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Status Updates posted by Misaki-chan

  1. I see... *strokes invisible beard* So, how are you?

  2. My amazing~ invisible beard is not that long. It's like a beard an oldish professor guy or a therepist. And you haven't answered my question.

  3. How so? Just a lot of homework in that class?

  4. O.o Your math teacher needs to do a bit better lesson planning. In my math class, we're starting our rocketry unit. :)

  5. I'm really excited, I heard from one of my friends it's a fun unit. So, anything you're looking forward to?

  6. Of course. As for me, my friend's bar mitzah and the end of the year field trip. Oh, and also July.

  7. Happy birthday! *hugs*

  8. You going anywhere during summer or are you staying in your dimension located somewhere on Earth?

  9. As for me, a weekend in Chicago and 17 days in Japan.

  10. My mom and I are going to visit our relatives there, but we're also going to places like Nagasaki and an island near Okinawa for fun. But the thing I'm most excited about is the Manga Museum we plan on going to. They have about 1000 volumes of manga to read just in English. So I'm really excited! :D

  11. The only downside is that I won't really be on during the time I'm gone.

  12. I'll try and come on if I can during the trip. And it'll be a little lonely without you here kaichou. But I'm sure that your trips will be so much fun!

  13. Wait, I have 10 rep? *goes and looks* O.O Holy cheese with crackers I do! Well, thank you! As for changing your username, why not try it for a few days and see what you think? If you like it, you keep it, and if you don't like it, you can change your username back to your current one or to a different one. What do you have in mind?

  14. Not yet, but maybe tonight or tomorrow night I'll have one up. It seems to me that this is a popular topic....

  15. To be honest, I'm a little surprised...

  16. I only know where one came from.

  17. Well, three down, seven more to identify.

  18. I believe that sneezing is when someone is talking about you.

  19. I see. I don't do anything like sneeze when someone is talking about me. Maybe I'm just oblivious and so is my body. :P

  20. Yep! I'm going with my mom. We have relatives there, so we're visiting.

  21. Sadly, no. We're going to Kyoto, Osaka, Tokoshima (family), Ishigaki and maybe Okinawa, Fukeoka, and Nagasaki.

  22. Neechan! *hugs* Will you check out my bio and see if there is anything I should change? Here's the link: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/User:Misaki-chan

  23. I'll add more at another time. I'm too tired right now. Pulled an all nighter. Shhh, don't tell my parents! ;)

  24. Welcome to DCW! Post around, get active, and have fun! Or not. It's not up to me to tell you what to do, now is it? ;)

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