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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by vawli

  1. Hey looks like you have been busy, you managed to get all three status updates locked!

  2. I hate it when the main character dies.

  3. Yah thanks for asking but I have to go to sleep early so I guess I have to go, bye.

  4. Thanks but you didn't finish your comment.

  5. Hi thanks for caring hope you aren't feeling worse. Do you mind if I add you?

  6. Me agains just noticed the fantastic drawings they are so good.

  7. Well have you been on all day???

  8. Yah who would be on during dinner?

  9. Five to six days. Almost gone but almost time for the first day of school. ahhhh freaking out!

  10. I have to go to dinner now so talk to you later.

  11. I am almost fine, school starts tommorw and I am still a little sick!

  12. Why was it the shortest school day?

  13. If you don't mind me asking what is your fav subject?

  14. What happened to the pic of kakashi?

  15. Sorry for the late reply. It's between math, science and art! This totally makes me sound like a geek!

  16. So does it hey you choose what you want to be when you grow up?

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