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Detective Conan World

Sherlock Lupin

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Sherlock Lupin last won the day on June 3 2012

Sherlock Lupin had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

41 Excellent

About Sherlock Lupin

  • Rank
    DCW's Yoyo & Cici Specialist
  • Birthday October 16

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  1. ... every once in a while i come and creep on you guys

    1. phantomlady1101


      H-h-hello... I'm n-n-not good at tak-k-king the creeps TT^TT Be easy on me >.< -> just played Ib

    2. nis-aihara


      w-where are you

      *turns back, then left, right*

      I don't want to look up O-O

    3. Metantei Kiddo
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