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Detective Conan World

Emy Ulfsdotter

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Status Updates posted by Emy Ulfsdotter

  1. I'm well thank you^^ I did not know that, I hardly ever read the newspapers, perhaps I should start. I hope this won't start a vendetta, the world hardly needs another war...

    Anyway, I hope you are doing well too^^

  2. @CC I hope you'll get well before the podcast^^

    1. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      You don't need to do @ anymore, we have handy comments below each status now! :D

    2. Emy Ulfsdotter

      Emy Ulfsdotter

      I noticed that after I posted^^

  3. A little too late but still, ^^ Happy birthday!

  4. But the picture is of me, or at least it looks like me a little...

  5. Congratulations! I know you can't hear me but I'm sining Birthday-songs for you^^

  6. Finaly! the last of the schoolwork is done and over with, I'm so happy that I could sing!

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Oh, great!! :D I'm glad!!

    2. Emy Ulfsdotter

      Emy Ulfsdotter

      So am I my friend, so am I^^

  7. Grattis i efterskott! ^^

  8. Har ingen anng om vad det betyder, men det låter roligt. Här brukar vi demonstrera på första maj, firar gör vi på valborg den 30:de april

  9. having breakfast in front of the computer, or more like lunch since it's 1pm here,^^ but I was up all night with schoolwork. What are you doing?

  10. Hello, I'm just fine^^ how are you doing? Have you figured out the new whodunit yet?

  11. Hi to you to, how did it go with that story you where writing?^^

  12. Hi, I'm fine thanks ^^ so you live in Denmark, that's really close to where I live in Skåne

  13. Hi, want to know a funny thing? I'm going to Fyn this weekend for a family reunion in Faaborg, so you better prepare some nice weather for me^^ especially for Saturday when we are going to some kind of Naturlegeplads which sounds very outdoorsy. I'm counting on you^^

  14. I don't know what I'm after at the moment, just to talk to people with a common interest I guess, but thats basically the whole forum^^, perhaps a game, are there any funny ones going on?

  15. I found a site where you can put your own avatar together, I wanted it to look like me but I couldn't get it quite right, I'm working on a new one. I dye my hair because I like it, I don't know what's popular, and I don't care either^^. lucky you who found such a good avatar

  16. I'm just fine thank you, trying to sort through all the topics on the forum to find something to entertain myself with... there is a lot of topics^^

  17. I'm just fine^^ thanks for asking, how are you doing?

  18. If I really like something I don't care, but you could also say that I don't have a clue about what's "in" it's much easier not to care that way^^ Thanks for the link btw, I'll be sure to look it up. I do prefer to make my own but maybe there will be a god one. The one I'm working on right now is not a manga styled one but I'm trying to make it look almost ex...

  19. It was a very nice gesture then^^ How do you say it in Danish?I don't know Dansk well enough to speak it, but I can understand most of it

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