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Status Replies posted by iHeartSerenade

  1. Not going to be coming to DCW as often anymore :( Maybe once a week?

  2. RT @PlNKY_PROMISES: I want to live my life without stress and worries, I don't need to be rich or famous, I just want to be happy.

  3. I guess some people can be frustrating, insulting, and interesting at the same time.

  4. RT @B2UTYMAKASSAR: [OFFICIAL ENGSUB Full] Cool Kiz on the Block | 우리동네 예체능 - Second Official Game, Cool Kiz vs. ILSoILKo (2014.08.01) http:…

  5. Anyone here participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? (I did :P)

  6. RT @B2UTYMAKASSAR: [OFFICIAL ENGSUB Full] Cool Kiz on the Block | 우리동네 예체능 - Second Official Game, Cool Kiz vs. ILSoILKo (2014.08.01) http:…

    1. iHeartSerenade


      Oh. so.. You're a SHAWOL? :))) Not sure if I'll continue watching it without any BEAST members :)))

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. RT @B2UTYMAKASSAR: [OFFICIAL ENGSUB Full] Cool Kiz on the Block | 우리동네 예체능 - Second Official Game, Cool Kiz vs. ILSoILKo (2014.08.01) http:…

    1. iHeartSerenade


      YES! wooooo! You're a soccer fan? I only watch this because of Doojoon and Gikwang :) but as times goes by.. I'm enjoying soccer too as well as the other members of team.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Food everywhere!!! :'>

    1. iHeartSerenade


      Oh hi :) Well, this status refers to the drama that I'm currently watching :)))

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. We are going to live and we are going to die, but what are you going to do in between those events?

  10. hello there! :D thanks for adding me as a friend!^^ hope you have fun in here~ ;D

    1. iHeartSerenade


      Whoa. Thank you too.. No problem :))

  11. The worst thing you could do to a girl is compare her to another girl.

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