Ryujiro Uematsu

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Revision as of 18:13, 24 August 2011 by (talk) (Background)
Ryujiro Uematsu

Ryujiro Uematsu.jpg

Age: 59
Gender: Male
First appearance: Manga: File 154
Anime: Episode 112
Appearances: Chapters: 4
Chapters: 2
Episodes: 4

Ryujiro Uematsu (Uematsu Ryujiro ?) is a character in the anime franchise Detective Conan.


Uematsu is a very easy-going and supportive person who tries to encourage both his teaching staff and his student charges into following the right path. However, he seems to be a rather shrewd and eccentric person, as he likes to play jokes whenever the opportunity presents itself, especially on overly shy people. Part of this eccentricity is expressed by his notably overlong eyebrows, which droop down from the side of his temples.