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Detective Conan World


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Posts posted by Dick75

  1. I've always found it strange that Ran suspects. Let's say your best friend did that I mean it's not natural to shrink, it would never enter your mind to think hey is this little kid my best friend unless he went up and told you hey dude I shrunk. But if he's trying to hide it then there's no reason even for a second for Ran to believe that Shinichi is a kid. It would be easier for her to think hey that kids a lot like Shinichi when he was a kid. It's like if I thought man my friend is weird I never see him on a full moon and he goes on and on about eating children, wouldn't it be easier to think he's a psycho who eats children on the full moon rather than believe he's a werewolf. I guess what I'm saying is if you hear hoof-steps it's probably a horse not a unicorn.

    Though I firmly believe that Ran knows that Shinichi is Conan, but because it's so strange and because she doesn't want to, she doesn't believe it.

  2. I also live here it's a crappy place to live but at least it's here and not over there. I hear they sell human organs over there. Then again I could use an extra heart. And gills, I can't swim so gills would be an excellent fit for me. But I don't think they sell gills or at least not human gills on account that humans don't have gills . . . yet. What was the point of this . . . right yes Welcome sir and I promise that if you're murdered I will not only solve your case in the most theatrical way possible but I will leave a single rose on your grave every year until the day I die.

  3. Honestly I think it is worth it to read through it the slow way.

    Normally i would agree, but it's sooooooooooo long. Ah hell with it, Che because you disagreed but a still offered me a helping hand, I will read it all! It's gonna be a long however long that takes me.

  4. So um yeah . . . Conan is long. Like totally hella extra strength uber gosu long and I've read up to 200 chapters and I've watched all the existing movies and a good portion of the television show. I spent like a month trying to catch up but I stopped because I kept seeing mysteries everywhere. I couldn't see a guy in a black suit without being wary of him and I kept like finding clues to mysteries that weren't mysteries or at least not very good ones. Let me get to the point, yes there's a point, could one of you awesome tykes catch me up on all the important bits of the story? I would normally hate spoilers, but hell I'm not watching all this unless I have some free time or a murder to solve.

  5. As someone who made an account a while ago and hasn't posted for a while i feel I should chime in. Well, I kind of stopped coming cuz nobody was talking, I came back just now because someone apparently friend'd me and I reminded me about this site. It's a great site and all, I just well Conan is kind of pissing me off. But that's a separate issue. Hows everybody doing?

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