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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by gabapple

  1. http://animevegas.com/ They're still getting the info put together, but it's November 11th-13th for Vegas. I WILL TOTALLY BE THERE. <3 http://www.animebanzai.org/ October 21st-23rd in Layton, UT.
  2. Will you photobucket it when you get home so we can see?
  3. gabapple


    ROFL. It's PERFECT. ...and the fact that Gosho worked on the character designs for the anime also helps. HAHAHAHAAa.
  4. gabapple


    UHHMMMMMM... ...Actually, sure, go ahead. I'm sure Conan would LOooOOoOove that.
  5. gabapple


    Okay, now THAT makes me nervous... o____o
  6. gabapple


    Conan headtilts and I just think 'Heke?' Seriously. It makes sense when you think about it. I <3 this. ...for the record, I don't remember any of this conversation. o_o
  7. A combination of Paint Tool SAI (for the sketch, inks, and painting) and Photoshop (post-processing, line coloring, logo, etc.)
  8. Maybe this will help explain some without me actually having to explain it.
  9. CLOVERCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. We need to... post... ART. Together.
  10. LOL! I wasn't posting THAT often.... was I? I suppose I have a LOT to say.
  11. Downloaded! Thanks for posting. Very much looking forward to listening to it at work tomorrow.
  12. LOL! I love that you're all crazy. This will be a lot of fun. So question. How many of you guys attend cons, and which ones? I try to be at Anime Fannatiku, Anime Vegas, and Anime Banzai. CONAN PARTY, ANYONE?!
  13. A combination of Paint Tool SAI and Photoshop were used for both. The only tips I can really give are to look up some tutorials on Deviantart.com - there are a TON! Lots of good stuff. That, and practice.
  14. YAY CLOVERKITE. I'm so glad that you're here.
  15. Done for Shinichi's birthday. <3 <3 This one is just for CarpetCrawler.
  16. Wow, you're all so helpful and informative! Thanks so much. Buwahha. I think I will enjoy being here.
  17. Thinking I should paint my GIRAFFE & CONAN pic later. :D

  18. Oh right, quotes. Gotta get used to being on forums again. Thanks for the tip, and sorry that everyone is depressed.
  19. Also, IdentityUnknown -- thanks for the incredibly helpful and detailed info!
  20. Wow, you guys are so nice. Thanks so much for the welcomes. I am really looking forward to getting all sorts of active in this community. I will try to get some friends of mine involved, too. Tna Uchiha - YES, CarpetCrawler is ALWAYS arguing with me for some reason. >:I That is why I draw creepy Kermit and such in REVENGE. BWUAHAHAHAAAA Misaki-chan & Kaitou Kid Legendary thief - WHATEVA! Hugs are GREAT. mabel - Apple-kun is fantastic. Thank you so much. ^__^
  21. I've known about this site for a while, but always scurried right to the wiki without really looking around at the other site features... and somehow missed the whole huge community here. Uhhh. This is my attempt to remedy the problem. Also, CarpetCrawler keeps giving me a hard time about it. So hi! I've been addicted to Conan since 2007 and it fills many a waking moment with awesome. I draw ridiculous amounts of fan art (though most never ends up online), have been known to over analyze EVERYTHING in the series, and wait with baited breath for every new chapter. <3 It's pretty much amazing. VIVA LA CONAN!
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