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Detective Conan World

Kyuu Nye

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Status Updates posted by Kyuu Nye

  1. Yes, I am indeed a member of DCTP. Does that surprise you? Because I did make an intro thread here in which I stated that. :)

  2. Staff member... You are on DCTP forums, at least I have seen your name before... I should be listed as DCTP Staff Member

  3. The better question is "Why not?" Besides... I personally like Shiho/Ai's character. She is my favorite character as of right now (in part because of her sarcasm, and other because of her being a scientist) Perhaps the new girl will usurp her, but that remains to be seen.

  4. Indeed, you can play things you have on itunes in spotify.

  5. Is it just me or are you and I the only ones that listen to *good* music? (ie Sinatra, Armstrong, Sammy Davis Jr)

  6. That is exactly what I mean! Hell, even the 90s had good acts. But alas... this modern age of music is quite sad :(

  7. није добро, али сам одрастао окоn србски

    (in other words, with a dictionary I do pretty well)

  8. Није битно за мене. Нисам приметио док си рекао било шта

  9. ХАХА! Имам јединствен поглед који се не молим много.

  10. То има више смисла за мене. И даље кажем Shinichi би требало да се ожени студију свог оца. Shinichi не заслужује особе.

  11. лаку ноћ, разговара са вама сутра

  12. Сам добро. А ти?

  13. Шта бендови слушате?

  14. Interesting. I don't doubt the possibility, but I'd like to see a journal article on it. That way I can see the strains they used and the methods they used to test. That told me next to nothing except that they didn't use a bacterium, but S. cerevisiae, which is a eukaryotic micro-organism.

  15. I looked for one, couldn't find it. It might be under peer review, I don't know. For now I'm not 100% convinced, as I said that article told me nothing other than the people writing it are idiots that don't know the difference between bacteria and yeast.

  16. LOL I know its not impossible. I'm just doubting it until I see a peer reviewed article. It is just a matter of the strain and methods used. Also they didn't use a bacteria, according to the first source they used a yeast strain, so it isn't the same at all...

  17. What does cold fusion have to do with anything in that experiment? They have the Cesium, so cold fusion is unnecessary. It is a matter of the recombination method for the yeast strain and what yeast strain was used. Those are the important questions that they didn't answer and that makes me skeptical. Not stating strains used is a big no no...

  18. ништа много

    и прилично добро

    а ви?

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