<br>
Aoyama: We're no [Yomiuri] Giants and Hanshin [Tigers]*, but let us work hard as rivals.<br>
* Famous Japanese baseball teams<br>
Raw interview images
[[File:Conan and Kindaichi interview images1.jpg‎|500px|]]<br>
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[[File:Conan and Kindaichi interview images6.jpg‎|500px|]]<br>
===Conan and Lupin Interview #1 (MIXED IN RAW)===
6. Detective Conan is now a big hit and many other stories of the same kind have been appearing here and there on other manga magazines of other publishing houses. What do you think about this phenomenon?<br>
Aoyama & Monkey Punch interview from 2009<br>
I think that this is happening because there is a detective inside every person in the world. We all like mysteries, this is why.
Translated by: justwantanaccount
The dream confrontation between Lupin III and Conan in anime will be realized. What were your impressions when you first heard of this?<br>
Aoyama: From Conan's side, [Lupin III is] the most powerful adversary currently imaginable. I'm highly excited.<br>
Monkey Punch: When I first heard of the talk, I thought, is it possible to realize this? But I thought that, if it is, then it definitely must become interesting.<br>
Aoyama: I also wondered if it was possible (laughs).<br>
7. Detective Conan’s world has expanded hugely; it has been adapted to anime, movies, live action TV series and many more media. What do you think about this?<br>
That's true, it's a stunning project.<br>
I think that I’m very happy and very lucky (laughs).
Monkey Punch: The scriptwriter must have gone through a lot of trouble. I have absolutely no idea what the story will be like.<br>
Aoyama: I, too, checked the script here and there. Of course [I went over] the parts where Conan appears, but since I love the original work for Lupin III, [I also] included revisions like “Lupin isn't like this” (laughs).<br>
Since there is the Lupin III promise to include Fujiko's shower scene and so on, [this show] might be a little different from the usual Detective Conan.<br>
Monkey Punch: [I'm] excited for that.<br>
8. Why did you decide to make Conan a child? Do you think that the series would have been equally successful had the main character been a teenager detective, as it was in the very beginning?<br>
It's also established that the police detectives appearing in both series are acquaintances.<br>
I think that precisely because I made him become a child again, I could gain the attention and faithful readership of a broader range of readers, from children to adults.
Aoyama: Both Inspector Megure and Inspector Zenigata are from the Metropolitan Police Department, aren't they? (laughs)<br>
9. Is it very hard to be in charge of the same series during years and years? Exactly how hard is it?<br>
It’s so hard I cannot sleep for more than three hours a day (laughs).
Aoyama: In Detective Conan, Maurice Leblanc (creator of Arsene Lupin) appears as the name of the writer who wrote the gentleman thief. Since [Lupin III is] the grandchild of the Lupin written by that Leblanc, Lupin III is a fictitious person in Detective Conan's world. [Conan will] have a face-off with that [fictitious character], so this truly is a “dream” confrontation. Although this got cut, I really wanted to include the “Lupin's grandchild” line.<br>
Monkey Punch: In this anime, Conan is a boy, and Lupin is a young man. I wondered how they'll put these together. In Edogawa Ranpo's novels, there was a face-off between the Kaijin Niju-Menso (Twenty-Faced Fiend) and Shounen Tanteidan (Boy Detective League) - I'd like it if that kind of feel is used.<br>
Aoyama: In Conan's case, the main character is both the Shounen Tanteidan and Akechi Kogoro. The small guy is the sharpest person in the Conan world. In that sense, the confrontation is a good one.<br>
10. Have you already decided the end of Detective Conan?<br>
Also, what's worth watching this time?<br>
Yes, I have. However, I don’t know when I’ll be able to draw it (laughs).
Aoyama: For Conan, the entanglement with Lupin & Jigen. I especially recommend the entanglement between Jigen and Conan. I added the scene where Conan, who has looked at Jigen's hands, said “You're no ordinary man, are you?”<br>
I would like to ask Aoyama-sensei – what is Lupin III's appeal?<br>
Aoyama: I have loved the original work since childhood - [I would] definitely [say] the cool feel [you] can get from the entire work. It's also similar to 007 in the old days.<br>
Monkey Punch: I have consciously tried to draw that way.<br>
Aoyama: The style is cool, too. The characters' limbs are thin. In truth, the atmosphere of Conan's mouth when he grins is in Monkey Punch-sensei's imitation. I received quite an influence.<br>
Monkey Punch: Thank you kindly for that. At the time, serial magazines' readers were not boys but young adults, so with that in mind, I tried to draw with an adult-like style.<br>
青:僕が「ルパン三世」にふれたのは小学3年生ぐらい。本屋さんで買ってきて家の本棚に並べていたら、エッチすぎるからと親に処分されて、後でまた買い直したこともあります(笑)。(編集部注 扉のページでモンキー・パンチ先生が持っているコミックは、青山先生が持参した私物)<br>
Aoyama: I came across Lupin III around third grade. There was one time, when I bought it from the bookstore and lined it up on the bookshelf, my parents thought that it was too sensual so they confiscated it - I had to buy it again afterward (laughs). (Editorial notice: The comic Monkey Punch-sensei is holding on the front page is Aoyama-sensei's)<br>
11. Do you think all the cases of Detective Conan by yourself? Or does somebody help you with that?<br>
Lupin III was too stimulating for elementary school children back then, wasn't it?<br>
I painfully think them all with my very limited brain with the help of my editor in charge (laughs).
Monkey Punch: Actually, back when I was drawing Lupin III, a child who might be in kindergarten said “Buy Lupin!” to the mother at a bookstore, and the mother replied, “[You] can't read things like these!” (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: Back then, I felt excited from turning the page.<br>
Aoyama: I am deeply moved to hear that you know about Detective Conan. Actually, I have something I want to ask. How did you get the pen name, Monkey Punch?<br>
Monkey Punch: I got the name at a certain editorial department. I first wanted to decline [the name] since I thought it was strange (laughs). At the time, there was a jinx where pen names in katakana did't become successful, and the editor-in-chief at the time told me, “You break that jinx. If you don't like it after a year, you can pick your favorite name.” That was the start.<br>
Aoyama: The pen name suits your style, and I first thought that [the name] was a foreigner's. American comics have backgrounds with high contrast, right?
Monkey Punch: I like European artists and received their influence – things like that combined together and here I am.<br>
Aoyama: Where did Lupin III's idea come from?<br>
Monkey Punch: I was told that I'll get the cover and the opening page when the new magazine comes out, at right there I thought, Arsene Lupin. Then I said that I want to do something Lupin-related without reflection, and I started working.<br>
Aoyama: I prefer the cool Lupin III in the original work. In the original work, [Lupin III was] Lupin Empire's third generation and had minions all over the world; the similarity to Arsene Lupin was appealing.<br>
12. How many assistants do you have? Some of them went on to create new stories based on your characters and situations with the title of Detective Conan Special. What do you think about this? How do you feel having your characters and plots in others’ hands?<br>
What is Detective Conan's appeal according to Monkey Punch-sensei?<br>
I have five assistants. About how I feel letting others take control of my plot and characters, I felt anxious at first, but later on I’ve discovered they really make me think: “Wow, this situation is not bad at all, why didn’t I come up with it before?” (laughs).
Monkey Punch: I actually wanted to do mysteries in Lupin III; personally, when I think of detectives I think of Agatha-Christie-like, genuine deductions. In that case, the word count becomes considerable at the end and no longer manga-like. So I wanted to find a good way to do this. Then I watched Detective Conan for the first time, and my eyes were opened. A boy who's actually a high school student – I think that this is what appeals to children. I feel that [Aoyama Gosho] really did it. I should have made Lupin III swallow a pill and become a child, too (laughs).<br>
13. Enough about Conan for now. Did you inspire yourself on the story of Musashi Miyamoto to create Yaiba?<br>
Monkey Punch: How long has Detective Conan continued so far?<br>
Yes, of course. Some characters have been taken directly from that story (laughs).
Aoyama: About 15 years already.<br>
Monkey Punch: It's amazing that you've continued for so long.<br>
Aoyama: Oh no, coming up with ideas is a lot of trouble (laughs). I came here after spending hours from morning coming up with ideas today, for example.<br>
Monkey Punch: For me, I serialized when I absorb several things, so I didn't struggle coming with ideas. Although, the ending involved expanding what was in the head and was a lot of trouble.<br>
Aoyama: For me, I ran out of ideas from the third chapter (laughs). I thought that the series would end by the first volume, and that no one would read manga with such high word count.<br>
What do you two take care to do when drawing your work?<br>
Monkey Punch: I got influenced by the voice actors' voices for the characters after my work got animated. After I watch the anime with Yamada Yasuo-san's voice, the manga's lines become ones that Yamada-san might say.<br>
Aoyama: That's true.<br>
Monkey Punch: The calm Lupin becomes the “Ara ara ara”-type. I struggled trying not to be influenced by the anime's Lupin.<br>
Aoyama: In Detective Conan, Kamiya Akira-san does Kogoro's voice, so lines like “I don't want to be told by dad's hoarse voice” were used. Also, since Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko's Ootani Ikue-san's voice is cute, Mitsuhiko gradually became a cute character. There are children who think that the anime is the original, too, and when I receive fan letters that say “[The manga is] different from the anime”, I can't help but think, the [manga] is the one that's original . . .<br>
Monkey Punch: Children, looking at my drawings while watching anime's Lupin III, told me that “This is different” (laughs). After becoming an anime, the sharper parts from the times I started drawing became softer, and I changed the style and atmosphere, keeping children in mind. The work's atmosphere is quite different when comparing the beginning and the end, isn't it?<br>
14. Yaiba, which is a kendo-themed story, is famous all over the world. What, in your opinion, is the key to that success?<br>
For the end, please leave a message for all the fans.<br>
I think that maybe the fact of setting a story in which the characters can put different “orbs” in their swords was the decisive factor, as it makes it feel like a videogame.
Monkey Punch: As one of the viewers, I want to enjoy the interesting combination of Lupin III and Edogawa Conan. If you could enjoy that, I am happy as the original author.<br>
15. You are one of the most prominent shōnen manga authors of our times. From that position, I’d really like to know your views on nowadays’ shōnen manga scene.<br>
Aoyama: Actually, I haven't checked the contents at all, so I am excited about the airing. Everyone please be sure to watch with excitement.<br>
I’m so focused on my own work and circumstances that I’ve never really thought about it, sorry (laughs).
===Gundam Ace Interview (MIXED IN RAW)===
ガンダムエース3月号 (Gundam Ace March issue) between Ikeda Shuuichi and Aoyama Gosho, published January 26, 2010 <br>
Partially Translated by: justwantanaccount
Ikeda (voice actor for Char Aznable, the namesake of Akai Shuuichi, in case you didn't know): By the way, under what circumstance did a character named "Akai Shuuichi" emerge?
In Conan, the characters are always named after famous detectives.
It's curious that Gundam is the basis of this name.
16. Of all your works, which is your favorite and why?<br>
Well, that would be Detective Conan. We have been together now for too long not to be friends, in fact (laughs).
本来は採用しないんですが、今回だけはいいやと思って」 <br>
Aoyama: There's also the possibility that (I) ran out of detective-based names (laughs)
When it was decided that (we) would introduce an FBI agent who would side with the protagonist, Conan,
I wanted to base the image of that astute investigator on Char.
That's why (I) decided on just the last name to be "Akai (red)" at first.
After that, when (I) pondered on what the first name should be, (I) decided it to be "Shuuichi" after you, Ikeda-san (laughs)
Since Conan's real name is "Shinichi," and "Shinichi" and "Shuuichi" sound similar,
(I) wouldn't normally pick (this name), but I thought that it would be okay, just this once.
すごい縁を感じます」 <br>
Ikeda: What an honor! Since I get to voice the TV-version as well,
I feel a quite a deep bond (to the character? to Gosho?).
17. What kind of manga would you like to draw if you had the chance?<br>
A story about Sun Wukong (Son Gokū).
ってリクエストしたら、夢が叶ってしまいました。 <br>
Gosho: For the anime's important character's, I get asked by P (I don't know what the heck P is), "Do you have an image (of who the voice actor should be) in mind?"
For Akai, I requested (by replying), "Who else but Ikeda-san!" and the wish came true!
18. What do you think that your manga is popular in son many countries all over the world?<br>
It’s a huge honor.
池田「コナンでは、これからもガンダムネタは出たりはしそうですか?」 <br>
19. Manga has finally become a worldwide phenomenon. What do you think about that?<br>
Ikeda: Will there be more Gundam-based (ideas? characters?) in Conan?
I’m convinced that Japan, and Japanese people, should be proud of manga and anime. I really believe it.
声は誰がやるか決まってしまいますが(笑)」 <br>
Aoyama: If Conan's ally's highest ranking member is Akai,
then it would be interesting if there were characters with Gundam-based names in the Black Organization as well.
Like "Amuro Akira/Tooru" (徹 can be read both as Tooru or Akira) (laughs)
For Gundam, the good guys and bad guys should be reversed. In this case,
the voice actor is more or less decided (laughs).
20. Could we ask for a final comment from you to manga readers all over the world?<br>
Ikeda: That's true, there's only that person (laughs)
Conan is full to the brim with tricks and ciphers only Japanese can understand and, even so, many foreign readers keep faithful to his stories. I’m very grateful for that and I hope they continue to do so. Thank you very much, really.
===Masters Of Manga Interview (no raw)===
===Magic Kaitou Treasured Editions: Playback Episode Interviews (no raw)===
Masters of Manga, published July 6, 2010<br>
Released at the end of the Treasured Editions through out 2011<br>
Text submitted by: Chekhov
Translated from German to English by : Cocoa moth / Cocoa <br>
Gōshō Aoyama is one of the most successful shōnen manga artists of our time and its most successful work, Detective Conan (Case Closed in the US), serialized on Shōnen Sunday (Shōgakukan) since 1994 (68 paperbacks so far), has been one of the biggest hits of the 1900s and 2000s. Detective Conan, a detective story whose main character, little Conan Edogawa, is a teenager detective trapped in a body of a little kid, is still going on. Uber-busy Aoyama, who is required to draw twenty pages of manga every week, wasn’t able to meet me for a face to face interview, but even so he was so kind as to agree to answer to my questions via e-mail. Here I transcribe the interview in full.
Volume 1
Please do not publish this interview on other blogs or publications without my permission. (Tough cookies Masters of Manga, if the originals go down, someone's gotta rehost for the good of the fandom)
Hello, it's me, Aoyama.
1. Why did you decide to become a mangaka? How did it all start?<br>
In the course of the republication of Magic Kaito I take the liberty to show my memories of this time straightforwardly. (grin)
It all happened because I wanted to give shape to stories that were only in my head in order to show them to everybody.
The Revived Phantom Thief
2. What other mangaka or artists had influence on you?<br>
The memorable first chapter! Actually I became a Mangaka because I wanted to write about a high school phantom (grin) and so I drew it under great tension! Well and back then I was short of money which is the reason why his hatband around his tophat isn't shaded with screen tone...
Tetsuya Chiba, Monkey Punch and Mitsuru Adachi.
The Police Are Everywhere
3. Do you usually read or watch detective stories? What kind of stories do you prefer?<br>
The original title „Keikan ga ippai” referred to a movie... „Taiyou ga ippai”, a movie with Alain Delon („Purple Noon”). Detective Doron is an allusion, too, because „Delon” is written as „Doron” in Japan. (grin) By the way! The words „When you bend them, they...” Kaito announces the light-emitting diode were literally written on the package of one of those things I purchased on a public festival as a kid. (grin) Appearantly they're actually known as „glow stick”.
I watch a lot of movies and TV series, so many I’m even unable to count them. Sherlock Holmes, Furuhata Ninzaburō, Columbo, and the novels of Hercule Poirot would be good examples of what I like.
The Clockwork Heart
4. Outside Japan there are a lot of famous authors specializing in detective stories, such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Agatha Christie. I believe that the same can be said about Japan, where there are also many novelists specialized on the genre. But what about manga? Were there other manga stories before Detective Conan whose main character was a detective? If the answer is “no”, was Conan a pioneer of the genre?<br>
A science-fiction-thriller! A rarity for Kaito (grin). I recall that I perceived it as really exhausting to draw all the parts of the robot and that I had no computer, so that I had to write Kaito's farewell letter by hand (Haha!). By the way! In the panel the robot says „I'm Kuroba Kaito... Haha!!” Kaito's pupils look kinda strange (?). There I mimicked Akemi Matsunae of which I was a big fan back then. (grin)
If I’m not mistaken, Kindaichi Shōnen no jikenbo (The Case Files of Young Kindaichi) serialization began earlier than Conan’s.
Kaitou Kid's Busy Day Off
5. What was the driving force behind your decision to draw Detective Conan?<br>
Back then, the 3D movie „Captain EO” starring Michael Jackson was being played in cinemas and has been satirized in this chapter, although I never thought 3D movies could have been revived because of „Avatar”... (grin) By the way! When I read the closing scene today I think that the phrase „But, ice cream... still tastes great!” is my most embarrassing quote ever (grin).
I wanted to write/draw a romantic comedy whose main character was a detective that has been made small again.
The Pirate Ship Unsurfaced
6. Detective Conan is now a big hit and many other stories of the same kind have been appearing here and there on other manga magazines of other publishing houses. What do you think about this phenomenon?<br>
A sea adventure with Kaito? This is a rarity, too! (grin) I can't remember at all why I wanted to draw this story, but maybe I wanted a confrontation between a thief from the mainland and a thief of the seas...? (Ha!) Well, and so Kaito brought his costume of Kaitou Kid even to this place...?! (grin)
I think that this is happening because there is a detective inside every person in the world. We all like mysteries, this is why.
The Scarlet Temptress
7. Detective Conan’s world has expanded hugely; it has been adapted to anime, movies, live action TV series and many more media. What do you think about this?<br>
There she is! Mistress Akako! To be honest, she, as practitioner of black magic, is the reason who drove me into the corner the most during Kaitos appearances in Conan. Well, you just have to accept these works as parallel universes. (grin) By the way, Kaito Kuroba is written on the handkerchief, this probably was a prank done by his mom (Chikage)... (grin)
I think that I’m very happy and very lucky (laughs).
Aoyama Kid ♥
8. Why did you decide to make Conan a child? Do you think that the series would have been equally successful had the main character been a teenager detective, as it was in the very beginning?<br>
Volume 2
I think that precisely because I made him become a child again, I could gain the attention and faithful readership of a broader range of readers, from children to adults.
Stay Away From Him
9. Is it very hard to be in charge of the same series during years and years? Exactly how hard is it?<br>
Although it's more of a romantic tale than a thief story I really like this one ♥ Especially the panel with „Well, excuse me for being an idiot...“ is a real gem, because of how often I had to redraw it! (laughs) Additionally, Superman and Top Gun appear... which is according to my taste! It's also revealed in this story that Aoko is flat-chested. (laughs)
It’s so hard I cannot sleep for more than three hours a day (laughs).
Japan's Most Irresponsible Prime Minister
10. Have you already decided the end of Detective Conan?<br>
A story I used one of my then-favourite actors Hitoshi Ueki, who has passed away in the meantime, as model! I also dared to use the Japanese prime minister - this was probably really audacious... And then characters appear who look like the past leaders of the USSR and the USA, Gorbachev and Reagan... (sweating). By the way, did anyone notice the „Akako balloon“ in the night sky? (laughs)
Yes, I have. However, I don’t know when I’ll be able to draw it (laughs).
I Am the Master!
11. Do you think all the cases of Detective Conan by yourself? Or does somebody help you with that?<br>
This story was purely written because I felt like it! Anyway, I really wanted to draw how Kaitou Kid makes a balls to the wall ride down the facade of a building... (laughs). I would be nice if they one day made an Anime out of it ♫ Oh well, even if Cleopatra's Vanity case should really exist, two thousand years later one probably couldn't use it anymore... (laughs)
I painfully think them all with my very limited brain with the help of my editor in charge (laughs).
Would You Grow Up
12. How many assistants do you have? Some of them went on to create new stories based on your characters and situations with the title of Detective Conan Special. What do you think about this? How do you feel having your characters and plots in others’ hands?<br>
If I remember correctly, the hang-glider associated with Kaitou Kid lifted the first time in this story. Well, one could also say that Kaitou Kid could have fled from the get-go with it, instead of stretching a rope to the Tokyo Tower first (laughs). I'd really like to bring the motorized roller skates again.
I have five assistants. About how I feel letting others take control of my plot and characters, I felt anxious at first, but later on I’ve discovered they really make me think: “Wow, this situation is not bad at all, why didn’t I come up with it before?” (laughs).
The Boy Who Bet on the Ball
13. Enough about Conan for now. Did you inspire yourself on the story of Musashi Miyamoto to create Yaiba?<br>
It has also been really daring to take real professional baseball player as a model... (laughs). I think the story was created after I talked with my editor in charge about how thrilling it would be if Kaitou Kid appeared on a pole in Tokyo Dome. Well, the Yomiuri Giants are working together with Conan in several ways anyway, so I hope they can turn a blind eye to this... (fierce laughter)
Yes, of course. Some characters have been taken directly from that story (laughs).
Ghost Game
14. Yaiba, which is a kendo-themed story, is famous all over the world. What, in your opinion, is the key to that success?<br>
If I remember correctly, I was frantically busy because I had to draw „Tantei George no Minimini Daisa-kusen“ („Detective George's Mini-Mini Big Strategy“) three weeks in a row for the Sunday magazine, so I finished this chapter in a very short time... (laughs). Directly afterwards my series „Yaiba“ started, because of which „Magic Kaito“ had to pause for a while. Hard to believe that the series is continued until today...! (laughs)
I think that maybe the fact of setting a story in which the characters can put different “orbs” in their swords was the decisive factor, as it makes it feel like a videogame.
Hustler vs. Magician
15. You are one of the most prominent shōnen manga authors of our times. From that position, I’d really like to know your views on nowadays’ shōnen manga scene.<br>
Originally this was the true second chapter of „Magic Kaito“! But... it was rejected! Since my debut in „Sunday“ there was never a story before or after it that was rejected. It's real luck that it made it into this volume! (laughs)
I’m so focused on my own work and circumstances that I’ve never really thought about it, sorry (laughs).
16. Of all your works, which is your favorite and why?<br>
„Magic Kaito“ was the first Manga I was allowed to publish as a Mangaka, which could be the reason I drew this story with zest and high motivation... Oh well, this probably was my youthful enthusiasm... (laughs)
Well, that would be Detective Conan. We have been together now for too long not to be friends, in fact (laughs).
Aoyama Kid ♥
17. What kind of manga would you like to draw if you had the chance?<br>
Volume 3
A story about Sun Wukong (Son Gokū).
Star Wars
18. What do you think that your manga is popular in son many countries all over the world?<br>
The first „Magic Kaito“ story I drew in the Heisei era (since 1989 -editor's note). There are several stories in which someone tries to gain profit from using a false Kid, but this is the shining first one! At the crime scene Kid announced a lot of Kid fans have assembled and shout "Kid! Kid!". Pretty clever idea, huh? Because this has developed to a classical element until today.
It’s a huge honor.
The Great Detective Appears!!
19. Manga has finally become a worldwide phenomenon. What do you think about that?<br>
Entrance of Saguru Hakuba! No, not only that, the chief inspector also shows his face...! Perhaps the junior was just worried because the top policeman never appears at the crime scene? (grin)
I’m convinced that Japan, and Japanese people, should be proud of manga and anime. I really believe it.
By the way, Kid is so bad at ice skating because I'm so lousy in it myself.
Kaitou Under Scrutiny
20. Could we ask for a final comment from you to manga readers all over the world?<br>
The skirt of Aoko's school uniform is so long and Kid's television is so big! From this you can tell the time! (Haha!) Apropos, the newspaper appearing on the last page is called „Oshima Daily Paper“ in the original version. Most of the newspapers shown in „Magic Kaito“ were named after my then editors. I beg your pardon. (grin)
Conan is full to the brim with tricks and ciphers only Japanese can understand and, even so, many foreign readers keep faithful to his stories. I’m very grateful for that and I hope they continue to do so. Thank you very much, really.
===Magic Kaitou Treasured Editions: Playback Episode Interviews (no raw)===
Akako's Delivery Service
Released at the end of the Treasured Editions through out 2011<br>
Translated from German to English by : Cocoa moth / Cocoa <br>
Volume 1
Hello, it's me, Aoyama.
Kaitou Kids measurements, 1.74 m (~ 5'9") and 58 kg (~ 128 lbs), naturally are my measurements from back then! The same goes for his blood type! (grin) Back then I thought it's really cool that it's possible to figure out skin colour and age of a person just by a single hair, but today, with DNA analysis you can figure out the whole identity of the person the hair belongs to. The progress of science is frightening... (Haha!)
In the course of the republication of Magic Kaito I take the liberty to show my memories of this time straightforwardly. (grin)
(Extra Chapter) Yaiba vs. Kaito!
The Revived Phantom Thief
I was told to draw a short, self-contained story and this dream sequence is the result. Back when I was a kid I already loved collaborations like „Mazinger Z vs. Devilman“, so I wanted to draw something like this. This is also the reason Kaitou Kid appears in Conan... (grin)
The memorable first chapter! Actually I became a Mangaka because I wanted to write about a high school phantom (grin) and so I drew it under great tension! Well and back then I was short of money which is the reason why his hatband around his tophat isn't shaded with screen tone...
Blue Birthday
The Police Are Everywhere
The first time the gem Kaitou is after is the name origin for the title! Because this was the first „Magic Kaito“ after a very long time I debuted Kaitou Kid's arch-enemy and I can remember how much this motivated me... but it's also a story about a nightly firework in the midst of the city which must have made a lot of trouble in the surroundings... (grin)
The original title „Keikan ga ippai” referred to a movie... „Taiyou ga ippai”, a movie with Alain Delon („Purple Noon”). Detective Doron is an allusion, too, because „Delon” is written as „Doron” in Japan. (grin) By the way! The words „When you bend them, they...” Kaito announces the light-emitting diode were literally written on the package of one of those things I purchased on a public festival as a kid. (grin) Appearantly they're actually known as „glow stick”.
Green Dream
The Clockwork Heart
Oh well, this story is nothing special, but to be honest, it's this story which grew dear to my heart. (grin) What should I say about it? The rhythm is felicitous. This story was the first time I drew Kid's „signature“ we've grown so accustomed to. You can also tell from the name of one of the persons appearing that I really loved „Furuhata Ninzaburō“ back then - a japanese police detective drama.
A science-fiction-thriller! A rarity for Kaito (grin). I recall that I perceived it as really exhausting to draw all the parts of the robot and that I had no computer, so that I had to write Kaito's farewell letter by hand (Haha!). By the way! In the panel the robot says „I'm Kuroba Kaito... Haha!!” Kaito's pupils look kinda strange (?). There I mimicked Akemi Matsunae of which I was a big fan back then. (grin)
Aoyama Kid ♥
Kaitou Kid's Busy Day Off
Volume 4
Hello, it's me, Aoyama.
Back then, the 3D movie „Captain EO” starring Michael Jackson was being played in cinemas and has been satirized in this chapter, although I never thought 3D movies could have been revived because of „Avatar”... (grin) By the way! When I read the closing scene today I think that the phrase „But, ice cream... still tastes great!” is my most embarrassing quote ever (grin).
Since Magic Kaito is being republished I allow myself to show my memories about the past without further delay. (grin)
Crystal Mother
The Pirate Ship Unsurfaced
This is the Kaito-train story I always wanted to draw! Including some allusions to "Lupin III" or "Sherlock Holmes" it became a story during which I could live it up... (grin) Snake, who got severely hurt in the tunnel returns in the following chapter completely unharmed. That's what I call "tough“! (Ha, ha!)
Red Tear
A sea adventure with Kaito? This is a rarity, too! (grin) I can't remember at all why I wanted to draw this story, but maybe I wanted a confrontation between a thief from the mainland and a thief of the seas...? (Ha!) Well, and so Kaito brought his costume of Kaitou Kid even to this place...?! (grin)
Back when this story was published the first time, the thre first pages were in color! In fact, this created a mystery: „The gem on page 1 is blue, but the one on the cover page is red... Why oh why?“ Great that we can revive this mystery in all its glory! (grin) By the way, the closing scene in which all the photos containing the fondest memories are projected against the wall is an homage to the closing scene of the movie  „Cinema Paradiso“. ♪ I used this highlight again in „Detective Conan – The Last Wizard of the Century“. (grin)
Black Star
The Scarlet Temptress
The first confrontation with the one and only Shinichi Kudo! In this story, Kaito says: „The inspector couldn't catch him even if he used a satellite system!“ But really, it's kind of surprising that he hasn't caught him before, isn't it?! (grin) Shinichi is firing a pistol? Akako wants to use magic to get rid of Shinichi? Little Kaito is flirting with Aoko? What a crazy story! (grin) Well, the scene in which Akako uses her magic powers was cut from TV syndication, but it was restored for the DVD, so everyone who wants to watch it, can do so now. ♥ Oh yeah, the title „Black Star“! I believe there are some readers who ask themselves why this gemstone served as the namesake of the story even though it's just mentioned in passing at the end. That's because Kaitou Kid himself is the "Black Star" after all ★ – hence the title! ♪
Golden Eye
There she is! Mistress Akako! To be honest, she, as practitioner of black magic, is the reason who drove me into the corner the most during Kaitos appearances in Conan. Well, you just have to accept these works as parallel universes. (grin) By the way, Kaito Kuroba is written on the handkerchief, this probably was a prank done by his mom (Chikage)... (grin)
The first duel of the phantoms! (... maybe.) Catherine Zeta-Jones was the model for the character Ruby Jones. Well, they don't look very much alike... (Ha, ha!) In this story it's made clear that Kaito was born in June and Aoko in September! Exactly... Kaitou Kid may be a thief, but he is also a magician, so it really delighted me to slip in the name of the grandiose real-life magician Harry Houdini. (grin) There are a lot of tricky moments that show how much Detective Conan "poisoned" this story... (Ha, ha!)
Dark Knights
Aoyama Kid ♥
The mask Nightmare is wearing is based on one I bought during a vacation in Spain, because I really liked it. It now hangs at the wall of my living room. (Ha, ha!) Again, in this story is a lot to analyze and moreover, it ends in a thought-provoking, grim mood, which isn't very typical for „Magic Kaito“. On the other hand, this isn't bad either, isn't it? Superintendent Chaki, an old acquaintance from Detective Conan, had his origin in this story. Further on, Hakuba's nanny „Baaya“ has her very first appearance in here! Actually, it's said that there is another nanny for him who has a more docile personality, but that's a different story altogether... (He, he...)
Phantom Lady (Preannouncement)
Volume 2
This story revolves around how the original Kaitou Kid obtained a wonderfully beautiful jewel for the first time. ♥ It will be the first in Volume 5... I wonder when it will be released? (grin)
Stay Away From Him
===Otona Fami Interview #3 (MIXED IN RAW)===
オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2011 <br>
Although it's more of a romantic tale than a thief story I really like this one ♥ Especially the panel with „Well, excuse me for being an idiot...“ is a real gem, because of how often I had to redraw it! (laughs) Additionally, Superman and Top Gun appear... which is according to my taste! It's also revealed in this story that Aoko is flat-chested. (laughs)
RAW IMAGES: http://imgur.com/a/m7Qen <br>
Proof of Origin: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/otona/2011/04/post_687.html <br>
Included with a section called "Detective Conan Best Episode File 50"<br>
(Alternate translation found [http://detective-conan-news.blogspot.com/2011/05/2011-aoyama-gosho-interview.html here])<br>
Below Translated by: justwananaccount
Japan's Most Irresponsible Prime Minister
I'm guessing at the pronounciation of some names, so it might not be entirely accurate. ^^; Also, some characters were so fuzzy that I couldn't make it out – in that case I left a ? in the Japanese text and got the translation from the Chinese translation. As before, let me know if I've mistranslated or I've taken too much liberty in the English or something.
A story I used one of my then-favourite actors Hitoshi Ueki, who has passed away in the meantime, as model! I also dared to use the Japanese prime minister - this was probably really audacious... And then characters appear who look like the past leaders of the USSR and the USA, Gorbachev and Reagan... (sweating). By the way, did anyone notice the „Akako balloon“ in the night sky? (laughs)
Aoyama Gosho Interview<br>
Aoyama Gosho has continued drawing shounen manga for a quarter of a century. Debuted as a manga artist in '86, he will discuss Magic Kaito, YAIBA, Detective Conan, and future plans.
I Am the Master!
Born in Tottori prefecture in 1963. Debuted in '86 with Wait a Minute. YAIBA and Detective Conan won Shougakukan Manga Award in Youth (I got this from the Chinese translation, I can't read the Japanese 'cause it's so fuzzy) and Shounen Divisions, respectively.<br>
This story was purely written because I felt like it! Anyway, I really wanted to draw how Kaitou Kid makes a balls to the wall ride down the facade of a building... (laughs). I would be nice if they one day made an Anime out of it ♫ Oh well, even if Cleopatra's Vanity case should really exist, two thousand years later one probably couldn't use it anymore... (laughs)
What kind of boy was sensei like during childhood?<br>
Like the Detective Boys, I played detective with friends. I was more of a Mitsuhiko-type than a Conan-type. I was in a position to search provisions and places, with my family's car maintenance factory's scrap yard as the secret base.<br>
Would You Grow Up
Did you like manga from that time?<br>
A:そうですね。ニャロメの絵ばかり描いてました。初めて買った漫画は、大好きなちばてつや先生の「おれは鉄平」(should be 鉄兵, seems that the magazine has a misprint)。鉄平が好きで剣道部に入りましたね。でも、親が「漫画なんて読んでも、ロクな人間にならない」という考えの厳しい人で、中学高校時代はこっそり隠れて読んでました。<br>
Yes. I kept drawing pictures of Nyarome. The first manga I bought was my favorite artist, Chiba Tetsuya sensei's I am Teppei. I entered the kendo club because I liked Teppei so much. But, my parents held harsh beliefs like “Those who read manga don't become a worthy human being,” so I read secretly during my middle and high school years.<br>
If I remember correctly, the hang-glider associated with Kaitou Kid lifted the first time in this story. Well, one could also say that Kaitou Kid could have fled from the get-go with it, instead of stretching a rope to the Tokyo Tower first (laughs). I'd really like to bring the motorized roller skates again.
When did you start walking down the path of a manga artist?<br>
I was opposed by my parents, so I almost gave up my dream of becoming a manga artist during high school. Instead, I entered Nihon University College of Art to become an art teacher. There, manga research (?) existed, which didn't exist in my countryside high school (laughs). An alumni manga artist, Abu Yukata-san (Bear-chan's Christmas, Detective Conan Special Edition, etc.) was there. I went to be an assistant at Abu-san's work place, and he said, “Do you want to draw manga for real”? That's where it started.<br>
The Boy Who Bet on the Ball
Just wondering, what was your major at your university?<br>
The Fine Arts Department's artist course. The touch in Conan's end-of-the-volume Illustrated Guide to Famous Detective is different, isn't it? I can still draw. I also used to draw for part time jobs. I drew the background for Fuji TV's Ponkikki, and for Tokyo Disneyland's Pirates of the Carribean*. I drew on the brick wall behind the town that the pirates are vandalizing (I think . . . I'm not completely sure). I was put on a life line, and they gave me a picture and told me to draw just like it. The pay was good, so I did my best (laughs). That picture doesn't exist anymore, though. I also took up a teaching job. At my hometown's high school, I even went to art education training. My parents thought I was going to become a teacher, so when I suddenly said I was going to be a manga artist, they stubbornly opposed me like I expected. My old man said, “I had a friend who can draw a crab that looks like it's about to start moving. But that person can't eat, at all. Do you still want to be a manga artist?” (laughs) Still, [he? I?] declared “[I'm? You're?] an adult already, do whatever [I? you?] like,” and I brought in a work to a publisher.<br>
*I know the timeline doesn't make sense, but I typed in カリブの海賊 into Google and that's what I got. :\<br>
It has also been really daring to take real professional baseball player as a model... (laughs). I think the story was created after I talked with my editor in charge about how thrilling it would be if Kaitou Kid appeared on a pole in Tokyo Dome. Well, the Yomiuri Giants are working together with Conan in several ways anyway, so I hope they can turn a blind eye to this... (fierce laughter)
You first submitted to Weekly Shonen Magazine, right?<br>
Yes, I performed well with Nonchalantly Lupin (Magic Kaito's prototype) at Magazine. However, Nouchi-san, who later became Magazine's head editor, told me, “Your art doesn't suit Magazine,” so I headed for Weekly Shonen Sunday next. There, I won Shougakukan Newcomer Comic Award with my third contributed work Wait a Minute (SF love comedy) in '86. I finally managed to debut.<br>
Ghost Game
Magic Kaito, your first serial work, started the following year. Things are going favorably.<br>
Though my university classmates and lowerclassmen were assisting me, when contribution fees were paid for the first time, we all went to a sushi restaurant to celebrate. I felt like a pro when the first volume came out. I was so happy, I added extra manga. That first serial work still continues, even now (laughs). It's a life work now. I'm going to put out a new work in the summer. It'll be about Kaito's mother, Phantom Lady . . . or it's planned to be. Although, editor[s] really complained to me at first. The parts about tricks and love comedy is popular with adults and girls, but not with boys, [they/he/she] said. With Yaiba, I thought “you” while drawing it. But this time, only boys liked it (laughs).<br>
If I remember correctly, I was frantically busy because I had to draw „Tantei George no Minimini Daisa-kusen“ („Detective George's Mini-Mini Big Strategy“) three weeks in a row for the Sunday magazine, so I finished this chapter in a very short time... (laughs). Directly afterwards my series „Yaiba“ started, because of which „Magic Kaito“ had to pause for a while. Hard to believe that the series is continued until today...! (laughs)
Please, tell us memories of YAIBA.<br>
At the time, it was the first weekly series so I did stuff without care. I was completely absorbed in it. The idea of putting in jewels into the sword Raijinken (Sword of Thunder God) to make it stronger came from RPG, with the image of collecting items to become stronger – I'm glad that part was received well. Although, I think I failed because the work became too childish, in contrast [to Magic Kaito]. I like the final stage, the Yamatanoorochi (a Japanese mythical monster with eight heads and eight tails) arc. I thought I drew well, but the arc hasn't been animated (laughs). I wish that it will be animated, with current quality.<br>
Hustler vs. Magician
After YAIBA is finally Detective Conan, what atmosphere did you imagine to make it?<br>
Calico Cat Holmes. Though a cat shouldn't understand, it touches around evidence and such and the case gets solved. Same thing with Conan. Though a child shouldn't understand, he says things like “arere~?” I imagine Conan to be Calico Cat Holmes talking.<br>
Originally this was the true second chapter of „Magic Kaito“! But... it was rejected! Since my debut in „Sunday“ there was never a story before or after it that was rejected. It's real luck that it made it into this volume! (laughs)
How long did you plan on continuing it at first?<br>
I never thought the serialization would be so long. I thought it would end with the first volume. The head editor said that since there is the anime, Future Boy Conan (directed by Miyazaki Hayao), I should change the title to “Detective Doyle,” but I persuaded him/her by saying, “I'll surpass Future Boy Conan!” But the new serialization notification article listed the title as “Detective Boy Conan”, and I thought, that's not good (laughs). However, about ten years ago, a person from Studio Ghibli told me, “Conan means the detective now, doesn't it?” and I thought, “Yes!”<br>
Tell me your Top 5 episodes.<br>
#1 would be “Shaken Police Headquarters: 12 Million Hostages” (FILE 369-373). What else? I guess “Head to Head with the Black Organization: Full Moon Night's Dual Mystery” (FILE 429-434), which ran as a two-and-a-half-hour special in the anime. Ïn “The Case of the Murdered Diplomat” (FILE 92-96), where Heiji first makes an appearance, I liked Shinichi's eye-opening scene, where he said, “That's not right . . .” - I thought it went well, performance-wise. I also like the line, “There is . . . only one truth . . . don't you see?” In the anime, they say, “One truth remains!”, right? The anime's writer came up with this line, but I also came up with this line at the same time. I was surprised by the coincidence. “The Mysterious Passenger” (FILE 287-289) is a favorite, too. Conan's “Don't run away, Haibara . . . Don't run away . . . from your own destiny . . .” remains impressed in my memory. Shinichi picks his lines carefully, doesn't he? I'd also like to add “Following Holmes” (FILE 743-752). Since it was Conan's admired place, I put in some effort. I did some site research for it, too.<br>
„Magic Kaito“ was the first Manga I was allowed to publish as a Mangaka, which could be the reason I drew this story with zest and high motivation... Oh well, this probably was my youthful enthusiasm... (laughs)
You said that the next arc would be the London arc in the '03 interview, didn't you?<br>
Wow, some time has passed since then, hasn't it? I tried drawing it, and I definitely struggled with the English. I decided from the beginning to feature Wimbledon, and I modeled Minerva Glass with the tennis player, Steffi Graf. The scene where conan says “I'll help you out!!” to Glass from the audience is based on an episode in Wimbledon in '96. During the semifinal between Graf and Date Kimiko, a fan said “Steffi, will you marry me?”, maybe to change the flow [of the game]. Then, Graf replied jokingly, “How much money do you have?” (laughs)<br>
Aoyama Kid ♥
How was the research in London?<br>
The places that show up in the manga mostly consist of places I took pictures of during the research. The telephone box where Conan turned back to Shinichi really was at the end of crossing the Big Ben bridge. The gutter with “Valley of Fear” written across the top in the manga exists, too. I drew the hotel I stayed at as it was. For places I couldn't go, I investigated with Google Map. Maybe I could have drawn without the site research? (laughs)<br>
Volume 3
The end of that arc (Volume 72 planned to be sold in June) contained the much-awaited-for scene between Shinichi and Ran, didn't it?<br>
The reaction was huge for that scene. I thought about tying in the fact that Holmes is weak in romance, and the “A bothersome, difficult case” line was decided before. Things went as planned.<br>
Star Wars
Is there a rule or a cycle behind deciding the timing for love-comedy and Black Organization episodes?<br>
I decide when I feel it's time (laughs). Maybe fan letters have a pretty significant influence. I get stuff like “I want to read about Shinichi and Ran's childhood!” or “Please draw the BO arc soon!” The readers expectations for the BO arc is high. It's just, unlike normal fields, I have to draw hard core so it's quite a lot of work. But I like hard core things.<br>
The first „Magic Kaito“ story I drew in the Heisei era (since 1989 -editor's note). There are several stories in which someone tries to gain profit from using a false Kid, but this is the shining first one! At the crime scene Kid announced a lot of Kid fans have assembled and shout "Kid! Kid!". Pretty clever idea, huh? Because this has developed to a classical element until today.
Which character is fun to draw?<br>
Haibara, perhaps. She's popular since her appearance, isn't she? She does exactly what I want her to do, and I can say what I want to say though her. This is pretty much the reason why I have Haibara say my comments at the official homepage, Conan News Agency.<br>
The Great Detective Appears!!
Which character is popular among the readers?<br>
Sera Masumi, the new character. It seems that she's winning by an landslide. The name seems to be understood by people who understands. Is it good to have so much Gundam? (laughs) Maybe she's the sister of a major character . . . (laughs). I'm excited to see who the voice actor will be.<br>
Entrance of Saguru Hakuba! No, not only that, the chief inspector also shows his face...! Perhaps the junior was just worried because the top policeman never appears at the crime scene? (grin)
By the way, Kid is so bad at ice skating because I'm so lousy in it myself.
I also wonder about the direction of Detective Takagi and Detective Satou's romance.<br>
I plan on drawing Takagi and Satou's marriage ceremony. The thing is, during last year's movie, I thought about getting them married with a Kid plot involved, but if it's done in a movie, then I can't do it in the manga, so I decided against the idea.<br>
Kaitou Under Scrutiny
Conan has expanded broadly into student-read manga, anime, movies, live action drama, and media franchise. How do you produce them?<br>
I'm mainly involved in the movie script and the original pictures. I entrust the other media in others.<br>
The skirt of Aoko's school uniform is so long and Kid's television is so big! From this you can tell the time! (Haha!) Apropos, the newspaper appearing on the last page is called „Oshima Daily Paper“ in the original version. Most of the newspapers shown in „Magic Kaito“ were named after my then editors. I beg your pardon. (grin)
How were you involved in the newest movie, Detective Conan: Quarter of Silence?<br>
About making the number '15' the theme, this was a consensus among the staff and myself to celebrate the 15th year of films. Having the stage be set on a snowy mountain was my idea. I thought that getting buried in an avalanche with a rescue time limit of 15 minutes would be just right.<br>
Akako's Delivery Service
What are the scenes to watch for in this film?<br>
The skateboard in a tunnel scene at the beginning. Wasn't it cool? Also, the scene where Conan says, “Words are knives. When used wrong, they become weapons.” (I drew the original picture for this). I also used this line in the manga once, I like it. I also was in charge of the original picture of the scene where Shinichi's prayer(?) appears when Conan and Ran miss each other in the avalanche <br>
Kaitou Kids measurements, 1.74 m (~ 5'9") and 58 kg (~ 128 lbs), naturally are my measurements from back then! The same goes for his blood type! (grin) Back then I thought it's really cool that it's possible to figure out skin colour and age of a person just by a single hair, but today, with DNA analysis you can figure out the whole identity of the person the hair belongs to. The progress of science is frightening... (Haha!)
What is your recommended film so far?<br>
The fifth film, Countdown to Heaven. Many things fit just right in that work, I'm proud of it. My little brother says he also likes this film the best. My little brother is a medical doctor who's also an anime otaku (laughs). I often consults with him. About the estimated time of death, the cause of death and such. A living medical book, super convenient! He's also knows about voice actors very well, so he calls and says things like, “Hayashibara-san would be great as Haibara's voice actor!” He also points out my faults, like “You're getting conceited with popularity” (laughs).<br>
(Extra Chapter) Yaiba vs. Kaito!
Conan has become a long series that has continued for 17 years since the beginning of serialization, with 71 volumes published – any tips on continuing a long serialization?<br>
No tips. On the contrary, when I draw a new case, I always draw with the feeling that this will be the last. Though when advancing forward the next story begins.<br>
I was told to draw a short, self-contained story and this dream sequence is the result. Back when I was a kid I already loved collaborations like „Mazinger Z vs. Devilman“, so I wanted to draw something like this. This is also the reason Kaitou Kid appears in Conan... (grin)
What felt tough from the long serialization?<br>
When I forget about the foreshadows I wrote a long time ago (laughs). It was a lot of work when I clarified Vermouth's foreshadows. I felt like I needed to include everything. I noted down all the foreshadows on a paper before and I handed it to the anime staff – I wish they'd return it (laughs). Maybe anokata's identity will be understood if the paper is seen?<br>
Blue Birthday
In the '08 interview with this magazine, you said that the next arc will be about Bourbon.<br>
The Bourbon arc is still continuing. Aside from that arc, I've thought about a confrontation between Sera and Haibara. This will be spectacular. Both of them are “wolves,” after all (laughs).<br>
The first time the gem Kaitou is after is the name origin for the title! Because this was the first „Magic Kaito“ after a very long time I debuted Kaitou Kid's arch-enemy and I can remember how much this motivated me... but it's also a story about a nightly firework in the midst of the city which must have made a lot of trouble in the surroundings... (grin)
I'm excited to see it! When do you think you can write the last episode that you said you decided the contents of?<br>
I don't know. But I don't think I'll exceed KochiKame in volume number (laughs). I've already decided the lines. The ending will be a happy one. This is my work, after all.<br>
Green Dream
You've done weekly serializations for 20 years, what does the one week cycle look like?<br>
Two and a half to three days on the pre-manuscript, four to four and a half days on the drawing. The week is used up (laughs). I don't have the time to think of tricks. That's why things keep getting off. They let me take a break from time to time, but I don't rest at all. Because, on top of the manga, I have to make arrangements with the movie staff to draw the original pictures (laughs). That's why, when I turn in things at the last minute, no one complains. I've never failed to turn in my work, not once. I feel like I'll stop turning in work if I fail once.<br>
Oh well, this story is nothing special, but to be honest, it's this story which grew dear to my heart. (grin) What should I say about it? The rhythm is felicitous. This story was the first time I drew Kid's „signature“ we've grown so accustomed to. You can also tell from the name of one of the persons appearing that I really loved „Furuhata Ninzaburō“ back then - a japanese police detective drama.
What do you want to do if you managed to take a break?<br>
Sleep. Do nothing but sleep. Wake up a little, watch a movie, sleep again ( laughs). That would be my ideal life. Hotel living sounds nice, too . . .<br>
Aoyama Kid ♥
Do you return home?<br>
Just on New Years every year. Since there are fans who bring shikishi's (in Japan, fans get signatures on papers called shikishi) and ask for signatures. On top of that, my parents save up one year's worth of shikishi's (laughs). Two hundred of them are copies, about twenty are the normal shikishi's. Still, when I return to the country nothing happens, so I start wanting to draw pictures.<br>
Volume 4
As I thought, you like to work, don't you?<br>
Hello, it's me, Aoyama.
You think? Now that I think about it, the dramas that I watch are all about police detectives. These days, all the new shows are recorded, and shows that aren't mysteries or about police detectives are eliminated. I play them when drafting. With dramas, you can understand the contents even while working. Recently, I've watched SPEC. Even though ESP people appear, the mystery is set up properly. In the last episode, I thought that when Touma (Toda Erika) said “I won!” (when she won the intellect battle against Ninomae (Kamiki Ryuunosuke)), she was really cool. If Toda-san was in her teens, I would have liked her to play Ran in the live action Conan drama (laughs).<br>
Since Magic Kaito is being republished I allow myself to show my memories about the past without further delay. (grin)
You've played the role of a police crime lab staff in Thief during this year's New Years.<br>
Crystal Mother
I was also kindly allowed to consult with Mizutani Yutaka-san, my wish came true. He was a truly good person, he was just like Ukyou-san!<br>
This is the Kaito-train story I always wanted to draw! Including some allusions to "Lupin III" or "Sherlock Holmes" it became a story during which I could live it up... (grin) Snake, who got severely hurt in the tunnel returns in the following chapter completely unharmed. That's what I call "tough“! (Ha, ha!)
Do you have an interest in scripts for dramas?<br>
Red Tear
After I retire, maybe. But I think I'll be told that I should draw instead (laughs).<br>
Back when this story was published the first time, the thre first pages were in color! In fact, this created a mystery: „The gem on page 1 is blue, but the one on the cover page is red... Why oh why?“ Great that we can revive this mystery in all its glory! (grin) By the way, the closing scene in which all the photos containing the fondest memories are projected against the wall is an homage to the closing scene of the movie  „Cinema Paradiso“. ♪ I used this highlight again in „Detective Conan – The Last Wizard of the Century“. (grin)
When sensei draws manga, what do you value?<br>
Black Star
To draw cool boys and cute girls. Though Ran and Sera and such girls are becoming cooler these days (laughs).<br>
This year marks the 25th anniversary of your job; how would you describe this past quarter century?<br>
Half of it was Conan. I feel like I want to demand my life back (laughs). I was 29 when I started. Time passed by, really fast. I feel like it's only been four years.<br>
The first confrontation with the one and only Shinichi Kudo! In this story, Kaito says: „The inspector couldn't catch him even if he used a satellite system!“ But really, it's kind of surprising that he hasn't caught him before, isn't it?! (grin) Shinichi is firing a pistol? Akako wants to use magic to get rid of Shinichi? Little Kaito is flirting with Aoko? What a crazy story! (grin) Well, the scene in which Akako uses her magic powers was cut from TV syndication, but it was restored for the DVD, so everyone who wants to watch it, can do so now. ♥ Oh yeah, the title „Black Star“! I believe there are some readers who ask themselves why this gemstone served as the namesake of the story even though it's just mentioned in passing at the end. That's because Kaitou Kid himself is the "Black Star" after all ★ – hence the title!
Until what age do you want to stay active?<br>
Golden Eye
As long as I can. I want to retire when I reach Agasa's age (53), I think, but once I retire I think I'll start wanting to draw manga again. The assistants who've been with me since the beginning are aging, too – there's a lot of trouble. But, just like Chaplin, I'll keep saying “My best work is my next work”!<br>
The first duel of the phantoms! (... maybe.) Catherine Zeta-Jones was the model for the character Ruby Jones. ♥ Well, they don't look very much alike... (Ha, ha!) In this story it's made clear that Kaito was born in June and Aoko in September! Exactly... Kaitou Kid may be a thief, but he is also a magician, so it really delighted me to slip in the name of the grandiose real-life magician Harry Houdini. (grin) There are a lot of tricky moments that show how much Detective Conan "poisoned" this story... (Ha, ha!)
Speaking of your next work, what about the Journey to the West that you mentioned in your interview with this mazagine in '08?<br>
Dark Knights
I want to draw Journey to the West! I've finished the character design for Goku, and there was a plan to publish a one-shot on Sunday, but drawing ancient Chinese backgrounds is quite troublesome so maybe not. I'll say this since I don't think I'll keep drawing, but it's quite interesting (laughs).<br>
The mask Nightmare is wearing is based on one I bought during a vacation in Spain, because I really liked it. It now hangs at the wall of my living room. (Ha, ha!) Again, in this story is a lot to analyze and moreover, it ends in a thought-provoking, grim mood, which isn't very typical for „Magic Kaito“. On the other hand, this isn't bad either, isn't it? Superintendent Chaki, an old acquaintance from Detective Conan, had his origin in this story. Further on, Hakuba's nanny „Baaya“ has her very first appearance in here! Actually, it's said that there is another nanny for him who has a more docile personality, but that's a different story altogether... (He, he...)
Please do draw! Finally, please leave a message for the readers.<br>
Phantom Lady (Preannouncement)
Thank you kindly for putting up with Aoyama Gosho's world for a long time. And I hope we'll get along in the future. “Let's get to the next case!(laughs)<br>
This story revolves around how the original Kaitou Kid obtained a wonderfully beautiful jewel for the first time. ♥ It will be the first in Volume 5... I wonder when it will be released? (grin)
EDIT: Fixed 'Three-Haired cat' to 'Calico cat' - my bad, ha ha.
===Otona Fami Interview #3 (MIXED IN RAW)===
===Monthly BLT Interview RAW===
オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2011 <br>
月刊BLT 6月号 2012 (Monthly BLT June issue of 2012), published April 24, 2012<br>
RAW IMAGES: http://imgur.com/a/m7Qen <br>
Proof of Origin: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/otona/2011/04/post_687.html <br>
Raw text
Included with a section called "Detective Conan Best Episode File 50"<br>
(Alternate translation found [http://detective-conan-news.blogspot.com/2011/05/2011-aoyama-gosho-interview.html here])<br>
Below Translated by: justwananaccount
I'm guessing at the pronounciation of some names, so it might not be entirely accurate. ^^; Also, some characters were so fuzzy that I couldn't make it out – in that case I left a ? in the Japanese text and got the translation from the Chinese translation. As before, let me know if I've mistranslated or I've taken too much liberty in the English or something.
Aoyama Gosho Interview<br>
Aoyama Gosho has continued drawing shounen manga for a quarter of a century. Debuted as a manga artist in '86, he will discuss Magic Kaito, YAIBA, Detective Conan, and future plans.
Born in Tottori prefecture in 1963. Debuted in '86 with Wait a Minute. YAIBA and Detective Conan won Shougakukan Manga Award in Youth (I got this from the Chinese translation, I can't read the Japanese 'cause it's so fuzzy) and Shounen Divisions, respectively.<br>
What kind of boy was sensei like during childhood?<br>
Like the Detective Boys, I played detective with friends. I was more of a Mitsuhiko-type than a Conan-type. I was in a position to search provisions and places, with my family's car maintenance factory's scrap yard as the secret base.<br>
Did you like manga from that time?<br>
A:そうですね。ニャロメの絵ばかり描いてました。初めて買った漫画は、大好きなちばてつや先生の「おれは鉄平」(should be 鉄兵, seems that the magazine has a misprint)。鉄平が好きで剣道部に入りましたね。でも、親が「漫画なんて読んでも、ロクな人間にならない」という考えの厳しい人で、中学高校時代はこっそり隠れて読んでました。<br>
Yes. I kept drawing pictures of Nyarome. The first manga I bought was my favorite artist, Chiba Tetsuya sensei's I am Teppei. I entered the kendo club because I liked Teppei so much. But, my parents held harsh beliefs like “Those who read manga don't become a worthy human being,” so I read secretly during my middle and high school years.<br>
When did you start walking down the path of a manga artist?<br>
I was opposed by my parents, so I almost gave up my dream of becoming a manga artist during high school. Instead, I entered Nihon University College of Art to become an art teacher. There, manga research (?) existed, which didn't exist in my countryside high school (laughs). An alumni manga artist, Abu Yukata-san (Bear-chan's Christmas, Detective Conan Special Edition, etc.) was there. I went to be an assistant at Abu-san's work place, and he said, “Do you want to draw manga for real”? That's where it started.<br>
Just wondering, what was your major at your university?<br>
The Fine Arts Department's artist course. The touch in Conan's end-of-the-volume Illustrated Guide to Famous Detective is different, isn't it? I can still draw. I also used to draw for part time jobs. I drew the background for Fuji TV's Ponkikki, and for Tokyo Disneyland's Pirates of the Carribean*. I drew on the brick wall behind the town that the pirates are vandalizing (I think . . . I'm not completely sure). I was put on a life line, and they gave me a picture and told me to draw just like it. The pay was good, so I did my best (laughs). That picture doesn't exist anymore, though. I also took up a teaching job. At my hometown's high school, I even went to art education training. My parents thought I was going to become a teacher, so when I suddenly said I was going to be a manga artist, they stubbornly opposed me like I expected. My old man said, “I had a friend who can draw a crab that looks like it's about to start moving. But that person can't eat, at all. Do you still want to be a manga artist?” (laughs) Still, [he? I?] declared “[I'm? You're?] an adult already, do whatever [I? you?] like,” and I brought in a work to a publisher.<br>
*I know the timeline doesn't make sense, but I typed in カリブの海賊 into Google and that's what I got. :\<br>
You first submitted to Weekly Shonen Magazine, right?<br>
Yes, I performed well with Nonchalantly Lupin (Magic Kaito's prototype) at Magazine. However, Nouchi-san, who later became Magazine's head editor, told me, “Your art doesn't suit Magazine,” so I headed for Weekly Shonen Sunday next. There, I won Shougakukan Newcomer Comic Award with my third contributed work Wait a Minute (SF love comedy) in '86. I finally managed to debut.<br>
Magic Kaito, your first serial work, started the following year. Things are going favorably.<br>
Though my university classmates and lowerclassmen were assisting me, when contribution fees were paid for the first time, we all went to a sushi restaurant to celebrate. I felt like a pro when the first volume came out. I was so happy, I added extra manga. That first serial work still continues, even now (laughs). It's a life work now. I'm going to put out a new work in the summer. It'll be about Kaito's mother, Phantom Lady . . . or it's planned to be. Although, editor[s] really complained to me at first. The parts about tricks and love comedy is popular with adults and girls, but not with boys, [they/he/she] said. With Yaiba, I thought “you” while drawing it. But this time, only boys liked it (laughs).<br>
Please, tell us memories of YAIBA.<br>
At the time, it was the first weekly series so I did stuff without care. I was completely absorbed in it. The idea of putting in jewels into the sword Raijinken (Sword of Thunder God) to make it stronger came from RPG, with the image of collecting items to become stronger – I'm glad that part was received well. Although, I think I failed because the work became too childish, in contrast [to Magic Kaito]. I like the final stage, the Yamatanoorochi (a Japanese mythical monster with eight heads and eight tails) arc. I thought I drew well, but the arc hasn't been animated (laughs). I wish that it will be animated, with current quality.<br>
After YAIBA is finally Detective Conan, what atmosphere did you imagine to make it?<br>
Calico Cat Holmes. Though a cat shouldn't understand, it touches around evidence and such and the case gets solved. Same thing with Conan. Though a child shouldn't understand, he says things like “arere~?” I imagine Conan to be Calico Cat Holmes talking.<br>
How long did you plan on continuing it at first?<br>
I never thought the serialization would be so long. I thought it would end with the first volume. The head editor said that since there is the anime, Future Boy Conan (directed by Miyazaki Hayao), I should change the title to “Detective Doyle,” but I persuaded him/her by saying, “I'll surpass Future Boy Conan!” But the new serialization notification article listed the title as “Detective Boy Conan”, and I thought, that's not good (laughs). However, about ten years ago, a person from Studio Ghibli told me, “Conan means the detective now, doesn't it?” and I thought, “Yes!”<br>
Tell me your Top 5 episodes.<br>
#1 would be “Shaken Police Headquarters: 12 Million Hostages” (FILE 369-373). What else? I guess “Head to Head with the Black Organization: Full Moon Night's Dual Mystery” (FILE 429-434), which ran as a two-and-a-half-hour special in the anime. Ïn “The Case of the Murdered Diplomat” (FILE 92-96), where Heiji first makes an appearance, I liked Shinichi's eye-opening scene, where he said, “That's not right . . .” - I thought it went well, performance-wise. I also like the line, “There is . . . only one truth . . . don't you see?” In the anime, they say, “One truth remains!”, right? The anime's writer came up with this line, but I also came up with this line at the same time. I was surprised by the coincidence. “The Mysterious Passenger” (FILE 287-289) is a favorite, too. Conan's “Don't run away, Haibara . . . Don't run away . . . from your own destiny . . .” remains impressed in my memory. Shinichi picks his lines carefully, doesn't he? I'd also like to add “Following Holmes” (FILE 743-752). Since it was Conan's admired place, I put in some effort. I did some site research for it, too.<br>
You said that the next arc would be the London arc in the '03 interview, didn't you?<br>
Wow, some time has passed since then, hasn't it? I tried drawing it, and I definitely struggled with the English. I decided from the beginning to feature Wimbledon, and I modeled Minerva Glass with the tennis player, Steffi Graf. The scene where conan says “I'll help you out!!” to Glass from the audience is based on an episode in Wimbledon in '96. During the semifinal between Graf and Date Kimiko, a fan said “Steffi, will you marry me?”, maybe to change the flow [of the game]. Then, Graf replied jokingly, “How much money do you have?” (laughs)<br>
How was the research in London?<br>
The places that show up in the manga mostly consist of places I took pictures of during the research. The telephone box where Conan turned back to Shinichi really was at the end of crossing the Big Ben bridge. The gutter with “Valley of Fear” written across the top in the manga exists, too. I drew the hotel I stayed at as it was. For places I couldn't go, I investigated with Google Map. Maybe I could have drawn without the site research? (laughs)<br>
The end of that arc (Volume 72 planned to be sold in June) contained the much-awaited-for scene between Shinichi and Ran, didn't it?<br>
The reaction was huge for that scene. I thought about tying in the fact that Holmes is weak in romance, and the “A bothersome, difficult case” line was decided before. Things went as planned.<br>
Is there a rule or a cycle behind deciding the timing for love-comedy and Black Organization episodes?<br>
I decide when I feel it's time (laughs). Maybe fan letters have a pretty significant influence. I get stuff like “I want to read about Shinichi and Ran's childhood!” or “Please draw the BO arc soon!” The readers expectations for the BO arc is high. It's just, unlike normal fields, I have to draw hard core so it's quite a lot of work. But I like hard core things.<br>
Which character is fun to draw?<br>
Haibara, perhaps. She's popular since her appearance, isn't she? She does exactly what I want her to do, and I can say what I want to say though her. This is pretty much the reason why I have Haibara say my comments at the official homepage, Conan News Agency.<br>
Which character is popular among the readers?<br>
Sera Masumi, the new character. It seems that she's winning by an landslide. The name seems to be understood by people who understands. Is it good to have so much Gundam? (laughs) Maybe she's the sister of a major character . . . (laughs). I'm excited to see who the voice actor will be.<br>
I also wonder about the direction of Detective Takagi and Detective Satou's romance.<br>
I plan on drawing Takagi and Satou's marriage ceremony. The thing is, during last year's movie, I thought about getting them married with a Kid plot involved, but if it's done in a movie, then I can't do it in the manga, so I decided against the idea.<br>
Conan has expanded broadly into student-read manga, anime, movies, live action drama, and media franchise. How do you produce them?<br>
I'm mainly involved in the movie script and the original pictures. I entrust the other media in others.<br>
How were you involved in the newest movie, Detective Conan: Quarter of Silence?<br>
About making the number '15' the theme, this was a consensus among the staff and myself to celebrate the 15th year of films. Having the stage be set on a snowy mountain was my idea. I thought that getting buried in an avalanche with a rescue time limit of 15 minutes would be just right.<br>
What are the scenes to watch for in this film?<br>
The skateboard in a tunnel scene at the beginning. Wasn't it cool? Also, the scene where Conan says, “Words are knives. When used wrong, they become weapons.” (I drew the original picture for this). I also used this line in the manga once, I like it. I also was in charge of the original picture of the scene where Shinichi's prayer(?) appears when Conan and Ran miss each other in the avalanche <br>
What is your recommended film so far?<br>
The fifth film, Countdown to Heaven. Many things fit just right in that work, I'm proud of it. My little brother says he also likes this film the best. My little brother is a medical doctor who's also an anime otaku (laughs). I often consults with him. About the estimated time of death, the cause of death and such. A living medical book, super convenient! He's also knows about voice actors very well, so he calls and says things like, “Hayashibara-san would be great as Haibara's voice actor!” He also points out my faults, like “You're getting conceited with popularity” (laughs).<br>
Conan has become a long series that has continued for 17 years since the beginning of serialization, with 71 volumes published – any tips on continuing a long serialization?<br>
No tips. On the contrary, when I draw a new case, I always draw with the feeling that this will be the last. Though when advancing forward the next story begins.<br>
What felt tough from the long serialization?<br>
When I forget about the foreshadows I wrote a long time ago (laughs). It was a lot of work when I clarified Vermouth's foreshadows. I felt like I needed to include everything. I noted down all the foreshadows on a paper before and I handed it to the anime staff – I wish they'd return it (laughs). Maybe anokata's identity will be understood if the paper is seen?<br>
In the '08 interview with this magazine, you said that the next arc will be about Bourbon.<br>
The Bourbon arc is still continuing. Aside from that arc, I've thought about a confrontation between Sera and Haibara. This will be spectacular. Both of them are “wolves,” after all (laughs).<br>
I'm excited to see it! When do you think you can write the last episode that you said you decided the contents of?<br>
I don't know. But I don't think I'll exceed KochiKame in volume number (laughs). I've already decided the lines. The ending will be a happy one. This is my work, after all.<br>
You've done weekly serializations for 20 years, what does the one week cycle look like?<br>
Two and a half to three days on the pre-manuscript, four to four and a half days on the drawing. The week is used up (laughs). I don't have the time to think of tricks. That's why things keep getting off. They let me take a break from time to time, but I don't rest at all. Because, on top of the manga, I have to make arrangements with the movie staff to draw the original pictures (laughs). That's why, when I turn in things at the last minute, no one complains. I've never failed to turn in my work, not once. I feel like I'll stop turning in work if I fail once.<br>
What do you want to do if you managed to take a break?<br>
Sleep. Do nothing but sleep. Wake up a little, watch a movie, sleep again ( laughs). That would be my ideal life. Hotel living sounds nice, too . . .<br>
Do you return home?<br>
Just on New Years every year. Since there are fans who bring shikishi's (in Japan, fans get signatures on papers called shikishi) and ask for signatures. On top of that, my parents save up one year's worth of shikishi's (laughs). Two hundred of them are copies, about twenty are the normal shikishi's. Still, when I return to the country nothing happens, so I start wanting to draw pictures.<br>
As I thought, you like to work, don't you?<br>
You think? Now that I think about it, the dramas that I watch are all about police detectives. These days, all the new shows are recorded, and shows that aren't mysteries or about police detectives are eliminated. I play them when drafting. With dramas, you can understand the contents even while working. Recently, I've watched SPEC. Even though ESP people appear, the mystery is set up properly. In the last episode, I thought that when Touma (Toda Erika) said “I won!” (when she won the intellect battle against Ninomae (Kamiki Ryuunosuke)), she was really cool. If Toda-san was in her teens, I would have liked her to play Ran in the live action Conan drama (laughs).<br>
You've played the role of a police crime lab staff in Thief during this year's New Years.<br>
I was also kindly allowed to consult with Mizutani Yutaka-san, my wish came true. He was a truly good person, he was just like Ukyou-san!<br>
Do you have an interest in scripts for dramas?<br>
After I retire, maybe. But I think I'll be told that I should draw instead (laughs).<br>
When sensei draws manga, what do you value?<br>
To draw cool boys and cute girls. Though Ran and Sera and such girls are becoming cooler these days (laughs).<br>
This year marks the 25th anniversary of your job; how would you describe this past quarter century?<br>
Half of it was Conan. I feel like I want to demand my life back (laughs). I was 29 when I started. Time passed by, really fast. I feel like it's only been four years.<br>
Until what age do you want to stay active?<br>
As long as I can. I want to retire when I reach Agasa's age (53), I think, but once I retire I think I'll start wanting to draw manga again. The assistants who've been with me since the beginning are aging, too – there's a lot of trouble. But, just like Chaplin, I'll keep saying “My best work is my next work”!<br>
Speaking of your next work, what about the Journey to the West that you mentioned in your interview with this mazagine in '08?<br>
I want to draw Journey to the West! I've finished the character design for Goku, and there was a plan to publish a one-shot on Sunday, but drawing ancient Chinese backgrounds is quite troublesome so maybe not. I'll say this since I don't think I'll keep drawing, but it's quite interesting (laughs).<br>
Please do draw! Finally, please leave a message for the readers.<br>
Thank you kindly for putting up with Aoyama Gosho's world for a long time. And I hope we'll get along in the future. “Let's get to the next case!” (laughs)<br>
EDIT: Fixed 'Three-Haired cat' to 'Calico cat' - my bad, ha ha.
Translation of [https://ameblo.jp/story0816/entry-11233039221.html a fans-rephrased version] (MIXED IN RAW)<br>
===Otona Fami Interview #4 (MIXED IN RAW)===
オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 2012 <br>
Translated by: justwantanaccount<br>
Translated by: justwantanaccount<br>
Line 4,839: Line 5,092:
[[File: File 865 Special booklet 7.jpg|370px|]][[File: File 865 Special booklet 8.jpg|370px|]][[File: File 865 Special booklet 9.jpg|370px|]]<br>
[[File: File 865 Special booklet 7.jpg|370px|]][[File: File 865 Special booklet 8.jpg|370px|]][[File: File 865 Special booklet 9.jpg|370px|]]<br>
[[File: File 865 Special booklet 10.jpg|370px|]][[File: File 865 Special booklet 11.jpg|190px|]]
[[File: File 865 Special booklet 10.jpg|370px|]][[File: File 865 Special booklet 11.jpg|190px|]]
===Asahi Evening Newspaper Interview (no raw)===
Asahi Evening Newspaper, published January 6, 2014<br>
Translated by: bluesun<br>
Originally sourced from : http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASG1534JCG15PUUB001.html (page dead)
'The Boss of the Black Organisation has already appeared' --Conan author, Aoyama-san<br>
Image: Aoyama Goushou-san answering fan questions at Yurashuku, Hokuei.
On the 4th, Aoyama Goushou-san, the manga artist known for "Detective Conan" interacted with around 400 fans from around Japan in Hokuei, in his home prefecture of Tottori. The event, held at the town's Daiei Rural Environment Improvement Centre[大栄農村環境改善センター] to celebrate Aoyama-san's annual homecoming was full of excitement.
This year, the series has been running for 20 years. With the story nearing its climax, fans asked him pressing questions one after another. When asked "What gender is the boss of the Black Organisation", Aoyama-san wryly grinned and said "I can't say". "[The boss] has already appeared. And it's not Prof. Agasa." he followed up by saying, and the audience was filled with laughter.
Another fan also followed up by asking "By saying 'the boss has already appeared', does that mean his face has appeared too?", but he laughed and said "You never know. That's a bit of a secret. Wait and find out. I can't say."
When asked about tricks he uses when designing characters, he answered "I usually always draw the culprit first. If, say, the culprit has drooping eyes, then the supporting characters will have slanted eyes, or be looking aside. Drawing culprits that don't look like culprits is the trick."
At the event, there were quiz games held to predict Aoyama-san's answers, and a rock-paper-scissors tournament with the winner to have their name appear in the manga. The winner, Oono Kouhei-kun (6) [note: reading may be wrong -- JP is 大野康平君(6)], from the fourth district of Wakabadaikita, Tottori, said "I'm so happy. I'm so excited".
(By Satoshi Yamazaki)

Revision as of 03:18, 11 May 2018


Gosho's Official Commentary and Interview list

Untranslated Interviews

The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. These did not have translations provided or had broken links which made it impossible to see either the Raw or the translation. It would be preferable if we could get the remaining interviews found and translated. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/

The remaining interviews come from this page : http://conan-4869.net/post-5361

Mid 90s Newtype Interview

Unknown issue of the magazine "Newtype"
Pictures from: http://ayase.blog4.fc2.com/blog-entry-803.html

Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama x Takayama RAW

May 1, 2003
first few sentences typed

Raw Images

Mini Documentary: Secret of Creation

青山剛昌ふるさと館(青山剛昌の仕事部屋 創作の秘密)
Video shows Gosho drawing File 593, which was released Dec 2006

10 Year Cinema Guide interview

Aoyama Long Interview, 10 Year Cinema Talk 2006

Magic Kaito Volume 4 Interview RAW (images)

The volume was released sometime between Feb and Mar 2007
There are 4 pages, the first 2 seem to be an interview and special message
and the next 2 are a recap of all of the Kaito heists up to that point.

Otona Fami Interview #1 (no raw)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 21, 2008
Partial information below recovered from 2008

Shonen Sunday Interview #1 (no raw)

週刊少年サンデー17号 (Weekly Shonen Sunday #17), published March 27, 2009
no script

Shonen Sunday 50th Anniversary Interview RAW

少年サンデー1983 (Shonen Sunday 1983, a special issue commemorating Sunday's 50 years of publishing), published July 15, 2009

Raw Images

Otona Fami Interview #2 RAW

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2010
Raw Images

Mystery Magazine Interview RAW

ミステリマガジン6月号 (Mystery Magazine June issue), published April 25, 2011

Raw Images

Club Sunday Interview RAW

October 28th, 2011

Sankei News Interview RAW

『産経ニュース』のインタビュー 「転機 話しましょう」
June 23rd, 2012

distant photograph of newspaper Raw

Gosho's True Intentions Interview RAW

剛昌先生の本音 ─ ホントの声
November 2012
Posted at : http://andantets.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-550.html

Otona Fami Interview #4 RAW

June 2013

Shonen Sunday Lupin Vs Conan Secret Report RAW

少年サンデー51号|ルパン3世 VS コナン SECRET REPORT
November 20th, 2013

Otona Fami Interview #5 RAW

オトナファミ1月号 2014 (Otona Fami or Adult Family January issue of 2014), published November 20, 2013
Raw Images

Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan: Money Punch and Aoyama Gosho interivew

ルパン三世 VS 名探偵コナン『モンキー・パンチ&青山剛昌☆作品がひとり歩きしていくのもいい』
December 04, 2013
Source: link
Link includes video interview with Monkey Punch and Aoyama Gosho
as well written interview with soccer player Kazuyoshi Miura, a guest star in the movie

Monkey Punch and Gosho Aoyama Special Talk RAW

Unknown 2013
Special talk on the official website of "Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan The Movie"

Original link : http://lupicona-movie.com/specialtalk.html (page died)
Webpage screenshot

New Years Postcard list RAW

Collected postcard list from 2014 and 2015

AnimeAnime Interview RAW

劇場版「名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手」公開直前 原作・青山剛昌先生インタビュー
(before) April 18, 2014

Da Vinci Interviews (WITH RAWS)

Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the Japanese actor Takeru Satoh, leaked April 13, 2014
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the fans/reporters/whatever, leaked April 15, 2014
Translated by ALAKTORN

So apparently a large chunk of this interview was never typed up AND this is only the cross talk with Takeru Satoh,
not the "LONG INTERVIEW" from this issue of the magazine.

Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama Cross Talk translated (partial interview)




Detective Conan Character Visual Book Voice Actor interviews

Voice Actor interviews September 2014

20th Anniversary DVD collection guidebook interviews RAW

Pictures from: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295749-1-1.html
Aoyama Interview

Aoyama Video Interview
Spanish post: http://tanteikid.blogspot.it/2016/08/detective-conan-20th-anniversary.html
Red Thread English post with video: https://www.facebook.com/DCTheRedThread/videos/1199107286807889/

Voice Actors


Song Artist

Movie 20 "Truth in Black" Booklet

Pictures from : http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4508220071

Animedia Gosho Interview

June issue of 2016
released May 10th, 2016
Issue has the phrase "Next Conan's Dream" across the bottom in pink cursive letters
Also has interviews with a few of the voice cast like Takayama Minami

Sources of the images http://imgur.com/a/3g1cj

Gosho Interview

Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama 2016

Interview with Gosho from 2016 inserted into book after a reproduction of 2003 interview
images from : https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295984-1-1.html

20 Year Cinema Guide interviews

Interviews with the cast and crew of the movies as well as Gosho 2016.

Asahi Newspaper Interview 2016

「名探偵コナン」青山剛昌さんがエール July 16, 2016
Source: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-296434-1-1.html
Raw text

Raw image

Akai and Amuro Secret Files Voice Actors Interview 2016



The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. It would be preferable if we could find more interviews and get them located here. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/

Mystery Museum Interview

June 10th, 1997
Gosho profile, Gosho's 4 special secrets
Movie 1 producer and director interviews
Voice actors talk
Movie, and tv op / ed themes profiles
Translation by Yuniechan : part 1, part 2

Raw Images

Conan Drill Official Book (WITH RAW)

コナンドリル オフィシャルブック (Conan Drill Official Book), published May 1 2003
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Raw Images

Love Conan (Rabu Conan) Interview RAW

Raw Text

Translation by Yunniechan : link

Raw Images

Partial Translation
Source from yangti1674 ( link )
text copied from Chekov's post ( link )

Conan Vs Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition RAW

Detective Conan vs. Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition pg 169
Posted by: skyechan

Translation by Yunniechan : link


Unknown Fan Gathering 2005 (partial text) (no raw)

Unknown interview 2005 Fan gathering
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 1 (WITH RAW)

読売新聞 「親子で夢中 コナン10年」
Translated by Startold
""It was published on NTV's website in 2006.""
January 6th 2006

Raw Text

Asahi Newspaper Interview "the boss's name has already appeared" (WITH RAW)

朝日新聞夕刊 (Asahi Evening Newspaper), published January 13, 2006
Posted by: Cindy Xin
Comment from Chekhov: "The last file before this boss's name has appeared interview was 551 (Nail and Snake)
and was in Shounen Sunday issue #5-6 2006 (a double issue with a week break afterwards) which was published January 4, 2006."
Fully Translated by Startold

Raw Image

Raw Text

Erlangen, Germany Interview (WITH GERMAN)

Press conference in Erlangen, Germany on June 17, 2006
Video: link (may cause you to wait 45 secs to view)
Translated by: Aki-kun

Original German Text

Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 2

Aoyama Anime 10th anniversary interview in 2006 on the Yomiuri Television (YTV) website
Original link : http://www.ytv.co.jp/conan/index_set.html (page died)
Posted at : https://reiarashi.wordpress.com/2006/09/10/aoyama-10th-anniversary-interview/

Raw text

Urusei Yatsura Volume 21 Interview RAW

うる星やつら(新装版)21巻のインタビュー September 18th, 2007
A Detective Conan website had this listed as an interview
so it must have some relevance

The poster also had this to say about things from much later
in the Conan series like Rum and volume 85 (Scarlet Series)

Translation by Yunniechan : link

Akigoro Interview RAW

2007年秋ごろのインタビュー 「最終回の構想できている」
Unknown interview

Translation by Yunniechan : link

Conan and Kindaichi Files Interview #1 (WITH RAW)

名探偵コナン&金田一少年の事件簿01 (Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case files #1), published April 10, 2008
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Raw interview images

Conan and Lupin Interview #1 (MIXED IN RAW)

Aoyama & Monkey Punch interview from 2009
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Gundam Ace Interview (MIXED IN RAW)

ガンダムエース3月号 (Gundam Ace March issue) between Ikeda Shuuichi and Aoyama Gosho, published January 26, 2010
Partially Translated by: justwantanaccount

Full raw text

Masters Of Manga Interview (no raw)

Masters of Manga, published July 6, 2010
Text submitted by: Chekhov

Magic Kaitou Treasured Editions: Playback Episode Interviews (no raw)

Released at the end of the Treasured Editions through out 2011
Translated from German to English by : Cocoa moth / Cocoa

Otona Fami Interview #3 (MIXED IN RAW)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2011
RAW IMAGES: http://imgur.com/a/m7Qen
Proof of Origin: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/otona/2011/04/post_687.html
Included with a section called "Detective Conan Best Episode File 50"
(Alternate translation found here)
Below Translated by: justwananaccount

Monthly BLT Interview RAW

月刊BLT 6月号 2012 (Monthly BLT June issue of 2012), published April 24, 2012
Raw text

Translation of a fans-rephrased version (MIXED IN RAW)
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Nihon Uiversity College of Art Lecture Interview (2ch RAW ONLY)

various collected posts by: justwantanaccount at the bottom of the
DCW interview list forum post : link (see bottom of first post)

Interview with Aoyama Gosho and Shibasaki Kou, Movie 17 (WITH RAW)

柴咲コウ&青山剛昌『名探偵コナン 絶海の探偵(プライベート・アイ)』
Original Japanese version: http://www.cinematoday.jp/page/A0003661
Interview occurred around April 2013
Translated by : http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.com/2013/04/special-post-interview-with-aoyama.html

RAW text

Shonen Sunday Special Booklet File865 (WITH RAW)

Shonen Sunday interview July 17th, 2013
File 865 Shounen Sunday Special Booklet
Post organized by : Chekhov
Partially translated, comment by Chekhov: """(DCTP translation page no longer exists). Since in its current form it is likely to be disarrayed,
I have organized the text here. Credit goes to the translators which include Fujiwara, Zenthisoror, and Wakarimashita."""
Heiji, Kaitou, Yaiba, and Drawing Conan sections translated by: Cocoa, from German

File 865 RAW text and images

Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014 (partial raw)

March (part 1) 2014 and April (part 2) 2014 edition of the Monthly Conan Newspaper
Translated by: meitanteikonan blogspot page
Part 1: http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/03/special-post-two-part-1-interview-with.html
Part 2: http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/04/special-post-two-part-2-interview-with.html

Part 1 Raw

Gosho Aoyama X Yomuri Giants Hayato Sakamoto (WITH RAW)

Officially released in the March 16th, 2016 Shonen Sunday #16,
but happened the previous week

Raw Images

Movie 20 interview CimemaToday (WITH RAW)

April 14, 2016

Raw Text

Gosho Singapore visit Interview

Novemnber 12-13, 2016

Audio only : https://clyp.it/mwoiwshx (slide show and Q & A)

attempt at transcript of audio, stops at 19:23 of 57:52

(videos are missing some of the questions found in the above auido)
Slide show Qs part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGGhvkmku-c
Slide show Qs part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXJQWwhq4Io
Slide show Qs part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODk__NhljE
Slide show Qs part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP8foBO6cPU
Q & A part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6YqtasJmtE
Q & A part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI0jANZcPeI


GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AofBjLCbJ4
GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYFBZ9SPMh8
GOSHO AOYAMA MEETS SONNY LIEW Q & A 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otZFryt92a0

Post Movie screening Q & A 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKiGBa3KGx8
Post Movie screening Q & A 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzqEE7riqQg

Book signing part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WDfaI9D20Q
Book signing part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op9HON7v9Jc
Book signing part 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDF_ywmI0Y8