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Detective Conan World
Rukia Kurosaki

Seeking Manga Artist From DCW Community~

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I'm working on my first manga series. However, I'm also just graduating and getting a full time job, writing my books, and trying to get into musical theater and voice acting. It turns out I don't have the time on my hands to learn more drawing technique, practice, and full out make the manga. I'm looking for an artist or artists who can portray shoujo-ish style professionally, expressions backgrounds, poses and all, to collaborate with. I know DCW, so i figure you guys will be the best place to look for an artist. I will provide samples of costume design, character design, etc, as well as all scripts from which the panels should be drawn. I would like submissions of your original style from anyone who thinks they're up for it. A warning, this is a serious project meant for publication as a series. Submit samples of style, background, and posing ONLY if you're willing to take on this as a job. If accepted as the official artist you will receive commission and a percentage pay from the publication profits, plus guaranteed work in any later series. Again, this is extremely serious and likely time-consuming. Also probably unrealistic to hope for xP

   Thanks guys~  L

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Truthfully, I understand what you're coming from, but I think this is very risky. For you and for the artist as well. There is no obligation, or security measure to keep the artist on schedule nor there is anything to ensure the artist's receiving the promised benefits. This would e the case because it is an online channel and you don't know the other person irl. I do know many professional and budding artists (including my sister) who wants to do manga like what you've suggested, but will they be able to trust you and would you be able to trust them to complete their job - this is an issue as this would be an official and serious job uptake instead of something casual like a hobby or something. I myself would like to have a go at this, if only my drawing skill don't suck that much. And I'm sure my sister would want to take this up if not for her already busy schedule with school and thus unable to commit. I believe most people on DCW face the same issue as well. :V

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I asked a friend of mine who is serious about drawing manga. He seems to be up for it. Says he'll provide samples of shoujo-type art after his exams end on June 4th.

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I asked a friend of mine who is serious about drawing manga. He seems to be up for it. Says he'll provide samples of shoujo-type art after his exams end on June 4th.

  Cool~ Thanks Al. So far I've only got one entry from DA, not expecting much of it style-wise. :)

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I could almost be interested in it?


1. I'm no pro xD [examples of how I'm currently drawing here: http://voiiidaily.tumblr.com/ (yes I'm sketchy,but when assuming it's a manga project of coarse I'm gonna clean up the lines), you'll find more finished pieces here: http://voiii.deviantart.com/gallery]

2. I don't typically draw shoujo style, but I can re-adjust. [especially if you have examples of a few styles that are close enough to the vision of what you're looking for.]

3. I have to see the scripts that you have, to know whether I'd be truly interested

4. I'm unsure of my reliability~ My mom could ban me at random for several weeks, and you won't see me till I reappear. -if I have scripts printed out, I could probably draw from what I have on paper~-

5. And going with what 'Kaitou Kid' said, there needs to be some kind assurance that the benefits do exist~


So those are my concerns, and gave you something you could be concerned about xD

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