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Movies section added!

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Note: This news item was imported from the old system.


Hello DC fans!

I've had a few requests lately about adding Detective Conan movies to the "watch" section of the site. That was actually something I always planned to do at some point but couldn't get to it when the site was released: I wanted to make sure the "watching" system was perfect first.

Well, since everything seems to be going great so far, I've been working a good part of the day today on adding DC movies to the site. The good news is that this new "Movies" section is fully operational right now: go to "Watch", then click on "Movies" in the "Others" frame on the left. But, I've only been able to add 4 movies links for now. I'll add more when I get some more time.

Please report any issues or bugs you find on the forum in "Ideas and Feedback". Thanks.

I hope you all enjoy this new addition to the site.

Happy DC watching! :)

P.S: And no, the 13th Movie has not been subbed yet and is currently not available for streaming. But keep an eye on future announcements here for updates!

Update: All the movies have been added today (they all have at least one link)! Enjoy!

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