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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Awagode

  1. Vaya! Barcelona es una ciudad impresionante para vivir a lo que le pillas el tranquillo. ¿Cuánto llevas? Si necesitas cualquier cosa, dame un toque :D

  2. We don't do sports break ups ;__;. I've got tooones of homework too. I mean, HOMEWORK IS GONNA DROWN ME. xDDD. Good luck with everything! ^_^

  3. When do you think will be the first ShinRan kiss? :D

    1. conanshinichi


      in this second film lolz

    2. Awagode


      Oh, yeah, but a real one xDDDD. I mean, when will they kiss conciously? xDDD.

  4. Wich DC movie shoud I see? ~

    1. Akazora


      If you've already watched M-15 recently, then listen to Balthazar. M-1 to M-6 were all amazing.

    2. shinichilovessran


      hmm. movie #6 or #10 . :))

    3. Awagode


      I'm watching M-13. Then i'll see M-12 and so on. The best ones at the end, then!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. Wow, I just read that you do lots of martial arts. How old are you? I'm 16 and I wanted to start with something. But it don't know where to start and I have no relatives that practice martial arts. If you could give me some clues I would really apreciate it ^^. Thanks a lot ~

  6. Wow. Haven't been active for a while now.

  7. You're welcome! :D How was your day today? ~

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