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Detective Conan World


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Posts posted by Monsi

  1. So I started this 10-day vegan diet from this naturopathic doctor that my mother happened to know, with my mom hoping that it might do something with this mass lesion inside my lung, or at least strengthen it in preparation for the upcoming biopsy for final diagnosis. It's my 3rd day today, and I started feeling weird few hours ago. First, my vision started to become a little bit fuzzy, then I started to have a minor headache. When I was eating my lunch at 2 PM, my headache worsened and I started to become nauseous. Since I was not allowed (according to my mom) to drink any medicine (including my multivitamins!), I just slept it off for about 2 hours. Fortunately, my vision cleared and my headache was almost gone (I'm still feeling a very very little headache as I'm writing this). Since that messed up the schedule of my diet, I've decided to not tell her about it tonight for now because she'll get mad when she finds out that my schedule got messed up (I was supposed to be asleep by 11 PM, but due to headache, if I won't adjust it, I'll be sleeping at around 1 AM). However, when it happens again tomorrow, that's the time I'll tell her. Not sure if it was caused by almost sudden total shift to 100% vegan since I'm not a vegetarian.



    What, you can't have a podcast without listeners! q:


    What, can't you host a podcast and listen to it at the same time? :P


    You had better get better. We can't have a jobless Monsi. In the meantime, do you get any type of financial aid, now that you're unable to work yourself?


    Well, since my company was (and is still) such a complete dick, I wasn't able to pay my contribution to the social security since my status was self-employed thanks to that cheap company. If my status was employed, I and my company could have shared in paying my monthly contributions and tell them that I won't be able to work due to an illness so they can give me compensation. Otherwise, I would pay the whole amount per month, but I can't yet. It was kinda traumatic since it was my first company and first job, yet the don't exactly care about their employees, unless they're vital in keeping the company running and the money coming into the company.


    Good news is that my mother would be the one to pay for my monthly dues while I'm not yet working. Good thing I only shoulder few monthly expenses (internet access (about $20-22/month), cable TV (about $10-12/month), and my VUL insurance (about $52-54/month). She also told me to never touch my savings coz she'll take care of whatever I need for now.

    • Upvote 2

  2. Is there a way to change my wiki username? I just realized that it's unnecessarily long and, if you happen to know my language, it's somewhat annoying and immature because when I joined here in 2009, I just graduated from high school so I'm still a bit immature-ish at that time. Now that I'm 23, I facepalm whenever I see my wiki username. I don't wanna facepalm whenever I visit the wiki, especially now that I'm about to continue the transcript of the podcasts.

  3. Monsi! I'd love to have the podcast back, but I'm sorry I'm no host!


    However, I can be your podcast co-host, NOT! Goodluck in finding people though.


    I hate you both.  <_<  <_<  



    Anyway, glad to see you are back! I hope you stay longer than most, and that your health will improve quickly.

    Thanks! I hope I can stick around here more so I can stalk everyone. And being jobless sucks coz I don't have money so I hope I get better soon.

  4. Hey, guys!


    I'm sort of making a comeback since I have a lot of free time because I left my job due to health reasons, and something triggered me to visit DCW.


    Anyways, good to see that the community is still alive, although not what it used to be where there's a lot of people posting each day, to the extent that the forum was invaded by spam bots.


    Too bad I didn't come here when Mohorovicic left. He's one of those crazy people that kept this forum alive, so I'm kinda sad that I wasn't able to talk to him for the last time and say goodbye.


    As some of you might not be aware yet, I was a typesetter for Souka, the group that continued where DCTP left off manga-wise. What happened was our raw provider and translator went MIA, our remaining translator left because her interest in Conan has faded. Honestly, my interest in Conan has also faded, but I still wanted to continue releasing the chapters, if only I knew Japanese. In short, I'm sorta kinda the only member left, and I just need a translator to be able to continue. But so far, my efforts to look for one have been futile.


    This may sound crazy, but I kinda sorta wanna revive the DCW Podcast. I'll host it, but there should be a co-host. It's probably one way to make people active again and lure new people coz we have cookies! What do you guys think? HOWEVER, I WILL KICK THE NIPPLES OF ANYONE THAT WILL OPPOSE THIS IDEA. UNDERSTAND?

  5. So, does this mean. New Magic Kaito Manga? I know they're releasing a new anime series next month, but never hear of the manga before. I actually never read it before, I only read Detective Conan. Do they still make Magic Kaito Manga? Cause I always thought that that was a spinoff series of Detective Conan. I don't know why, but I always thought that. Maybe because the characters are similar to Detective Conan characters. :P


    Nope, MK isn't new. Actually, MK was published first before Detective Conan (MK - 1987; DC - 1994). However, DC became more famous than MK so Gosho devoted more of his time in writing DC. MK is still ongoing, but the release of new chapters is "very" irregular.



    Woah wait, Monsi is still here?!

    Well...last time I checked, yes. I'm just around everyone, stalking and waiting to take over all of your lives :V

  6. So I was just looking at DCTP's spoilers page, and I happened to see this message from Fujiwara:




    Aaaaand after 908, there's 5 weeks(!) of break, with 909 having it's official release on 29/10 (SS #48). But never fear, we get some Magic Kaito in between, starting after a one-week break...



     EDIT: Here's DCTP's article about it with more details: http://www.dctp.ws/2014/09/13/new-magic-kaito-chapters-in-october-conan-manga-goes-on-hiatus/

  7. Side note, I already posted about this: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/5200-japan-to-start-anti-animemanga-piracy-operation/


    Plus, I think you put this in the wrong board.  It isn't Detective Conan specific news.


    I would also recommend going to the other thread (nothing against your's) because there are a lot of in-depth conversations on how it will affect us.


    Yeah, I realized that after posting this. I'm just waiting for this to be deleted or moved or locked.


    In cooperation with 15 major anime production companies and manga publishers, the Japanese government will next month start a huge extermination operation against 580 foreign sites which have illegally uploaded anime and manga contents on the web without the copyright holders' permission, NHK reported on July 28. While the government has started supporting the genre as one of their important cultural exports, there appears to be no end of illegal uploading of anime and manga via pirate sites, mainly operated by Chinese. The Cultural Affairs Agency estimates the loss caused by the Chinese pirate sites last year was amounted to at least 560 billion yen (about US$ 5.5 billion).


    On August 1, the government will start simultaneously sending requests to delete illegal anime and manga contents to the operators of the 580 foreign pirate sites which they have found. In addition, the operation will launch a new site to guide the fans to a legitimate site offering some 250 titles including

    the latest ones at a cost of several hundred yen.


    Link: http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/07/28/japanese-government-to-start-anti-animemanga-piracy-operation-next-month


    Looks like our happy days are about to be over. :(

    • Upvote 2

  9. Hey everyone.


    Just wanna share my thoughts for those who are also willing to donate, but somehow shy of the amount that they will donate since it's just a small amount:


    It's been almost 4 years since I joined this site. DCW is the first ever DC forum that I've became a member of. I was able to make some friends here and we've had fun hanging out here (dunno if those friends of mine still remember me. :V). It was also because of this site that I discovered Detective Conan Translation Project (DCTP), the group that continued subbing DC in great quality (Yep, that's how outdated I was on the DC fandom during those times. :V). After that, I've also decided to join DCTP forums, and had more friends. Because of those awesome events, although I'm not that active here anymore due to my job (I started working this January) , I'm eternally grateful to DCW for making the Detective Conan-side of my life awesome. :)


    To show my gratitude, I've recently donated US$ 3.00 to DCW. Yes, it's just a small amount for those people who lives outside America, but every single dollar is significant to them. So, I know that for the amount that I donated, it'll help Maurice a lot to pay the fees for keeping this site running.


    So, if I were you, I'd donate to this site, even if it's only $1. Imagine this: If a lot of people would donate $1 each per month, the total amount from those donations could be enough to pay for a dedicated server. :)

    • Upvote 2

  10. This wiki isn't free at all... There's no democracy... There's no value of art


    My editting image was rejected with the admin... it's so dissapointed...


    This wiki is so bad...

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Er...are you even sure that what you're posting is relevant?


    And besides, wikis aren't supposed to contain fanarts, and I highly doubt that there are any wikis out there that contain fanarts for the articles.

    • Upvote 1

  11. :mellow: that's so cute.

    I'm feeling very depressed at the moment because my friend and the only person I fully trust IRL was very sad and depressed today to the point that she was crying and everyone was ignoring that. And being the closest person to her I'm expected to do something or at least try to but I didn't because I really don't know how to make people feel better and I'm afraid I'll only make them feel worse. But the image of my closest friend who I always know to be very happy and cheerful crying, and me not being able to do anything just makes me get very depressed myself, especially since she's one who always notices it when I'm feeling bad and always makes me feel better.

    For starters, you can ask her to tell you whatever is making her sad and depressed--it's one of the many ways which will make her feel better. Those people need someone who would be more than willing to listen to and understand their problems because if they know that someone can relate to what he/she is experiencing, he/she knows that he/she isn't alone. :)

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