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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by gabapple

  1. Want to download that waiting image used on the live podcast? Go check the thread!

  2. Aw yeah, that's my JAM!

  3. Afraid to listen to the new podcast episode. I already can't remember what I said during it... LOL

    1. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      Same when I record. I have a verbal tic that comes out when I a get put on the spot. I listened to about 2 minutes then I heard it. It's so embarrassing.

    2. gabapple


      Awww but I thought you sounded so scholarly!!

    3. Wakarimashita


      You have a very nice voice.

  4. HEY CARPETCRAWLER I like your new icon.

  5. Next Conan's Hint: chipmunkmofo!!!

    1. CarpetCrawler


      I am SAD I only just noticed this.

      boku ga iru dudes

  6. Conan and Twilight Sparkle picture is finished!!! 8D

    1. Fluffy Ears

      Fluffy Ears

      Its so epic!

      I love it! : )

  7. Currently painting a picture of Conan and Twilight Sparkle. Uhhh... awesome?!

    1. Parkur


      you know you're awesome, right? just checking

  8. WHO IS /THIS/? And omg the pony looks great on a white background! I should... post it on my art archives, HAHA.

  9. Hah, I've hardly been home since you got me the screencaps. ;)

  10. I check daily but don't post much. Kind of a lurker. :)

  11. Wanting to draw Conan, having to do real work instead. :(

  12. Good to meet you, too!! :)

  13. ...I don't actually know. o_o How sad is that?

  14. Thanks for the compliment! I used a screencap and added some layer effects/texture in photoshop. :)

  15. I remember when CarpetCrawler was my friend.

    ... oh wait... wait, no, that was just in a dream.

  16. Thinking I should paint my GIRAFFE & CONAN pic later. :D

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