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Aeyra last won the day on November 23 2016

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260 Excellent

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About Aeyra

  • Rank
    The Bad Artist
  • Birthday 10/03/1997

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  1. My dad left for China today and he's not coming back for a long time... I'm depressed... Cries...

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    2. Aeyra


      I don't think it's even three months. I don't think he's coming back until Christmas...

    3. IdentityUnknown


      *hugs* Don't worry, he'll be back. And you guys can email, skype call, video call, talk on the phone...I know it's not any substitute for a dad, but it's better than in ancient times when they had to take months to get to everywhere...

    4. Aeyra


      I guess... I'll get used to it soon, but it's still kind of sinking in... I feel like he'll be back home tomorrow or something...

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