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Revision as of 14:32, 16 May 2012 by Thebananas3000 (talk | contribs) (Kazei-rei)

A recently new member of DCW who posts quite often. He joined on January 27, 2012. He prefers people to call him AL. His screen name is Ed0gawaConan.


AL couldn't care less about how he looks. If you want to know he'll wear what is comfortable like a track suit and will pick a jacket over a hoodie. He only cares about his School uniform which should be perfect on all accounts. He has black hair which he wishes was yellow though.


AL likes to do creative things. That includes from making drawings to creating his own developments in science. He also likes to play Duel Masters; a dead card game in most of the world. One of his hobbies is Yo-Yos, and he has about 3 of them. He often wanders out the house, walking aimlessly while thinking. If he has the time he will pick up some color pencils and decorate his homework. He also like to make his own quotes and will study his school books if he is bored. There are no manga in the place where he lives and Anime is heck expensive since it is imported from the other side of the world. He likes to make AMVs but has a hard time with Fanfiction.

Search Of Knowledge

AL likes to study and is also a researcher. He will go into the depths of what is written in a nutshell in his textbooks. His favorite subject would be Chemistry and Biology. One thing to remember is that if he is concentrating don't disturb him. He will be extremely snappy or throw whatever comes in his hand and will even skip dinners when preparing for a test. His family doesn't take nicely to hear him at 2 O'clock in the morning going "All done, time for dinner."

Relation to Other Members.

Min Yun Si

AL really likes to talk to her and has much fun with her. They both like Biology and have a common interest: Duel Masters. Both think Light is the best civilization and it is the most balanced as well. She'll call AL Sho-kun and he'll call her Mimi-chan.


Someone who believes he is not even a human despite AL's protests. He wishes that Rei should cherish life and will feel uncomfortable sometimes wondering if Rei is having as much fun as him. They have had their fair share of arguments due to completely opposite personalities. AL will call him Rei or Wolf. He likes art and so does AL but AL sucks at it unlike him. He is very secretive, for untold reasons AL cannot investigate.

Meitantei Kaitou

AL's big brother on DCW. He can be random and he can comical and he has helped AL when he was down once. He also recently proposed proposed to AL which he rejected. AL calls him Niisama while he'll call AL or kid.


Rei's cousin that is more bearable than him. She was the first person AL talked to on DCW. She is like Sodium, soft yet reactive but don't ask to be her sparring partner. They have a lot in common yet they have something equally opposite. She scolds AL a lot.