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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by IdentityUnknown

  1. :V I'm debating if that's a good thing or a bad thing. :V

  2. From your incessant stalkers that are fans of yuri? :V

  3. ::) *innocent* Would it matter oh so much if I did?

  4. :x Not sure how and not even sure which picture you're talking about, so... :x

  5. :x Sure it is, Defenestrate. Sure it is. :x

  6. :V

    Gonna go. Bye. o/ Don't get tossed out too many windows while I'm gone.

  7. Hey, Hano, this is your last day to post on DCW IRL. If you don't post today, you'll be kicked from the thread.

  8. Sorry, I've been busy!

    And yeah, it's been a while.

  9. Life is okay. I got my laptop back from Apple which was a plus, but I lost all my files. I've also been craving the need to write recently. Nothing special. You?

  10. Nice! I'm sure you'll have fun. :)

    Gotta dash. I'm really not supposed to be on.

  11. *shrugs* I just can't stay away, huh. It's a weakness of mine. There were some people I just couldn't quite leave behind.

  12. No can do. :V And answer my question.

  13. Then I still won't. :V

    Gonna run. Might be back, depending.

  14. @Rye: He's from Pluto. Thought it would be obvious by now.

  15. @Rose: Marker works as well. :)

    @Moho: Who said it was in the Solar System?

  16. I thought I told you to not tell people that. D:

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