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Detective Conan World

Law 12

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About Law 12

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  1. While reading the previous files, i noticed something in file 222. Agasa wins some tickets for the cinema, and he wants Ai and Conan to go there with Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta. Conan wants to see a mystery movie, while Ai chooses "Einstein's days of glorious and worries"; Ayumi, Mitsuihiko and Genta want to see "Godzilla". Since they can't come up with a decision, they choose the movie randomly and Ai wins. In the manga, the next scene we see is a piece of that Einstein movie; and Einsteins says something like this (the translation of old files is crap so don't rely on this literally; but still the sense is clear): Einstein: "Why? I just published this research... If this keeps up, it's going to kill more innocent people... That legend... Looks like the only hope we have is..." The scene abruptly ends, since it switches to a piece taken from "Godzilla". But I wonder... is that a sentence Gosho wrote without thinking? Just to fill the space in those panels in which that Einstein movie was being shown? I don't think so: Einstein did really worry about his researches since people could get killed because of them (that is, the atomic bomb), but what about "that legend"? Isn't it totally random? There was nothing like that in Einstein's real story, life or whatever. But Gosho never writes something carelessly, so that whole sentence must... mean something else. I was thinking about a deeper meaning: what do you think about it? What if it was referred to the Black Organization, or Ai's works in there, or even to the Boss? We don't have to forget that the Black Organization's goal is probably something involving scientifical researches, which could be dangerous for people (just an example, the program Itakura was forced to develope was something he dropped for the sake of humanity), and "that legend"... wasn't Shiho Miyano on the Mermaid Island for the legend concerning immortality? And "immortality" is one of the Black Organization's most likeable goals. So... I strongly think that such a sentence must have a deeper meaning (if the translation is reliable), since it's sure that Gosho would never write something unnecessary without some particular reason... and that whole sentence was so unnecessary if no further meaning exists, considering also that "legend" thing. But the problem is that I cannot find this other meaning: if it's related to the plot then it's related to the Organization because of "researches", "legend", and "kill innocent people"... but I cannot figure out what Gosho wants to tell us with such a hidden hint. Is he telling us that the Organization's goal is finding the truth behind some legend in order to save people's lives which are in danger because of some researches the Boss did? But this doesn't make any sense since the Organization IS killing innocent people in order to raise money. And that is why I say that I cannot figure out the truth behind this sentence. What is your opinion? Is it really just a normal sentence in a normal movie shown in a normal file? And if it is not... what could be deduced by it? What is the truth/hint/suggestion Gosho would be leading us towards, if that is not something ordinary?
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