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Detective Conan World

Cheongsan Kudo Shinichi

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Status Updates posted by Cheongsan Kudo Shinichi

  1. school is fyn.. and exam is coming.. :) sori for the late reply...

  2. helo there.i want to ask a favor.. pls. like this one..http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=216239165106964&set=a.215861671811380.54869.110925548971660&type=1&permPage=1 arigato if u would do my favor

  3. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=216239165106964&set=a.215861671811380.54869.110925548971660&type=1&theater mind to help me guyz... tnks.. just like the photo below... but first u must log in into ur facebook account then like the page...
  4. im fine... sorry for the reply.. how about u? how are u?

  5. arigato guzaimazu, ur so good at editing pcitures.. tnks again for telling me.. :)

  6. helo there... just wanna ask what application do u use on editing pcitures? :) arigato if ur going to reply me o my wall.. :)

  7. yeah tnks again for the warm welcome.. :)

  8. u scrae me a lot.. joke.. :) tnks for welcoming me.. :)

  9. lol.. i love ur yoyo and cici welcome.. tnks again.. :)

  10. yeah.. tnk u so much for appreciating my profile pic.. :)

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