
From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 13:05, 9 October 2011 by Amaranth (talk | contribs) (Relationship Analysis)

Nobody likes Greek mythology, classical music, fantasy, poetry, and fanfiction. She chose such an unusual username because she considers it fun to be "nobody". She enjoys writing poems and fanfiction, prefering to write stories when she feels happy and poems when she is sad. However, she admits that her writing skill is far from satisfactory. Her favorite anime is Code Geass, followed by Detective Conan.


Nobody is often labelled as "weird" and often feels out of place. She is also rather shy, and prefers to chat with only a few select friends.

Relationship Analysis

Nobody tries to be friendly towards everyone. She does have a few close friends whom she trusts, namely:


They first met on when Akakata, under the penname Chelseaj500, reviewed one of Nobody's fanfiction stories. It was also after reading Chelsea's story Into the World of Detective Conan that she decided to join DCW. Akakata, or Chelsea, calls her Ama-chan, a nickname derived from Nobody's username, Amaranta-chan. As a sign of gratitude, Nobody wrote a story about Chelsea entitled Akako's Apprentice.

Kid the Phantom Thief

Kid the Phantom Thief was the first one to welcome Nobody on DCW. He calls her Somebody to point out that she is not "nobody." He is friendly to anyone and is an excellent conversationist. Nobody enjoys chatting with him, especially when she feels lonely and needs encouraging, and has often claimed that his avatar never fails to cheer her up when she feels depressed.


She and Lady Irene Adler/Shiraz.BO are "triplets" with Nobody. Nobody turns to her for advice when she feels discouraged or needs help, especially with the stories she writes. IdentiyUnknown is one of the people she highly respects, the others being Aeyra and Mohorovicic.

Moonlight Magician

He comes from the same country as Nobody, so they frequently chat using their native language. Nobody's nickname for him is "Master M." He is Nobody's best friend on DCW, and one of the few people on the site who know Nobody's real name.

Meitantei Kudo-kun

If MM is her master, MKK is her pare, or close friend. He is from the same country as Nobody and Moonlight Magician. Like Moonlight Magician, he jokes often, sometimes to the point of annoying Nobody. However, she has gotten used to this and is on good terms with him. He is extremely talented in the art of philosophizing and might possibly equal Aristotle and the ancient Greek philosophers in this.

Aside from them, Nobody is quite close to a few others and is especially friendly towards those from her own country.

Random Trivia about Nobody

  • Nobody likes you.
  • Nobody wants to be your friend.
  • Nobody knows you are special.
  • Nobody believes in you.
  • Nobody thinks you are amazing.
  • Nobody appreciates your talent.
  • Nobody will take your side all the time.
  • Nobody wants you to be happy.
  • Nobody cares about you.
  • Nobody is perfect.