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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. D: that sucks

    ur parents are harsh

    but i dont even get to spend the money i earn, and im not allowed to get a laptop probably till i move out

  2. D:



  3. D:

    but neither is it mine, and he's cheating anyways <_<

  4. D:

    good luck~

    i kept choking on my words when i presented and started stomping when i just couldnt get the words right <_<

  5. D:

    its like the only awesome vampire movie series out there xD

  6. D:


    Im sick for three seasons of the year, no allergies thou, just a cold

  7. D:

    that sucks :/

    :V *guessing its on tumblr since d's is also...until THAT disappeared too :V*

  8. D:

    then lets lead boring lives together :P

  9. D:

    U have a cold or r u just cold?

  10. D:

    what do you mean olympics?

    that cosplay looks really good :D and the fabric looks silky too~

    only thing is that the arm thingies are supposed to be black, not gray

  11. Damn you're so old :P

    Happy Birthday!!

  12. DDD:

    science here is really easy, so i just do all my hw in class xD

  13. Depends on how you look at it~ It was enough for me to call the suicide line :/

    Pfft, I was always like this :P

  14. depressing

    rather odd to see u this way

  15. determined what?

    i think ur a pretty childish person for your age, while im a lot more maturer than most in mine

  16. do u expect an answer?

    if not, ignore this comment

  17. do you think you can make my PP my image in my wiki?

    link: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/User:Sophiana

  18. emiko is emiko seiei who's a user of DCW and nyu is a friend that doesnt use DCW

    theyre both friends from ny

  19. Er...not really :/

    ^to both parts

  20. exactly :V

    only continues to prove ur immaturity :V

  21. Fine, if you don't want to PM me, just say so :V

    No need to ignore me again, I HATE that

    Most people know that I'm still lurking around anyways


    Guess I'll have a change of plans then

  22. fish???

    did you mean ja ne? =_=

  23. for a different purpose than you

    im online to creep out my stalkees cuz ill be checking their profiles around once every half hour :V

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