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Detective Conan World

Mango Ma

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Everything posted by Mango Ma

  1. 停止讨论政治问题吧 怎么说你们都是局外人 当然我也是
  2. whatever…… 明天中秋祝你们中秋快乐。
  3. 我可以把之前的话改成空白,但前提是他也要删掉之前他说的话,包括那个附件
  4. 好……其实我也不想这么偏激的,而且我真的不想在这种地方和别人讨论政治问题…… 你知道的,大陆人对这点非常敏感,敏感到冲动。
  5. you,get out. Taiwan is a part of China,FOREVER!!!
  6. “满脸横肉”一般形容一个人面露凶相
  7. 今天是911十周年了…… 明天是中秋节!
  8. of course! just join us~ my pics are also too big to upload...
  9. i bought a new computer and my photos are in the old one...Orz i want to say,if you don't wanna put your personal pics on here,here is nobody coerces you do it.
  10. 好久不见!终于熬过了月考⋯⋯虽然考得很糟XP
  11. 大多數大陸學生都會寫繁體字吧……我覺得啦。雖然簡體字寫起來很方便但是有些字真的是只有用繁體字寫才有感覺!
  12. just share some photos with others!
  13. 嗯嗯!我很多同學都這麼想,於是我們都會在歷史書上做一些繁體字筆記,但是後來發現實在是太費時間了!
  14. I know here are many people from many different countries,and I’m curioused about other countries’ view.XP Let's share our photos and let others know your country more! Well,start from me,I'll share some photos about my life or my travel(but...all my travel is in China). camping with my uncle in a village Sunrise(in a mountain,about altitude 2000m) It's my history textbook...so many notes... Uhnnn....lots of my photo are too big to upload...i'll upload those next time XP
  15. 那就好! 其實也沒什麼太大不一樣哈
  16. 我不知道!可能是按錯了什麽鍵吧……我調整一下……你看得懂嗎……
  17. 沒有啊 你很棒 怎麼回事兒突然變成繁體字了……
  18. 那就晚安啦 我现在是2:00pm,so 我还可以混很久~ 钢琴考试……想当年我也被这玩意儿困扰许久…… Good night!
  19. Mango Ma


    As a Chinese...I think is Chinese language... And,i don't think English is easiest!!!
  20. 多回国,有帮助。哈哈 多伦多现在几点,挺晚的了吧?
  21. 你们都多久没来中国
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