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Flash Fiction Writing!

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(I really don’t know where to put this topic, but since this place is a hodgepodge of random topics put together, I’ll just leave this here)


What is flash fiction? In the broadest sense, it’s a very short story. The beauty in this kind of literature is in the things that are left unsaid. Flash fiction writers have no words to spare for backstories, descriptions and even names for their characters. This kind of literature is full of implications, thus one story having many interpretations.

There is no arbitrary length on one flash fiction story, but here, I’m setting the maximum number of words at 100 words. You can run it by Microsoft Word (or any other program that displays word count) if you’re too lazy to count.


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Leaving prompts would be a good idea. Even if it's just a couple of random words that come to mind.


Here's a drabble I wrote with Chelsea a while back.


~ ~ ~


Prompt: Dance, White, Hall, wing au


Close your eyes

Dream, once again of that dance

One singular dance, one singular night

Of white, and black, and black and white


I held your hand, you held mine

We held each other, close and tight

And we danced through that hall

We danced through that night


Just one dance

Just one night


Cup your face, press those lips to mine

Soft white feathers, silver in the light






We fell






And then?

And then we had wings no more


Word count: 86


~ ~ ~


But yeah. Prompts are cool. Whether it's a scenario or a couple of random words or an au.


Prompt: Savior

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Felt bad that this thread wasn't receiving any love, so I took one of my college essays and knocked a hundred words off of it to post here.

His shoes clicked on the ground with every step that he took.  His back was arched perfectly and his smile was center-set. His voice was wind and his aquamarine eyes struck a picturesque complement with his golden locks.
But there was something off about the way he was.  His walk was rhythmic, like clockwork. His shoes hit the ground coldly, turning the floor to frosty ice.  His smile was plastic and there was no depth to his eyes.
I don't remember his name, but he is not a man I wish to see again. He was a man without emotion.

Word count: 100
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Felt bad that this thread wasn't receiving any love, so I took one of my college essays and knocked a hundred words off of it to post here.

His shoes clicked on the ground with every step that he took.  His back was arched perfectly and his smile was center-set. His voice was wind and his aquamarine eyes struck a picturesque complement with his golden locks.
But there was something off about the way he was.  His walk was rhythmic, like clockwork. His shoes hit the ground coldly, turning the floor to frosty ice.  His smile was plastic and there was no depth to his eyes.
I don't remember his name, but he is not a man I wish to see again. He was a man without emotion.

Word count: 100


remind me to ask you to help me on my college essays next year

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Following IU's prompt: Savior, since Akazora didn't leave one...


My savior, whom I had held on to in my darkest hour, dragged my wretched being out from the endless abyss of pain and insecurity at the cost of her own strength. She had shown me the way to see life through its beautiful stained glass: happiness only exists if you yearn for it, she preached.

I watch as she slowly faded away.

Her spirit: depleted.

Her benevolence: drained.

Left behind was a hollow corpse, aimlessly drifting through time.

A year, a month, a day.

Until her last breath, she was only the dead masked in a living facade.


Word count: 98


Prompt: Feathers, angel

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Exploring the art of Flash Fiction Writing has been an exciting experience for me. Crafting concise narratives with impactful endings has honed my storytelling skills. But just as important as mastering writing techniques, having a reliable resource like https://www.capstoneproject.net/ Its ensures continuous support for all my writing endeavors.

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Writing experience is a continuous journey of growth and learning. And the help of auxiliary resources along this path is very important. For example I discovered for myself MasterPapers.com which has been instrumental in my academic development, providing expert assistance and valuable resources that have enhanced my writing skills. Their dedication to student success is commendable, and I'm thankful for their role in helping me excel academically.

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