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Detective Conan World


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Status Replies posted by deane18

  1. my sister doesn't understand a detective's spirit... -_- She thinks my use of logic is creepy~ *sighs* I thought it was just everything ELSE about me that terrified people.

    1. deane18


      wow!! i know wht u feel.. my friends use to be like ur sister.. they always find me am kinda weird... hehehhe..

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. for some reason my topic thread in forum has been locked... =(

  3. just finished watching the latest episode of magic kaitou....

    1. deane18


      who do u think the leader??

      another anonymous leader....

  4. who wants to see B.O in movie 16??

    1. deane18


      @great that would be great hahaha... i like that too.. i want to see gin in his ordinary days without B.O haha..

      @koizumo yup! ive read the latest files...i really hope to see B.O coz it's been ages when i saw them in anime and read them in manga...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. who wants to see B.O in movie 16??

    1. deane18


      aww!! but i really miss them gosh .. i want to see vermouth,gin and vodka again..

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. completely bored.

    1. deane18


      read manga of detective conan or watch the latest episodes hehehe =)

  7. Has anyone seen Kid the Phantom Thief lately?

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