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shiho miyano 7

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About shiho miyano 7

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  • Birthday 10/07/1997
  1. any news about the movie 17 : the cruise to faramita ??

    1. Lovestruck


      Still way too early, Movie 16 isn't even subbed yet.

    2. CarpetCrawler


      When a source other than Facebook exists for this obviously fake movie title, let me know.

  2. appreciate the add :) thank you

  3. thinking that Ai's parents are still alive, is this stupid? =.=" or there's a possibilty?

  4. for some unknown reason , O.O I think Haibara's parents are still alive...Gosho-san said that when Anokata is revealed, Ai will be very very very shocked :3

  5. so we finally know who bourbon is :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Conia


      Maybe that is because Bourbon IS Shuu? :o

    3. Lovestruck


      @Shina: Well, being a bourbon fangirl doesn't mean that I'm no longer in love with Shuu~

    4. shiho miyano 7

      shiho miyano 7

      i like that realtionship between bourboun and Ai xD

  6. oh, thank you for adding me as a friend!

  7. this new rumor about dc might end this year, is it true or false??

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      That rumor surfaces every year. There's no way to know when it will end, but I doubt it because I haven't heard of Gosho officially releasing and ending projection date.

    2. Kyuu Nye
    3. shiho miyano 7

      shiho miyano 7

      this is good.. ^o^ that rumor made me sad for a whole day >o<

  8. Alright, here's some info~ First off, to reply to someone's comment and ensure they see it, go on their profile and add a comment. Ask if you need any help. (Also, my computer double posts on pages, so if you see two of a comment of mine, feel free to delete one~)

  9. Alright, here's some info~ First off, to reply to someone's comment and ensure they see it, go on their profile and add a comment. Ask if you need any help. (Also, my computer double posts on pages, so if you see two of a comment of mine, feel free to delete one~)

  10. helloooo i am new here, and i just joined today, so can you guys help me and tell how to use my account?? ^o^

    1. Lovestruck


      What do you need help with...?

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Welcome to DCW, Miya-san~

    3. shiho miyano 7

      shiho miyano 7

      thank you shinichi natake :)

      wonderstruck; everything i guess :P

  11. oh and than you too SSJBowser ^^

  12. thank you Granoith but i still can't understand exactly how to use it ^^"

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