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Detective Conan World

Conan FirstLady96

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Status Updates posted by Conan FirstLady96

  1. dah berapa hari ya gw gk twitter-an????ahhhh...kyknya dh lama bnget

  2. dha,cem gambar layout tu dngan gmabr wajah qta?? RT @Dhanayy: Ubah Plurk template dpt meningkatkan karma Plurk. #tipsplurk

  3. heudeh=.=".pegel-pegel kaki gw keliling ni mall:O*penat abizzz

  4. hi jga,kmna ja koq bru nongol?? RT @agustinaedogawa: hi all, kangen nih ma twiit,, akhirnya sempet on uga

  5. i confused with my manga....

  6. kungfu panda 2 kcRT @kaito_conanFC: 14.[gknfuu apdna 2]

  7. RT @cimamut: Kak @FerlyPutra kok g ad di @pas_mantab sih kak dion j ad....:(

  8. share foto dunk:D RT @ShareSpongebob: Sekarang kalian mau minta apaan nih ? Minta promote , minta identitas admin , atau apa ?

  9. this is my my profile in www.detectiveconanworld.com

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Conan FirstLady96

      Conan FirstLady96

      ok,i know that.

      i not remeber aboutthat,so stay cool men!

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Welcome to DCW! :D Have fun!

    4. Conan FirstLady96

      Conan FirstLady96

      thank you..

      i leave this forum for a long time


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