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Detective Conan World

-The Rising Angel-

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Status Updates posted by -The Rising Angel-

  1. :) Mine it's great :D I'm going to skate with my friend
  2. :) Nice to meet you :) you can call me Kanna or Namu(from my last name) or Ayame or whatever you want
  3. :) The how are you feeling on your birthday?
  4. :) Yah :D *hugs* Do you know that I used your name in my fanfic?
  5. :):D We have a club at school and we're going to the observator next week...and I know stars rulez :D :D :D
  6. :P *high fives* I'm going to sleep 'cause I'm tire too and you should go too...goodnight :)
  7. :P *hugs* You have to learn how to be with one step ahead of whomever you talk to
  8. :P don't worry, just hope you won't catch a cold :)
  9. :P I deduced :P and I know it's not that hard :P
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