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Detective Conan World


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About akane

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  • Birthday 10/21/1997
  1. Sayuri looked sadly at the wall where Mokou was once leaned against. The body had long since been taken to be autopsied and all of hers that remained of the scene was her blood. "Sayuri!" someone yelled out. She jumped, coming out of her sea of thoughts before asking, "Yes?" "Get all the blood bottled up, wouldja? We need to test it. If we're lucky, the killer's blood will be there too." "Got it," she said as she grabbed a jar from a nearby bag. She knelt down and stared at the pool of blood for a second. "We'll catch your killer Mokou, no matter what," she muttered to herself. "Come on Sayuri! We don't gave all day!" With a sigh, she dipped a finger into the pool of blood before lifting it up, the sticky substance rising up as well. She led her finger over to the jar opening, where the blood went into until it was all in. She checked the area and got the small splatters of blood before capping the jar and handing it to the forensic tech. "Thanks for doing this for us. Makes our job easier." She smiled as she took off her gloves, "No problem. Anything to help find who killed Mokou."
  2. Sayuri was riding her bike to the next residence to evacuate when felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. "Hello?" she answered as she pulled over to the side of the road. "Hey, get back to HQ. We're having a meeting." "About what?" "Greyfield's capture." "Greyfield was captured?! By who?!" "I heard it was Sakila." "Woah... I'll be down as soon as I can!" And with that, she hung up before revving her bike and taking off as fast as she could.
  3. Sayuri walked down the hallways of the 8th Battalion's HQ, on her way down to the cafeteria to get some food. Suddenly, someone yelled out, "Sayuri!" The woman turned around. "Yeah?" The man said, "We need you to go and help evacuate the 34th section. Armed Forces are going to be there with explosives in a few hours." "Understand! I will be there ASAP." The man ran off as soon as he was sure she was leaving, probably going off to tell other people what he had told her. She took off running, wanting to get to the area quickly. Man... I really do wish the Armed Forces would stop all of this....
  4. "Thank you everyone for coming." Brent's voice sliced through the noises in the conference room. He had gathered all the ability users for who knew what reasons. He continued, "First, I would like to introduce Rose, our newest member." The girl grinned as she spoke, though Sayuri didn't pay much attention. Her thoughts were to busy wondering what had happened out on the field today that would have caused that emergency meeting to happen. She was brought out of her thoughts as the Battalion's leader spoke once the new member had finished her introduction. "Next order of business: What happened today out on the field." Chatter filled the room, questions similar to those in her head being voiced by others. "As you most likely do not know," he said, "a strange machine called an Inhibitor has been made. Its purpose is to nullify abilities and cause us to be unable to use them. Unfortunately for us, it works and is in the hands of the enemy." A collective gasp filled the air as anxious words were exchanged. "What are we going to do sir!?" shouted out a concerned member. "We will work towards finding out more about this machine and try to find a way to counteract its effects. But for now, I shall request that members of the 8th Battalion learn to not depend as much on their ability when in battle until we find a way. Also, be careful. With this machine, the Armed Forces has a big advantage over us. But we will prevail!" "Yeah!" shouted the members of the room. "I hope you will all work hard to help our nation. Meeting adjourned."
  5. "WHAT?! God dammit, I always miss the action!" "What action," Sayuri asked as she walked back from parking her bike. Misaki told her what the 8th Battalion member had told her. "For real?!" she exclaimed, "Man, I can't believe the Armed Forces are doing such cruel things..." She knew it was stupid of her to believe that there was still some good in the Armed Forces, even after she has seen all the terrible things they had been responsible for doing. But somewhere in her, she honestly thought that they could change, that they could go back to the way it should be. Like the way it was when her grandfather was in it. Her hand unconsciously slipped into her pocket as she rubbed the cold metal of her pocket watch. I'm glad Grandfather isn't alive to see what the Armed Forces has become... Suddenly, a tune began to play, causing her friend to snatch her phone out of her bag. "Sorry boss," she said as she answered her phone, "still working on getting that team." A pause happened as she listened to the response before asking, "What happened sir? Did we have a lot of causalities?" Another pause. Misaki then stuffed her phone back into her leather pouch since the call had ended as she hastily walked into the Battalion's HQ. Sayuri followed in a jog, asking, "Hey, what was that about? And what's with you? You looked... Kinda worried." Misaki ignored her question and instead said, "I need to get to Brent right away. Sayuri, could you do me a favor and get together whoever helps hold down the fort here and get them to meet us out front? I need them all to get down to the Rebellion's HQ. I would, but things have probably changed since I've been here and anyway, it's easier to get everyone rounded up if two people are doing it." She paused for a second before giving her a nod and heading off into a different direction. It was very easy to find the men needed as they were all in the break room. "Guys," she yelled out as she entered the room, "need you out front! Brent's orders." The men rose from their seats and grabbed their stuff before following her out of the headquarters. As they were exiting the Battalion's HQ, she said, "Wait here, I'll get the van." One of the men asked, "Why do we need the van?" She paused before answering, "I'm honestly not sure. But I just know that Misaki from the Nubinelle Rebellion needs you guys and Brent out here and down to the Rebellion's HQ." "Why?" "I'm not sure. You can ask Misaki when she gets here." Before anyone began to ask anything else, she ran off, getting the van from their vehicle holding area. She was back 5 minutes later. Sayuri honked the horn as she yelled out, "Get on in!" The men piled into the car one by one. By the time the last man was in the car, Misaki and Brent were exiting the building. She grinned as she yelled out, "Hop in! Next stop, Nubinelle Rebellion Headquarters!"
  6. "Hey there Misaki! Long time, no see! Need a lift?" Sayuri grinned as she leaned over her handlebars. It had been a while since she had seen the younger girl. Misaki gave a smile back as she responded, "I'll take one if you can give one." The blonde woman responded, "I'm offering for a reason! So, where to?" "Battalion's HQ," the girl said as she eased herself onto the motorbike. "HQ?" she asked, "What for?" "Jackson wants me go get Brent for him." "Well in that case," she replied, "we should hurry on our way!" And with that, Sayuri started the motor and began to weave her way through the streets of Nubinelle. They arrived to the 8th Battalion HQ after 10 minutes of driving. Misaki got off the bike as she asked, "Wanna come in with me? I need to get a team from you guys as well so maybe if you're there you'll get picked." "Sure!" she exclaimed. "Just let me park, OK?"

  8. *kicks* Damn it, it's been over 6 months. GET. ON.

  9. *kicks more* GET. ON. HERE!!! <__________< Really, it's been months.

  10. *kicks* Get on, it's been ages.

  11. Sorry, I have to go to sleep, or my brother will 1) get pissed at me, or 2) laugh and say "I told you so" in the morning. See you Sunday(?)

  12. Hi~! The bruises finally showed up (and no one noticed. Heh...)


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